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View Full Version : Do You Love Someone, But Hate Their Politics?

11-25-2011, 11:47 PM
I ran across this by accident while surfing the web. Apparently they are making a Docu-drama about mixed political couples. Anyone have stories? If so you can be part of their research. So...do you think you could date or marry someone with different views than you? What are some experiences you have had with mixed dating? Anyway here is the info and email at link for sharing experiences...if interested....

If so, you could become famous. An upcoming docu-drama seeks couples with mixed political beliefs.
Do you love (http://www.debatepolicy.com/super-tag/love) someone who doesn't share your political values? Or perhaps you know an R or a D or an I who is making a life with her opposite number? Purple States (http://www.purplestates.tv/) is casting red-and-blue couples (http://www.debatepolicy.com/super-tag/couples) for a docu-drama that will air in the fall of 2012. In the process, we're trying to learn more about how people in mixed-politics relationships (http://www.debatepolicy.com/super-tag/relationships) deal with differences that are fracturing the country


11-25-2011, 11:53 PM
There are close friends and family that I love but don't like their politics.
I would love to be a fly on the wall in James Carville's home. I wouldn't be surprised if they showed up in that drama.

11-26-2011, 12:02 AM
I have some liberals in my family also...one is quite the activist (we just don't talk about their politics). I don't think I could date someone I was at odds with politically all the time. I've had plently of republican assholes to fight with and keep me busy and they were hard enough...surely loving a lib romantically would do me in.

11-26-2011, 12:30 AM
I went out for two years with my sociology professor, we argued politics from the first day of class, but he did inspire me to pick up my sociology degree. He was extreme leftist in all social aspects and most economic ones. Truth is after awhile, he liked me more than I liked him. We both loved to argue and he had lots of money, family, even then, had some really great dates.

I wasn't surprised when he showed up as one of the 'Lincoln Bedroom' folks under Clinton, he'd hosted him at his North Shore home in the 2nd term race. He supported Hillary in the 2008 race, he's conspicuous in his lack of donations to Obama.

We've had some contact through the years, he wrote a couple letters for some students of mine applying to Fenwick high school, he's on the board. He always sent my folks Christmas cards and sent donations for their funerals. Really a smart and nice guy, but is left without many reservations.

Wind Song
11-26-2011, 01:54 AM
Nope. I could love someone, as a friend, even though I hate their politics. I would never fall in love with a hard hearted conservative.

11-26-2011, 01:58 AM
Nope. I could love someone, as a friend, even though I hate their politics. I would never fall in love with a hard hearted conservative.

And I could never love a loony tunes liberal.

red states rule
11-26-2011, 03:41 AM
Nope. I could love someone, as a friend, even though I hate their politics. I would never fall in love with a hard hearted conservative.

How typical for a looney liberal to mix politics with love

My GF is very liberal on some issues and simply do not discuss politics. One her friends - a real far left loon - once asked her after meeting me (and reading the bumber stickers on my car) "How can you date a CONSERVATIVE?"

My GF replied simply "He loves me. He respects me. He treats me very well. You are mixing politics and love - I am not"

Her friend told her "it would never last"

That was nearly 6 years ago

BTW, this same liberal women met a retired NYC Police officer. Very conservatiove. He even listens to Rush Limbaugh and watchs Fox News

They were married about 4 months ago

I asked my GF if I could tell her I do not think the marriage will last. He said NO very clearly and very loudly (but with a grin on her face)

Lumpy 1
11-26-2011, 04:39 AM
Gads.. I loved those liberal Gals in my younger years but I was blessed with a conservative wife the second time around..

I'm sure it's a matter of intensity. My brother's wife is quite liberal and my brother seems to go along with that path, we get along just fine. Once in a while we'll all get tipsy and argue politics but there's an understanding that hard feelings the day after are forgotten, at least face to face..:rolleyes:

I really can't carry a grudge politically and I like people of all sorts in general, so.. I'm willing to treat opposing viewpoints with respect and humor until the foul and derogatory language starts..Then, I just revel in pissing them off beyond reason..it's that little devil in me..:dev:

red states rule
11-26-2011, 04:46 AM
Gads.. I loved those liberal Gals in my younger years but I was blessed with a conservative wife the second time around..

