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12-03-2011, 01:54 PM
I don't think this is a surprise:


The Associated Press 12:43 p.m. CST, December 3, 2011

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Herman Cain announced today in Atlanta that he is suspending his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.

Cain, the former Godfather's Pizza chief executive who has never held elected office, rose to become an unexpected front-runner in the volatile Republican race just weeks ago. A self-styled outsider, Cain enjoyed strong tea party support from conservatives who viewed him as an alternative to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (http://www.chicagotribune.com/topic/politics/government/mitt-romney-PEPLT007376.topic).

Cain returned to his suburban Atlanta home Friday and met with his wife, Gloria. It was the first time they have seen each other face to face since 46-year-old Ginger White came forward on Monday, and said she and Herman Cain (http://www.chicagotribune.com/topic/politics/government/herman-cain-PEPLT00008439.topic) had carried on a 13-year relationship.

More details to come.

12-03-2011, 02:50 PM
I found it odd that he has been going on and on about "clarification" in his announcements of an announcement but only delivered a promise to suspend without any clarification whatsoever. He also promised an endorsement of a particular candidate for the presidency in the near future and that candidate would not be the present President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama. Very odd, indeed. I wonder just which candidates are dreading the kiss of death of any Hermain Cain endorsement?


12-03-2011, 02:53 PM
Is their a difference between suspending and withdrawing?

12-03-2011, 02:57 PM
Is their a difference between suspending and withdrawing?

There was no Q&A in the clarified announcement, Noir, and I suppose if you need the promised clarification then it is you that is stupid, lazy and in need. Don't blame Hermie, blame yourself!!!!!!



12-03-2011, 11:01 PM
There was no Q&A in the clarified announcement, Noir, and I suppose if you need the promised clarification then it is you that is stupid, lazy and in need. Don't blame Hermie, blame yourself!!!!!!



Don't know what this means but i assume its a joke thats gone over my head ^,^
but i take it to be a 'no, there's no difference'

12-03-2011, 11:13 PM
Don't know what this means but i assume its a joke thats gone over my head ^,^
but i take it to be a 'no, there's no difference'

I was definitely joking with you, Noir, as I don't now and have never felt any animosities from you or about you. Hermain Cain likes to excuse his own inabilities to perform by telling people to "don't blame me, blame yourself". It's hilarious straightforward and even moreso from the abstract.

Your question remains, is there a diff between withdrawal and suspend? To me there is a huge diff but maybe not to hermie. Obviously his clarification isn't so clarifying, if you can dig it?!?!?!??!


12-04-2011, 12:52 AM
He's out, pretty simple. Time to stop talking about him.

12-04-2011, 01:01 AM
He's out, pretty simple. Time to stop talking about him.

What is his "plan B" and "continuing to be a powerful voice for the people" all about, Tk? I agree with you, he is toast but he is determined to be a legend in his own mind and the rest of us will have to pay a small but significant price and tolerance for that.


12-04-2011, 01:53 AM
What is his "plan B" and "continuing to be a powerful voice for the people" all about, Tk? I agree with you, he is toast but he is determined to be a legend in his own mind and the rest of us will have to pay a small but significant price and tolerance for that.

He's out. What price do you have to pay specifically?

12-04-2011, 02:07 AM
He's out. What price do you have to pay specifically?

He will continue to interfere in republican party policy and politics without regard to the health or well being of the party or the nation. He stands as an example of what is worst about power and yields it against whomever he perceives as beneath him and that includes about everyone. Disgusting.


12-04-2011, 10:01 AM
I was definitely joking with you, Noir, as I don't now and have never felt any animosities from you or about you. Hermain Cain likes to excuse his own inabilities to perform by telling people to "don't blame me, blame yourself". It's hilarious straightforward and even moreso from the abstract.


Are you forgetting your messiah calling all of us lazy? Obama has done NOTHING other than point the blame at anyone other than himself since he got into office.

12-04-2011, 10:07 AM
He will continue to interfere in republican party policy and politics without regard to the health or well being of the party or the nation. He stands as an example of what is worst about power and yields it against whomever he perceives as beneath him and that includes about everyone. Disgusting.


