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View Full Version : You have three options; Stranded on island...pick one

10-27-2011, 05:32 AM


Psycho Doc
10-27-2011, 05:42 AM
Wow. Are those the thoughts that occupy your mind? You are one very sad individual.

10-27-2011, 05:55 AM
Psychoblues duplicate account is banned

10-27-2011, 06:48 AM
Wow. Are those the thoughts that occupy your mind? You are one very sad individual.

The man who has nothing better to do in life than circumvent bans and come back here to start trouble has the audacity to call someone else "sad"?

10-27-2011, 06:52 AM
I'm taking the fishing equipment. I know I can likely eat for the term of I fish/net correctly. I can build shelter in an appropriate place. I'll have to take my chances with the wild animals. And the TONS of pot is very tempting!

10-27-2011, 07:25 AM
But, I don't want a choice between girls and dogs. Do you have any choices for women?

10-27-2011, 07:33 AM
But, I don't want a choice between girls and dogs. Do you have any choices for women?

Sure - you can pick a, b, or c. :)

I'm inclined to select A.

Having a rifle to hunt vicious - and likely delicious - animals. The 10M in gold might be worth $100M in 20 years. The alcohol will help sanitize things. Having two extra hands to build shelters and scavenge is a good idea.

10-27-2011, 08:01 AM

Ok. I'm just going to go get my own island, throw cuban bread, and then sue for any damage and get my own 25 year supply of stuff-----in pink. :P

10-27-2011, 08:12 AM
I'll take the rifle, knives and fishing gear.

If the gold is there anyway, I have 20 years to find it. I can fix the dang sail boat too. No need for booze or drugs. The women will just get old and wrinkley and I have already been nagged beyond sanity for over 30 years by what once was a "hot" chick. Dogs are ok but if there are wild animals then they can be semi domesticated if you do it right.

10-27-2011, 11:09 AM
I'll take the rifle, knives and fishing gear.

If the gold is there anyway, I have 20 years to find it. I can fix the dang sail boat too. No need for booze or drugs. The women will just get old and wrinkley and I have already been nagged beyond sanity for over 30 years by what once was a "hot" chick. Dogs are ok but if there are wild animals then they can be semi domesticated if you do it right.

You have to take options A, B, or C - no cross-walking!! :)

10-27-2011, 01:33 PM
Clearly the smart choices would be the gun, freezer and knives.

Now if one of the choices involved Hugh Jackman, I might have to give up the freezer

10-27-2011, 01:36 PM
Trigg!! :)

Must choose A, B, or C!! It is not a buffet! :D

10-27-2011, 01:37 PM
Clearly the smart choices would be the gun, freezer and knives.

Now if one of the choices involved Hugh Jackman, I might have to give up the freezerI really don't love you!!!!!:slap:

10-27-2011, 01:48 PM
Trigg!! :)

Must choose A, B, or C!! It is not a buffet! :D

picky, picky.

I thought it was one from each group.

Aaaahhhhh nukeman, I'd always pick you over Hugh.

10-27-2011, 02:29 PM
(d) Ignore silly, useless threads.

My son used to pose questions to me like this all the time (without the booze and hot chicks). Would you rather have this untenable situation, or that untenable situation?

I only tolerated it because he was 9 years old. I guess I expect that sort of thing from 9-year-olds.

Abbey Marie
10-27-2011, 03:45 PM
l'll substitute gay guys and a hot guy for the ladies to make it fair. Obviously, A is out.

Knives and a sailboat seem like the most important items there, as long as there is rainwater to collect and drink. You can do almost anything with a knife., i.e. probably make your own fishing pole, cut wood for fires. Sooo, I'd choose C.

Can you throw in Wilson? ;)

Abbey Marie
10-27-2011, 03:57 PM
Wow. Are those the thoughts that occupy your mind? You are one very sad individual.

You know, this really ticks me off. This is the same guy (yes, banned person w/ a duplicate account) who goes into a ton of threads and accuses people of not responding to the OP, and of commenting only to stir up ****.

I for one have had it with his e-vomiting on every forum he enters.

