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11-05-2011, 12:33 AM
Justa quick post to say that over te past few days have had some trouble posting from my phone, as while I'm typing a reply (and only when I'm typing) the screen will instantly
Return to my home menu, and upon reloading Safari te page I was on has to refresh and I lose what I was typing.

To counter this I've taken to typing a few words, then copying the whole post to clipboard just incase I need to paste it again (have so far had to do it once while making this topic, with some posts it's happening 3/4 times) Just flagging it up to see if others have had a similar issue, I'm not on any other vB boards on my phone so idk if it's just this site or all vB boards or just my phone (iPhone 4s running iOS 5.0)

11-05-2011, 07:18 AM
Yikes, I hope it's an iphone issue, as I'll be honest, I have no experience in troubleshooting an iphone. Specifically, when did this start? Have you added any new programs/features to your phone?

Is it possible you can do a restore from the computer, like I do with my son's Itouch and Ipod, or are the phones different?

I will look over at vBulletins site right now and keep checking and see if there are reported issues with the iphones...

11-05-2011, 07:25 AM
Noir, I don't see any threads on the issue nor any reported bugs. I wanted to add - do you have any friends who possibly have an iphone as well? Maybe you can try logging in from there and see if the problem still exists? I'm going to see if my son uses safari on his itouch and see if I can get on, but I imagine they are 2 different worlds...

11-05-2011, 07:34 AM
Posting this frpm jordans itouch, so far so good.

11-05-2011, 07:38 AM
Posting this frpm jordans itouch, so far so good.

Seriously, Noir, how the hell do you post from those damn devices? I can barely see the screen and my fat fingers constantly hit 2 letters at a time!

While it was a short one sentence, I didn't have the problem you report, but it was also an Itouch using Safari and not an Iphone, and I also have no idea what version. But usually when my sons itouch freezes or does wacky crap like that, I toss it on my computer and restore it or whatever the hell that option is to put it back to factory defaults (without losing data).

11-05-2011, 07:48 AM
I was posting from a Samsung GalaxyS smarter-than-me-phone last night and had no problems.

11-05-2011, 09:48 AM
No worries, cheers Jim, I'll keep an eye out for any topics on the matter on other boards. I tried posting from my iPad on iOS5 and all was fine, I'll do a restore to see if that helps and next week I'll try posting from my gfs iphone4 to see if it's maybe specific to iPhones or just iPhone 4S or maybe just my phone lol

Seriously, Noir, how the hell do you post from those damn devices? I can barely see the screen and my fat fingers constantly hit 2 letters at a time!

Never mind that, have you tried watching porn on this thing? :laugh:

11-05-2011, 11:31 AM
Hey Noir, I've noticed a few glitchs on my iphone4 with ios5. Its intermittent though, which makes diagnosing a prob rather difficult. Two issues I've found, both in the google interface on safari. One is the use my location feature, it doesn't. The other is when typing onto the search field, the search button on the qwerty popup doesn't work-- neither have resulted in an app crash though. Have you ever seen the show The IT Crowd? "Have you tried turning it off, then back on again?" :laugh:

11-05-2011, 12:04 PM
Hey Noir, I've noticed a few glitchs on my iphone4 with ios5. Its intermittent though, which makes diagnosing a prob rather difficult. Two issues I've found, both in the google interface on safari. One is the use my location feature, it doesn't. The other is when typing onto the search field, the search button on the qwerty popup doesn't work-- neither have resulted in an app crash though. Have you ever seen the show The IT Crowd? "Have you tried turning it off, then back on again?" :laugh:

Yeah hopefully it's just wee clutch that an update will iron out.

And indeed, love that show, infact only the other day ordered a Tagore with this on it


11-05-2011, 12:36 PM
"Have you tried turning it off, then back on again?" :laugh:

The old "if you can't figure it out, reboot the computer" trick! At one time that was a trade secret amongst computer professionals :)

11-05-2011, 04:09 PM
The old "if you can't figure it out, reboot the computer" trick! At one time that was a trade secret amongst computer professionals :)

That and "is it plugged in?"

11-05-2011, 04:43 PM
Posting this frpm jordans itouch, so far so good.