You just perfectly described McChimpy from the White House!

12-04-2011, 10:59 AM
I'm really disappointed in all of this with Herman. He was my choice,I really liked him because he wasn't a politician. Don't know if the allegations were true,but was trying to hear all sides before i made a judgement.

I liked the 999 plan,and really liked his lack of being polished. He was picked on in the news for this,but his ability to talk to the American people like a real American was refreshing.

Not sure who I will back now.

12-04-2011, 11:16 AM
I'm really disappointed in all of this with Herman. He was my choice,I really liked him because he wasn't a politician. Don't know if the allegations were true,but was trying to hear all sides before i made a judgement.

I liked the 999 plan,and really liked his lack of being polished. He was picked on in the news for this,but his ability to talk to the American people like a real American was refreshing.

Not sure who I will back now.

I feel the same way. I believe though that this election has something the others dont have. We all feel and see the 800 lb gorilla in the room-The trade issue with lower wage countries . My prediction is that the field will probably be narrowed and Gingrich will most likely be the republican candiadate- When it comes down to it he can be inspiring like he was when he led the republicans to victory. All is not lost if you look at the trends the tea party is forcing change and I think we can have a political solution for free trade- it was one that started it.

12-04-2011, 02:05 PM
We all feel and see the 800 lb gorilla in the room-The trade issue with lower wage countries. ... a political solution for free trade- it was one that started it.

You mean expansion of free trade pacts with our major trading partners? I hope so. The S. Korea pact languished far too long.

12-04-2011, 03:08 PM
Are you forgetting your messiah calling all of us lazy? Obama has done NOTHING other than point the blame at anyone other than himself since he got into office.

President Barack Hussein Obama has never called the American people lazy but I will call you straight up lazy and a liar for saying that. The full quip is out there and easily found and understood by anyone with an IQ above 50. I guess that pretty much takes you out of the picture, doesn't it? Please share with me any pointing of blame by the President for any of his own failures. Like all present candidates from the right, no President is perfect but I have no knowledge other than having seen some whining from right wing idiots that the President is somehow blaming anyone for his own failures. And, he is no Messiah but I'm certain he understands your confusion, fallibility and worship of him.


12-04-2011, 03:11 PM
You just perfectly described McChimpy from the White House!

Why are you trying to derail this thread, jim? This thread is about Hermain Cain suspending his campaign for the repub nomination for the presidency, isn't it?


12-04-2011, 04:09 PM
Why are you trying to derail this thread, jim? This thread is about Hermain Cain suspending his campaign for the repub nomination for the presidency, isn't it?


My reply was 100% directed at your reply which I quoted. Surely I'm allowed to discuss similarities between your posts and other public figures, no?

12-04-2011, 04:25 PM
My reply was 100% directed at your reply which I quoted. Surely I'm allowed to discuss similarities between your posts and other public figures, no?

I don't think so as I have been accused of derailing for much less but maybe we're getting back on good footing now and these oblique indiscretions will now be viewed more favorably. No?


12-04-2011, 04:27 PM
I don't think so as I have been accused of derailing for much less but maybe we're getting back on good footing now and these oblique indiscretions will now be viewed more favorably. No?


You have enough trouble controlling yourself, don't worry about controlling what others post. You wanted to be a wise-ass by the way you described Cain, I simply stated that your description just about fit McChimpy to a T.

12-04-2011, 05:02 PM
You have enough trouble controlling yourself, don't worry about controlling what others post. You wanted to be a wise-ass by the way you described Cain, I simply stated that your description just about fit McChimpy to a T.

Have I complained about anything anyone else has posted, jimbo? I was referring only to what I have posted and been chastised about. I am glad to see you are now encouraging obtuseness and deliberate 4th grade tactics. Yeaah, I know he is but what about McChimpy??!??!???!??! The comparison exists only in your mind, jim, and that is what is so sad.


