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10-30-2011, 05:08 PM
Seriously, I despair. LOL! I was going to post this article, http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/10/self-reliance_for_dunces.html in the top-of-the-board, well I still might; however, it brought up the question, related to a previous thread on 'free diapers to the poor': Cloth or disposable diapers?

In Connecticut, worried that those whose financial situation has become so perilous (ironically as a result of failed government programs and actions), Democrats are trying to add to the list of ever expanding but invisible to constitutionalists rights, the right to free diapers. Dan Malloy, governor of the Nutmeg State has decreed Diaper Need Awareness Day with no sign that he recognizes how ludicrous a decree this is. Connecticut Congresswoman DeLauro (who like Michelle Obama is a very fashion forward dresser) has introduced a Diaper Act, stating she thinks a program to provide free diapers to the poor will stimulate the economy. I think this all takes the notion of Change We Can Believe In and free loads a bit too far. I listened (http://blog.heritage.org/2011/10/26/video-rep-paul-ryan-on-saving-the-american-idea/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Morning%2BBell) to the great Congressman Paul Ryan this week, and I don't think he'll go along with the Connecticut scheme.

Just in case in case I'm right and the Act doesn't get enough votes from those tight fisted Republicans in Congress, here's some very neat ideas on how to launder diapers (http://www.greenmountaindiapers.com/washing-diapers.htm). Consider this my first big self-reliance tip of the week.

With the birth of each of my children I had three times a week diaper service for the first 5 months. After that I bought 5 dozen diapers from the company at give away prices and did them at home.

Grant you not everyone can afford diaper service, it's expensive. Then again, if keeping the baby's bottom clean and non-irritated, I don't see a benefit to disposables. Then there is the very real problem of landfills...

So what did you all use or are using on your little ones bottoms?

10-30-2011, 05:33 PM
Seriously, I despair. LOL! I was going to post this article, http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/10/self-reliance_for_dunces.html in the top-of-the-board, well I still might; however, it brought up the question, related to a previous thread on 'free diapers to the poor': Cloth or disposable diapers?

With the birth of each of my children I had three times a week diaper service for the first 5 months. After that I bought 5 dozen diapers from the company at give away prices and did them at home.

Grant you not everyone can afford diaper service, it's expensive. Then again, if keeping the baby's bottom clean and non-irritated, I don't see a benefit to disposables. Then there is the very real problem of landfills...

So what did you all use or are using on your little ones bottoms?

The New York Times. It's really the only legitimate use for that rag.

10-30-2011, 09:44 PM
Seriously, I despair. LOL! I was going to post this article, http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/10/self-reliance_for_dunces.html in the top-of-the-board, well I still might; however, it brought up the question, related to a previous thread on 'free diapers to the poor': Cloth or disposable diapers?

With the birth of each of my children I had three times a week diaper service for the first 5 months. After that I bought 5 dozen diapers from the company at give away prices and did them at home.

Grant you not everyone can afford diaper service, it's expensive. Then again, if keeping the baby's bottom clean and non-irritated, I don't see a benefit to disposables. Then there is the very real problem of landfills...

So what did you all use or are using on your little ones bottoms?

I had one child, received the diaper service for one year as baby shower gift, kept using it until she didn't need diapers anymore. I worked full time and was also raising two stepsons ... didn't have time to do all those diapers and could never get hubby to rinse them out but he didn't have problem just putting them in the pail in the garage.

10-30-2011, 10:17 PM
I had one child, received the diaper service for one year as baby shower gift, kept using it until she didn't need diapers anymore. I worked full time and was also raising two stepsons ... didn't have time to do all those diapers and could never get hubby to rinse them out but he didn't have problem just putting them in the pail in the garage.

Same here,but gave up on the cloth...too much work. Bought the disposables by the case full at ToysRus (they had the best deals on diapers and formula AND they sent great coupons in the mail). One plus was that I didn't really have to provide diapers or food when my kids were in daycare....it was included in the daycare package (which was nice).

10-30-2011, 10:26 PM
Same here,but gave up on the cloth...too much work. Bought the disposables by the case full at ToysRus (they had the best deals on diapers and formula AND they sent great coupons in the mail). One plus was that I didn't really have to provide diapers or food when my kids were in daycare....it was included in the daycare package (which was nice).

My daughter didn't go to daycare until she was out of diapers ... they didn't allow it....I can't even remember if there was such a thing as disposable back then.

