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View Full Version : Noir ...Give it Up

11-10-2011, 09:19 PM
You think you're all cheeky and like to troll around, but the fact is, I despise losers like you ... living in some mediocre, socialist crap-heap.

Maybe you missed it, but in this country we have a President that believes the same shit you do and he's destroyed lives and livelihoods. Oddly enough, I was a journeyman electrician until Feb 2009. Wonder how that happened. Oh yeah, Mr Shovel-Ready-Jobs took control and turned a potential problem into a disaster.

Now I rake leaves, shovel snow, pull weeds, and/or do a myriad other odd jobs for a living. But you know what? Take your fucking handouts and government subsidies and shove them. If you can't or won't, just ask. I'll stick them where they belong.

You Euro-pussies suck and your stupidity seems to be contagious. Feel free to take all the OWS fucks, and Obama and anyone that would vote for him and house them in YOUR loser country. There's nothing American about them.

Remember, being "American" is and was about kicking your limey ass. Twice.

11-14-2011, 02:02 PM
You think you're all cheeky and like to troll around, but the fact is, I despise losers like you ... living in some mediocre, socialist crap-heap.

Maybe you missed it, but in this country we have a President that believes the same shit you do and he's destroyed lives and livelihoods. Oddly enough, I was a journeyman electrician until Feb 2009. Wonder how that happened. Oh yeah, Mr Shovel-Ready-Jobs took control and turned a potential problem into a disaster.

Now I rake leaves, shovel snow, pull weeds, and/or do a myriad other odd jobs for a living. But you know what? Take your fucking handouts and government subsidies and shove them. If you can't or won't, just ask. I'll stick them where they belong.

You Euro-pussies suck and your stupidity seems to be contagious. Feel free to take all the OWS fucks, and Obama and anyone that would vote for him and house them in YOUR loser country. There's nothing American about them.

Remember, being "American" is and was about kicking your limey ass. Twice.

BWHAHAHAHA. Hey Noir Gunny just put his boot so far up your ass you should be able to taste the shoe polish.