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View Full Version : Pelosi whines about Catholics having “this conscience thing”

red states rule
11-22-2011, 03:44 AM
Seems like San fran Nan avoids her faith religiously


Pelosi recently was criticized for the way she characterized a bill to amend Republican-proposed conscience exemptions for health-care reform that allow providers to refuse to perform abortions. Pelosi called the measure, which passed last month with some help from Democrats, “savage,’’ and said, “When the Republicans vote for this bill today, they will be voting to say that women can die on the floor and health-care providers do not have to intervene, if this bill is passed. It’s just appalling.”

In retrospect, does she think that assessment went too far? Not at all, she said: “They would” let women die on the floor, she said. “They would! Again, whatever their intention is, this is the effect.’’

Catholic health-care providers in particular have long said they’d have to go out of business without the conscience protections that Pelosi says amount to letting hospitals “say to a woman, ‘I’m sorry you could die’ if you don’t get an abortion.” Those who dispute that characterization “may not like the language,’’ she said, “but the truth is what I said. I’m a devout Catholic and I honor my faith and love it . . . but they have this conscience thing’’ that she insists put women at physical risk, although Catholic providers strongly disagree.


11-22-2011, 07:31 AM
You can bet that if the pope were to excommunicate her because of her public stance on abortion, she would be stomping and screaming like a three year old throwing a tantrum. If she really were a devout Catholic .... well, lets just say she appears as sincere about her religious faith as she does about her concern for the American citizen.

11-22-2011, 08:29 AM
You can bet that if the pope were to excommunicate her because of her public stance on abortion, she would be stomping and screaming like a three year old throwing a tantrum. If she really were a devout Catholic .... well, lets just say she appears as sincere about her religious faith as she does about her concern for the American citizen.

It would be most amusing if he did excommunicate her, given on how he has dealt with those priests that rape children.

Take a moral stance that's against the church's view on possibly the most difficult moral question their is? Excommunication.

Rape and ravage the bodies of innocent children in your care? Why don't you move to a nice private parish and punish yourself by thinking about what you've done while living in luxury!

Sounds about right :laugh:

red states rule
11-23-2011, 03:14 AM
You can bet that if the pope were to excommunicate her because of her public stance on abortion, she would be stomping and screaming like a three year old throwing a tantrum. If she really were a devout Catholic .... well, lets just say she appears as sincere about her religious faith as she does about her concern for the American citizen.

A recovering liberal buddy of mine summed up Pelosi this way:

She is a breath of Summers Eve

11-23-2011, 08:04 AM
that women can die on the floor

Screw the rest of the article, I'm talking about this phrase right here. The rest of it is the same old drivel. Why is it always this? I get the whole "Women's choice" argument, I'll even give some credence to the idea of crippling poverty. But, why, for the love of god, do I have to keep hearing this argument? Not one doctor I have ever even heard of is talking about letting women die rather than perform an abortion in an instance where the woman's life is at risk. This has literally NEVER been the case. If I were the doctors in question, I would sooo be calling her out as publicly as I could.

i get so incredibly sick of these sorts of antics. Simply because someone is against your GOD DAMNED OPINION, does not mean they want innocent people to die. Some people simply disagree with you, and as a politician and leader, they are supposed to set the example for enlightened discourse. This is not fucking it!

red states rule
11-24-2011, 03:08 AM
Screw the rest of the article, I'm talking about this phrase right here. The rest of it is the same old drivel. Why is it always this? I get the whole "Women's choice" argument, I'll even give some credence to the idea of crippling poverty. But, why, for the love of god, do I have to keep hearing this argument? Not one doctor I have ever even heard of is talking about letting women die rather than perform an abortion in an instance where the woman's life is at risk. This has literally NEVER been the case. If I were the doctors in question, I would sooo be calling her out as publicly as I could.

i get so incredibly sick of these sorts of antics. Simply because someone is against your GOD DAMNED OPINION, does not mean they want innocent people to die. Some people simply disagree with you, and as a politician and leader, they are supposed to set the example for enlightened discourse. This is not fucking it!

Good post DS. Here is an email I got that goes along the same lines

I think this may be the final answer to two questions that have appeared baffling for years, specifically: why do the arguments of Liberals appear to be so illogical, and, why do Liberals hurl so many insults?

It's the same answer to both questions. Before we get to the answer, let's recap the background.


You don't have to look far to see illogic in the arguments of the Left these days. A few examples:

•Obamacare will cover 46 million additional people, will include no rationing of health care, and will not increase the deficit. The illogic here is appalling.

•In order to improve the economy, it is essential to increase the national debt by $780 billion for a stimulus package; and by the way, one which isn't even intended to be spent in the first year of the "emergency" it is ostensibly intended to address.

•Government regulation will deliver timely health care, when the government can't even write cash-for-clunkers checks in a timely fashion.

•Obama argues that a tax policy that harms the economy and lowers tax revenues is preferable to one that raises revenues and strengthens the economy.

•Pelosi calls waterboarding torture after previously approving it.

•Cultures that bring health and prosperity are no better than those that bring death and misery.

If you read or watch Liberal media - Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Kos, and on and on and on, you can't miss the insults. Olbermann is famous for having an actual section of his show titled "Worst Person in the World."

Under the radical leadership of Obama, top Dems have even been hurling insults, calling Americans - who are using their rights to free speech and free assembly to speak out against Obama's proposals - insulting names including, "un-American," "thugs," "racists," "nazis," "political terrorists," etc.

The reason Libs are using insults and illogic is to shut down public debate. Insults are an attack on public debate. The use of illogic is an attack on public debate.

By intentionally using illogic in debate with the opposing side, meaningful debate is destroyed. The public, unable to tell who's winning the argument, is puzzled. The benefit to the left is that they are saying to all, "Join us and win power and money. Nothing else is relevant."

Yes, there are those who are fooled by the illogic of the arguments - e.g. many high schoolers and college students to whom these arguments have been preached by liberal teachers - and who fall for it. But that's not the case with the intellectual leadership of the left, many of whom are too smart to be fooled. The more profound thinkers on the left understand that the illogic is being used intentionally, to achieve a given goal, namely to confound all logical debate, and issue a siren call saying, "join us, and we will help you, and nothing else matters."
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11-25-2011, 09:33 AM
It would be most amusing if he did excommunicate her, given on how he has dealt with those priests that rape children.

Take a moral stance that's against the church's view on possibly the most difficult moral question their is? Excommunication.

Rape and ravage the bodies of innocent children in your care? Why don't you move to a nice private parish and punish yourself by thinking about what you've done while living in luxury!

Sounds about right :laugh:

Nice red herring.:cuckoo:

Pelosi's a crackpot. She holds public office in just about the only place in this Nation she can.

red states rule
11-28-2011, 02:55 AM
What else would you expect from the same person who gave us this historic quote?

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hV-05TLiiLU" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

11-28-2011, 02:12 PM

We have to pass the bill so we can see how much the unelected bureaucrats are going to F' it up even more than a bare majority of Congress can by advancing beyond any reasonable interpretation of the commerce clause and Federal intervention.

11-28-2011, 02:29 PM
sieg heil!

11-29-2011, 01:37 PM
Does anyone really care what this loon does or says? And surely the Pope won't give her the recognition she wants by doing jack. She's nothing, well other than proof that San Francisco is not to be taken seriously.