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10-31-2011, 11:30 AM

Is there any evidence that Cain has done anything at all, besides the anonymous testimony from Democrats who want to politically defeat him?

And these people are saying that he did 1/100 of what Bill Clinton did? I thought that, according to Democrats, that QUALIFIED a man to be president, not disqualified.

BTW, what exactly is a "physical gesture that is not sexual in nature but disturbs" a woman?

Are they accusing him of (gasp) winking at someone????

Get a rope.....!!

These people are really desperate. It's starting to sound like Herman Cain is for-real, if they are so scared of him that they feel they must pull this sort of thing on him.

Cain has flatly denied any such wrongdoing, and pointed out that investigations of some allegations that were made against him 15 years ago found them baseless.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/10/31/cain_on_sexual_harassment_charge_totally_baseless_ and_totally_false.html

10-31-2011, 01:18 PM
Let's see, Herman Cain is the leading Republican presidential candidate, he is also black, so Obama can't use the race card against him.... so go with the ol' Anita Hill tactic... you know... whether or not the charges of sexual harassment are true doesn't matter, it's just the fact that he was accused of it that counts.

Now, suppose Cain is guilty of the accusations? Well, Clinton did the same thing, and worse, and has been defended tooth and nail by liberals ever since... seems disingenuous for them to suddenly say it does make a difference. I'm not defending the guy if he's guilty mind you, I'm saying that the liberals already used up their credibility defending one of their own on the same charges (which, of course, is not the point... Clinton was impeached for PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, not sexual harrassment)

10-31-2011, 01:19 PM

Is there any evidence that Cain has done anything at all, besides the anonymous testimony from Democrats who want to politically defeat him?

And these people are saying that he did 1/100 of what Bill Clinton did? I thought that, according to Democrats, that QUALIFIED a man to be president, not disqualified.

BTW, what exactly is a "physical gesture that is not sexual in nature but disturbs" a woman?

Are they accusing him of (gasp) winking at someone????

Get a rope.....!!

These people are really desperate. It's starting to sound like Herman Cain is for-real, if they are so scared of him that they feel they must pull this sort of thing on him.

Cain has flatly denied any such wrongdoing, and pointed out that investigations of some allegations that were made against him 15 years ago found them baseless.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/10/31/cain_on_sexual_harassment_charge_totally_baseless_ and_totally_false.html

gotta spread the rep

10-31-2011, 03:08 PM
Wow, real world liberals sometimes remind me of liberals who post here. Make an accusation lacking in facts and apply all the rhetoric possible and just hope that many don't notice and let the shit stick where it may.

10-31-2011, 03:13 PM
Wow, real world liberals sometimes remind me of liberals who post here. Make an accusation lacking in facts and apply all the rhetoric possible and just hope that many don't notice and let the shit stick where it may.

Don't forget also. Harshly judge people for the exact same behavior your own people exhibit. Which of course both political parties do, but seems to be more prevalent among the Democrats here lately.

Abbey Marie
10-31-2011, 03:16 PM
Isn't this quintessential racism? The big black man with the high sexual libido?

Me, I'm waiting for if/when Cain is the nominee, and the Uncle Tom accusations start flying. It's gonna get ugly.

10-31-2011, 03:55 PM
Isn't this quintessential racism? The big black man with the high sexual libido?

Me, I'm waiting for if/when Cain is the nominee, and the Uncle Tom accusations start flying. It's gonna get ugly.

Been over to that other board lately? That shit started about a year ago.

Abbey Marie
10-31-2011, 04:15 PM
Been over to that other board lately? That shit started about a year ago.

Nope. Not interested in the Wild West. :laugh:

10-31-2011, 05:52 PM
Nope. Not interested in the Wild West. :laugh:

Wild West doesn't even begin to describe it.

They have seriously devolved into "you're a fucking poopoo head"

"nuh uh you're a poopie head" as the HIGHEST form of debate over there. LOL

10-31-2011, 08:35 PM

Is there any evidence that Cain has done anything at all, besides the anonymous testimony from Democrats who want to politically defeat him?

And these people are saying that he did 1/100 of what Bill Clinton did? I thought that, according to Democrats, that QUALIFIED a man to be president, not disqualified.