10-27-2011, 06:48 PM
(d) Ignore silly, useless threads.

My son used to pose questions to me like this all the time (without the booze and hot chicks). Would you rather have this untenable situation, or that untenable situation?

I only tolerated it because he was 9 years old. I guess I expect that sort of thing from 9-year-olds.

you must be fun at a party...

10-27-2011, 08:41 PM

It's the obvious choice, really. I can already fish pretty well, and do so for fun much of the time, and can feed 20 hungry marines in a day. so here's my dry run of this:

1. Food: locate fresh water source, catch a bunch of fish day 1, store excess, and establish the nets in a circular area, and begin taking down branches and such to form a rudimentary fish trap. this makes my life on the island easier by letting the fish catch themselves for me. Show hot chick how it works in case of emergency, and then take some personal time with her, assuming she's up for it.

2. Shelter: This is where rudimentary tool building begins. Teach Hot chick (We'll call her Felicia) to braid vines to make decent rope while I set about finding/making sharp rocks to use for basic axes/blades, as well as sharp pointy sticks (use rough rocks like sandpaper) for use in pit traps and as spears. Scout a location a proper location for a camp, up off the beach, but not on a game trail. Preference for caves, or other raise up areas to prevent flooding. Have Felicia twine palm fronds to help make waterproof roofing while I lash together floors, walls, and ceilings, and then have some personal time with her if she's up for it.

3. Safety: Wild animals generally will not approach fire, and thus torches become a very practical way of backing them up. What also tends to work well is killing off one or two and spiking their heads at the edge of camp every so often. This will generally keep predators off as they can smell their own dead, and won't approach. Make sure to urinate in various places around the camp's edge, and then set about making a full fence (I like using upright poles with spiky tops, and a gate that can be propped up or knocked down easily). Take some personal time with Felicia (likely after a bath).

4: Improvements: Hunt down some of the prey animals of the area. With luck, I can enough muscle to craft a rudimentary bowstring, and that's when life just gets a lot better for me. craft a bow (Yes, I know how. I learned back while I was in scouts, just for kicks.), and I can brain tan the leather myself. Leather is for use in making clothing, but also for things such as making a jerry-rigged camp showers, where we can even have hot water, and things like hammocks, furniture and such. Take some personal time with Felice if she's up for it.

10-28-2011, 06:41 AM
You have to take options A, B, or C - no cross-walking!! :)

Ah, I thought it was one from each group. I'll take C then. As has been pointed out, you can do most anything with a knife including craft tools, make clothing, gather food, and build shelter. Not much use for the pot. The sailboat could provide some initial shelter. The dogs could prove handy in keeping predators at bay and perhaps at hunting.

10-28-2011, 06:46 AM
The pot could be used, maybe, to build ropes and clothes? Fire-starting material, too. I could see that.

10-28-2011, 07:26 AM
The pot could be used, maybe, to build ropes and clothes? Fire-starting material, too. I could see that.

I'm assuming the pot is already chopped up and ready for modern usage, which means pretty much useless in a survival situation. Hemp, on the other hand, is a different story.

10-28-2011, 08:11 AM
I'll have to go with C as well. I can make use of everything but the weed.

(Anyone choose A and want to swap the booze for the pot when D's not looking?:laugh:)

10-28-2011, 08:16 AM
(d) Ignore silly, useless threads.

My son used to pose questions to me like this all the time (without the booze and hot chicks). Would you rather have this untenable situation, or that untenable situation?

I only tolerated it because he was 9 years old. I guess I expect that sort of thing from 9-year-olds.

E) just move on if you don't like the options, instead of whining more than said 9 year old.

10-28-2011, 08:41 AM
I'm assuming the pot is already chopped up and ready for modern usage, which means pretty much useless in a survival situation. Hemp, on the other hand, is a different story.