12-04-2011, 05:13 PM
Have I complained about anything anyone else has posted, jimbo? I was referring only to what I have posted and been chastised about. I am glad to see you are now encouraging obtuseness and deliberate 4th grade tactics. Yeaah, I know he is but what about McChimpy??!??!???!??! The comparison exists only in your mind, jim, and that is what is so sad.


What you wrote fit Obama to a T. Too bad if you now don't like those words.

12-04-2011, 05:44 PM
President Barack Hussein Obama has never called the American people lazy but I will call you straight up lazy and a liar for saying that. The full quip is out there and easily found and understood by anyone with an IQ above 50. I guess that pretty much takes you out of the picture, doesn't it? Please share with me any pointing of blame by the President for any of his own failures. Like all present candidates from the right, no President is perfect but I have no knowledge other than having seen some whining from right wing idiots that the President is somehow blaming anyone for his own failures. And, he is no Messiah but I'm certain he understands your confusion, fallibility and worship of him.



12-04-2011, 05:46 PM
What you wrote fit Obama to a T. Too bad if you now don't like those words.

Does not.



12-04-2011, 05:46 PM

POW, right to the kisser, clear KO! But guaranteed PB will spin it somehow rather than just admit he's wrong as usual.

12-04-2011, 07:10 PM
POW, right to the kisser, clear KO! But guaranteed PB will spin it somehow rather than just admit he's wrong as usual.

That conversation on youtube and filmed in a foxnews environment exactly and precisely proves my point. The only one in that clip trying to call the American people lazy is the bald headed jerk on the left side of the screen. Others disagreed with him and said flat out that it was American business and American governmental regulation were the considerations of President Barack Hussein Obama in these matters. The President has not and I think would never call the greatest people on Earth "lazy". That is more akin to what republicans say about everyone who is not a republican and many times even other republicans. What a vile, despicable and foul-smelling bunch.



12-04-2011, 07:15 PM
That conversation on youtube and filmed in a foxnews environment exactly and precisely proves my point. The only one in that clip trying to call the American people lazy is the bald headed jerk on the left side of the screen. Others disagreed with him and said flat out that it was American business and American governmental regulation were the considerations of President Barack Hussein Obama in these matters. The President has not and I think would never call the greatest people on Earth "lazy". That is more akin to what republicans say about everyone who is not a republican and many times even other republicans. What a vile, despicable and foul-smelling bunch.



Conversation my ass! Ten seconds into the video Obama himself calls Americans lazy. You still denying it?

12-04-2011, 07:18 PM
Conversation my ass! Ten seconds into the video Obama himself calls Americans lazy. You still denying it?

Of course he'll still deny it. Just like he claims to never name call first. Or derail. Or obfuscate. It is whom he is.

12-04-2011, 07:45 PM
Conversation my ass! Ten seconds into the video Obama himself calls Americans lazy. You still denying it?

The actual quote reveals that he said "we" and he then went on to clarify what he meant by "we". Any interpretation that he was referring to everyday Americans or American workers is delusional. I thinketh it be you that is in denial and projecting as well. You must be off your meds, Mm.


12-04-2011, 08:31 PM
The actual quote reveals that he said "we" and he then went on to clarify what he meant by "we". Any interpretation that he was referring to everyday Americans or American workers is delusional. I thinketh it be you that is in denial and projecting as well. You must be off your meds, Mm.


He was speaking to a foreign audience as the representative of the U.S. When he said "we", he referred to us all.

Unlike yourself, I have no history of substance abuse. I have told others to lay off about yours. I suggest you refrain from bringing up the subject, especially in my direction.

12-04-2011, 08:55 PM
He was speaking to a foreign audience as the representative of the U.S. When he said "we", he referred to us all.

Unlike yourself, I have no history of substance abuse. I have told others to lay off about yours. I suggest you refrain from bringing up the subject, especially in my direction.

The President was not in any way accusing any American citizen of being lazy or any American or group of Americans of having a poor work ethic. I repeat to you, any interpretation of his remarks that would in any way demean the strengths, work ethics or attitudes of the American people is folly at best but most likely just mean spirited, unAmerican on it's face, delusional and yes it is projecting by those that have for so many years complained about the willingness of the American peoples to perform to the best of their abilities and with the education, materials and tools they have.