..other than Jim's fat fingers.:poke:

11-05-2011, 04:45 PM
Never mind that, have you tried watching porn on this thing? :laugh:

Noir, I'm 43, I grew up with Playboys, you know, magazines! Then in the mid 90's, a "movie" on a computer was like 10 pictures that would quickly play and then repeat. Be happy you have porn for an Iphone!

11-05-2011, 04:47 PM
"Have you tried turning it off, then back on again?" :laugh:

The old "if you can't figure it out, reboot the computer" trick! At one time that was a trade secret amongst computer professionals :)

That and "is it plugged in?"

I used to confuse women at the law firm I worked at when I fixed a computer, and to save time, just told them that their flux capacitor went bad!

And don't forget (and it's true, almost) a fresh format and re-install fixes everything

And you NEVER want to hear your tech say "You do have a backup I hope, yes?"

11-05-2011, 05:19 PM
I used to confuse women at the law firm I worked at when I fixed a computer, and to save time, just told them that their flux capacitor went bad!

And don't forget (and it's true, almost) a fresh format and re-install fixes everything

And you NEVER want to hear your tech say "You do have a backup I hope, yes?"

Speaking of backup. The new iOS5 interfaces with iCloud. Kinda cool idea and I believe it to be the future of data storage. nevermind the obvious issues with information just being out there, its pretty amazing to just have all your data at your disposal anywhere. I take a picture, it automatically loads to my computer, add a contact, same thing, save a file etc etc. I don't think it will take the place of hard data backup and storage, but it does offer both peace of mind and ease of access beyond anything before.

11-11-2011, 06:15 PM
I know the reason for your problem: It is an Apple product.
Solution: Replace it with anything other than an Apple product.

11-11-2011, 06:22 PM
I know the reason for your problem: It is an Apple product.
Solution: Replace it with anything other than an Apple product.

Hmmm, iMac, iPad, iPhone 4S, Apple TV and a few other things, i'ma need to replaces a lot xD

11-11-2011, 06:39 PM
Hmmm, iMac, iPad, iPhone 4S, Apple TV and a few other things, i'ma need to replaces a lot xD

Wow, you really drank the Apple kool-aid...

The first step to recovery is admitting the problem, lol.

11-11-2011, 08:27 PM
I know the reason for your problem: It is an Apple product.
Solution: Replace it with anything other than an Apple product.

Quite right. Replace your highly-stable operating system with one which requires you to fix it all the time; then your 'problem' becomes a standard operation.:laugh:

Hey kitty, you still cook popcorn on the stove-top like me? I mean, how dependable are microwaves really?

11-11-2011, 09:59 PM
Quite right. Replace your highly-stable operating system with one which requires you to fix it all the time; then your 'problem' becomes a standard operation.:laugh:
If you want to put all your faith into a company/brand like the owners (and passengers) put faith in the Titanic being unsinkable, go ahead. Plus if it is SO stable, then why is Noir having problems? My Droid 2 has yet to face anything crashing (or have any real issues worthy of speaking of) and it is over a year old, and has been dropped about 50 times.

I like the versatility, inter-changeable, customizable PC-no compatibility worries, and if I have an issue, 99% of the time it was my fault. I like having about 6 people able to fix any problem I do have, at any given time, parts being easily obtained and fixed within a day or so. Sometimes I can do the fix myself if it doesn't require anything complex. You have to rely on the 'Genius' Bar, which the name alone is laughable!

Hey kitty, you still cook popcorn on the stove-top like me? I mean, how dependable are microwaves really?
You really don't know me, do you? Not paying attention much? Given my chosen career path, I am very much not opposed to doing things the 'old fashioned' way, and prefer those methods to newer on many things.
so yes I do. I prefer to use peanut oil, though if I am feeling more of a sweet tooth, I use coconut oil with a little agave nectar and a little sea salt.

I DETEST microwave popcorn and the smell of it is vile. Not to mention it is VERY bad for you, however it tries to warn you with its bad taste... See this one: http://health.howstuffworks.com/diseases-conditions/respiratory/popcorn-lung.htm

11-11-2011, 11:29 PM
If you want to put all your faith into a company/brand like the owners (and passengers) put faith in the Titanic being unsinkable, go ahead. Plus if it is SO stable, then why is Noir having problems? My Droid 2 has yet to face anything crashing (or have any real issues worthy of speaking of) and it is over a year old, and has been dropped about 50 times.