I'm sure it's a matter of intensity. My brother's wife is quite liberal and my brother seems to go along with that path, we get along just fine. Once in a while we'll all get tipsy and argue politics but there's an understanding that hard feelings the day after are forgotten, at least face to face..:rolleyes:

I really can't carry a grudge politically and I like people of all sorts in general, so.. I'm willing to treat opposing viewpoints with respect and humor until the foul and derogatory language starts..Then, I just revel in pissing them off beyond reason..it's that little devil in me..:dev:

When I first met this liberal friend of my GF she was SCREAMING at me if I thought Pres Bush actually won the election and was smart

I thought she was a moonbat lib who needed to be placed in a rubber room

But as time wnet by she mellowed and damn, even married a man as conservative as I am. She is very upset with Obama and takes my Obama jokes in stride

Like my GF she does not talk politics with her husband and he has his "Rush Room" where he can listen to Rush and she will not hear it

Lumpy 1
11-26-2011, 05:08 AM
When I first met this liberal friend of my GF she was SCREAMING at me if I thought Pres Bush actually won the election and was smart

I thought she was a moonbat lib who needed to be placed in a rubber room

But as time wnet by she mellowed and damn, even married a man as conservative as I am. She is very upset with Obama and takes my Obama jokes in stride

Like my GF she does not talk politics with her husband and he has his "Rush Room" where he can listen to Rush and she will not hear it

Yup.. I can see that happening... a little sugar added to a liberal Gals spice is usually a good thing..;)

11-26-2011, 08:15 AM
I would never fall in love with a hard hearted conservative.

Who would? Thankfully most of them are lovable fuzzballs who wish the best for all people and trust them to make the best decisions for themselves.

11-26-2011, 08:37 AM
No, but I could never love someone if I hated their politics. A simple but obvious example being an Irish Republican.

Ofcourse it's good to have a difference of opinion etc, but some differ ce are too deep for relationships to be built over.

red states rule
11-26-2011, 09:27 AM
No, but I could never love someone if I hated their politics. A simple but obvious example being an Irish Republican.

Ofcourse it's good to have a difference of opinion etc, but some differ ce are too deep for relationships to be built over.

And this is what is known as liberal open mindedness and tolerance.

Ain't it great?

11-26-2011, 09:34 AM
How typical for a looney liberal to mix politics with love

My GF is very liberal on some issues and simply do not discuss politics. One her friends - a real far left loon - once asked her after meeting me (and reading the bumber stickers on my car) "How can you date a CONSERVATIVE?"

My GF replied simply "He loves me. He respects me. He treats me very well. You are mixing politics and love - I am not"

Her friend told her "it would never last"

That was nearly 6 years ago

BTW, this same liberal women met a retired NYC Police officer. Very conservatiove. He even listens to Rush Limbaugh and watchs Fox News

They were married about 4 months ago

I asked my GF if I could tell her I do not think the marriage will last. He said NO very clearly and very loudly (but with a grin on her face)

Well,there you go then...you can tell them your experiences of how to make it work....and then become a reality show star ;)

red states rule
11-26-2011, 09:38 AM
Well,there you go then...you can tell them your experiences of how to make it work....and then become a reality show star ;)

It is nothing hard Shadow. It is called RESPECT

My GF and I do NOT talk politics - period. We both know each other's views and we leave it at that

I treat her well because she does the same. We have a deep bond that will not be infected with politics.

I do find it funny the "tolerant" libs comments on this thread and once again the left shows they are the real INTOLERANT bunch

11-26-2011, 09:48 AM
And this is what is known as liberal open mindedness and tolerance.

Ain't it great?

Loololololol, tell me, could you love someone who said they wanted more terrorist attacks on te USA and that terrorists murdering citizens for a political gain is not only acceptable, but desirable?

red states rule
11-26-2011, 09:52 AM
Loololololol, tell me, could you love someone who said they wanted more terrorist attacks on te USA and that terrorists murdering citizens for a political gain is not only acceptable, but desirable?

So now that is what the Irish R's are for in your country?