BTW, what exactly is a "physical gesture that is not sexual in nature but disturbs" a woman?

Are they accusing him of (gasp) winking at someone????

Get a rope.....!!

These people are really desperate. It's starting to sound like Herman Cain is for-real, if they are so scared of him that they feel they must pull this sort of thing on him.

Cain has flatly denied any such wrongdoing, and pointed out that investigations of some allegations that were made against him 15 years ago found them baseless.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/10/31/cain_on_sexual_harassment_charge_totally_baseless_ and_totally_false.html

I say it's racially motivated. The Dems likely had a strategy all worked out to take down Mitt Romney, but how many times can you call racist when it's two black men going up for the nomination?

10-31-2011, 09:29 PM
I say it's racially motivated. The Dems likely had a strategy all worked out to take down Mitt Romney, but how many times can you call racist when it's two black men going up for the nomination?

I don't think there is any question that if the Republicans run a white candidate we are going to be buried in cries of "racism" at every turn.

10-31-2011, 10:01 PM
How about we start adopting the attitude that if we're accused of being racist, we just respond "So what?". There, just like that. That will probably take the wind out of the sails of that so called argument. Yeah, I'm a racist, my parents owned slaves back in Italy... they used them to pull their chariots to the gladiatorial contests at the Colesseum in Rome... now back to that debate we were having about the economy. Same thing with the homophobe label... yeah, OK, I hate gays, I had a few impaled in the back yard... so what.. now back to that debate we were having about national defense... Same thing with the sexist label.. yeah I'm a sexist.. I have a few women bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen back home.... now back to that debate on global warming.

What's the point of this post? For too long, liberals have used these silly labels to divert attention away from the fact that their policies are a freaking disaster. Liberal policies have hurt more blacks than the KKK, they've killed more gays than AIDS, they've impoverished and hurt more women than domineering wife beaters... that's the way it is.

red states rule
11-01-2011, 02:18 AM
Let's see, Herman Cain is the leading Republican presidential candidate, he is also black, so Obama can't use the race card against him.... so go with the ol' Anita Hill tactic... you know... whether or not the charges of sexual harassment are true doesn't matter, it's just the fact that he was accused of it that counts.

Now, suppose Cain is guilty of the accusations? Well, Clinton did the same thing, and worse, and has been defended tooth and nail by liberals ever since... seems disingenuous for them to suddenly say it does make a difference. I'm not defending the guy if he's guilty mind you, I'm saying that the liberals already used up their credibility defending one of their own on the same charges (which, of course, is not the point... Clinton was impeached for PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, not sexual harrassment)

Does anyone know how much money the entire Kennedy family has paid out over the years, and the left has said the Kenedy boys did nothing wrong?

The lefts double standards are on display once again

red states rule
11-01-2011, 02:20 AM
Wow, real world liberals sometimes remind me of liberals who post here. Make an accusation lacking in facts and apply all the rhetoric possible and just hope that many don't notice and let the shit stick where it may.

Can anyone site ONE example of liberals like Chris Matthews being happy over "journalists" reporting the activites of Bill Clinton like he is over the hit piece on Herman Cain

At least with Clinton he had names, dates, and places

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red states rule
11-01-2011, 02:23 AM
I don't think there is any question that if the Republicans run a white candidate we are going to be buried in cries of "racism" at every turn.

The left has said if you support Herman Cain you are a racist

Left-leaning comedian and talking head Janeane Garofalo is back at it, appearing again on Keith Olbermann’s “Countdown” program to chat all things politics.On Wednesday night, she slammed Republicans, conservatives and Tea Party enthusiasts, calling them racists. As you’ll recall, she said the following (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/janeane-garofalo-wonders-is-herman-cain-being-paid-by-racists-to-run-for-the-presidency/) back in August (about Cain):
“[He's] in this presidential race because he deflects the racism that is inherit in the Republican party, the conservative movement, the Tea Party certainly.”

