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View Full Version : Its here the Occupy Wall Street coloring book!

red states rule
11-02-2011, 03:51 AM
Seems reasonable since most of the hippies in the street have the IQ of a child in first grade

“Daddy, what’s Occupy Wall Street?”

Across countless American living rooms, as Mom and Dad take in the 6 o’clock news with their above-average children playing on the carpet, they wrestle with how to frame the nascent “Occupy” movement to their children. As anchors cut to footage of tear gas scattering masked protesters, parents face the political equivalent of the dreaded birds and the bees talk — about capitalism. And now they have a coloring book to help them.
A new “grown-up coloring book novel” has hit Amazon and Barnes & Noble, chock full of Occupy-related drawings, songs and texts.

The folio, published by Really Big Coloring Books of St Louis, features a colorful cover with images of Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and an unidentifiable MC in sunglasses.

In one drawing, four protestors in “V for Vendetta” masks made famous by the hacktivist group Anonymous carry a golden bull.
