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View Full Version : OWS Defaces 9/11 Memorial

red states rule
11-11-2011, 04:11 AM
What a classy bunch of pigs we have here. Obama, Dems, and the liberal media must be very proud of their foot soliders now

Send in the cavalry!

The NYPD has moved three elite Manhattan homicide detectives and a deputy chief to the raucous Occupy Wall Street protest in response to a rash of sex attacks, thefts and vandalism -- including graffiti scrawled on the nearby 9/11 Memorial, The Post has learned.
The veteran detectives, normally assigned to Manhattan South, are now working cases at Zuccotti Park on an as-needed basis, law-enforcement sources said.

And NYPD brass assigned the Number 2 official in charge of the Organized Crime Control Bureau -- Deputy Chief Kevin Ward -- to work the troublesome 4 p.m.-to-midnight shift at the park, sources said.

Previously, high-ranking officials have worked daytime duty while lower-ranking officers manned the night shifts.

The moves are part of a larger effort to beef up security at the park, normally patrolled by 1st Precinct cops.

The seasoned homicide detectives were chosen because they are among the savviest and most experienced investigators on the job, the sources said.

Nearby merchants -- who have complained of vandalism, theft and threats from the squatters -- welcomed the increased police presence.

“It’s good for all of us,” said Stacey Tzortzatos, owner of Panini & Co. She says she has been threatened more than once, and had to shell out $3,000 to fix a restroom vandalized by protesters.

But some cops called the move a waste of manpower.

“Sending homicide detectives to investigate vandalism and lost-property cases is a little much,” chuckled one police official.

Another called it an overreaction, adding, “If you have graffiti on your mailbox, call up and see how long it’ll take to get a criminal-mischief report filed.”

The detectives, who began working cases at the park two weeks ago, are also investigating two acts of vandalism on the 9/11 Memorial.


11-11-2011, 10:08 AM
including graffiti scrawled on the nearby 9/11 Memorial, The Post has learned.

They've had their opinions heard and have had ample time to speak up during their "occupation". It's time Bloomberg cleaned the streets and give the area back to the small business owners and the public. They are getting more and more out of hand, and not just in NYC. They are becoming a hostile bunch and a nuisance. Whether public property or not, they don't have the right to "move in" and declare it their property and setup "homes". And they certainly don't have the right to become violent, like we are seeing more and more, and certainly don't have the right to deface public property.

11-11-2011, 10:24 AM
They've had their opinions heard and have had ample time to speak up during their "occupation". It's time Bloomberg cleaned the streets and give the area back to the small business owners and the public. They are getting more and more out of hand, and not just in NYC. They are becoming a hostile bunch and a nuisance. Whether public property or not, they don't have the right to "move in" and declare it their property and setup "homes". And they certainly don't have the right to become violent, like we are seeing more and more, and certainly don't have the right to deface public property.

Simple solution.

Firehoses. Hang signs up warning that the park will be closed on such and such day for cleaning and on that day just open up with the firehoses.

11-11-2011, 12:21 PM
Simple solution.

Firehoses. Hang signs up warning that the park will be closed on such and such day for cleaning and on that day just open up with the firehoses.

And they go away, and come back the day after.

11-11-2011, 12:25 PM
And they go away, and come back the day after.

Then surprise cleanings by fire dept helicopters which dip water out of in this case the Atlantic ocean and pour it over the park. That would be funny.

11-11-2011, 12:31 PM
Then surprise cleanings by fire dept helicopters which dip water out of in this case the Atlantic ocean and pour it over the park. That would be funny.

From what hight? I mean it's all fun and games until people start dying from the shock of the impact.

11-11-2011, 12:36 PM
^Right, then it's just fun.

red states rule
11-12-2011, 06:14 AM
From what hight? I mean it's all fun and games until people start dying from the shock of the impact.

People are already dying Noir. THere have been at least 3 murders that the hippies have committed

The hippies are getting out of control and the Poliec need to do something drastic to stop this insanity coming from thekook left

11-15-2011, 01:01 PM
From what hight? I mean it's all fun and games until people start dying from the shock of the impact.

From what height? Good God man we're talking about civilian level helicopters here carrying a 10,000 gallon bucket of water. They would be lucky to reach an altitude of 100'.

red states rule
11-16-2011, 02:47 AM
From what height? Good God man we're talking about civilian level helicopters here carrying a 10,000 gallon bucket of water. They would be lucky to reach an altitude of 100'.

and the first shower the hippies would have had in a couple of months