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View Full Version : Obama Off to Hawaii for Seventeen Day Vacation

red states rule
12-05-2011, 04:01 AM
Obama must be tired from all the fundraising, golf outings, and campaign rallies he had been doing lately

While most Americans are lucky to get a few weeks of holiday every year, it seems the country’s leader gets a little more freedom in the matter.

President Barack Obama has announced his Christmas vacation to Hawaii – for a staggering 17-day trip.

Obama, who visited the island just two weeks ago for an economic summit will head to Honolulu on Saturday December 17 until Monday January 2.

The President's family covers the cost of a private beach front residence in Kailua, Oahu, for their vacation - a ‘Winter White House’ that costs up to $3,500 a day, or $75,000 a month.

But the local and federal taxpayers help pay the bill for travel and security.

Last year the trip cost more than $1 million,according to the Hawaii Reporter.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069471/President-Obama-jet-Hawaii-SEVENTEEN-DAY-Christmas-holiday.html#ixzz1feIdgG6u

12-05-2011, 02:06 PM
Meh, the POTUS is never really on vacation. Besides, keep him out of DC where he might actually do something.

12-05-2011, 02:13 PM
Meh, the POTUS is never really on vacation. Besides, keep him out of DC where he DOUBTFULLY WILL do something.


red states rule
12-06-2011, 03:53 AM
Meh, the POTUS is never really on vacation. Besides, keep him out of DC where he might actually do something.

Besides make campaign speechs, what has Obama done in DC? Seems he has let Reid and Pelosi do all the work while he made his tee time, had parties at the WH. took Michelle out on dates, went on "The View", attended fund raisers, and went on countless vacations

12-06-2011, 10:18 AM
Besides make campaign speechs, what has Obama done in DC?

Unfortunately sign bills that are counterproductive to the well being of this fine nation.

12-06-2011, 10:22 AM
I have NO doubts that being POTUS is a stressful job, even if he is doing things that some of us (most of us) don't agree with, and I don't begrudge the man taking some vacation time, but it absolutely irks me that he and his wife are running around telling everyone else they need to sacrifice as they themselves make NO sacrifices. What's wrong with a nice quiet trip to Camp David where the family can relax, without costing taxpayers millions of dollars?

12-06-2011, 10:29 AM
This happens every time a President takes a vacation. Even if unemployment was at .01% and we were running a 10 trillion dollar surplus, we'd still bitch about it.

Abbey Marie
12-06-2011, 10:39 AM
Presidents should at least pay Air Force One fuel costs for vacation trips.

12-06-2011, 10:42 AM
Presidents should at least pay Air Force One fuel costs for vacation trips.

I don't even think that. I just think said trips should be limited to ONE a year. Go to Camp David as often as you like, but you get ONE expensive vacation a year. Not 8 for you and 8 for the Mrs and oh yeah gotta fly the dog home............

12-06-2011, 11:04 AM
I have NO doubts that being POTUS is a stressful job, even if he is doing things that some of us (most of us) don't agree with, and I don't begrudge the man taking some vacation time, but it absolutely irks me that he and his wife are running around telling everyone else they need to sacrifice as they themselves make NO sacrifices. What's wrong with a nice quiet trip to Camp David where the family can relax, without costing taxpayers millions of dollars?

He was raised in Hawaii. I have to think it holds a special place in his heart and, especially around the holidays, it makes sense he'd want to share that with his family.

12-06-2011, 11:11 AM
He was raised in Hawaii. I have to think it holds a special place in his heart and, especially around the holidays, it makes sense he'd want to share that with his family.

And like I said, I have no problem with that, if it's ONE time a year. I don't even have a problem with it being funded by tax payers, hell we have to provide security and such for the guy whether you agree with his politics or not, that's just a given. But THIS guy, oh no he's talking about sacrificing meanwhile his family is living larger than they EVER have with MULTIPLE long distance vacations every year. If nothing else it gives off the perception of "let them eat cake" (yes I know that famous quote was never actually said.)

12-06-2011, 07:35 PM
So he is going to come back just to take Christmas break?

12-07-2011, 03:41 AM
And like I said, I have no problem with that, if it's ONE time a year. I don't even have a problem with it being funded by tax payers, hell we have to provide security and such for the guy whether you agree with his politics or not, that's just a given. But THIS guy, oh no he's talking about sacrificing meanwhile his family is living larger than they EVER have with MULTIPLE long distance vacations every year. If nothing else it gives off the perception of "let them eat cake" (yes I know that famous quote was never actually said.)

Having the POTUS as a husband and father, I'm sure they've had to make sacrifices. And with an election year coming up, I'm sure they're expecting to make more. I think they went to Hawaii last year too; its their tradition. Don't be such a humbug.

I didn't give shit that Bush spent almost a third of his presidency on "vacation" or "retreat"-- I don't pretend to imagine the mental and emotion strain the President is subject to; if they need some R+R, take it. I don't think we should elect somebody to the highest office in the land and then miser their time-- their results are evidence enough. In consideration of that alone, come January 2013, Obama can extend his vacation as long as he wishes; though, I doubt he'll be able to land this pad then--- WOW!

red states rule
12-07-2011, 04:25 AM
At east with Pres Bush he went to HIS ranch (which drove the liberal media nuts) but with Obama, he always seesm to want to hangout witht he rich folks he publicly hates so much

But hey in Jan 2013 Obama will have alot more time on his hands to relax and go back to his roots as a community agitator