You may not have a history of substance abuse but you projected that to me. I didn't accuse you of any substance abuse but you are clearly, at least from this layman's POV, delusional and prone to projection. My remark was not intended to insult you but only to remind you to think about how crazy you sound when you make delusional observations and comments like you do. And I thank you for asking others to lay off me as I continue my fight against alcohol. You are a stand up guy on that accord and I apologize for what I said about meds.


12-04-2011, 08:59 PM
The President was not in any way accusing any American citizen of being lazy or any American or group of Americans of having a poor work ethic. I repeat to you, any interpretation of his remarks that would in any way demean the strengths, work ethics or attitudes of the American people is folly at best but most likely just mean spirited, unAmerican on it's face, delusional and yes it is projecting by those that have for so many years complained about the willingness of the American peoples to perform to the best of their abilities and with the education, materials and tools they have.

You may not have a history of substance abuse but you projected that to me. I didn't accuse you of any substance abuse but you are clearly, at least from this layman's POV, delusional and prone to projection. My remark was not intended to insult you but only to remind you to think about how crazy you sound when you make delusional observations and comments like you do. And I thank you for asking others to lay off me as I continue my fight against alcohol. You are a stand up guy on that accord and I apologize for what I said about meds.


Good God, that first paragraph makes no sense. The second? OMG! Highlighted.

12-04-2011, 09:37 PM
Good God, that first paragraph makes no sense. The second? OMG! Highlighted.

I bet you had a real tough time in school from about the 7th grade on, didn't you, Kath? I see right off that critical thinking and even simple comprehensive skills are not on your resume'.

I'll be glad to answer any question you may have but I must insist that your hyperbole and feigned shock be somehow controlled as they detract from the conversation.

Thank you in advance, sweetie!!!!!!!!



12-04-2011, 10:36 PM
The President was not in any way accusing any American citizen of being lazy or any American or group of Americans of having a poor work ethic.

The POTUS was bitching about how American business has become tired of all the regulations and ridiculous taxation rules that have been placed on them by government BEYOND the past 20 years. He complains that they are responding to the rules put in place by regulation by moving in a tax advantaged way that is counterproductive to what politicians say that they want. He's upset that they are not bailing his ass out and creating jobs that he can simultaneously take credit for AND harangue for being greedy capitalists.

You can say I'm reading between the lines and you'd be right... but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

12-04-2011, 10:48 PM
The POTUS was bitching about how American business has become tired of all the regulations and ridiculous taxation rules that have been placed on them by government BEYOND the past 20 years. He complains that they are responding to the rules put in place by regulation by moving in a tax advantaged way that is counterproductive to what politicians say that they want. He's upset that they are not bailing his ass out and creating jobs that he can simultaneously take credit for AND harangue for being greedy capitalists.

You can say I'm reading between the lines and you'd be right... but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

No indeed. Going Galt:


Published Saturday, Dec. 03, 2011 Modified Sat, Dec 03, 2011 11:05 AM 52 Comments (http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2011/12/03/v-print/1739803/kennewick-construction-company.html#disqus_thread) Kennewick construction company auctions itself off By John Trumbo, Tri-City Herald

KENNEWICK -- It took Bob Bertsch 25 years to build his construction business and just a day for it all to go away.

Bertsch's Kennewick-based Ashley-Bertsch Group went on the auction block Friday at 9 a.m. By 4 p.m., Booker Auctions had sold off almost two dozen vehicles and trailers, tons of power tools and supplies, even the gas-fired fireplace in the office.

Bertsch, 65, said he is down-sizing because the tax burden got too expensive to stay in business.
After a quarter of a century of building a successful enterprise at 5903 W. Metaline Ave., Bertsch sat back and watched as about 200 people bid on what was left of his company -- boxes of electrical parts, a drafting desk, high-end office furniture, TVs, computers and even the phone system.

Anything that could be carried away, was.

"I am tired of carrying all the tax load," Bertsch said. "I renew 13 licenses here every year just so I can spend money in this city."

