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View Full Version : Connecticut Mayor wants illegal aliens to vote

12-14-2011, 11:57 AM
This is disgusting. How can any elected official support this? Maybe he's looking for a cabinet position on the Obama '12 ticket. I know it's only municipal, but an ILLEGAL alien shouldn't have ANY voting rights. And not that far up Rt. 95 from me. How sad.

New Haven Mayor John DeStefano plans to ask the state Legislature to allow illegal immigrants who live in the city to be able vote in municipal elections.

DeStefano said on Tuesday that the proposal would build a more engaged community and follows the lead of other cities, the New Haven Independent reports.

The Independent reports that New Haven has about 10,000 non-citizen immigrants.

Immigrants who are in the U.S. legally or illegally and cannot vote now would still be unable to vote in state or federal elections.

DeStefano, a Democrat, said illegal immigrants pay taxes indirectly through rent and send their kids to New Haven schools and should be able to vote.

New Haven made national headlines in 2007 when the city approved a program that provides municipal identification cards for all residents -- including illegal immigrants -- to provide access to services such as banking and the library.


12-14-2011, 12:08 PM
This is disgusting. How can any elected official support this? Maybe he's looking for a cabinet position on the Obama '12 ticket. I know it's only municipal, but an ILLEGAL alien shouldn't have ANY voting rights. And not that far up Rt. 95 from me. How sad.


They wanna vote, let them vote. IN THEIR HOME COUNTRY.

red states rule
12-15-2011, 05:32 AM
and to think someone here told me that illegals do NOT vote in our electons

Just as the liberal media has given up on the illusion of objective jornalism - liberals have given up the illusion as to why they really want illegals here in America