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View Full Version : A question for Global Warming Alarmists who are Unbelievers

05-16-2007, 01:32 PM
If we all evolved from "pond scum" billions of years ago and have no reason for being here outside of some HUGE "accident" then why do you give a crap if "Mother Nature" decides to ward us off like the parasites we are (according to many of the far left) and rid the human race from this planet?

I mean, why would it matter to you at all if in 100 years there is no more life on this planet? Wouldn't that be, after all, the greatest form of "Survival of the fittest"? e.g. "Just Mother Nature doing some house cleaning"...

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 01:50 PM
If we all evolved from "pond scum" billions of years ago and have no reason for being here outside of some HUGE "accident" then why do you give a crap if "Mother Nature" decides to ward us off like the parasites we are (according to many of the far left) and rid the human race from this planet?

I mean, why would it matter to you at all if in 100 years there is no more life on this planet? Wouldn't that be, after all, the greatest form of "Survival of the fittest"? e.g. "Just Mother Nature doing some house cleaning"...

Uh, because we don't want to die? Because we care about the future of humanity? This is a really dumb question imo. Just because a person doesn't believe in the same things you do doesn't mean that they aren't human or that they don't care about other people.

05-16-2007, 02:01 PM
This is a really dumb question imo. Just because a person doesn't believe in the same things you do doesn't mean that they aren't human or that they don't care about other people.

You associating THOSE ideas with his question is inaccurate. He didn't suggests Non-believing Global Warm-ongers disliked others; he's saying "Since y'all seem to praise Evolution and Natural Selection as your religion, why don't you understand that ANY global warming is done on behalf of the same?" or whatever and junk.

05-16-2007, 02:02 PM
Natural selection is not the basis for supposed human global warming.

05-16-2007, 02:03 PM
Uh, because we don't want to die? Because we care about the future of humanity? This is a really dumb question imo. Just because a person doesn't believe in the same things you do doesn't mean that they aren't human or that they don't care about other people.

Why don't you want to die? Why do you care about the future of Humanity?

05-16-2007, 02:14 PM
Natural selection is not the basis for supposed human global warming.

Right - maybe it should be, however?

Abbey Marie
05-16-2007, 02:15 PM
Why don't you want to die? Why do you care about the future of Humanity?

If I didn't believe in heaven, I really wouldn't want to die.

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 02:17 PM
You associating THOSE ideas with his question is inaccurate. He didn't suggests Non-believing Global Warm-ongers disliked others; he's saying "Since y'all seem to praise Evolution and Natural Selection as your religion, why don't you understand that ANY global warming is done on behalf of the same?" or whatever and junk.

I don't "praise Evolution" as my religion. That's some insane idea ya'll have come up with to ridicule those of us who don't share your beliefs. I've said it before, evolution is a PROCESS. It isn't a dogma. It's like any other natural process like erosion, the water cycle, etc. It's part of nature. It just is.

The idea that global warming is part of the process of natural selection is wrong. The earth isn't a thinking entity. Everything the earth does is a reaction to the forces exerted on it. It can't "get rid" of us or control our population. I'm 99 percent sure that what's happening to the earth as far as global warming is concerned is part of a natural warming and cooling cycle it goes through.

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 02:26 PM
Why don't you want to die? Why do you care about the future of Humanity?

I don't want to die because there are people who care about and depend on me here. If I were dead they would be sad--I wouldn't want that for them. Not to mention the fact that I actually enjoy life. Why would I want that to end? Because of some half-baked fantasy about an all-you-can eat buffet in the sky? Please :rolleyes:

I care about the future of humanity because I think we will eventually get IT right. I have faith that one day humanity will reach a point where suffering no longer exists. Life is a beautiful thing. Why would anyone want to see humanity's potential snuffed out regardless of whether or not they believe in abstractions like a deity or an afterlife?