Now, she’s following up on these statements with even more commentary about Cain and his presence in the GOP presidential field. Last night, aside from saying that Palin and Fox News have no credibility, she railed on about the GOP’s alleged racism:
“Herman Cain is…is…is…a…is probably well-liked by some of the Republicans, because it hides the racist elements of the Republican Party, conservative movement and Tea Party movement — one in the same…


red states rule
11-01-2011, 03:14 AM
Isn't this quintessential racism? The big black man with the high sexual libido?

Me, I'm waiting for if/when Cain is the nominee, and the Uncle Tom accusations start flying. It's gonna get ugly.

Please consider the source of this hit piece

In the eyes of the liberal media, Herman Cain is just another uppity black American who has had the audacity to leave the liberal plantation. So they must destroy him, just as they tried destroying Clarence Thomas.

The richest irony here is that the same media that refused to cover evidence of an alleged rape by a state attorney general who became president (http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=19242) now are running stories based on unnamed sources, about offenses that aren’t a fraction as grave.

But, one was a liberal Democrat, the other a conservative Republican -- hence the double standard.

Consider the source: Ken Vogel of Politico used to work for the George Soros-funded Center for Public Integrity in Washington and has been involved in numerous attacks on conservatives. There is no hiding a liberal agenda when considering Ken Vogel’s work, and this latest smear attempt on Cain is further proof.

The liberal media need to wake up and deal with the fact that successful, black Americans can be conservative. They are going insane realizing he might one day be President, too."


red states rule
11-01-2011, 04:06 AM

Is there any evidence that Cain has done anything at all, besides the anonymous testimony from Democrats who want to politically defeat him?

And these people are saying that he did 1/100 of what Bill Clinton did? I thought that, according to Democrats, that QUALIFIED a man to be president, not disqualified.

BTW, what exactly is a "physical gesture that is not sexual in nature but disturbs" a woman?

Are they accusing him of (gasp) winking at someone????

Get a rope.....!!

These people are really desperate. It's starting to sound like Herman Cain is for-real, if they are so scared of him that they feel they must pull this sort of thing on him.

Cain has flatly denied any such wrongdoing, and pointed out that investigations of some allegations that were made against him 15 years ago found them baseless.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/10/31/cain_on_sexual_harassment_charge_totally_baseless_ and_totally_false.html

One final comment beofre I go off to work - if Herman Cain was a Democrat we all know these women would be under a constant never ending assualt by the liberal media and not getting the glowing coverage they are in the liberal media and by Dems out to destroy another black conservative

11-01-2011, 09:26 AM
Janeane Garofalo's opinions are so shallow. She really should be embarrassed for herself but she lacks the intelligence.

On a more serious note:
I don't think this will do any long term damage to Cain. The allegations, even if true, are pretty thin. His problem now is how he has handled it. First he doesn't remember a monetary settlement, then he does when it's reported in the news. That's usually the first sign that something stinks. In any case, the two women involved will be under a non disclosure agreement so we will probably never know what happened. Even if we did get the details, my bet is we'd sit back and say "really? that's all this was?".
What he must do now is get out and talk about it for a day or two, be forthright and firm, then move on. The longer he stays on this issue the more it really will hurt his campaign.

11-01-2011, 01:03 PM
BTW, last night on TV, Cain said that he had encountered one of the two women in his secretary's office (with the secretary present). He said to the woman, that she seemed to be the same height as his wife. Then he held his hand out flat, and raised it to the level of his own chin (never touching the woman or the secretary), touched the edge of his hand to his chin, and said, "There, she's about that tall, just as you are."

The woman called this gesture "sexual harassment" in the complaint she filed.

The board investigating the complaint, concluded that there was no sexual harassment of any kind.

11-01-2011, 02:49 PM
Anybody every worked in the restaurant service industry? It's a rather sexually liberated crowd. Asking somebody to "go up to my suite" isn't harassment. There would be an issue if the advances persisted after being rebuffed; but in the context of a convention, which are usually a group of people who don't see one another very often, if ever again for that matter, I don't see how harassment is an issue. Come to think of it, that's probably why some people go to those things. Were he to proposition the encounter in exchange for some official favor, that's one thing; but given the Assn's annual budget of $20M, a mere five-figure settlement hardly indicates this to be anything more than somebody wanting to leave the organization and the org not wanting her to tarnish their rep by talking about the sex orgies at their conventions. Ooh, whoops, I meant unwanted sexual overtures.

