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View Full Version : CBS Email Shows Bachmann Was Intentionally Asked Few Questions at Debate

red states rule
11-14-2011, 05:06 AM
So much for objective journalism in the liberal media

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/298617_10150375499442361_162625492360_8297479_2043 994242_n.jpg


11-14-2011, 01:20 PM
So much for objective journalism in the liberal media

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/298617_10150375499442361_162625492360_8297479_2043 994242_n.jpg


They should all get equal time during a debate(within reason). That said, it's way past time for Huntsman, Bachman, Santorum to hang it up.

11-14-2011, 01:26 PM
So much for objective journalism in the liberal media

No poll numbers, no questions.

red states rule
11-15-2011, 03:43 AM
As Rush has said many times, this is another example of the liberal media trying to pick the Republican candidate for us

11-15-2011, 05:37 AM
these debates are rarely fair, the media always favors some over others and will completely exclude people they don't want to hear from.

11-15-2011, 05:48 AM
these debates are rarely fair, the media always favors some over others and will completely exclude people they don't want to hear from.

If I'm not mistaken it's driven by poll numbers, from where you stand on the podium to how many questions you get, so in that sense it is "fair." But then again they always have the option of bypassing the media.

11-15-2011, 05:57 AM
If I'm not mistaken it's driven by poll numbers, from where you stand on the podium to how many questions you get, so in that sense it is "fair." But then again they always have the option of bypassing the media.

in general the media is a gatekeeper but At some points it's chicken and the egg argument,
Do you get poll nembers becuase your asked more questions and stand in the middle and are called "the front runner" or vise versa and as i mentioned if your excluded as Alan Keyes and Ron Paul were and as all third parties are how do become popular to get poll numbers?

11-15-2011, 06:02 AM
in general the media is a gatekeeper but At some points it's chicken and the egg argument,
Do you get poll nembers becuase your asked more questions and stand in the middle and are called "the front runner" or vise versa and as i mentioned if your excluded as Alan Keyes and Ron Paul were and as all third parties are how do become popular to get poll numbers?

It's clearly the chicken because a candidate needs to resonate with the voters before the media is going to spend any time on them; don't rely on the media to get your initial traction.

Alan Keyes? :laugh:

red states rule
11-16-2011, 02:33 AM
With the liberal media it is standard operating procedure to attack R's and coddle the Dems

Here is a recent example of an exchange between CBS "reporters"

On Monday's Early Show, CBS's Rebecca Jarvis wondered if Newt Gingrich would "have to play a little more dirty...to take on the other GOP contenders to win the bid." Bob Schieffer replied cynically that Gingrich would "save his criticism for attacking the media, which is always the safe thing to do." Chris Wragge prompted the former Speaker to criticize Herman Cain and Rick Perry on Friday, but he didn't bite.

Jarvis brought on the Face The Nation host for his take on Republican presidential debate hosted by CBS and National Journal on Saturday. Near the end of the interview, the fill-in anchor raised how Gingrich was "gaining momentum" and that he "held true to this no real confrontation with the other candidates" during the debate. She then directed her "dirty" question to Schieffer.

The CBS veteran first answered that "as long as he [Gingrich] has the other people in the race taking shots at Mitt Romney, he can sort of be the professor who sort of rises above it all, and takes the statesman-like position. Maybe down the line, he will have to do that, but right now, his strategy is to stand back, let the others express the criticism of the other Republicans." Once he made his remark about Gingrich's bellicosity towards the media being the "safe thing to do," Jarvis replied, "Well, it certainly is, in many cases."

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/matthew-balan/2011/11/14/cbs-does-gingrich-need-play-little-more-dirty-gop-contest#ixzz1dqqLi2GW