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12-14-2011, 07:10 PM
All sorts of self-proclaimed conservatives out there. Question is, can all unite to defeat Obama?

http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2011/12/president_obama_s_campaign_advisers_reveal_the_out lines_of_his_re_election_strategy_it_s_not_pretty_ .html


President Obama’s campaign advisers reveal the outlines of his re-election strategy. It’s not pretty.
By John Dickerson | Posted Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2011, at 7:05 PM ET
| Posted Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2011, at 7:05 PM ET


President Obama's top campaign advisers held a briefing for national reporters today in Washington, D.C., an early attempt to persuade the media that victory is possible, or even likely. The inevitable PowerPoint presentation gave the impression of a gathering army and plenty of options. Slides showed that there had been 1 million conversations with voters, 90,000 meetings, and that 45 percent of donors were new ones who had not given in 2008. A screen full of maps showed the five different ways Obama could win the election* (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2011/12/president_obama_s_campaign_advisers_reveal_the_out lines_of_his_re_election_strategy_it_s_not_pretty_ .html#Correction), either through a “Western path” where he won states such as Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico, or a “Florida path.”

The collective message was that the Obama team has built something big enough to withstand the deluge of bad data and historical trends that are working against the president: the high unemployment rate, an average approval rating that is seven points below the key benchmark of 50 percent, and a vast majority of voters who think the country is going in the wrong direction.

A USA Today/Gallup analysis of swing states (http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/story/2011-12-12/2012-election-swing-states-poll/51844930/1) that came out this morning showed Republicans are more enthusiastic than Democrats. The president's swing-state poll numbers are worse than they are among the general public. Both Romney and Gingrich lead Obama in those states...

12-14-2011, 08:51 PM
A meeting to give the media their marching orders is what this looks like to me. Whoever wins the GOP's nomination is going to have to be backed by everyone. This election is too important for third parties and independents.

All of the media (except talk radio) will be pulling out the stops to promote the dark lord. TV, music, film and news will be working together. So conservatives are going to have to stand together on this.

12-14-2011, 08:56 PM
A meeting to give the media their marching orders is what this looks like to me. Whoever wins the GOP's nomination is going to have to be backed by everyone. This election is too important for third parties and independents.

All of the media (except talk radio) will be pulling out the stops to promote the dark lord. TV, music, film and news will be working together. So conservatives are going to have to stand together on this.Perhaps, but I see major problems down the road.

12-14-2011, 09:04 PM
Perhaps, but I see major problems down the road.

Yes I do too. Especially if all the conservatives don't pull together. There's going to be a lot of fraud and intimidation and a full media blitz. And if all that fails there's rioters and martial law.

red states rule
12-15-2011, 04:28 AM

12-15-2011, 04:09 PM
A meeting to give the media their marching orders is what this looks like to me. Whoever wins the GOP's nomination is going to have to be backed by everyone. This election is too important for third parties and independents.

All of the media (except talk radio) will be pulling out the stops to promote the dark lord. TV, music, film and news will be working together. So conservatives are going to have to stand together on this.

Dems thought the exact same thing about Bush in 2004. Right down to the martial law part.
The truth is, Dems are enjoying this election campaign just as much as Republicans enjoyed 2004. A slate of potential candidates ripping each other to shreds in advance of the party convention.
Can't wait to see who we get to "Swift Boat" during the campaign.

12-15-2011, 04:46 PM
Can't wait to see who we get to "Swift Boat" during the campaign.

Herman Cain.

12-15-2011, 05:12 PM
All sorts of self-proclaimed conservatives out there. Question is, can all unite to defeat Obama?

http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2011/12/president_obama_s_campaign_advisers_reveal_the_out lines_of_his_re_election_strategy_it_s_not_pretty_ .html

You know Obama and crew gotta love it since it must be obvious even to them that a competent candidate who appealed to a broad base of conservative voters would wipe the floor with Obama.

Abbey Marie
12-15-2011, 05:17 PM
If the conservative radio guys are any indication, people will unite. I have noticed that they are being careful not to:
1. Rip into any Republican running, or
2. Endorse anyone yet.

My take is that they want to be fully able to back the candidate when the time comes.
Ron Paul is the outlier on this though.

12-15-2011, 05:21 PM
If the conservative radio guys are any indication, people will unite. I have noticed that they are being careful no to:
1. Rip into any Republican running, or
2. Endorse anyone yet.

My take is that they want to be fully able to back the candidate when the time comes.
Ron Paul is the outlier on this though.