Abbey Marie
10-30-2011, 10:36 PM
Disposables only, and she never had any irritation. Honest! (Maybe because I changed them so often?).

On a related note, I remember boiling glass bottles for the first 6 months or so. Then one day I just said, eh, this is too much work, and switched to the plastic ones. No problems there, either.

10-30-2011, 10:55 PM
Disposables only, and she never had any irritation. Honest! (Maybe because I changed them so often?).

On a related note, I remember boiling glass bottles for the first 6 months or so. Then one day I just said, eh, this is too much work, and switched to the plastic ones. No problems there, either.

I remember boiling them also then the child starts crawling and ya wonder why you had to be so careful ,the things I seen my boys shove in there mouths are disgusting

AS for the diapers we used disposal cause that's what the wife said to use :laugh:

10-30-2011, 11:20 PM
My daughter didn't go to daycare until she was out of diapers ... they didn't allow it....I can't even remember if there was such a thing as disposable back then.

My kids started daycare right after my maternity leave was over (they were 8 wks old). Our daycare didn't have age requirements and it was a good thing too. The EX always conveiniently quit his job when I was 8 months pregnant... so I HAD to work...no choice. The daycare was right around the corner from our house...and the staff was great (plus, it wasn't outrageously expensive). I was lucky that I found it.

10-30-2011, 11:22 PM
My kids started daycare right after my maternity leave was over (they were 8 wks old). Our daycare didn't have age requirements and it was a good thing too. The EX always conveiniently quit his job when I was 8 months pregnant... so I HAD to work...no choice. The daycare was right around the corner from our house...and the staff was great (plus, it wasn't outrageously expensive). I was lucky that I found it.

I was lucky. My mom doesn't work, so I hired her to be the nanny both times around.

10-30-2011, 11:30 PM
I was lucky. My mom doesn't work, so I hired her to be the nanny both times around.

That is lucky....you were fortunate. I tried a babysitter for a brief time the first time around (after the EX insisted)...but she wasn't very reliable,so went back to the old routine. Daycare worked better in the long run for me though because later when he took off and left to California. I could finally get help from CYFD to pay for childcare through my child care provider.

Abbey Marie
10-31-2011, 02:08 PM
I was lucky. My mom doesn't work, so I hired her to be the nanny both times around.

Depending on the Grandmom, that can be the best solution. Or not-so-good. Sounds like yours was a winner.

10-31-2011, 02:16 PM
Disposable diapers, plastic bottles, and my wife quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom.

10-31-2011, 03:00 PM
Depending on the Grandmom, that can be the best solution. Or not-so-good. Sounds like yours was a winner.

My parents are truly the greatest grandparents a child could have. Caring, generous, thoughtful, and only want the best. But they are like that with all children. They will bring any kid out to swim or ride horses who wants to come. And of course they are welcome. Sometimes in the summer we'll have 20-30 kids out at the pool and 1 of them is mine and 1 is my niece and the rest are just tag alongs. Guess they've rubbed off on me though, b/c I wouldn't have it any other way.

Love Monkey
11-02-2011, 05:17 PM
A clean, nice-smelling bottom makes the Love Monkey happy.

11-02-2011, 06:54 PM
Pampers premiums until they were on solids. Nothing else could contain what the little gelflings put out. Ugh.

Breastfed babies have waaaaaaay too much stuff going out and disposables are very convenient. I didn't need one more thing to deal with. :D

11-02-2011, 08:19 PM
i like the forum

Love Monkey
11-04-2011, 04:14 PM
Pampers premiums until they were on solids. Nothing else could contain what the little gelflings put out. Ugh.

Breastfed babies have waaaaaaay too much stuff going out and disposables are very convenient. I didn't need one more thing to deal with. :D

Breast feeding... I remember that well. I breast fed until I was 14. True story about my breast feeding days. You know, everything that happens to you, has an impact on your life. Once, way back when, my Mama was breast feeding me and a neighbor lady came over to talk to my mom. My mom was sitting at the kitchen table breast feeding me and the neighbor lady decided she wanted a drink of water. She got up and got herself a glassful of water from the kitchen sink and as she turned around she tripped on a throw rug my mom had in front of the kitchen sink. She fell forward and as she fell, the whole glass of water was dumped on me while I was being held by my mother breast feeding. As a result of this incident, I cannot take a shower without wanting to suck on a tit... True story.