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red states rule
12-14-2011, 04:06 AM
As usal, the "offended" launch their annual War on Christmas

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12-15-2011, 04:10 PM

red states rule
12-16-2011, 06:13 AM
Gabby, while your post was not intended to add anything to the thread - why should you contribute anything to the board after all these years anyway - you did unintentionaly swerve into my next post

A liberal teacher is "offended" over the lyrics to a Chsirtmas Carol, and has removed the "offesnsive" word fromt he song

A traditional Christmas carol is at the center of a controversy at an elementary school in Michigan. The music teacher decided to change the lyrics to "Deck The Halls" because one particular word had the students giggling.
The music teacher at Cherry Knoll Elementary School removed the the word gay: changing the verse to "Don we now our bright apparel" rather than "gay apparel."

"There were some students that had been snickering at the lyrics to deck the halls, she had been attempted to get them back on track quite a few times, and just decided to make a change in the wording," said principal Chris Parker.

Parker says when he found out the lyric had been change, he immediately talked with the teacher. "I had not heard of the subtitution of the word bright before in that song it sort of caught me by surprise," said Parker.

Parker wishes the teacher would have used the situation as a teachable moment -- the word gay in the carol means happy or joyful.

"We have an anti-bullying and discrimination policy that includes sexual orientation, so going forward the teacher will be addressing, this is how we're supposed to be reacting, this is a way to be respectful about this."


red states rule
12-16-2011, 06:19 AM
and as usual, the "offended" among us are PO'd over a banner hanging in town that has the word - GASP- "CHRIST"

Why do offended liberals have to try and ruin Christmas for so many people year after year?

Some residents of a South Jersey town are calling a Knights of Columbus banner that hangs over Broadway in Pitman, a sign of the season.
It reads “Keep Christ in Christmas.”

“I think it’s wonderful, Christ is Christmas,” said Maria Marandino of Vineland.

Some unnamed residents who live in Pitman and who believe the sign that hangs across Main Street violates the Constitution, contacted the Freedom from Religion Foundation in Wisconsin that promotes separation of church and state. The group’s consultant told Eyewitness News by phone that they’ve asked the town to remove the sign.

“It’s a group endorsing religion over a public right of way,” said Andrew Seidel, the group’s constitutional consultant.

The town’s mayor says the sign is attached to private property and hanging over a county road.

“I think it’s a sad state of affairs that our country, we kowtow to the minority and not the majority of people who like that sort of thing to stay,” said Mayor Michael Batten.