I heard something interesting about Ron Paul, who unfortunately, IMO is running pretty high right now. We all KNOW, but at least I don't keep in mind that the polling is telephone based, and landlines only at that. His actual support may be higher, since so many of the younger voters-under 40, are cell phone only users.

Abbey Marie
12-15-2011, 05:22 PM
I heard something interesting about Ron Paul, who unfortunately, IMO is running pretty high right now. We all KNOW, but at least I don't keep in mind that the polling is telephone based, and landlines only at that. His actual support may be higher, since so many of the younger voters-under 40, are cell phone only users.

That sounds logical. Oh boy.

12-15-2011, 05:25 PM
That sounds logical. Oh boy.

My feelings exactly. Obama's RCP aggregate numbers are improving. I don't like the vibes.

12-15-2011, 07:21 PM
All sorts of self-proclaimed conservatives out there. Question is, can all unite to defeat Obama?

http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2011/12/president_obama_s_campaign_advisers_reveal_the_out lines_of_his_re_election_strategy_it_s_not_pretty_ .html

Point is, the GOP isn't conservative, by anyone's definition. Conservatives by whoever's definition are currently battling for control of the GOP, and as of last Presidential election ... "if you don't pick mine, I ain't voting". Look at the result. Obama's destroying this country. The left-wing media chooses the GOP's candidate -- hand-chosen by Obama -- and he's a shoe-in.

You'd think some people would be smarter. Obama's an ineffectual President, a liar, and blame-shifter ... watching the right destroy itself.

12-15-2011, 07:25 PM
Point is, the GOP isn't conservative, by anyone's definition. Conservatives by whoever's definition are currently battling for control of the GOP, and as of last Presidential election ... "if you don't pick mine, I ain't voting". Look at the result. Obama's destroying this country. The left-wing media chooses the GOP's candidate -- hand-chosen by Obama -- and he's a shoe-in.

You'd think some people would be smarter. Obama's an ineffectual President, a liar, and blame-shifter ... watching the right destroy itself.

Umm, I think the point I was making you are now addressing. I don't think all 'Conservatives' fit under the GOP headings, do you? I gave some of the 'extreme voices.' A 'GOP all the way.' A claims to be conservative, but sees the liberals point of vies. A Bible based voter. More of a libertarian. All claiming to be conservative.

As one of the examples I'll say that on many issues, we all agree. On many issues, we don't.

12-15-2011, 07:31 PM
Umm, I think the point I was making you are now addressing. I don't think all 'Conservatives' fit under the GOP headings, do you? I gave some of the 'extreme voices.' A 'GOP all the way.' A claims to be conservative, but sees the liberals point of vies. A Bible based voter. More of a libertarian. All claiming to be conservative.

As one of the examples I'll say that on many issues, we all agree. On many issues, we don't.

Of course. I am so-called "conservative". I've never been a member of the GOP. The problem here, is you have myriad groups calling themselves "conservative", and they've split the GOP. When all so-called "conservatives" agree on the candidate, the Dems go home with a loss. I ranted and railed at the people I knew claiming to be conservative last election that withholding their vote would just give the minority Dems in this country a win. To no avail.

Go ahead. Stand on principle. The old Southerners did following the Civil War. They were so caught up on principle (they refused to take the Oath of Allegiance), they were disenfranchised by scallawags. This time though, the entire nation's at stake.

12-15-2011, 07:49 PM
Of course. I am so-called "conservative". I've never been a member of the GOP. The problem here, is you have myriad groups calling themselves "conservative", and they've split the GOP. When all so-called "conservatives" agree on the candidate, the Dems go home with a loss. I ranted and railed at the people I knew claiming to be conservative last election that withholding their vote would just give the minority Dems in this country a win. To no avail.

Go ahead. Stand on principle. The old Southerners did following the Civil War. They were so caught up on principle (they refused to take the Oath of Allegiance), they were disenfranchised by scallawags. This time though, the entire nation's at stake.

Well since I was the OP originator and included myself in the 'bunch', I hear you, which actually was my point. I do consider myself conservative, in many ways drastically so. In others it puts me at odds with the others listed.

Bottom line, I think that 'conservatives' if they want Obama out, do need to let go of some of their wedded to stances to get the Obama out. Do I think it will happen? I've doubts.

Abbey Marie
12-15-2011, 07:57 PM
Last Presidential election we had several people on this board complaining that the Republican party wasn't conservative enough for them, and they decided to "take a stand". They refused to vote for any of the Republicans, as I recall. And definitely not for McCain.

I think we can see where that got us.

