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05-15-2007, 04:17 PM
Does anyone on here activly participate in Scam Baiting(turning the tables on the 419 scammers for those of you who dont know). If so some tips would really help.
This is a growing problem that our Government can not handle because they are taking place over sea's mostly in Nigeria. I get close to 30 of these emails a day and it pisses me off to think that our citizens are being taken advantage of while the Government does nothing. Last report said that americans lose 6 Billion a year to these people.

Mr. P
05-15-2007, 04:44 PM
Does anyone on here activly participate in Scam Baiting(turning the tables on the 419 scammers for those of you who dont know). If so some tips would really help.
This is a growing problem that our Government can not handle because they are taking place over sea's mostly in Nigeria. I get close to 30 of these emails a day and it pisses me off to think that our citizens are being taken advantage of while the Government does nothing. Last report said that americans lose 6 Billion a year to these people.

About a year ago I read this guys account of how he strung one along for months. A few months ago I heard I guy say he convinced the scammer to send him cash. :laugh2:

That's it for me..I don't get these now since I change my e-mail address and told folks NOT to include me in blanket mailings. You know the forwarded stuff with 100s of e-mail addresses on them, all your address book and maybe the same for 10 people before you?

05-15-2007, 06:41 PM
I've gotten two "phishing" emails in the past two days. They weren't hard to spot as bogus, since they came from two organizations that I don't belong to, and were asking me to "update" my data. Pfft.

I wish I knew what I could do to stop these pond scum.

05-15-2007, 06:46 PM
I subscribe to an autoresponse service. Any email from an address not in my book gets a generic "click on this link" message, and doesn't get forwarded to my box until a human being follows through.

Because at least 99.9% of spambots don't do anything but delete such mails, I rarely see any spam nowadays.

05-15-2007, 07:18 PM
I think it would be fun to mess with these people. If you string them along that prevents them from throwing their time into someone who might actually fall for it.