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View Full Version : BREAKING: Democrat Supercommittee members walk out, refuse to talk to Republicans

11-09-2011, 03:41 PM
As you may recall, the "Supercommittee" tasked with finding major cuts in the budget by Thanksgiving, was composed of six Democrats and six Republicans. If they cannot agree on large cuts, then automatic across-the-board cuts from all Federal programs will go into effect, including cuts in Defense.

Sounds like Republicans offered increases in tax revenues (WTF?) , but it wasn't enough for Democrats.

So, it looks like the across-the-board cuts instead, is what will wind up happening.



November 09, 2011

Latest update on the lack of progress for Dems and Republicans to reach a tax deal. Yesterday Democrats of the Super Committee rejected Republicans' offer to "raise federal tax collections by nearly $300 billion over the next decade."

Senator Rand Paul exclusively has JUST told Sean that not only are Democrats rejecting offers put on the table, but now they won't even continue to negotiate and have "walked away from the table...refusing to talk to the Republicans."

Paul warns the American people that this is all about Obama's reelection, and the taxpayers livelihood is of no concern to Obama and the Democrats.

Audio verbate: Senator Rand Paul (KY) on the Sean Hannity radio show Nov. 9, 2011:
P:Sean can I make it up to you by giving you a scoop, that maybe people don't know yet?

S: Yeah what you got it

P: I have news straight from sources close to the SuperCommittee that the Democrats have walked away from the table and they're refusing to talk to the Republicans about a deal and they will not counter any offers and basically there's an impass and it's starting to look like they don't want any deal at all.

S: This was all being telegraphed by Chuck Shcumer yesterday, I am sure you saw it on TV

S: They want to say that because Republicans will not raise taxes they are rigid. THat we are not going to have a deal on teh economy.I think the democrats are just gonna be happy gutting the defense department, which is part of this deal.

P: And the truth is quite the opposite the republicans have offered tax reform that lowers tax rates and closes loopholes.The president talks about millionaires not paying their taxes, we are trying to close some loopholes, but we want to be part of tax reform. We have offered a serious credible offer, but bascially they have walked away from the table.

11-09-2011, 03:55 PM
Apparently the law says that, if the Supercommittee can't agree on major cuts, then automatic across-the-board cuts in all programs (including Defense) will go into effect.

My question is:

Would these across-the-board cuts be actual cuts? Like, we're going to spend 10% less next year, than we did last year?

Or will they be Washington-style "reductions in the rate of increase"? Like, "We had planned to spend 15% more next year. But since we're required to make cuts across the board, we will spend 5% more next year instead, and tell everyone this is a 10% "cut".

Which is it?

11-09-2011, 04:17 PM
There is no truth to the rumor that the fleeing Democrats plan to hole up in an undisclosed motel just across the U.S. border, and stay there to prevent any votes in the Supercommittee. Naw, Democrats would never do anything like that, would they?

I do have another question: Does this "Supercommittee" have any quorum rules?

Now that the Democrats have thrown their temper tantrum and run away, is there anything preventing the remaining members (who happen to be all Republicans, aw gee) from sitting down, proposing (say) 30% cuts in all Federal programs not authorized by the Constitution (Social Security, Medicare, EPA, Dept. of Education etc.), voting on them, and passing them for an eventual Congressional up/down vote?

11-09-2011, 06:28 PM
There is no truth to the rumor that the fleeing Democrats plan to hole up in an undisclosed motel just across the U.S. border, and stay there to prevent any votes in the Supercommittee. Naw, Democrats would never do anything like that, would they?

I do have another question: Does this "Supercommittee" have any quorum rules?

Now that the Democrats have thrown their temper tantrum and run away, is there anything preventing the remaining members (who happen to be all Republicans, aw gee) from sitting down, proposing (say) 30% cuts in all Federal programs not authorized by the Constitution (Social Security, Medicare, EPA, Dept. of Education etc.), voting on them, and passing them for an eventual Congressional up/down vote?

I don't know, but I have heard in the event of a sequestration the 5% mandatory cuts across the board don't apply to medicaid and other entitlements, they're capped at 2%. I'll see if I can't find the source, but I think it was the NYT. Kinda explains the BATNA for Dems in the committee though, as Republican interests like defense face greater cuts than the programs favored by the liberal agenda.

edit: here's link with a table of cuts


red states rule
11-10-2011, 05:10 AM
Dems do not care if they bankrupt the country and destroy the economy - as long as they win re-election they will be happy

Why the hell do R's contnue to try and work with "their friends across the asile" is beyond comprehension

11-10-2011, 09:41 AM
Dems do not care if they bankrupt the country and destroy the economy - as long as they win re-election they will be happy

Why the hell do R's contnue to try and work with "their friends across the asile" is beyond comprehension

It's a part of the grander plan. Obama runs for re-election in 2012 stating he can't do anything because of Republican obstructionism. Never mind he had control of House and Senate for 2 years. And his blind sheeple followers will chant his rhetoric and sing his name.