05-16-2007, 02:33 PM
I don't want to die because there are people who care about and depend on me here. If I were dead they would be sad--I wouldn't want that for them. Not to mention the fact that I actually enjoy life. Why would I want that to end? Because of some half-baked fantasy about an all-you-can eat buffet in the sky? Please :rolleyes:

I care about the future of humanity because I think we will eventually get IT right. I have faith that one day humanity will reach a point where suffering no longer exists. Life is a beautiful thing. Why would anyone want to see humanity's potential snuffed out regardless of whether or not they believe in abstractions like a deity or an afterlife?

If you didn't have anyone dependant on you, why would you care about self-preservation?

Where does your "faith" come from? Additionally - we can see that things progressively get worse not better so your assertion that somehow failable humans will get it right is misguided..

You are right, however, Humanity will one day again live in a perfect world - after the Son of God returns and establishes his kingdom and gets rid of a sinful earth once and for all..

05-16-2007, 02:34 PM
The idea that global warming is part of the process of natural selection is wrong. The earth isn't a thinking entity. Everything the earth does is a reaction to the forces exerted on it. It can't "get rid" of us or control our population. I'm 99 percent sure that what's happening to the earth as far as global warming is concerned is part of a natural warming and cooling cycle it goes through.

If the "pong scum" is somehow a "thinking entity" then certainly "Earth" and its elements of weather could be...

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 02:43 PM
If you didn't have anyone dependant on you, why would you care about self-preservation?
For people who enjoy life, usually the "enjoyment" part is enough of a reason to care about self-preservation.

Where does your "faith" come from? Additionally - we can see that things progressively get worse not better so your assertion that somehow failable humans will get it right is misguided..
My "faith" in humanity springs from the good things I see in humanity and in myself. I disagree with your assessment of the world. Things are better now than they ever have been for the largest number of people. Don't let the negative things you see in the world get you down because things could be much worse. We could still be living in the middle ages.

You are right, however, Humanity will one day again live in a perfect world - after the Son of God returns and establishes his kingdom and gets rid of a sinful earth once and for all..
Whatever helps you sleep at night. :dunno:

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 02:47 PM
If the "pong scum" is somehow a "thinking entity" then certainly "Earth" and its elements of weather could be...

"somehow"? I hate to tell you this but look in the mirror. Do you see a thinking entity? If you said "yes," you may be on to something :rolleyes:

You're right. The Earth could be a living, thinking entity. The idea isn't a new one. The Greeks and Romans gave the planets the names of their gods. Somehow though, I doubt the plausibility of this idea.

05-16-2007, 02:58 PM
You're right. The Earth could be a living, thinking entity. The idea isn't a new one. The Greeks and Romans gave the planets the names of their gods. Somehow though, I doubt the plausibility of this idea.

Because the chance of it being true is So small as to be non-existent? Yet that same level-of-chance is of no consequence when it's viewed with "chemicals spinning around in primordial ooze accidentally developing into Life"?

05-16-2007, 02:59 PM
I don't "praise Evolution" as my religion. That's some insane idea ya'll have come up with to ridicule those of us who don't share your beliefs. I've said it before, evolution is a PROCESS. It isn't a dogma. It's like any other natural process like erosion, the water cycle, etc. It's part of nature. It just is.

The idea that global warming is part of the process of natural selection is wrong. The earth isn't a thinking entity. Everything the earth does is a reaction to the forces exerted on it. It can't "get rid" of us or control our population. I'm 99 percent sure that what's happening to the earth as far as global warming is concerned is part of a natural warming and cooling cycle it goes through.

I beg to differ. "The Mother Nature Process" has gotten rid of a whole lot of once livng things. Was this all just an accident or can it be attributed to the consequence of a process?

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 03:08 PM
I beg to differ. "The Mother Nature Process" has gotten rid of a whole lot of once livng things. Was this all just an accident or can it be attributed to the consequence of a process?

With the exception of the meteor that wiped-out a great many species, I'd say all the other extinctions can be attributed either to humans or to natural processes--if you consider humans to be separate from "natural processes" that is. I don't. We are the way we are naturally so whatever we do is natural--that's a whole different thread though.