Please Noir, I have been on the receiving end of liberal tolerance for over 30 years. I walked into several honets nests when I met my GF's friends and after nearly 6 years I have won only SOME of them over

I really don't give a damn what they think of me - but I know first hand how libs operate. they talk alot about tolerance, acceptance of others, how we all need to get along - but all that talk stops the micro second you offer a different POV when it comes to their policies and the role/size of government

11-26-2011, 09:58 AM
Nope. I could love someone, as a friend, even though I hate their politics. I would never fall in love with a hard hearted conservative.

No, but I could never love someone if I hated their politics.

So if you have a child that grows up with different beliefs, you won't love them? What about a brother/sister/parent/cousin/friend?

And if you met someone, fell in love and had the greatest relationship in the world. You just never discussed politics. You have a few years of an absolutely perfect relationship. You're thinking marriage in your head. But then you, for whatever reason, start to discuss politics a bit. You find out the person has the 100% complete opposite political beliefs. The relationship is now over and you push your lover aside?

Or do you guys ask about someones politics in the very beginning to make sure they believe the same as you, as in they must lean a certain way before the relationship can even start?

Wow, that's quite sad. I can't imagine someone not being able to love another simply because they differ in political beliefs. Do you guys meet someone at a bar, and the first question is "what are your political leanings?" - I mean, why bother even buying that person a drink if you know already that you can never love them?

red states rule
11-26-2011, 10:01 AM
So if you have a child that grows up with different beliefs, you won't love them? What about a brother/sister/parent/cousin/friend?

And if you met someone, fell in love and had the greatest relationship in the world. You just never discussed politics. You have a few years of an absolutely perfect relationship. You're thinking marriage in your head. But then you, for whatever reason, start to discuss politics a bit. You find out the person has the 100% complete opposite political beliefs. The relationship is now over and you push your lover aside?

Or do you guys ask about someones politics in the very beginning to make sure they believe the same as you, as in they must lean a certain way before the relationship can even start?

Wow, that's quite sad. I can't imagine someone not being able to love another simply because they differ in political beliefs. Do you guys meet someone at a bar, and the first question is "what are your political leanings?" - I mean, why bother even buying that person a drink if you know already that you can never love them?

Jim well said

It is a pity to see so much petty crap coming from the left. My GF was shocked over some of the comments her friends made about em - and they had NOT even met me yet

They went by the bumper stickers, and what they heard about my political beliefs

11-26-2011, 10:02 AM
So now that is what the Irish R's are for in your country


An Irish republican is someone who wants a United Ireland Ireland by any means nessessery. Which includes bombs and bullets. Their main activist groups was the Irish Republican Army, who have been responsible for thousands of deaths on our wee corner of an island.

Not to mention I've had discussions with grown men and women (Irish Republicans) who expressed regret that neither of the two bombs targeted at my dad killed him.

Now tell me, you'd expect me to be able to love someone with such views?

red states rule
11-26-2011, 10:08 AM

An Irish republican is someone who wants a United Ireland Ireland by any means nessessery. Which includes bombs and bullets. Their main activist groups was the Irish Republican Army, who have been responsible for thousands of deaths on our wee corner of an island.

Not to mention I've had discussions with grown men and women (Irish Republicans) who expressed regret that neither of the two bombs targeted at my dad killed him.

Now tell me, you'd expect me to be able to love someone with such views?

Link please? Not that I don't believe you Noir, well, eh - OK I don't believe you. You are now reminding me of people like Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi that have bellowed how R's here want women to die on the floor, and people to die from global warming

Not only am I familiar with liberal tolerance I am also very aware of liberal hysterics

11-26-2011, 10:09 AM
It is nothing hard Shadow. It is called RESPECT

My GF and I do NOT talk politics - period. We both know each other's views and we leave it at that

I treat her well because she does the same. We have a deep bond that will not be infected with politics.

