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View Full Version : Obama on CBS: I didn't overpromise

red states rule
12-12-2011, 04:22 AM
I am sure many supporters of Obama in the liberal media media will defend this blatant lie as a cold hard fact

Barack Obama offered a spirited defense of his presidency in an interview that aired Sunday on “60 Minutes,” framing the 2012 election as a “contrast in visions.

”Stressing that the views that got him elected in 2008 still drive him, even as many supporters voice dissatisfaction, Obama said he is still determined to change Washington and to make ordinary Americans’ lives better.

“I didn’t overpromise. And I didn’t underestimate how tough this was going to be,” Obama said in the sitdown with CBS News’s Steve Kroft that was conducted on two days this week, in Washington and also in Osawatomie, Kan., where the president on Tuesday delivered a speech (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/69901.html) calling this a “make-or-break moment” for working and middle class Americans.

The vision he offered in 2008 was something he “always believed … was a long-term project,” Obama told Kroft. “Reversing a culture here in Washington, dominated by special interests, it was going to take more than a year, it was going to take more than two years. It was going to take more than one term.”

He also acknowledged something he’s rarely said, that it “probably takes more than one president” to affect the kind of change he speaks about, but he, nonetheless, intends to keep fighting for it.

“I’m a persistent son of a gun. I just stay at it. And I’m just going to keep on staying at it, as long as I’m in this office. And we’re going to get it right. And America will succeed. I am absolutely confident about that.”

Even though he faces a steady stream of attacks, Obama said he never seriously considered not running for reelection. The first lady, who was resistant to his running in the first place, “reminds me, ‘You volunteered for this thing.’”


12-12-2011, 02:36 PM
The vision he offered in 2008 was something he “always believed … was a long-term project,” Obama told Kroft. “Reversing a culture here in Washington, dominated by special interests, it was going to take more than a year, it was going to take more than two years. It was going to take more than one term.”

it's taking so long because he hasn't started yet.....

12-12-2011, 02:45 PM
The first lady, who was resistant to his running in the first place, “reminds me, ‘You volunteered for this thing.’”

Bullshit, I don't believe for one second that that uppity gorilla didn't want her husband to run for President. Or that she was ever hesitant about it.

red states rule
12-13-2011, 03:37 AM
Yea Obama did not over promise on the economy. He only said the sea levels would stop rising, and the planet would start to heal

No ego here at all folks

Meanwhile the fools that believed what he was bellowing cheer (and sometimes fainted)

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