I didn't assume anything w/ this. Just taking on face-value. Course, I'm unsure how best one can use weed...other than by...'using weed' :D

I still think A gives the most benefits. One can hunt (often easier than fishing because it's an island - so unlike the fish, the animals can't go too awfully far), sanitize, cure, and party like its 1999. :)

10-28-2011, 09:42 AM
I didn't assume anything w/ this. Just taking on face-value. Course, I'm unsure how best one can use weed...other than by...'using weed' :D

I still think A gives the most benefits. One can hunt (often easier than fishing because it's an island - so unlike the fish, the animals can't go too awfully far), sanitize, cure, and party like its 1999. :)

Actually, some of your best fishing is gonna be off of an island. Don't believe me? go visit Hawaii, where's there's over five hundred species of fish. As well, in many tropical areas that water is clear, thus allowing you to see the fish. Hunting, meanwhile, you have to be careful about, because of the fact it's an island, and thus, the predator population is naturally limited. Easier to snag the basically unlimited fish from the water.

Hell, Japan grew it's whole empire off of being fishermen for the most parts due to the islands they lived on. So, yes, the place surrounded on all sides by water is likely a better place to find fish than to hunt.

10-28-2011, 09:51 AM
Actually, some of your best fishing is gonna be off of an island. Don't believe me? go visit Hawaii, where's there's over five hundred species of fish. As well, in many tropical areas that water is clear, thus allowing you to see the fish. Hunting, meanwhile, you have to be careful about, because of the fact it's an island, and thus, the predator population is naturally limited. Easier to snag the basically unlimited fish from the water.

Hell, Japan grew it's whole empire off of being fishermen for the most parts due to the islands they lived on. So, yes, the place surrounded on all sides by water is likely a better place to find fish than to hunt.

As a faithful viewer of Survivorman, I'm inclined to fear reliance upon unknowns - like fishing. I contend fishing off the beach of an island without any known (stated in the question) fish supplies can be frustrating. Let me kill a large predator and eat for weeks at a time. Since one of my companions is 'good at fishing' I'll have that base covered. Without a rifle, there's virtually NO chance of taking down big game.

You and Fionna are MORE than welcome, though, to hang out with me and Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba, though.


10-28-2011, 10:25 AM
As a faithful viewer of Survivorman, I'm inclined to fear reliance upon unknowns - like fishing. I contend fishing off the beach of an island without any known (stated in the question) fish supplies can be frustrating. Let me kill a large predator and eat for weeks at a time. Since one of my companions is 'good at fishing' I'll have that base covered. Without a rifle, there's virtually NO chance of taking down big game.

You and Felicia are MORE than welcome, though, to hang out with me and Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba, though.


Bears (aka large predator), eat fish, as do a number of other larger predators. Beyond that, again, it's the ocean, and having lived along the oceans for more than a decade, I can tell you that fish are quite plentiful there, more so in the warm water regions.

bullshit, I hunt deer with a bow, and I bag more than both the guys that go with me with their rifles. also, you don't want to hunt big game for your regular food supply, as the chances of your untimely demise are much greater, especially given the number of big game animal that can just knock a tree down to tear your face off (Island trees tend to be much smaller affair due to lack of space).

That's why fishing is better for long-term survival. sure, if you're only gonna be in the area for a few days, like on Survivorman, then it's better not to rely on fishing, since you won't have time to know the area, but you put down twenty years of time, and suddenly, you're gonna want to change tactics. As I noted, you can teach a single girl to fish as well, your test doesn't prevent that. Set up a fish trap, and the fish catch themselves, and they're still alive, so greater preservation of the meat than the freezer even allows for.

If there is anything as far as kelp or corral, there are fish, I guarantee you this. It'd be like having Golden Corral and no fat people. Fish will not avoid an area even if there is a known predator in the water, their brains simply do not support that degree of thinking and memory.

And clearly, I have a better place than yours, complete with furniture, hammocks, and if I can find any fruit at all, some form of moonshine, I think we'll stay where we're at, and you can swing by.

10-28-2011, 10:30 AM
Actually, some of your best fishing is gonna be off of an island. Don't believe me? go visit Hawaii, where's there's over five hundred species of fish. As well, in many tropical areas that water is clear, thus allowing you to see the fish. Hunting, meanwhile, you have to be careful about, because of the fact it's an island, and thus, the predator population is naturally limited. Easier to snag the basically unlimited fish from the water.