So, I guess I am the Bible-based voter? While that may be true regarding a couple of issues, it is not descriptive of most of the issues I care about, and how I feel about them. If you take people out of those boxes, it is easier to see us coming together.

12-15-2011, 08:16 PM
Last Presidential election we had several people on this board complaining that the Republican party wasn't conservative enough for them, and they decided to "take a stand". They refused to vote for any of the Republicans, as I recall. And definitely not for McCain.

I think we can see where that got us.

So, I guess I am the Bible-based voter? While that may be true regarding a couple of issues, it is not descriptive of most of the issues I care about, and how I feel about them. If you take people out of those boxes, it is easier to see us coming together.

Abbey, I'm sorry if I miscaterogied you. It's inevitable in this type of post. The fault is mine. Yes, you are mistakeningly I guess, the example I was using for those that hold that the bible is the be all and end all for what should be the basis of US policy. My problem with that, is which bible, which verses, and what about those that don't believe in God, much less Jesus? Are they Americans?

12-15-2011, 08:24 PM
Well since I was the OP originator and included myself in the 'bunch', I hear you, which actually was my point. I do consider myself conservative, in many ways drastically so. In others it puts me at odds with the others listed.

Bottom line, I think that 'conservatives' if they want Obama out, do need to let go of some of their wedded to stances to get the Obama out. Do I think it will happen? I've doubts.

I don't consider myself much of nothing. Just me. Nowadays, it's about choosing the lesser of two evils. Obama has done more to destroy this nation than anyone since FDR. It's his intent. He's a fascist. I'd vote for Howdy Doody to keep him out of office, if that was my choices.

The "Deal with America" Republicans and Bush's inability to do anything but start a war is preferable to me than some idjit and his Marxist, unConstitutional BS shoving his road to mediocrity crap down everyone's throats. like it or not, without a vote.

And ... all ye who claim to be conservatives need remember ... 2 Supreme Court Justices come due next term.

red states rule
12-16-2011, 06:45 AM
The bottom line is, the party wil unite and come together once a nominee is chosen

The last thing any "R" wants is to have Obama re-elected. It is clear the R's will take back the Senate but will not have a 2/3 majority. Dems will not take back the House

Therefore, Obama can and will veto such things as a repeal of Obamacare, tax cuts, REAL cuts in spending, ect

The House and Senate races will take care of themselves, and the party needs to focus on the defeat of the second coming of Jimmy Carter

12-16-2011, 08:10 AM
Last Presidential election we had several people on this board complaining that the Republican party wasn't conservative enough for them, and they decided to "take a stand". They refused to vote for any of the Republicans, as I recall. And definitely not for McCain.

I think we can see where that got us.

So, I guess I am the Bible-based voter? While that may be true regarding a couple of issues, it is not descriptive of most of the issues I care about, and how I feel about them. If you take people out of those boxes, it is easier to see us coming together.

Does this mean if we don't agree with your post we get smacked upside the head with the KJV?

red states rule
12-16-2011, 08:12 AM
Does this mean if we don't agree with your post we get smacked upside the head with the KJV?

No, I think it means if we make the same mistake we did in 2008 we will get the same election results as we did in 2008

12-16-2011, 08:23 AM
The bottom line is, the party wil unite and come together once a nominee is chosen

The last thing any "R" wants is to have Obama re-elected. It is clear the R's will take back the Senate but will not have a 2/3 majority. Dems will not take back the House

Therefore, Obama can and will veto such things as a repeal of Obamacare, tax cuts, REAL cuts in spending, ect

The House and Senate races will take care of themselves, and the party needs to focus on the defeat of the second coming of Jimmy Carter

You're missing the point. GOP party followers aren't going to win anything. A GOP candidate that can appeal to the GOP AND the various groups calling themselves conservative AND the moderates will win. I honestly believe that in the last election, the middle was so tired of 8 years of leftwingnut media BS they caved. Right up to the point where Huckabee and Romney were the front-runners in the GOP primaries until the media declared McCain was. The media chose the perfect GOP candidate. McCain has been a divider, not a uniter, on the right for years. He made his name bucking Republicans.

And the media is doing it again. They WANT Romney. And they've done their best to destroy everyone else.

red states rule
12-16-2011, 08:33 AM
You're missing the point. GOP party followers aren't going to win anything. A GOP candidate that can appeal to the GOP AND the various groups calling themselves conservative AND the moderates will win. I honestly believe that in the last election, the middle was so tired of 8 years of leftwingnut media BS they caved. Right up to the point where Huckabee and Romney were the front-runners in the GOP primaries until the media declared McCain was. The media chose the perfect GOP candidate. McCain has been a divider, not a uniter, on the right for years. He made his name bucking Republicans.