I do find it funny the "tolerant" libs comments on this thread and once again the left shows they are the real INTOLERANT bunch

Yes...but there comes a time when the impressive stage is over and people start living without filters. I would think it would just be another barrier to climb over. So,I take it you really don't have certain criteria you would like your SO to meet? Same religious beliefs...stuff like that? Because to me,while politics may not be as important as other values...it does make a difference in defining the person.

red states rule
11-26-2011, 10:12 AM
Yes...but there comes a time when the impressive stage is over and people start living without filters. I would think it would just be another barrier to climb over. So,I take it you really don't have certain criteria you would like your SO to meet? Same religious beliefs...stuff like that? Because to me,while politics may not be as important as other values...it does make a difference in defining the person.

We meet thru EHarmony and we were a PERFECT match. Morals, religion, ethics, ect. It tooks me three hours to complete the survey and she was not the first one I ws matched with

We talked thru the compnay for about a month and we met (with her friends watching from a distance) for dinner about a month after that

We hit it off right away. She is great and I could not be happier

11-26-2011, 10:17 AM
So if you have a child that grows up with different beliefs, you won't love them? What about a brother/sister/parent/cousin/friend?

And if you met someone, fell in love and had the greatest relationship in the world. You just never discussed politics. You have a few years of an absolutely perfect relationship. You're thinking marriage in your head. But then you, for whatever reason, start to discuss politics a bit. You find out the person has the 100% complete opposite political beliefs. The relationship is now over and you push your lover aside?

Or do you guys ask about someones politics in the very beginning to make sure they believe the same as you, as in they must lean a certain way before the relationship can even start?

Wow, that's quite sad. I can't imagine someone not being able to love another simply because they differ in political beliefs. Do you guys meet someone at a bar, and the first question is "what are your political leanings?" - I mean, why bother even buying that person a drink if you know already that you can never love them?

Ofcourse I talk politics with almost everyone I know, everyone talks politics at some point. And it's not about agreeing in everything (far from it, I thrive on debate, agreeing all the time would be boring)

But there are fundamentals. I could not love someone who said "you think you're British not Irish? I want you dead, and as many other people like you as possible"

Two other things I consider non-negotiable (even if they were my child) Thinking its okay to: Rape (especially children). Murder because of Race/religion etc.

Now I know what you're thinking, 'Gosh Jonathan is so terribley intolerant, what a shame, he can never even love someone who rapes children' like ya know, call me picky but I just have little quirks like that. =P

red states rule
11-26-2011, 10:21 AM
Ofcourse I talk politics with almost everyone I know, everyone talks politics at some point. And it's not about agreeing in everything (far from it, I thrive on debate, agreeing all the time would be boring)

But there are fundamentals. I could not love someone who said "you think you're British not Irish? I want you dead, and as many other people like you as possible"

Two other things I consider non-negotiable (even if they were my child) Thinking its okay to: Rape (especially children). Murder because of Race/religion etc.

Now I know what you're thinking, 'Gosh Jonathan is so terribley intolerant, what a shame, he can never even love someone who rapes children' like ya know, call me picky but I just have little quirks like that. =P

Noir, we know you do not like anyone who believes in God and now we know you do not like the Irish. So far you are a walking ad for the left in your country

11-26-2011, 10:21 AM
Link please? Not that I don't believe you Noir, well, eh - OK I don't believe you. You are now reminding me of people like Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi that have bellowed how R's here want women to die on the floor, and people to die from global warming

Not only am I familiar with liberal tolerance I am also very aware of liberal hysterics

Lap it up - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Republican_Army

red states rule
11-26-2011, 10:23 AM
Lap it up - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Republican_Army

Now there is a credible link where ANYONE can go in a edit

I beleive OCA used the same source to "prove" Obama had a "shit load" of economic expierence

Keep up the good work Noir - you are funny as hell today!

11-26-2011, 10:26 AM
We meet thru EHarmony and we were a PERFECT match. Morals, religion, ethics, ect. It tooks me three hours to complete the survey and she was not the first one I ws matched with

We talked thru the compnay for about a month and we met (with her friends watching from a distance) for dinner about a month after that

We hit it off right away. She is great and I could not be happier

So, none of those things ever are in conflict in your relationship? Do you ever feel you compromise more then she does,or the other way around?

11-26-2011, 10:30 AM
So if you have a child that grows up with different beliefs, you won't love them? What about a brother/sister/parent/cousin/friend?