Bertsch makes no attempt to conceal his frustration with the costs government imposes on small businesses like his.

"Government is killing small business. We used to have 24 employees at our peak. Now, all of those people who used to work here are in unemployment lines," he said.

Seeing all his life work and hard-earned gain sold off wasn't easy, Bertsch said, but the sale was successful enough to ease the hurt...

12-04-2011, 11:07 PM
The POTUS was bitching about how American business has become tired of all the regulations and ridiculous taxation rules that have been placed on them by government BEYOND the past 20 years. He complains that they are responding to the rules put in place by regulation by moving in a tax advantaged way that is counterproductive to what politicians say that they want. He's upset that they are not bailing his ass out and creating jobs that he can simultaneously take credit for AND harangue for being greedy capitalists.

You can say I'm reading between the lines and you'd be right... but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Yep, I'd say that you are reading a helluva lot between the lines to the point of hallucinations. I would ask you to explain just how you arrive at such insane conclusions but really I don't give a fuck. I think it was Barney Frank that told one of his constituents that came up with some crap like you are spewing that speaking with her was like arguing with a dining room table and he had no interest in doing that. I have never heard the POTUS Barack Hussein Obama bitching about anything and neither have you.


12-04-2011, 11:14 PM
Yep, I'd say that you are reading a helluva lot between the lines to the point of hallucinations. I would ask you to explain just how you arrive at such insane conclusions but really I don't give a fuck. I think it was Barney Frank that told one of his constituents that came up with some crap like you are spewing that speaking with her was like arguing with a dining room table and he had no interest in doing that. I have never heard the POTUS Barack Hussein Obama bitching about anything and neither have you.

Of course you wouldn't, you don't want to hear it. You could take practically any societal problem and if you trace it back far enough you will find a government policy that exacerbates it. Likely a politician that saw a problem, devised a solution, created a program, and then died.* And we're left with the history of it.

*OK, that was kind of dramatic but WTH. :laugh:

BTW, I bet I could find quotes of BO that say 99% of my paraphrase but it would never sink in to you so I won't spend the effort. RSR is so much better at that than I am anyway. :cool:

EDIT: Oh, and Barney? He couldn't argue with the truth so best to pull an ostrich.

12-04-2011, 11:52 PM
Of course you wouldn't, you don't want to hear it. You could take practically any societal problem and if you trace it back far enough you will find a government policy that exacerbates it. Likely a politician that saw a problem, devised a solution, created a program, and then died.* And we're left with the history of it.

*OK, that was kind of dramatic but WTH. :laugh:

BTW, I bet I could find quotes of BO that say 99% of my paraphrase but it would never sink in to you so I won't spend the effort. RSR is so much better at that than I am anyway. :cool:

EDIT: Oh, and Barney? He couldn't argue with the truth so best to pull an ostrich.

I'm all ears, cowgirl. I maintain that I have NEVER heard the POTUS Barack Hussein bitching about anything and neither have you. YUou could "practically", see? That's but one of your qualifiers. "I bet I could find quotes", more of your qualifiers. "I won't spend the effort, rsr is so much better". not exactly a qualifier but at least telling me and rsr that you are above explaining your own paraphrasing but rsr might take it on for you. What am I supposed to think about that?

And Barney? He has been speaking truth to power for as long as I have known who he is. He's due for retirement and in light of the heavy redistricting he would win by a larger margin than ever but he doesn't want to take on the additional 325,000 constituents that he knows little about and how to properly represent their needs. I admire his truthfulness on that and wonder why you don't.


12-05-2011, 12:12 AM
I'm all ears, cowgirl. I maintain that I have NEVER heard the POTUS Barack Hussein bitching about anything and neither have you. YUou could "practically", see? That's but one of your qualifiers. "I bet I could find quotes", more of your qualifiers. "I won't spend the effort, rsr is so much better". not exactly a qualifier but at least telling me and rsr that you are above explaining your own paraphrasing but rsr might take it on for you. What am I supposed to think about that?