Hell, Japan grew it's whole empire off of being fishermen for the most parts due to the islands they lived on. So, yes, the place surrounded on all sides by water is likely a better place to find fish than to hunt.

Agreed. But then, I fished in and around Southern FL for years. I also by chance, did a bit of fishing in Okinawa.

There is a limit to the number of rounds for the rifle. I saw no such limit attached to the fishing tackle.

Not to mention (to open a can of worms), dogs are better company than lesbians.:laugh:

10-28-2011, 10:39 AM
Your bow won't last or be strong enough for something like a bear - no way. You'd never get close enough. Bears, etc, don't eat fish out of the ocean, my friend. Your island is surrounded by a corral-less sand bar. What would you do? We KNOW the island has many big animals - who likely live off smaller animals, berries, and what-not. My rifle takes down a bear - and I make fish hooks from the claws so one of my two ladies can use her skills fishing. I get fish AND big game. Since your made-from-guts-and-straw bow can't last more than a couple shots, it'll probably break just when you are 50 yard from a bear. Instead of killing the bear, you piss it off. Good thing I'm a combat lifesafer; I can help you treat your wounds from bear-attack.

SO - my ONE 300lbs Tiger or other scary predator gives me a winter's worth of meat. I harvest three or four per year, to augment whatever we 'get lucky and catch-because El Nina drove away most of the fish'. I use the hides for clothing and shelter. I use the bones to create farming equipment.

While you're stuck on a cot recovering from your wounds, Pirates attack, and since you broke your intestine-strung bow, Felicia can't fight them off with a knife or spear, they chase her off, taking your dogs, boat and pot. I offer the services of my boom-stick, and shelter to Felicia - who notices how well I provide for the ladies with me, how much fun VODKA is, and how many millions in GOLD i have, and she decides to join our group. Sorry man.

Bears (aka large predator), eat fish, as do a number of other larger predators. Beyond that, again, it's the ocean, and having lived along the oceans for more than a decade, I can tell you that fish are quite plentiful there, more so in the warm water regions.

bullshit, I hunt deer with a bow, and I bag more than both the guys that go with me with their rifles. also, you don't want to hunt big game for your regular food supply, as the chances of your untimely demise are much greater, especially given the number of big game animal that can just knock a tree down to tear your face off (Island trees tend to be much smaller affair due to lack of space).

That's why fishing is better for long-term survival. sure, if you're only gonna be in the area for a few days, like on Survivorman, then it's better not to rely on fishing, since you won't have time to know the area, but you put down twenty years of time, and suddenly, you're gonna want to change tactics. As I noted, you can teach a single girl to fish as well, your test doesn't prevent that. Set up a fish trap, and the fish catch themselves, and they're still alive, so greater preservation of the meat than the freezer even allows for.

If there is anything as far as kelp or corral, there are fish, I guarantee you this. It'd be like having Golden Corral and no fat people. Fish will not avoid an area even if there is a known predator in the water, their brains simply do not support that degree of thinking and memory.

And clearly, I have a better place than yours, complete with furniture, hammocks, and if I can find any fruit at all, some form of moonshine, I think we'll stay where we're at, and you can swing by.

Gunny - One of my Lesbos can FISH. It's the best of both worlds. :)

Abbey Marie
10-28-2011, 10:50 AM
As a faithful viewer of Survivorman, I'm inclined to fear reliance upon unknowns - like fishing. I contend fishing off the beach of an island without any known (stated in the question) fish supplies can be frustrating. Let me kill a large predator and eat for weeks at a time. Since one of my companions is 'good at fishing' I'll have that base covered. Without a rifle, there's virtually NO chance of taking down big game.

You and Fionna are MORE than welcome, though, to hang out with me and Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba, though.

Ah, the Jessica-love continues! What about your old fave- Jessica Simpson? :cool:

Abbey Marie
10-28-2011, 10:52 AM
I almost forgot- I'll choose any category that has chocolate!