And if you met someone, fell in love and had the greatest relationship in the world. You just never discussed politics. You have a few years of an absolutely perfect relationship. You're thinking marriage in your head. But then you, for whatever reason, start to discuss politics a bit. You find out the person has the 100% complete opposite political beliefs. The relationship is now over and you push your lover aside?

Or do you guys ask about someones politics in the very beginning to make sure they believe the same as you, as in they must lean a certain way before the relationship can even start?

Wow, that's quite sad. I can't imagine someone not being able to love another simply because they differ in political beliefs. Do you guys meet someone at a bar, and the first question is "what are your political leanings?" - I mean, why bother even buying that person a drink if you know already that you can never love them?

How does someone date for a few years and not have any political topics ever come up in a discussion? Even if you aren't discussing "politics" I would think a person's views of certain issues would. Birth control, abortion,religion,gay marriage etc...It's part of the learning about each other process.

red states rule
11-26-2011, 10:31 AM
So, none of those things ever are in conflict in your relationship? Do you ever feel you compromise more then she does,or the other way around?

Nope. Again, it took me three hours to take that survey and Shadow, they do not skip anything

She has been a gift from God and I am a very lucky man

Go to the site and check out the survey. I know you are married but it will give you a good idea as to why we hit it off so easily.

If you know soemone who has not had any luck finding someone I can recommend the site. It is that damn good

As far as my GF, there has never been a reason to compromise. She knows me very well ans I do her. I speak my mind, and I never have to put on a show.

She knows I am direct and at times I can be like Don Rickles

11-26-2011, 10:32 AM
Now there is a credible link where ANYONE can go in a edit

I beleive OCA used the same source to "prove" Obama had a "shit load" of economic expierence

Keep up the good work Noir - you are funny as hell today!

BBC good enough for you?

What about fox news? (Republicans had a habit of abducting people, murdering them, and hiding their bodies in the country, it is unknown how many are still buried without graves)

And hers a video of some republicans. Nice people.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CxeFPWjsuXM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

red states rule
11-26-2011, 10:33 AM
How does someone date for a few years and not have any political topics ever come up in a discussion? Even if you aren't discussing "politics" I would think a person's views of certain issues would. Birth control, abortion,religion,gay marriage etc...It's part of the learning about each other process.

I have done it for nearly 6 years

Sometimes we dicuss the gay crap, and she knows how I feel about libs and liberalism.

So there is no real reason to discuss those topics. Besides when we together we have more important things to do since we only see each other maybe once per month if we are lucky

11-26-2011, 10:37 AM
Gads.. I loved those liberal Gals in my younger years but I was blessed with a conservative wife the second time around..

I'm sure it's a matter of intensity. My brother's wife is quite liberal and my brother seems to go along with that path, we get along just fine. Once in a while we'll all get tipsy and argue politics but there's an understanding that hard feelings the day after are forgotten, at least face to face..:rolleyes:

I really can't carry a grudge politically and I like people of all sorts in general, so.. I'm willing to treat opposing viewpoints with respect and humor until the foul and derogatory language starts..Then, I just revel in pissing them off beyond reason..it's that little devil in me..:dev:

Well...apparently the liberal gals didn't do it for you for some reason...since you feel blessed with a conservative wife now. Were the liberals more combatative? But good in bed so they got a pass? Is that why you like to revel in being a devil??:poke:

11-26-2011, 11:19 AM
Ofcourse I talk politics with almost everyone I know, everyone talks politics at some point. And it's not about agreeing in everything (far from it, I thrive on debate, agreeing all the time would be boring)

But there are fundamentals. I could not love someone who said "you think you're British not Irish? I want you dead, and as many other people like you as possible"

Two other things I consider non-negotiable (even if they were my child) Thinking its okay to: Rape (especially children). Murder because of Race/religion etc.

Now I know what you're thinking, 'Gosh Jonathan is so terribley intolerant, what a shame, he can never even love someone who rapes children' like ya know, call me picky but I just have little quirks like that. =P

I'm sorry but the highlighted above is just stupid assholy bloviating on your part. Not sure where you get the idea that you are morally superior because you are intolerant of "child rape". Most people ARE.