If you would give examples of what you mean maybe I could more adequately comment. :dunno:

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 03:10 PM
Because the chance of it being true is So small as to be non-existent? Yet that same level-of-chance is of no consequence when it's viewed with "chemicals spinning around in primordial ooze accidentally developing into Life"?

I find it even less likely that magic had anything to do with it dmp. :rolleyes:

05-16-2007, 03:22 PM
I find it even less likely that magic had anything to do with it dmp. :rolleyes:

Logic. Science. Biology. Point to Intelligent Design.

Since the impossibility of spontaneous generation is a conclusion that leads to a supernatural creative act by God, it is a conclusion that many choose not to accept. It carries with it what are felt to be, in the present politically correct climate, undesirable philosophic and religious implications. It is for that unfortunate and illogical reason (some people) continue to cling to the unscientific, disproved theory that life arose from non-life through spontaneous generation.

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 03:33 PM
Logic. Science. Biology. Point to Intelligent Design.

The only thing you can prove is that we can't prove how life began. To me, this doesn't automatically point to the hand of god. To me, it says we don't yet know how life began.

*don't know the answer--must've been god* :rolleyes:

Since I've never seen anything ever in my entire life that would point towards the existence of a god, logic in fact does NOT point to I.D. Since every other thing that happens in the universe is a product of natural forces, logic points toward natural forces also being behind the presence of life here on earth.

Since there is not a single letter of scientific theory that includes a god or some other miraculous factor, science also does NOT point to I.D.

And finally, since every biological process we currently know about uses absolutely zero point zero religious theory and has nothing to do with god, magic or any other paranormal forces, it also does NOT point to I.D.

05-16-2007, 03:46 PM
Since I've never seen anything ever in my entire life that would point towards the existence of a god, logic in fact does NOT point to I.D. Since every other thing that happens in the universe is a product of natural forces, logic points toward natural forces also being behind the presence of life here on earth.

Since there is not a single letter of scientific theory that includes a god or some other miraculous factor, science also does NOT point to I.D.

And finally, since every biological process we currently know about uses absolutely zero point zero religious theory and has nothing to do with god, magic or any other paranormal forces, it also does NOT point to I.D.

There is TONS....Literally TONS of information and data pointing to God. What's Keeping you from SEEING God, however, is your own stubbornness.

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 04:04 PM
There is TONS....Literally TONS of information and data pointing to God. What's Keeping you from SEEING God, however, is your own stubbornness.

The existence of god is a question to be pondered by philosophers. Since there isn't any corporeal evidence to support god's existence it's a question that isn't suited to the realm of science. Science deals with facts and reality. Scientific theories are built around observable evidence.

Frankly, I find it way more likely that life was formed naturally--just like everything else in our universe--than that it was formed by some unseen, magical deity who left no proof of its existence behind.

And you're wrong. There isn't TONS of evidence to support god's existence. Of course, I almost forgot to mention something there IS tons of evidence to support: evolution.

05-16-2007, 04:08 PM
The existence of god is a question to be pondered by philosophers. Since there isn't any corporeal evidence to support god's existence it's a question that isn't suited to the realm of science. Science deals with facts and reality. Scientific theories are built around observable evidence.

Frankly, I find it way more likely that life was formed naturally--just like everything else in our universe--than that it was formed by some unseen, magical deity who left no proof of its existence behind.

And you're wrong. There isn't TONS of evidence to support god's existence. Of course, I almost forgot to mention something there IS tons of evidence to support: evolution.

Dude - Science POINTS to God. You choose to believe the least-likely explanation of things.

[edit] The irony of your statement above is this: You believe things 'just sorta happened'...THAT is Magic. I believe Things were created with a Purpose, by design - no magic required.

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 04:13 PM
Dude - Science POINTS to God. You choose to believe the least-likely explanation of things.

Science points to the same thing it has always pointed to: natural processes. What you're saying is completely illogical. Why would the sciences: chemistry, biology, geology, genetics, etc. point toward a supernatural explanation when every theory they've ever produced explains phenomena naturally? Why would the origin of life be any different from any other question science has ever explained?