And the media is doing it again. They WANT Romney. And they've done their best to destroy everyone else.

Sory you are wrong here Gunny

In 2008 we had a liberal media that was determined to carry the Dem nominee accross the finish line, while getting McCain the nomination for the R's

We were told how great McCain was and how he the right kind of R to lead the party. A middle of the roader who wanted to see both sides of the issues

Well we know how that went

People like CH do not want a real conservative leading the party in 2012. They are afraid of that idea and think putting up a moderate or fellow middle of the roader is the only way to beat Obma

Hell Obama is beating himself right now and hs is getting the usual help from hsi re-election staff in the liberal media

He is also getting help from people like CG who are stuck in the past and are afraid of real conservatives speaking out and leqading the party

12-16-2011, 09:01 AM
Sory you are wrong here Gunny

In 2008 we had a liberal media that was determined to carry the Dem nominee accross the finish line, while getting McCain the nomination for the R's

We were told how great McCain was and how he the right kind of R to lead the party. A middle of the roader who wanted to see both sides of the issues

Well we know how that went

People like CH do not want a real conservative leading the party in 2012. They are afraid of that idea and think putting up a moderate or fellow middle of the roader is the only way to beat Obma

Hell Obama is beating himself right now and hs is getting the usual help from hsi re-election staff in the liberal media

He is also getting help from people like CG who are stuck in the past and are afraid of real conservatives speaking out and leqading the party

Feel free to disagree. I am however, not wrong.

red states rule
12-16-2011, 09:10 AM
Feel free to disagree. I am however, not wrong.

We can agree to disagree

However, please consider in 2008 McCain ignored the conservative base and moved to the center to appeal to the I's and middle of the roaders

I know I do not have to remind you how that move worked out

Case closed

Abbey Marie
12-16-2011, 10:54 AM
Abbey, I'm sorry if I miscaterogied you. It's inevitable in this type of post. The fault is mine. Yes, you are mistakeningly I guess, the example I was using for those that hold that the bible is the be all and end all for what should be the basis of US policy. My problem with that, is which bible, which verses, and what about those that don't believe in God, much less Jesus? Are they Americans?

You are right, Kath. I am sure that my posts on topics like abortion and gay marriage make me seem that way, and I certainly make no apologies for being a Bible- believing Christian. But I would not choose a President based on one issue alone, nor does he or she have to have the same faith that I do. I do prefer someone with more traditional morals/values, and I do care very much what kind of Justices would be appointed to the SC and other Federal benches.

But now, for me it's ABO all the way- Anyone But Obama.
Even Ron Paul, I guess. :scared:

Abbey Marie
12-16-2011, 10:55 AM
No, I think it means if we make the same mistake we did in 2008 we will get the same election results as we did in 2008

Well said, Red.

Abbey Marie
12-16-2011, 10:56 AM
Does this mean if we don't agree with your post we get smacked upside the head with the KJV?

Well, maybe NKJV. :laugh2:

red states rule
12-16-2011, 10:58 AM
You are right, Kath. I am sure that my posts on topics like abortion and gay marriage make me seem that way, and I certainly make no apologies for being a Bible- believing Christian. But I would not choose a President based on one issue alone, nor does he or she have to have the same faith that I do. I do prefer someone with more traditional morals/values, and I do care very much what kind of Justices would be appointed to the SC and other Federal benches.

But now, for me it's ABO all the way- Anyone But Obama.
Even Ron Paul, I guess. :scared:

Wow, what a scary thought

Ron Paul or Obama

You have a choice between a left wing nutcase who wants to increase the size and cost of the government

or just a far right wing nut who wants to isolate America from the rest of the world and ignore the terrorists who want all of us dead

Thank God it will not come down to those two choices Abbey

Abbey Marie
12-16-2011, 11:11 AM
Wow, what a scary thought

Ron Paul or Obama

You have a choice between a left wing nutcase who wants to increase the size and cost of the government

or just a far right wing nut who wants to isolate America from the rest of the world and ignore the terrorists who want all of us dead

Thank God it will not come down to those two choices Abbey

Your mouth to God's ears, Red. :thumb:

red states rule
12-16-2011, 11:14 AM
Your mouth to God's ears, Red. :thumb:

Perhaps God allows a liberal like Obama to win so he can screw things up and remind America of what libs are all about

Like a musum that holds visual aides to the past, we need to always have a few liberals around so people will never forget what they stand for and what damage they can do