11-26-2011, 11:56 AM
I'm sorry but the highlighted above is just stupid assholy bloviating on your part. Not sure where you get the idea that you are morally superior because you are intolerant of "child rape". Most people ARE.

I know, i was being sarcastic lol. Ofcourse most people are intolerant of child rape (and indeed all rape)

However, it has been previously said in this thread that i'm intolerant because i couldn't love Irish Republican scum. And i thought on the whole most people were kind of intolerant of terrorists too.

11-26-2011, 12:08 PM
Now I know what you're thinking, 'Gosh Jonathan is so terribley intolerant, what a shame, he can never even love someone who rapes children' like ya know, call me picky but I just have little quirks like that. =P

Now, now, Jonathan, are you comparing political stances to child rape? I think 2 people can learn to get along and "love" one another regardless of political stances - but ignoring criminal actions is a whole different ballgame.

How does someone date for a few years and not have any political topics ever come up in a discussion? Even if you aren't discussing "politics" I would think a person's views of certain issues would. Birth control, abortion,religion,gay marriage etc...It's part of the learning about each other process.

I was with a prior girlfriend, Tina, for about 7 years. Honestly, I don't think we EVER discussed politics. But if we did start discussing them, and I found out she was a flaming liberal, I certainly wouldn't have tossed her aside or "fell out of love" with her as a result.

Love shouldn't be based on our political stances. Many people ask one another "Would you stay with your girlfriend/wife/husband/boyfriend if they became very sick or paralyzed" - and the majority of people usually say "of course, I would never leave them because of such a reason" - but yet we have people that would leave a lover simply because of a disagreement in politics.

As they say - true love is blind.

If my son grows up and is for abortion, becomes an atheist, is all for gay marriage and is an "occupy wall street" bum - do you think I would or should love him less or differently? Hell no! And I certainly wouldn't separate him from my life as a result.

11-26-2011, 12:28 PM
Now, now, Jonathan, are you comparing political stances to child rape? I think 2 people can learn to get along and "love" one another regardless of political stances - but ignoring criminal actions is a whole different ballgame.

Yeah, I'd put murderers and rapists in the same ballpark. Irish Republicans are unashamedly supportive of violence and murder as their political tools, and you need not go far in my country to find such people.

To put in to you, in a context youd understand, could you love slmeone whose only sorrow about 9/11 is that more Americans didn't die?

11-26-2011, 12:41 PM
Yeah, I'd put murderers and rapists in the same ballpark. Irish Republicans are unashamedly supportive of violence and murder as their political tools, and you need not go far in my country to find such people.

To put in to you, in a context youd understand, could you love slmeone whose only sorrow about 9/11 is that more Americans didn't die?

No I couldn't. But I think that person would be mentally defective as to just a person with a political stance. I'm going back to Wind Song, who in the beginning of the thread stated she could never fall in love with someone who was a "hard hearted conservative". Even left wing loons and right wing kooks don't wish Americans dead. Wishing for more death is not your typical political stance.

Sounds more to me like some feel they couldn't love someone who simply is their polar opposite politically. That's much different than your analogy. Even you yourself simply stated you could never love someone if you hate their politics.

Abbey Marie
11-26-2011, 01:22 PM
I have liberal friends. We don't talk politics. Well, at least I don't. I've found that living in a blue state, libs think everyone agrees with them and they feel free to rant.

Marriage is different, though. A lib will probably be pro- abortion and pro- gay marriage, and those are contra to my Christian faith. I wouldn't marry someone whose faith and values were that different.

11-26-2011, 02:11 PM
My wife was born and raised in mainland China. Was in college in Beijing when Tian An Men square uprisings happened. She came here on a student visa shortly afterward, and then applied for permanent residency (green card) when then-President Bush the Elder set up a program of asylum for Chinese citizens who were students in Beijing during the uprisings and who then came to the US during a certain narrowly defined period afterward. Got her green card and stayed here. I met her after she got the green card. On our first date, I found her reading a book about Chairman Mao.

Is that liberal enough for you?