11-10-2011, 10:48 AM
Dems do not care if they bankrupt the country and destroy the economy - as long as they win re-election they will be happy

Why the hell do R's contnue to try and work with "their friends across the asile" is beyond comprehension
and the republicans care more about the economy than re-election?
That hilarious. your faith in the republican party is truly mind blowing Red.

red states rule
11-11-2011, 03:10 AM
and the republicans care more about the economy than re-election?
That hilarious. your faith in the republican party is truly mind blowing Red.

Meanwhile the Dems continue to demand more of the same policies that have pushed the economy further south

Which party really wants to grow the private sector Rev? The party that wants higher taxes, more regulaton, and more government interference in the private sector - or the oarty that simply wants to move government out of the way of the private secoptr to hire and expand?

red states rule
11-11-2011, 04:41 AM
There is no truth to the rumor that the fleeing Democrats plan to hole up in an undisclosed motel just across the U.S. border, and stay there to prevent any votes in the Supercommittee. Naw, Democrats would never do anything like that, would they?

I do have another question: Does this "Supercommittee" have any quorum rules?

Now that the Democrats have thrown their temper tantrum and run away, is there anything preventing the remaining members (who happen to be all Republicans, aw gee) from sitting down, proposing (say) 30% cuts in all Federal programs not authorized by the Constitution (Social Security, Medicare, EPA, Dept. of Education etc.), voting on them, and passing them for an eventual Congressional up/down vote?


red states rule
11-17-2011, 05:08 AM
It's a part of the grander plan. Obama runs for re-election in 2012 stating he can't do anything because of Republican obstructionism. Never mind he had control of House and Senate for 2 years. And his blind sheeple followers will chant his rhetoric and sing his name.

Obama has another plan to break the deadlock


11-17-2011, 12:20 PM
Anyone who truly thought this so called super committee was going to operate any differently than Congress is a fool.

Both parties suck and care nothing about the people they are supposed to serve.

red states rule
11-18-2011, 03:03 AM
Anyone who truly thought this so called super committee was going to operate any differently than Congress is a fool.

Both parties suck and care nothing about the people they are supposed to serve.

That sums up Obama, his policies, and his administration perfectly CH

But the libs I know seem to think there winning theme for 2012 is "We suc,k but the R's suck worse, - so vote for us"

11-20-2011, 08:50 AM
5% mandatory cuts across the board

I have a question.....is it too late to make it 10%?........

11-20-2011, 09:42 AM
Apparently the law says that, if the Supercommittee can't agree on major cuts, then automatic across-the-board cuts in all programs (including Defense) will go into effect.

My question is:

Would these across-the-board cuts be actual cuts? Like, we're going to spend 10% less next year, than we did last year?

Or will they be Washington-style "reductions in the rate of increase"? Like, "We had planned to spend 15% more next year. But since we're required to make cuts across the board, we will spend 5% more next year instead, and tell everyone this is a 10% "cut".

Which is it?

I'm a bit lost here. WHAT law? Where did some arbitrary law come into play that says if X doesn't equal Y then Z automatically goes into effect?

How about NO NEW F-ING LAWS? NO new taxes? Want a budget cut? Let's start with Congressional pay and most especially perks. We could go from there to NO F-ING RIDERS to each and every HR or SR.

11-20-2011, 12:20 PM
I'm a bit lost here. WHAT law? Where did some arbitrary law come into play that says if X doesn't equal Y then Z automatically goes into effect?

How about NO NEW F-ING LAWS? NO new taxes? Want a budget cut? Let's start with Congressional pay and most especially perks. We could go from there to NO F-ING RIDERS to each and every HR or SR.

Unless and until that happens nothing will change, and that will never happen becuase both parties love to use riders to get pork projects that they know would never be voted in on their own.

As for Congress, I'd send their asses back to their home districts and tell them to stay there. A nice big video conference could done over the internet for votes and debates and such. No need to gather them up all in one place and pay for a second home, etc etc for them. Time to join the 21st century.

Oh yeah, outlaw lobbies.

11-20-2011, 10:58 PM
... outlaw lobbies.

... because central government doesn't have enough power.

red states rule
11-21-2011, 02:59 AM
and later the debt limit was raised they "promised" to get down to work and stop the over-spending

It will not be long before Obama, Reid, and Pelosi will beg to have the debt limited raised AGAIN, and of course the fault will be placed on the Tea Party and the R's

red states rule
11-21-2011, 03:34 AM
Charles Krauthammer lost his patience with the libs on the panel after they contniued to deny R's have proposed tax INCREASES after R's gave the Dems added revenues by closing tax loopholes

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=360 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/107626" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

11-21-2011, 12:37 PM
^How daft can they be? :slap:

red states rule
11-22-2011, 03:27 AM
^How daft can they be? :slap:

They are liberals so there is no limit

Libs refuse to admit no matter how much they raise taxes on the "rich" it will not be enough to cover one year of Obama's mounting debt