11-01-2011, 03:50 PM

red states rule
11-02-2011, 02:56 AM
Anybody every worked in the restaurant service industry? It's a rather sexually liberated crowd. Asking somebody to "go up to my suite" isn't harassment. There would be an issue if the advances persisted after being rebuffed; but in the context of a convention, which are usually a group of people who don't see one another very often, if ever again for that matter, I don't see how harassment is an issue. Come to think of it, that's probably why some people go to those things. Were he to proposition the encounter in exchange for some official favor, that's one thing; but given the Assn's annual budget of $20M, a mere five-figure settlement hardly indicates this to be anything more than somebody wanting to leave the organization and the org not wanting her to tarnish their rep by talking about the sex orgies at their conventions. Ooh, whoops, I meant unwanted sexual overtures.

Bottom line is, the left and liberal media are deserate to try and take out anyone they see as a threat to Obama

If Mr Cain were a black Dem this story never would have been published

After all how long did the liberal media ignore John Edwards and Bill Clinton REAL affairs and sexual harassment of women?

Abbey Marie
11-02-2011, 12:59 PM
Anybody every worked in the restaurant service industry? It's a rather sexually liberated crowd. Asking somebody to "go up to my suite" isn't harassment. There would be an issue if the advances persisted after being rebuffed; but in the context of a convention, which are usually a group of people who don't see one another very often, if ever again for that matter, I don't see how harassment is an issue. Come to think of it, that's probably why some people go to those things. Were he to proposition the encounter in exchange for some official favor, that's one thing; but given the Assn's annual budget of $20M, a mere five-figure settlement hardly indicates this to be anything more than somebody wanting to leave the organization and the org not wanting her to tarnish their rep by talking about the sex orgies at their conventions. Ooh, whoops, I meant unwanted sexual overtures.

I experienced what we would call harassment when I worked in a restaurant in the summer between law school semesters. The head chef, who was also the owner's son, came on to every one of us (cute females, anyway). We learned not to go into the big fridge whenever he was around, lol.

11-02-2011, 01:11 PM
I experienced what we would call harassment when I worked in a rstaurant in the summer between law school semesters. The head chef, who was also the owner's son, came on to every one of us (cute females, anyway). We learned not to go into the big fridge whenever he was around, lol.
Only the cute females huh-- sounds like discrimination too. :laugh:

Abbey Marie
11-02-2011, 01:15 PM
Only the cute females huh-- sounds like discrimination too. :laugh:

Lordy, how did I survive it all? :laugh2:

11-02-2011, 01:26 PM
Lordy, how did I survive it all? :laugh2:

With the knowledge that if he ever ran for public office, you could some make big bucks.:thumb:

red states rule
11-03-2011, 02:07 AM
Now we are finding out who is behind the leaked story to try and take down Mr Cain

Herman Cain's campaign is revealing suspicions about who is behind the story regarding the former unidentified employees who accused Mr. Cain of sexual harassment in the late 1990's.

According to a source who is friends with the Cain campaign, not only is the Rick Perry campaign (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1111/67479.html) involved but also the Mayor of Chicago and former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is likely involved with the sexual harassment accuser attacks. A friend of the Cain campaign believes a National Restaurant Association (NRA) employee out of the Chicago office (http://www.restaurant.org/aboutus/contact/index.cfm) leaked the story to the Perry campaign via information and influence from Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office.

According to Politico's Jonathan Martin, Curt Anderson, the Perry advisor who the Cain campaign is accusing of leaking the damaging information, is denying the charges:

"I’ve known Herman Cain for about 7 years. I was one of several consultants on his Senate race in 2004 and was proud to help him. I'd never heard any of these allegations until I read them in Politico, nor does anything I read in the press change my opinion that Herman is an upstanding man and a gentleman. I have great respect for Herman and his character and I would never speak ill of him, on the record or off the record. That's true today and it's not going to change."


red states rule
11-03-2011, 03:02 AM
I experienced what we would call harassment when I worked in a restaurant in the summer between law school semesters. The head chef, who was also the owner's son, came on to every one of us (cute females, anyway). We learned not to go into the big fridge whenever he was around, lol.