I like the versatility, inter-changeable, customizable PC-no compatibility worries, and if I have an issue, 99% of the time it was my fault. I like having about 6 people able to fix any problem I do have, at any given time, parts being easily obtained and fixed within a day or so. Sometimes I can do the fix myself if it doesn't require anything complex. You have to rely on the 'Genius' Bar, which the name alone is laughable!

Hmmm. Those I know with Droid phones have had multiple and/or recurring problems, consider yourself lucky. Compatibility issues I have little of, as I know which formats transcend pc/mac. I have three computers, a 2004 G5 PowerPC, a 2007 MacBook Pro, and a 2009 HP Pavillion. All said and done I've had 4 PCs and 6 Macs, plus a TRS-80(my first) and an Apple iie. peripherals are too numerous to list, but I've owned a lot, Apple and others. All have problems, but by and large, Apple products have far less...in my experience. Abuse, from dropping or what not, I would exclude from the discussion, not that it doesn't matter, but I don't think it speaks to the platform. To take your Titanic analogy a step further, its not the shipbuilder/designers fault it sunk-- but rather the operator. With that said, I owned an RIM Blackberry before my iPhone, it was durable as hell, but lagged in performance and ease of use. Talk about being old-fashioned--I'm still running a Windows XP.:laugh: Of course, and I stress this on any new product, new products have new problems. I love apple, but I wouldn't buy a brand new (as in 1st gen) product from them, ever-- I wait until they have a 2nd or 3rd gen. And don't confuse my preference to apple as unwavering faith-- far from it. Their proprietary model is sickening, especially iTunes-- but it is easy, and that's their selling point-- ease of use. My two yr old son knows how to use my iphone but he can't wipe his own butt...maybe that says something about Apple users:laugh2:

You really don't know me, do you? Not paying attention much? Given my chosen career path, I am very much not opposed to doing things the 'old fashioned' way, and prefer those methods to newer on many things.
so yes I do. I prefer to use peanut oil, though if I am feeling more of a sweet tooth, I use coconut oil with a little agave nectar and a little sea salt.

I DETEST microwave popcorn and the smell of it is vile. Not to mention it is VERY bad for you, however it tries to warn you with its bad taste... See this one: http://health.howstuffworks.com/diseases-conditions/respiratory/popcorn-lung.htm

I don't know you, should I? I try not to make assumptions (I phrased it as a question.) but I suspected, based on your screenname, that you cook. It would appear i was correct, you do-- good tip on the use of diff. oils -- gonna give that try-- sounds yummy!!!!

So far as 'paying attention', if you'll look back at what I wrote, I cook popcorn on the stove. I don't even own a microwave, and very much appreciate the 'old-fashioned' way of doing things. Sorry you thought my whole post was sarcastic, it wasn't. I'd meant for the sarcasm to end at the smiley. My bad.

11-12-2011, 07:47 AM
If you want to put all your faith into a company/brand like the owners (and passengers) put faith in the Titanic being unsinkable, go ahead. Plus if it is SO stable, then why is Noir having problems? My Droid 2 has yet to face anything crashing (or have any real issues worthy of speaking of) and it is over a year old, and has been dropped about 50 times.

I like the versatility, inter-changeable, customizable PC-no compatibility worries, and if I have an issue, 99% of the time it was my fault. I like having about 6 people able to fix any problem I do have, at any given time, parts being easily obtained and fixed within a day or so. Sometimes I can do the fix myself if it doesn't require anything complex. You have to rely on the 'Genius' Bar, which the name alone is laughable!

Well this is the first problem I've had with an iPhone (having owned them all) the only other one being when after about 10 months my 'home' button broke on my iphone4 for which I booked an appointment at the genius bar, they say the problem and gave me a new phone there and then, took all of 3 minutes.

And you may laugh at the genius bar, but I think it's an awesome idea and I know that when my mum moved to Mac with a MacBook she had one-to-ones with geniuses that she found well helpful. Not to mention the ease of use (my little brother, 7, can use my iPad, and from that he can not use by iPod and iPhone, and no doubt when he's older, and the blur between OS and iOS blurs more, he'll be perfectly ready to port to Mac with no problems, total GUI consistency is gonna reap massive rewards for apple in the future imo.