05-16-2007, 04:23 PM
Science points to the same thing it has always pointed to: natural processes. What you're saying is completely illogical. Why would the sciences: chemistry, biology, geology, genetics, etc. point toward a supernatural explanation when every theory they've ever produced explains phenomena naturally? Why would the origin of life be any different from any other question science has ever explained?

Science points to God; see my quote above re: People choose to avoid inconvenient results/suggestions of data because they don't like result to which the data points: Intelligent Design is easily the most-logical and rational explanation of how life started.

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 04:25 PM
Science points to God; see my quote above re: People choose to avoid inconvenient results/suggestions of data because they don't like result to which the data points: Intelligent Design is easily the most-logical and rational explanation of how life started.

It's certainly the easiest, but it's not in the least bit rational. It has zero evidence to support it. How can you consider something like that rational?

05-16-2007, 04:48 PM
It's certainly the easiest, but it's not in the least bit rational. It has zero evidence to support it. How can you consider something like that rational?

Because all credible evidence supports the idea of Intelligent Design. (shrug)

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 04:57 PM
Because all credible evidence supports the idea of Intelligent Design. (shrug)

What are you talking about? If you're going to keep repeating this nonsense over and over again I think you really need to atleast pony-up with some of this so-called credible evidence supporting id. The truth is that there isn't any and what you're referring to when you say "credible evidence" is actually half-baked philosophical arguments about how biological structures are so complex and amazing that they couldn't possibly have come about through gradual changes over time. :rolleyes: This is a faux-smart way of saying *I don't know the answer, so it must've been god*

If you took the time to understand how evolution works you might gain some insight into why id is nothing more than a flawed philosophical argument grasping for straws in a world that has moved past explaining-away natural phenomenon by attributing it to magic or supernatural forces.

(shrugs/farts into hand/releases it in the face of coworker)

05-16-2007, 04:58 PM
Logic. Science. Biology. Point to Intelligent Design.

Actually, Religion, Pseudo-science and Baloney point to ID.


Read up for a little while.

05-16-2007, 05:35 PM
What are you talking about? If you're going to keep repeating this nonsense over and over again I think you really need to atleast pony-up with some of this so-called credible evidence supporting id. The truth is that there isn't any and what you're referring to when you say "credible evidence" is actually half-baked philosophical arguments about how biological structures are so complex and amazing that they couldn't possibly have come about through gradual changes over time. :rolleyes: This is a faux-smart way of saying *I don't know the answer, so it must've been god*

If you took the time to understand how evolution works you might gain some insight into why id is nothing more than a flawed philosophical argument grasping for straws in a world that has moved past explaining-away natural phenomenon by attributing it to magic or supernatural forces.

(shrugs/farts into hand/releases it in the face of coworker)

You are closed-minded, young man.

Hagbard Celine
05-16-2007, 05:41 PM
You are closed-minded, young man.

Nice. I'm perfectly willing to debate this so-called credible evidence you keep lauding. :cool:

05-16-2007, 06:57 PM
Nice. I'm perfectly willing to debate this so-called credible evidence you keep lauding. :cool:

If I show you evidence - you'll debate the merits of the points?

05-16-2007, 08:57 PM
There is TONS....Literally TONS of information and data pointing to God. What's Keeping you from SEEING God, however, is your own stubbornness.

It's Thea, it's all pointing to Thea. Thea is the intelligent designer.

05-16-2007, 09:12 PM
It's Thea, it's all pointing to Thea. Thea is the intelligent designer.

Who's Thea?

Speaking of global warming and polution, I ate at Tim's today, NO coffee though. :laugh2:

05-16-2007, 09:17 PM
Who's Thea?

Speaking of global warming and polution, I ate at Tim's today, NO coffee though. :laugh2:

To an agnostic there is no Thea.

And to an informed observer there is no Thea.

Man made God in his own image.

05-16-2007, 09:42 PM
The only thing you can prove is that we can't prove how life began. To me, this doesn't automatically point to the hand of god. To me, it says we don't yet know how life began.