10-28-2011, 10:54 AM
Your bow won't last or be strong enough for something like a bear - no way. You'd never get close enough. Bears, etc, don't eat fish out of the ocean, my friend. Your island is surrounded by a corral-less sand bar. What would you do? We KNOW the island has many big animals - who likely live off smaller animals, berries, and what-not. My rifle takes down a bear - and I make fish hooks from the claws so one of my two ladies can use her skills fishing. I get fish AND big game. Since your made-from-guts-and-straw bow can't last more than a couple shots, it'll probably break just when you are 50 yard from a bear. Instead of killing the bear, you piss it off. Good thing I'm a combat lifesafer; I can help you treat your wounds from bear-attack.

SO - my ONE 300lbs Tiger or other scary predator gives me a winter's worth of meat. I harvest three or four per year, to augment whatever we 'get lucky and catch-because El Nina drove away most of the fish'. I use the hides for clothing and shelter. I use the bones to create farming equipment.

While you're stuck on a cot recovering from your wounds, Pirates attack, and since you broke your intestine-strung bow, Felicia can't fight them off with a knife or spear, they chase her off, taking your dogs, boat and pot. I offer the services of my boom-stick, and shelter to Felicia - who notices how well I provide for the ladies with me, how much fun VODKA is, and how many millions in GOLD i have, and she decides to join our group. Sorry man.

Gunny - One of my Lesbos can FISH. It's the best of both worlds. :)

I hope it isn't the one that dies after 3 years.:laugh:

10-28-2011, 10:54 AM
I almost forgot- I'll choose any category that has chocolate!

Ummmm .... none?:laugh:

Abbey Marie
10-28-2011, 10:56 AM
Ummmm .... none?:laugh:

Yup, it's a flawed list. :cool:

10-28-2011, 10:59 AM
Yup, it's a flawed list. :cool:

Jess would agree with you. ;)

10-28-2011, 11:00 AM
I didn't assume anything w/ this. Just taking on face-value. Course, I'm unsure how best one can use weed...other than by...'using weed' :D

I still think A gives the most benefits. One can hunt (often easier than fishing because it's an island - so unlike the fish, the animals can't go too awfully far), sanitize, cure, and party like its 1999. :)

The caveat is that the chicks are lesbians. Which means you ain't getting any of that unless you're another lesbian.

You may have superb arms before long though .... ;)

Abbey Marie
10-28-2011, 11:00 AM
Jess would agree with you. ;)

She's a righteous woman. :cool:

10-28-2011, 11:05 AM
She's a righteous woman. :cool:

Y'all are expensive. I'll take the dogs and fishing stuff. ;)

10-28-2011, 11:17 AM
I hope it isn't the one that dies after 3 years.:laugh:

...no, the 'pretty one' dies first.

The caveat is that the chicks are lesbians. Which means you ain't getting any of that unless you're another lesbian.

You may have superb arms before long though .... ;)

I'm a lesbian, too. :) Trapped in (arguably) a man's body, of course.

Trust me, after two decades we'd have found ways to get along JUST fine :)

10-28-2011, 02:57 PM
I'd choose A and use the booze to get the lesbos drunk enough to think they were bisexual. The hunting rifle for food and well that's that.

10-28-2011, 03:25 PM
Your bow won't last or be strong enough for something like a bear - no way. Never said I would go after a bear. Why on god's earth would I do that? Failing having the sense to not attack a bear, Why not just piss it off and run it into a punji pit? Little to no real work on my end, aside from having to stand on the other side of a trap and wait for the angry bear to fall in it. My bow can be repaired/replaced. How about that rifle?

You'd never get close enough. Bears, etc, don't eat fish out of the ocean, my friend. Bears are about the least picky eaters on the planet, and will take what they can get Whether it be from rivers, oceans, or trashcans.

Your island is surrounded by a corral-less sand bar.

All you said was deserted island. Now you're changing the scenario to support your own methodology.