Abbey, your are so hot the moment you walked in the fridge everything would melt

red states rule
11-03-2011, 03:04 AM
It is fun to watch liberals try and spin when confronted with facts

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=360 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/107104" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

red states rule
11-03-2011, 03:42 AM
and we have these words of "wisdom" from Obama lapdog Chris Matthews. Cain MUST have been drinking at the time

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=360 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/107111" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

Abbey Marie
11-03-2011, 08:14 PM
Abbey, your are so hot the moment you walked in the fridge everything would melt

My Blue Heaven reference? Aww...

red states rule
11-04-2011, 02:18 AM
My Blue Heaven reference? Aww...

Like most conservative women Abbey, you have both beauty and brains

11-04-2011, 06:28 AM
Like most conservative women Abbey, you have both beauty and brains

You're lucky she is conservative RSR; were she to take a more liberal interpretation of your compliments, she might feel as though she is being sexually harassed.:laugh:

11-04-2011, 07:57 AM
Wild West doesn't even begin to describe it.

They have seriously devolved into "you're a fucking poopoo head"

"nuh uh you're a poopie head" as the HIGHEST form of debate over there. LOL

More like the best little whore house in Texas

They dont "debate" anything over there...period. Except each others bra size or the size of their ego.

11-04-2011, 08:01 AM
Let's see, Herman Cain is the leading Republican presidential candidate, he is also black, so Obama can't use the race card against him.... so go with the ol' Anita Hill tactic... you know... whether or not the charges of sexual harassment are true doesn't matter, it's just the fact that he was accused of it that counts.

Now, suppose Cain is guilty of the accusations? Well, Clinton did the same thing, and worse, and has been defended tooth and nail by liberals ever since... seems disingenuous for them to suddenly say it does make a difference. I'm not defending the guy if he's guilty mind you, I'm saying that the liberals already used up their credibility defending one of their own on the same charges (which, of course, is not the point... Clinton was impeached for PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, not sexual harrassment)

If Cain is the leading candidate, the GOP's in trouble.

Why does it have to be the "Anita Hill tactic"? What if it's the truth?

11-04-2011, 08:02 AM
Bottom line is, the left and liberal media are deserate to try and take out anyone they see as a threat to Obama

If Mr Cain were a black Dem this story never would have been published

After all how long did the liberal media ignore John Edwards and Bill Clinton REAL affairs and sexual harassment of women?

Herman Cain made a good point while he was interviewed yesterday. He said they (the liberal media) were going after him as a deterrant to other black's in the future who would come out openly seeking public office as a conservative. Sending them a "message" so to speak.

11-04-2011, 08:10 AM
Herman Cain made a good point while he was interviewed yesterday. He said they (the liberal media) were going after him as a deterrant to other black's in the future who would come out openly seeking public office as a conservative. Sending them a "message" so to speak.

The left is the most racially biased organization in this nation. They just want to keep blacks fat, dumb -n- happy on the plantation with promises of more and more handouts. The leftist media is going to go after any and all Republicans they see as a threat. They've got a track record of witch hunting strong GOP officials out of office. Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, Henry Bonilla ... they weren't happy until they had John Boehner because he quaked in his shes every time Harry Reid shrieked.

Wind Song
11-04-2011, 09:42 AM
Two women get paid off when they file sexual harassment claims against Cain and this isn't new? Why?

11-04-2011, 10:01 AM
Two women get paid off when they file sexual harassment claims against Cain and this isn't new? Why?

Who says it isn't news? BUT you have to admit that so far all we have are allegations. IF it is proven that he did these things I'll not support him (and I'm not saying I'd vote for him anyway, but I do support him having the guts to get up there and fight for what he believes in)

Wind Song
11-04-2011, 10:07 AM
If it was only allegations the women wouldn't have been paid off for their silence.

11-04-2011, 10:10 AM
The whole thing seems like a tempest in a teapot... um .. sorta.

My wife watches CNN way to much and it's ALL they talk about. It's stupid.

And Compared to the Pimps and hos in Congress now it's nothing much, I'm waiting for pedophile Barney Frank to comment. or some of the DC madams friends to pop up and Chat about a few Current and former Excutives. Lets talk REAL sex scandals not this.
Cain and Weiner stuff. It's Jr High school level action.