She never had the habit of questioning what she heard on the news (which is closely govt-controlled in China), it's not a healthy thing to do in that country. All he co-workers in the company she worked for who were Chinese, were convinced that then-Pres Clinton was the greatest thing since mass-produced noodles, and conservatives were hard-hearted rich people. She watched ABC and CBS news regularly, and so never saw any reason to change that opinion. When the C-130 collided with the Chinese fighter over Hunan province, she was incensed at the way that lumbering, four-engine propeller-driven transport plane deliberately ran down the helpless supersonic Chinese jet fighter plane which had no way to escape. I told her the Chinese pilot was a hot dog who set up the entire confrontation, after having done the same thing to other US planes, and fate finally caught up with him. She thought I was a vile liar and American running dog partisan. Only when Fox news started showing videos taken from the cockpits of other American propeller planes, showing this same fighter dancing around the planes in previous months and coming within feet of them, did she start to wonder about the "official" versions of what happened.

Later when people started talking about what an unprincipled slob and rapist Clinton was, whe was again PO'd that they would say such things, and about such a wonderful guy who was the PRESIDENT, no less. Again she never saw any reason to change her opinion from ABC. Not until she saw an interview with Gennifer Flowers did she start to wonder again.

Much later, she thought that this new cnadidate Obama was pretty good, with no real things to worry about. Again, ABC and CNN never told her any different. When she saw Fox news over my shoulder, and hear for the first time the "sermons" of the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright, and found that Obama had been sitting in his church for 20 years, did she finally realize that sometimes the "news" does not tell the truth.

After knowing me for long enough, she wound up voting for Bush the Younger twice, and we contributed to John McCain and voted for him. The Jeremiah Wright rantings finished Obama for her... but she never would have heard of them had she stuck with ABC, CBS, CNN etc. Now she can hardly wait to get Obama out of office, and see Obamacare repealed.

Wisdom comes to us all, eventually. Some just take longer than others.

As the saying goes, "If you are 20 and not liberal, you have no heart. And if you are 40 and not conservative, you have no brain."

11-26-2011, 03:05 PM
Now, now, Jonathan, are you comparing political stances to child rape? I think 2 people can learn to get along and "love" one another regardless of political stances - but ignoring criminal actions is a whole different ballgame.

I was with a prior girlfriend, Tina, for about 7 years. Honestly, I don't think we EVER discussed politics. But if we did start discussing them, and I found out she was a flaming liberal, I certainly wouldn't have tossed her aside or "fell out of love" with her as a result.

Love shouldn't be based on our political stances. Many people ask one another "Would you stay with your girlfriend/wife/husband/boyfriend if they became very sick or paralyzed" - and the majority of people usually say "of course, I would never leave them because of such a reason" - but yet we have people that would leave a lover simply because of a disagreement in politics.

As they say - true love is blind.

If my son grows up and is for abortion, becomes an atheist, is all for gay marriage and is an "occupy wall street" bum - do you think I would or should love him less or differently? Hell no! And I certainly wouldn't separate him from my life as a result.

I probably would have been more open to dating someone with different views than I have when I was younger. Back then those kind of things never mattered to me, and weren't things I paid that much attention to...as I've aged though,and been through other relationships...it does mean more to me now (as do several other things I probably would have over looked at one time or another).

Values...ethics...spirituality...how a person deals with tough situations and other people etc. These are things I weigh when I am interested in someone.

11-26-2011, 05:32 PM
No I couldn't. But I think that person would be mentally defective as to just a person with a political stance. I'm going back to Wind Song, who in the beginning of the thread stated she could never fall in love with someone who was a "hard hearted conservative". Even left wing loons and right wing kooks don't wish Americans dead. Wishing for more death is not your typical political stance.

Sounds more to me like some feel they couldn't love someone who simply is their polar opposite politically. That's much different than your analogy. Even you yourself simply stated you could never love someone if you hate their politics.

wtf? My point is that Irish Republicans *want* a united Ireland by any means, they are happy for the bombs and bullets and murders because they believe that they are justified under their struggle for a united Ireland.