*don't know the answer--must've been god* :rolleyes:

Since I've never seen anything ever in my entire life that would point towards the existence of a god, logic in fact does NOT point to I.D. Since every other thing that happens in the universe is a product of natural forces, logic points toward natural forces also being behind the presence of life here on earth.

Since there is not a single letter of scientific theory that includes a god or some other miraculous factor, science also does NOT point to I.D.

And finally, since every biological process we currently know about uses absolutely zero point zero religious theory and has nothing to do with god, magic or any other paranormal forces, it also does NOT point to I.D.

Have you ever seen DNA, Pluto, Black Holes, an atom, an idea, thought, Hillary's intelligence, Bill's Morality, oil reserves....etc.? How about air, ever seen air? Oxygen, have you seen Oxygen? Why would you believe any of these things exist, especially Hillary's intelligence?:laugh2:

05-17-2007, 12:47 AM
Who's Thea?

Speaking of global warming and polution, I ate at Tim's today, NO coffee though. :laugh2:

Something with maple syrup I hope :D

Thea is the intelligent designer who put all this together. Everything we see.

05-17-2007, 06:39 PM
If we all evolved from "pond scum" billions of years ago and have no reason for being here outside of some HUGE "accident" then why do you give a crap if "Mother Nature" decides to ward us off like the parasites we are (according to many of the far left) and rid the human race from this planet?

I mean, why would it matter to you at all if in 100 years there is no more life on this planet? Wouldn't that be, after all, the greatest form of "Survival of the fittest"? e.g. "Just Mother Nature doing some house cleaning"... Actually, that's a very good point (for all of us to ponder)

05-17-2007, 06:47 PM
Dude - Science POINTS to God. You choose to believe the least-likely explanation of things.

[edit] The irony of your statement above is this: You believe things 'just sorta happened'...THAT is Magic. I believe Things were created with a Purpose, by design - no magic required. kindly show me where science "POINTS" to God. I have never seen the slighted inclination in that direction.

05-17-2007, 06:49 PM
Because all credible evidence supports the idea of Intelligent Design. (shrug) Where??? What??? How??? kindly show me the slightest example.

05-17-2007, 06:53 PM
To an agnostic there is no Thea.

And to an informed observer there is no Thea.

Man made God in his own image.\

And ain't THAT the truth? (not really a question, just a retorical statement.)

05-20-2007, 12:39 PM
If we all evolved from "pond scum" billions of years ago and have no reason for being here outside of some HUGE "accident" then why do you give a crap if "Mother Nature" decides to ward us off like the parasites we are (according to many of the far left) and rid the human race from this planet? I give a crap because I like being here.

I mean, why would it matter to you at all if in 100 years there is no more life on this planet? Wouldn't that be, after all, the greatest form of "Survival of the fittest"? e.g. "Just Mother Nature doing some house cleaning"... If in 100 years I am dead, then the state of the planet will not be relevent to me--the concept of relevency wouldn't even apply; that's part of what being dead entails.

05-20-2007, 01:10 PM
If we all evolved from "pond scum" billions of years ago and have no reason for being here outside of some HUGE "accident" then why do you give a crap if "Mother Nature" decides to ward us off like the parasites we are (according to many of the far left) and rid the human race from this planet?

I mean, why would it matter to you at all if in 100 years there is no more life on this planet? Wouldn't that be, after all, the greatest form of "Survival of the fittest"? e.g. "Just Mother Nature doing some house cleaning"...

Democrats still haven't evolved much past the pond scum....... :laugh2:

05-20-2007, 01:50 PM
Because all credible evidence supports the idea of Intelligent Design. (shrug)Evidence is credible, or it's not evidence. There are assertions, and they can be credible, or not, based upon evidence; yet there is not one single creationist assertion that does not presume (without any evidence for doing so) a creator--making those assertions invalid as scientific hypotheses.

05-20-2007, 02:13 PM
Democrats still haven't evolved much past the pond scum....... :laugh2:Now that's the kind of credible statement I like to see, -----NOT