What would you do? We KNOW the island has many big animals - who likely live off smaller animals, berries, and what-not. My rifle takes down a bear - and I make fish hooks from the claws so one of my two ladies can use her skills fishing. I get fish AND big game. Since your made-from-guts-and-straw bow can't last more than a couple shots, it'll probably break just when you are 50 yard from a bear. Instead of killing the bear, you piss it off. Good thing I'm a combat lifesafer; I can help you treat your wounds from bear-attack.

There's this lovely thing called wood. Even better is that many islands have bamboo, which makes for excellent bows. As for catching a bear, see my above punji pit scenario. You shoot the bear with your rifle.... now it's the bear's turn motherfucker.

SO - my ONE 300lbs Tiger or other scary predator gives me a winter's worth of meat. I harvest three or four per year, to augment whatever we 'get lucky and catch-because El Nina drove away most of the fish'. I use the hides for clothing and shelter. I use the bones to create farming equipment.

Again, you changed the scenario completely, dmp, to make your choice the right one. And unless the island has an ammo dump, you're going to need to feed more than you're thinking you do.

While you're stuck on a cot recovering from your wounds, Pirates attack, and since you broke your intestine-strung bow, Felicia can't fight them off with a knife or spear, they chase her off, taking your dogs, boat and pot. I offer the services of my boom-stick, and shelter to Felicia - who notices how well I provide for the ladies with me, how much fun VODKA is, and how many millions in GOLD i have, and she decides to join our group. Sorry man.

And your guns out of ammo. you're fucked, and have nothing now. Gun jams, oops! Lesbos fucked up the sight- fucked. And where the HELL are you getting potatoes for vodka from?! Are we off the coast of Ireland now? Oh yes, you treasure trove of gold.... that cannot possibly be spent on anything at all.

Gunny - One of my Lesbos can FISH. It's the best of both worlds. :)


10-28-2011, 04:27 PM
...no, the 'pretty one' dies first.

I'm a lesbian, too. :) Trapped in (arguably) a man's body, of course.

Trust me, after two decades we'd have found ways to get along JUST fine :)

I TOLD her you'd come back with that.:laugh:

10-28-2011, 05:42 PM
Never said I would go after a bear. Why on god's earth would I do that? Failing having the sense to not attack a bear, Why not just piss it off and run it into a punji pit? Little to no real work on my end, aside from having to stand on the other side of a trap and wait for the angry bear to fall in it. My bow can be repaired/replaced. How about that rifle?

That rifle gets me through 10 years of hunting. I can make a bow later; can you make a rifle?

Bears are about the least picky eaters on the planet, and will take what they can get Whether it be from rivers, oceans, or trashcans.

My point is - you said bears eat FISH; I said 'not fish in the ocean'. Bears don't fish in the ocean, bro.

All you said was deserted island. Now you're changing the scenario to support your own methodology.

You changed it. I suggested it. You assumed there was fish. You assumed there was LOTS of fish that's easy to catch. The only facts we have relate to land animals. Hence the rifle. :)

There's this lovely thing called wood. Even better is that many islands have bamboo, which makes for excellent bows. As for catching a bear, see my above punji pit scenario. You shoot the bear with your rifle.... now it's the bear's turn motherfucker.

You're speculating on island resources!

SO - my ONE 300lbs Tiger or other scary predator gives me a winter's worth of meat. I harvest three or four per year, to augment whatever we 'get lucky and catch-because El Nina drove away most of the fish'. I use the hides for clothing and shelter. I use the bones to create farming equipment.

Again, you changed the scenario completely, dmp, to make your choice the right one. And unless the island has an ammo dump, you're going to need to feed more than you're thinking you do.

I'm saying, and have been saying, taking your option makes you HOPE there's fish available in enough quantities. I'm saying, re-consider, because we don't know anything other than what's in the photo :)

And your guns out of ammo. you're fucked, and have nothing now. Gun jams, oops! Lesbos fucked up the sight- fucked. And where the HELL are you getting potatoes for vodka from?! Are we off the coast of Ireland now? Oh yes, you treasure trove of gold.... that cannot possibly be spent on anything at all.