11-04-2011, 10:10 AM
If it was only allegations the women wouldn't have been paid off for their silence.Do you feel the same way about dems when they are accused??

Wind Song
11-04-2011, 10:13 AM
Do you feel the same way about dems when they are accused??

Yes. I was disgusted by Bill Clinton and changed party affiliations over it. Bill Clinton did the same thing, denied and paid off accusers.

11-04-2011, 10:18 AM
Yes. I was disgusted by Bill Clinton and changed party affiliations over it. Bill Clinton did the same thing, denied and paid off accusers.Do you feel the media portray the accusers the same or different according to politicle affiliation of the accused??

Abbey Marie
11-04-2011, 10:23 AM
Who says it isn't news? BUT you have to admit that so far all we have are allegations. IF it is proven that he did these things I'll not support him (and I'm not saying I'd vote for him anyway, but I do support him having the guts to get up there and fight for what he believes in)

Did what things? Tell a woman she is the same height as his wife? Oh, yeah, that's outrageous. :rolleyes: Now if he had said your breasts are the same size as my wife's, they may have something there. Are there any other specific allegations at this point?

Abbey Marie
11-04-2011, 10:25 AM
Yes. I was disgusted by Bill Clinton and changed party affiliations over it. Bill Clinton did the same thing, denied and paid off accusers.

Uh, not exactly. Bill was alleged to have molested at least one woman. Big difference.

11-04-2011, 10:27 AM
Two women get paid off when they file sexual harassment claims against Cain and this isn't new? Why?

Why should it be? IF they were in fact paid off, perhaps he did it as a matter of expediency. High profile lawsuits are settled out of court every day because it would cost more money to go to court and defend oneself than shell out a few $.

Gold's Gym settled out of court with some idiot who walked into the gym with NO training experience and decided to squat 700 lbs. He destroyed his spine. He was the idiot in the wrong, but Gold's settled anyway to keep its name out of the paper and avoid a court battle with some leftwingnut frivilous-lawsuit-chasing shyster.

Wind Song
11-04-2011, 10:29 AM
Do you feel the media portray the accusers the same or different according to politicle affiliation of the accused??

Depends on which media, doesn't it? Fox is definitely right wing, MSNBC left leaning.

11-04-2011, 10:30 AM
The left is the most racially biased organization in this nation. They just want to keep blacks fat, dumb -n- happy on the plantation with promises of more and more handouts.

Actually that's one of the few actions by the left that is NOT racist.

Actually, they want to keep EVERYBODY (except themselves, the top pigs in the Animal Farm) fat, dumb -n- happy on the plantation (or in the factory), regardless of color, with promises of more and more handouts.

But when they're not going after Herman Cain, they spend a lot of time telling everyone that blacks don't have the same job prospects as the rest, blacks need more gummint assistance, preferential treatment, and all the rest.

Wind Song
11-04-2011, 10:30 AM
Why should it be? IF they were in fact paid off, perhaps he did it as a matter of expediency. High profile lawsuits are settled out of court every day because it would cost more money to go to court and defend oneself than shell out a few $.

Gold's Gym settled out of court with some idiot who walked into the gym with NO training experience and decided to squat 700 lbs. He destroyed his spine. He was the idiot in the wrong, but Gold's settled anyway to keep its name out of the paper and avoid a court battle with some leftwingnut frivilous-lawsuit-chasing shyster.

I think you've got a problem with women. I remember the Anita Hill hearings and sentiment was definitely divided along gender lines.

If you were truly innocent, would you pay your accusers big money to shut up?

11-04-2011, 10:32 AM
I think you've got a problem with women. I remember the Anita Hill hearings and sentiment was definitely divided along gender lines.

If you were truly innocent, would you pay your accusers big money to shut up?

If it cost me $50k to do so - instead of $200k in lawyer fees - most people in that situation would.

Wind Song
11-04-2011, 10:36 AM
If it cost me $50k to do so - instead of $200k in lawyer fees - most people in that situation would.