Is it perfect? No, are there problems? Yes. But I've had so few problems with all of my Apple products over the years that one site crashing ain't really a consideration.

11-12-2011, 07:53 AM
We have an Iphone and an Itouch in the family. I am forever helping them reset them from freezing issues and restoring to default from myriad of other issues. Fixable, but far from perfect products.

Now, I have a Samsung "dumb phone" for about 1 1/2 years now. Never had a single issue with it, other than losing it on occasion!

11-12-2011, 06:12 PM
We have an Iphone and an Itouch in the family. I am forever helping them reset them from freezing issues and restoring to default from myriad of other issues. Fixable, but far from perfect products.

Now, I have a Samsung "dumb phone" for about 1 1/2 years now. Never had a single issue with it, other than losing it on occasion!

That's inadequate memory eight times out of ten, the remainder is usually crappy(non-native) apps.
My wife has a droid, it always gets memory issues-- same fix: reset. She has to go to the store though, as it wont let her reset it. Its weird too, you can't save pictures to the SD card-- that's why her internal memory gets filled so quick. Another memory issue my friend had would just crash the card and he'd have to buy a new one, as the store doesn't warranty the sd card--twice in 6 months--he bought a new phone. One prob I see is they give you these cheap/free phones that don't have enough memory to do much. But they're free with two-yr contract, and by the time you have problems, say after a few months, you can't return it.

Its all over-priced crap really. Life did exist before cellphones as I recall. Sometimes I'll leave my phone at home-- its liberating-- people always get all pissy though, "why didn't you answer your phone??"...bitch please, I was off the leash.
You're right about cheap ugly phones with few features. I had a blackberry, all torn up, but it worked. I lost it all the time-- but ne'er did person steal it, it was always waiting for me. Once I had it in my pocket and I spilled an entire beer in my pocket. Dried it out and it worked fine, still smelled like beer though.:laugh:

11-12-2011, 06:25 PM
That's inadequate memory eight times out of ten, the remainder is usually crappy(non-native) apps.
My wife has a droid, it always gets memory issues-- same fix: reset. She has to go to the store though, as it wont let her reset it. Its weird too, you can't save pictures to the SD card-- that's why her internal memory gets filled so quick. Another memory issue my friend had would just crash the card and he'd have to buy a new one, as the store doesn't warranty the sd card--twice in 6 months--he bought a new phone. One prob I see is they give you these cheap/free phones that don't have enough memory to do much. But they're free with two-yr contract, and by the time you have problems, say after a few months, you can't return it.

Its all over-priced crap really. Life did exist before cellphones as I recall. Sometimes I'll leave my phone at home-- its liberating-- people always get all pissy though, "why didn't you answer your phone??"...bitch please, I was off the leash.
You're right about cheap ugly phones with few features. I had a blackberry, all torn up, but it worked. I lost it all the time-- but ne'er did person steal it, it was always waiting for me. Once I had it in my pocket and I spilled an entire beer in my pocket. Dried it out and it worked fine, still smelled like beer though.:laugh:

Yep, the majority of time it's fixed with a reset/reboot - and other times I find my son downloading the weirdest shit to his phone. I clean it up, delete a bunch of crap, reboot and all is fine. Wait one week and repeat process.

My phone, even with an extra SD card, has no space. I can never figure the damn thing out. Like you said, my pictures end up on the phone no matter what I do and I think my card sits there empty! And it also only holds like 70 text messages before I need to delete. I only talk and text, so it fills rather quickly. I got what I paid for though, cheap piece of crap. Smart phones look awesome when other people are using them, but I "never" use the data plans, don't want to pay for them, and as you saw have a fat thumb - so for the time being I am still with the dummy phone. But I'm liking the Galaxy SII I think it is? HUGE screen which I like, but then it becomes a pain to carry everywhere.

Even the blackberry I last had was too much. Damn thing would bang against my center console when I drove and start calling people randomly (had it on my right side belt). Too many options I didn't want. I'd like to go back to the first Motorola Razr I had, but then the texting sucks on those phones without the qwerty keyboard!