How about I shoot the guy with the bow, then take his bow? I have, what, 300 rounds? Plenty to secure game - and give me time to build a bow, spear, knife, coconut-powered radio.

The vodka is in the 15-years-worth of liquor :)

...and upon rescue, I take the gold WITH me. And my surviving former lesbian. :D

Abbey Marie
10-28-2011, 05:45 PM
...and upon rescue, I take the gold WITH me. And my surviving former lesbian. :D

Lol, guys always seem to have this fantasy.

10-28-2011, 07:31 PM
Lol, guys always seem to have this fantasy.

Pffft ...:talk2hand: ... I took the dogs, knives, boat and fishing tackle. You KNOW you're a redneck when ......:laugh:

10-28-2011, 09:09 PM
I TOLD her you'd come back with that.:laugh:

My bet is that after 3 years he wouldn't care if he had the ugly one or the pretty one. Hell, that's what the booze is for.

10-28-2011, 09:12 PM
Y'all are expensive. I'll take the dogs and fishing stuff. ;)

WE'RE expensive?!?!


10-28-2011, 09:18 PM
Lol, guys always seem to have this fantasy.

Yes, well I found my fantasy.

A man who cooks, cleans, can hit the INSIDE of the toilet bowl, is good with kids n animals AND ... (drumroll please) ... buys me chocolate. *sigh*:cool:

10-28-2011, 09:18 PM
WE'RE expensive?!?!


Yes yall are, but oh so worth it.

Besides how expensive could a woman's tastes be on a deserted island? "Let's see would she like the coconut necklace or the palm tree skirt?"

10-28-2011, 09:34 PM
Yes yall are, but oh so worth it.

Besides how expensive could a woman's tastes be on a deserted island? "Let's see would she like the coconut necklace or the palm tree skirt?"

Good save, CH. ;)

Oh, n I get at least one of the guns. Y'all can have the pot and booze. :cool:

10-28-2011, 09:41 PM
Good save, CH. ;)

Oh, n I get at least one of the guns. Y'all can have the pot and booze. :cool:

You can do ALL of the hunting. The male lion has it right, he just sits back tappin the ass while the women go out and bust their asses finding him some food.:laugh2:

10-28-2011, 09:44 PM
Yes, well I found my fantasy.

A man who cooks, cleans, can hit the INSIDE of the toilet bowl, is good with kids n animals AND ... (drumroll please) ... buys me chocolate. *sigh*:cool:

Sorry, I'm already spoken for.

Oh wait, you didn't include well hung, you meant Gunny, not me. :laugh2:

Sorry Gunny, it was a curveball and I had to take it yard.

10-28-2011, 09:50 PM
You can do ALL of the hunting. The male lion has it right, he just sits back tappin the ass while the women go out and bust their asses finding him some food.:laugh2:

My butt!

Who you think is cooking up my steaks while I ready up after hunting. Get yo hiney in the hut n fix me some supper. :laugh:

10-28-2011, 09:52 PM
My butt!

Who you think is cooking up my steaks while I ready up after hunting. Get yo hiney in the hut np fix me some supper. :laugh:

Actually, I do probably 90 % of the cooking at home. I enjoy it and am pretty good at it. Plus if i cook , I don't have to clean up. lol

10-28-2011, 09:55 PM
Sorry, I'm already spoken for.

Oh wait, you didn't include well hung, you meant Gunny, not me. :laugh2:

Sorry Gunny, it was a curveball and I had to take it yard.

Pfffft! You couldn't handle me, CH.

And just how do you know how Gunny is hung?

10-28-2011, 09:57 PM
Pfffft! You couldn't handle me, CH.

And just how do you know how Gunny is hung?

I've been in locker rooms with Marines before LOL


10-28-2011, 09:58 PM
Actually, I do probably 90 % of the cooking at home. I enjoy it and am pretty good at it. Plus if i cook , I don't have to clean up. lol


Mine cooks AND cleans. And does all sorts of other excellent things.

10-28-2011, 10:00 PM

Mine cooks AND cleans. And does all sorts of other excellent things.