I wouldn't. If I knew I had done NOTHING wrong, I would not pay someone 50K to keep their mouth shut. Usually, when someone pays out, they know there IS something to the allegation.

11-04-2011, 10:38 AM
I wouldn't. If I knew I had done NOTHING wrong, I would not pay someone 50K to keep their mouth shut. Usually, when someone pays out, they know there IS something to the allegation.

Well, you don't know much about law then. This happens every single day, and even more so for very rich individuals and "celebrities". If you chose to take a chance and lose money and the bad press a trial would entail, that's your choice, but others choosing not to doesn't equate to guilty.

11-04-2011, 10:43 AM
Actually that's one of the few actions by the left that is NOT racist.

Actually, they want to keep EVERYBODY (except themselves, the top pigs in the Animal Farm) fat, dumb -n- happy on the plantation (or in the factory), regardless of color, with promises of more and more handouts.

But when they're not going after Herman Cain, they spend a lot of time telling everyone that blacks don't have the same job prospects as the rest, blacks need more gummint assistance, preferential treatment, and all the rest.

That would be why that statement stands alone in my post.

11-04-2011, 10:43 AM
I think you've got a problem with women. I remember the Anita Hill hearings and sentiment was definitely divided along gender lines.

If you were truly innocent, would you pay your accusers big money to shut up?
Ask any lawyer and they will tell you a bad settlement is better than a good case.
Jim and Gunny have it right. They settled because the case would have cost vastly more more than going to court and they don't need the headlines.

Aside from that, unless one of these women comes forward, breaks the confidentiality agreement, and drops a bombshell I really don't see a big problem with the alleged actions of Cain. Thus far it seems all he did was hit on some women. If that's true, 90% of the worlds male population is guilty of sexual harassment. The fact that he did it while married makes him a douche and all the more reason why Democrats should vote for him.

11-04-2011, 10:44 AM
I think you've got a problem with women. I remember the Anita Hill hearings and sentiment was definitely divided along gender lines.

If you were truly innocent, would you pay your accusers big money to shut up?

Of course you do. You always have. As usual, you are incorrect.

If I could get off paying a quarter the cost and 3/4 of my time? Yep.

Abbey Marie
11-04-2011, 10:49 AM
I think you've got a problem with women. I remember the Anita Hill hearings and sentiment was definitely divided along gender lines.

If you were truly innocent, would you pay your accusers big money to shut up?

Female here, and I thought Anita Hill was a party puppet and, let's be kind and say, an exaggerator. It's as simple as this: No one who is sexually harassed and as offended and hurt by it as Ms. Hill claimed she was, follows the perpetrator to another job.

Abbey Marie
11-04-2011, 10:53 AM
I wouldn't. If I knew I had done NOTHING wrong, I would not pay someone 50K to keep their mouth shut. Usually, when someone pays out, they know there IS something to the allegation.

Do you also think that everyone who refuses to testify in their own defense, or take a lie detector, is guilty? We have mechanisms for innocent people to avoid a lot of public embarrassment, cost, time and danger. Doesn't mean they are guilty.

11-04-2011, 11:33 AM
I wouldn't. If I knew I had done NOTHING wrong, I would not pay someone 50K to keep their mouth shut. Usually, when someone pays out, they know there IS something to the allegation.

You're right, when someone pays money there is usually some substance to the claims. But normally when one accepts money that is usually a sign that they are not being completely forthright either.

Example. Married businessman has an affair. Woman he has an affair with threatens to go public if not paid off. Businessman pays off, years later the businessman becomes a politician and suddenly the woman is going public with charges of sexual indecency and offers proof of payment to keep quiet as proof. We don't actually know WHY she was given money but hey, take her word for it, right because men are lying , disgusting pigs who are never honest, while women on the other hand..........

11-04-2011, 05:24 PM
Funny, lawyers for Cain's accuser had a press conference again today, and AGAIN stated that she wished to remain anonymous and didn't wish to revisit the case. "They" want to make accusations about a case they don't want to talk about and don't want anyone to know who they are - but we're just supposed to believe an anonymous person with a story they don't wish to tell? I might believe there was more to this story, but they're doing to have to do more than continue to bring it up and then follow it up with words like "anonymous" and claiming they don't wish to discuss it. If that were the case, "they" should have shut their mouths to begin with.