My analogy is perfect. Irish Republicans have murdered thousands over the years, and are still murdering to this day. I could not love someone who is an Irish republican and so supports terrorism. Pure and simple.

Wishing British men, women, children and unborns dead *is* the means by which Irish Republicans hold their political stance.

11-26-2011, 06:37 PM
wtf? My point is that Irish Republicans *want* a united Ireland by any means, they are happy for the bombs and bullets and murders because they believe that they are justified under their struggle for a united Ireland.

My analogy is perfect. Irish Republicans have murdered thousands over the years, and are still murdering to this day. I could not love someone who is an Irish republican and so supports terrorism. Pure and simple.

Wishing British men, women, children and unborns dead *is* the means by which Irish Republicans hold their political stance.

In my last reply, I answered your theoretical question about 9/11 but didn't even recognize the discussion you had with RSR about the IRA. I was simply looking at it from a love perspective and my answer wasn't in regards to that. And when I said it was a bad analogy - I meant the comparison of not loving someone with a different political stance compared to not loving someone who wished for deaths. There was an overlap of discussions here and my reply wasn't to downplay what you were discussing.

11-27-2011, 10:27 AM
I ran across this by accident while surfing the web. Apparently they are making a Docu-drama about mixed political couples. Anyone have stories? If so you can be part of their research. So...do you think you could date or marry someone with different views than you? What are some experiences you have had with mixed dating? Anyway here is the info and email at link for sharing experiences...if interested....

If so, you could become famous. An upcoming docu-drama seeks couples with mixed political beliefs.
Do you love (http://www.debatepolicy.com/super-tag/love) someone who doesn't share your political values? Or perhaps you know an R or a D or an I who is making a life with her opposite number? Purple States (http://www.purplestates.tv/) is casting red-and-blue couples (http://www.debatepolicy.com/super-tag/couples) for a docu-drama that will air in the fall of 2012. In the process, we're trying to learn more about how people in mixed-politics relationships (http://www.debatepolicy.com/super-tag/relationships) deal with differences that are fracturing the country


Yes I do.

11-29-2011, 09:11 AM
Nope. Again, it took me three hours to take that survey and Shadow, they do not skip anything

She has been a gift from God and I am a very lucky man

Go to the site and check out the survey. I know you are married but it will give you a good idea as to why we hit it off so easily.

If you know soemone who has not had any luck finding someone I can recommend the site. It is that damn good

As far as my GF, there has never been a reason to compromise. She knows me very well ans I do her. I speak my mind, and I never have to put on a show.

She knows I am direct and at times I can be like Don Rickles

I have never been to or thought about a dating site...Mostly because I was never really actively looking for someone. However after talking online on message boards and being semi stalked by a fake admirer...I have in a round about way learned that I kinda miss the dating scene. I may have to check it out...and I DO need to get out more ;)

Anyway...started a new thread about this kinda thing,as it relates to people being truthful about themselves. If you have stories please share.

11-29-2011, 09:50 AM
my wife TRICKED ME... sorta. She's was a decent Christian women but I was in to deep when she revealed her dark left leaning tendencies. I had some soul searching to do and if it was up to reason alone I should have Nipped it in the BUD! but God is merciful and we both struggle along, She's the one that usually stops our casual political conversations... I have no idea why:rolleyes:.

It is frustrating at times but its not a deal breaker. And she has changed some of her views to the CORRECT ones but she's never been a pure Liberal idealouge anyway. But she voted for Clinton when i voted for the "no nation building, small gov't" version of GW Bush. But she wanted Hillary over Obama, experience was her main issue and her hang over puppy love of Bill Clinton sadly transferred to Hillary. But she's begun to affirm many of the points Ron Paul makes however she's more in Jim's and Red's camp on "defense" and still thinks projecting military power around the world is good most of the time, even though she freely admits that the US motives in several places are more predatory than freedom based.

11-29-2011, 10:12 AM
As an off-topic side note, tis nice to see RSR actually quietened down. Not a common thing (:

12-01-2011, 11:26 AM
Saw this posted on a freinds blog who's online dating atm, made me think of this thread. gotta say I'd find it hard to date someone knowing they held just convictions lol