LOL it's all good. I'm just funnin with you and Gunny .

10-28-2011, 10:01 PM
I've been in locker rooms with Marines before LOL


Obviously not with MY Marine.;)

10-28-2011, 10:05 PM
LOL it's all good. I'm just funnin with you and Gunny .

Of course it's all good. I wouldn't play if I couldn't take take it.

Ain't never had a problem with you, CH.

Abbey Marie
10-28-2011, 11:36 PM
Yes yall are, but oh so worth it.

Besides how expensive could a woman's tastes be on a deserted island? "Let's see would she like the coconut necklace or the palm tree skirt?"

:laugh2: But we'd make you climb really high to get the "right" coconut.

10-29-2011, 07:18 AM
:laugh2: But we'd make you climb really high to get the "right" coconut.

or, let the woman climb MY tree while I get my hands on her coconuts...

10-30-2011, 10:17 AM
Good save, CH. ;)

Oh, n I get at least one of the guns. Y'all can have the pot and booze. :cool:

There's only one RIFLE. I didn't see any "guns". Might let you play with one of the smaller knives though.:laugh:

10-30-2011, 10:19 AM
Actually, I do probably 90 % of the cooking at home. I enjoy it and am pretty good at it. Plus if i cook , I don't have to clean up. lol

Ummm .... huh? What union do YOU belong to? I want in. I have to cook AND clean.:smoke:

10-30-2011, 11:23 AM
There's only one RIFLE. I didn't see any "guns". Might let you play with one of the smaller knives though.:laugh:

You better let me have the big knife, since you seem to cut yourself with it. 2568

10-30-2011, 11:25 AM
Ummm .... huh? What union do YOU belong to? I want in. I have to cook AND clean.:smoke:


And you are otherwise spoiled completely rotten.

10-30-2011, 10:18 PM


C....dogs are more loyal than chicks; knives are useful; shelter is good; sailboat for freedom .... pot ... feed to the wild animals so they mellow out.

10-30-2011, 11:07 PM
There's only one RIFLE. I didn't see any "guns". Might let you play with one of the smaller knives though.:laugh:

It only takes one time of running around a platoon sized formation holding your M16 over your head with one hand and your dick in your other screaming "this is my weapon, this one's my gun. This one's for fighting, this one's for fun" to break a person of calling his rifle a gun. :laugh2:

10-30-2011, 11:08 PM
Ummm .... huh? What union do YOU belong to? I want in. I have to cook AND clean.:smoke:

You're getting gypped. LOL

11-01-2011, 09:10 PM

And you are otherwise spoiled completely rotten.

I have N-O-O-O clear recollection of anything you might be talking about.:dunno:

11-01-2011, 10:54 PM
I have N-O-O-O clear recollection of anything you might be talking about.:dunno:

Yep, stick to your story Gunny. Hope your couch is comfortable. :laugh2:

11-02-2011, 08:45 AM
Well no matter what i'm going to die, i have no illusions about that, so i may aswell die having tapped some newly sexually awakened bisexuals, option A.

11-02-2011, 08:52 AM
I have N-O-O-O clear recollection of anything you might be talking about.:dunno:


11-02-2011, 08:56 AM
Yep, stick to your story Gunny. Hope your couch is comfortable. :laugh2:

Gunny >>>> 2572

Kidding. Jess don't play that way. 2573

Love Monkey
11-02-2011, 03:15 PM
I'll go with option A. Right up the Love Monkey's alley...

11-02-2011, 03:21 PM
Gunny >>>> 2572

Kidding. Jess don't play that way. 2573

That's good . My wife doesn't either. And I never could understand a husband tolerating that. If my wife got mad at me and told me to sleep on the couch, I'd be like "bitch, you're the one mad, you sleep on the couch if you want someone there" :laugh2:

But we never ever go to bed mad at each other. Well, not to sleep anyway. :laugh:

11-02-2011, 03:22 PM
I'll go with option A. Right up the Love Monkey's alley...

Women who have no interest in you is right up your alley? Sad story bro.