11-04-2011, 07:11 PM
Funny, lawyers for Cain's accuser had a press conference again today, and AGAIN stated that she wished to remain anonymous and didn't wish to revisit the case. "They" want to make accusations about a case they don't want to talk about and don't want anyone to know who they are - but we're just supposed to believe an anonymous person with a story they don't wish to tell? I might believe there was more to this story, but they're doing to have to do more than continue to bring it up and then follow it up with words like "anonymous" and claiming they don't wish to discuss it. If that were the case, "they" should have shut their mouths to begin with.

From the sound of it "they" didn't say anything. I suspect this came up as part of the routine checks any government official is sent through, and they found a red flag. Maybe there's is something to it, but it sounds to me like a private matter, and both parties wish it to remain so. Unless someone really thinks this could result in Cain being blackmailed, I don't see it as a public concern.

red states rule
11-07-2011, 02:53 AM
Depends on which media, doesn't it? Fox is definitely right wing, MSNBC left leaning.

Like most of the liberla media, CBS did its job to try and take down Mr Cain

If you needed any more evidence of the political leaning of CNN, consider that much like (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2011/11/05/politico-publishes-94-stories-herman-cain-scandal-less-six-days) Politico, it has in the last six days done at least 94 reports on the sexual harassment allegations involving Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.

Substantially more shocking, according to LexisNexis, the supposedly most trusted name in news only did 77 total stories on Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's ties to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, convicted real estate developer Tony Rezko, and America-hating Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2011/11/05/cnn-runs-more-stories-cain-scandal-six-days-it-covered-obamas-ties-ay#ixzz1d12KrXMV

red states rule
11-07-2011, 02:56 AM
I think you've got a problem with women. I remember the Anita Hill hearings and sentiment was definitely divided along gender lines.

If you were truly innocent, would you pay your accusers big money to shut up?

Then why did Bill Clinton settle?

Paula Jones agreed to drop her sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton on Nov. 13 in return for $850,000 – but no apology or admission of guilt from the president.

Two weeks later, when the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the suit, it marked the conclusive end of Clinton's battle against Jones and her conservative backers. Seven months earlier, the case was dismissed by a district-court judge as having no merit, but Jones appealed. The battle was immensely costly, inflicting considerable and potentially lasting damage on the president.


red states rule
11-07-2011, 02:59 AM
Uh, not exactly. Bill was alleged to have molested at least one woman. Big difference.

Which one Abbey? I know of several including Kathleen Wiley who spoke out over the media feeding frenzy on Herman Cain

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red states rule
11-07-2011, 03:45 AM
Two women get paid off when they file sexual harassment claims against Cain and this isn't new? Why?

Well NEWSWEEK felt a President lying under oath over having a affair in the Oval Office was not news (and they sat on the story until after the electon) - why should the Cain story be news?

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11-07-2011, 12:13 PM
Looks like we got a new Cain accuser going public and she will be making a statement through her lawyer today. Care to guess what lawyer is representing her? LOL, this gonna get real sleazy going forward.

Wind Song
11-07-2011, 12:29 PM
Well, you don't know much about law then. This happens every single day, and even more so for very rich individuals and "celebrities". If you chose to take a chance and lose money and the bad press a trial would entail, that's your choice, but others choosing not to doesn't equate to guilty.

Four women and counting. The guy is a serial sexual harasser.

11-07-2011, 02:33 PM
Four women and counting. The guy is a serial sexual harasser.

Did this woman also receive a payment? And if not, and if she was harassed, why didn't she do something back then? Is she just speaking up now to help the other women, or for the best of the country? LOL

red states rule
11-08-2011, 03:42 AM
Four women and counting. The guy is a serial sexual harasser.

Yet with Bill Clinton, John Edwards, the Kennedy's, Elliot Spitzer, and Anthoiny Weiner the liberal media ignored the stories, trashed the women, were told this was a private matter, and attacked anyone who mentioned the story

At least with these Dems, we had names, dates, places, and in some cases pictures

red states rule
11-08-2011, 04:02 AM
It is nice to see some people pushing back on the liberal media

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