Of course it's qualified because of course he didn't utter those exact words hence "practically." But I see you still ignore the truth in that video that he was bitching, "We've become lazy," meaning that the fault is in the private sector but of course not in government policy because that's never at fault. :rolleyes: I'm sure you also didn't hear him bitching about bonuses, private jets, and tax breaks for oil companies just as you've heard him take credit for the stimulus; probably in the same speech. Hmm, what else in my paraphrase haven't I covered? I might even look for those quotes if you'll actually be sticking around for awhile.

And Barney? He has been speaking truth to power for as long as I have known who he is. He's due for retirement and in light of the heavy redistricting he would win by a larger margin than ever but he doesn't want to take on the additional 325,000 constituents that he knows little about and how to properly represent their needs. I admire his truthfulness on that and wonder why you don't.

Barney truth to power? :laugh: Barney's been sucking up power for how long now? He wants power firmly ensconced in government hands, not the private sector. He's pissed he's not going to be able to twist the levers any more.

12-05-2011, 12:41 AM
Of course it's qualified because of course he didn't utter those exact words hence "practically." But I see you still ignore the truth in that video that he was bitching, "We've become lazy," meaning that the fault is in the private sector but of course not in government policy because that's never at fault. :rolleyes: I'm sure you also didn't hear him bitching about bonuses, private jets, and tax breaks for oil companies just as you've heard him take credit for the stimulus; probably in the same speech. Hmm, what else in my paraphrase haven't I covered? I might even look for those quotes if you'll actually be sticking around for awhile.

Barney truth to power? :laugh: Barney's been sucking up power for how long now? He wants power firmly ensconced in government hands, not the private sector. He's pissed he's not going to be able to twist the levers any more.

The qualifier did not modify the exact wording or reference to it. The POTUS Barack Hussein Obama was not bitching in that video or at any other time. Bitching and whining is for the likes of gwb and his cohorts. When he said "we" he exactly meant both private and governmental entities that have failed to properly attract and maintain relationships with foreign nations to build and run their enterprises in America. I am talking about the foxnews video that is posted here. What video are you watching or talking about? Why would he not take credit for the stimulus and what is your problem with it? I thought you were one of those that continues to insist it makes matters worse.

Barney sucking up power or being pissed about leaving the levers of government in other hands? Barney desiring overwhelming government to the exclusion of private enterprise? You're just full of crap, fj, and you don't know what you're talking about.


red states rule
12-05-2011, 03:44 AM
He will continue to interfere in republican party policy and politics without regard to the health or well being of the party or the nation. He stands as an example of what is worst about power and yields it against whomever he perceives as beneath him and that includes about everyone. Disgusting.


You mean like how Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton do with the Dems?

red states rule
12-05-2011, 03:48 AM
That conversation on youtube and filmed in a foxnews environment exactly and precisely proves my point. The only one in that clip trying to call the American people lazy is the bald headed jerk on the left side of the screen. Others disagreed with him and said flat out that it was American business and American governmental regulation were the considerations of President Barack Hussein Obama in these matters. The President has not and I think would never call the greatest people on Earth "lazy". That is more akin to what republicans say about everyone who is not a republican and many times even other republicans. What a vile, despicable and foul-smelling bunch.



Like Jimmy Carter, Obama blames the America worker for HIS failed policies

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_ULxVliIj0E" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

red states rule
12-05-2011, 04:26 AM
Is it me, or why do libs in the media always have "bad memories" when it comes to the actions of their fellow libs?

Sgt Schultz over at DNCTV seems to have erased the Clinton years from his memory banks

Hillary and Bill on 60 Minutes, the "bimbo eruption" excuse, and unleashing James Carville on the women to trash them pubicly

Now the libs are saying because of the accusaton, Cain is not fit to be President - but with Bill Clinton the accusations did not matter since character did not matter back then

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=360 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/107946" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

12-05-2011, 08:24 AM
The qualifier did not modify the exact wording or reference to it. The POTUS Barack Hussein Obama was not bitching in that video or at any other time. Bitching and whining is for the likes of gwb and his cohorts. When he said "we" he exactly meant both private and governmental entities that have failed to properly attract and maintain relationships with foreign nations to build and run their enterprises in America. I am talking about the foxnews video that is posted here. What video are you watching or talking about? Why would he not take credit for the stimulus and what is your problem with it? I thought you were one of those that continues to insist it makes matters worse.

Barney sucking up power or being pissed about leaving the levers of government in other hands? Barney desiring overwhelming government to the exclusion of private enterprise? You're just full of crap, fj, and you don't know what you're talking about.

Spot on I was. BTW, last I heard he wasn't "running on" his stimulus record and nobody will come close to his new stimulus lite bill.

12-05-2011, 10:33 AM
Spot on I was. BTW, last I heard he wasn't "running on" his stimulus record and nobody will come close to his new stimulus lite bill.

Just where did you hear that he wasn't "running on" his stimulus record and nobody will come close to his new stimulus lite bill? The vote was just the other day and it was 51 for and 49 against. I don't think that can be described as "nobody will come close". The last I heard the republicans were still stonewalling the American people and the President hasn't begun his re-election campaign just yet.


12-05-2011, 01:43 PM
Just where did you hear that he wasn't "running on" his stimulus record and nobody will come close to his new stimulus lite bill? The vote was just the other day and it was 51 for and 49 against. I don't think that can be described as "nobody will come close". The last I heard the republicans were still stonewalling the American people and the President hasn't begun his re-election campaign just yet.

Do you mean the piecemeal bits of the bill that might get through? Not exactly stunning success but are you kidding that BO hasn't been "campaigning" for quite some time? Nothing like a couple of non-campaign bus trips eh?

12-05-2011, 03:34 PM
Do you mean the piecemeal bits of the bill that might get through? Not exactly stunning success but are you kidding that BO hasn't been "campaigning" for quite some time? Nothing like a couple of non-campaign bus trips eh?

You said something about "stimulus lite". Did you get carried away? Stunning or not for now it certainly puts the lights squarely on the people that would forego the well being of our nation for their own misguided political expediencies. Get your popcorn and sit back and watch. This is going to be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you resent the Prez going on meet and greets and townhall chats? If he didn't do that he would be derelict in his duties. Maybe he's doing it to make the mentally challenged amongst us whine a little louder. Sorry. No cheese.



red states rule
12-06-2011, 03:19 AM
You said something about "stimulus lite". Did you get carried away? Stunning or not for now it certainly puts the lights squarely on the people that would forego the well being of our nation for their own misguided political expediencies. Get your popcorn and sit back and watch. This is going to be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you resent the Prez going on meet and greets and townhall chats? If he didn't do that he would be derelict in his duties. Maybe he's doing it to make the mentally challenged amongst us whine a little louder. Sorry. No cheese.




red states rule
12-06-2011, 03:20 AM
Like Jimmy Carter, Obama blames the America worker for HIS failed policies

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_ULxVliIj0E" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

Provide PB proof he is wrong, and you get the sound of crickets chirping :laugh2:

12-06-2011, 10:13 AM
You said something about "stimulus lite". Did you get carried away? Stunning or not for now it certainly puts the lights squarely on the people that would forego the well being of our nation for their own misguided political expediencies. Get your popcorn and sit back and watch. This is going to be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTF are you talking about? And have you missed the news? Excessive debt does not equal the well being of our nation.

Do you resent the Prez going on meet and greets and townhall chats? If he didn't do that he would be derelict in his duties. Maybe he's doing it to make the mentally challenged amongst us whine a little louder. Sorry. No cheese.

I must have missed that under his constitutional duties. Red is right, fundraising also equals campaigning. Why do you deny the obvious?

red states rule
12-08-2011, 03:12 AM
WTF are you talking about? And have you missed the news? Excessive debt does not equal the well being of our nation.

I must have missed that under his constitutional duties. Red is right, fundraising also equals campaigning. Why do you deny the obvious?

FJ, PB is on a very long and extended vacation from the board. Please refrain from responding to his posts


12-08-2011, 09:03 AM
FJ, PB is on a very long and extended vacation from the board. Please refrain from responding to his posts


I haven't responded to him in two days; why bump the thread?