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12-15-2011, 09:47 PM
I'm down to Gingrich and Romney. I wish we could put Newt's brain in Romney's body. Mitt looks and acts more presidential, but I like Newt's stances better and I think he's much brighter, altogether and speaking on his feet.

12-15-2011, 10:01 PM
I'm down to Gingrich and Romney. I wish we could put Newt's brain in Romney's body. Mitt looks and acts more presidential, but I like Newt's stances better and I think he's much brighter, altogether and speaking on his feet.

Perry would actually be a better candidate. Both Gingrich and Romney alienate too many people. And while some may not like Perry's style, I lived in TX for 10 years he was governor and he is a good one. Texas has the best economy and job market in the US.

Go figure I'm a genius and moved.:laugh:

Of course, he took over Bush's model and ran it ......

12-15-2011, 11:21 PM
I'm down to Gingrich and Romney. I wish we could put Newt's brain in Romney's body. Mitt looks and acts more presidential, but I like Newt's stances better and I think he's much brighter, altogether and speaking on his feet.

Gingrich is much like Hillary, their times have came and gone. The Reps better find a young dynamic candidate and find him/her fast or Obama will be reelected.

12-16-2011, 06:32 AM
Perry would actually be a better candidate. Both Gingrich and Romney alienate too many people. And while some may not like Perry's style, I lived in TX for 10 years he was governor and he is a good one. Texas has the best economy and job market in the US.

Go figure I'm a genius and moved.:laugh:

Of course, he took over Bush's model and ran it ......

And perry doesn't alienate too many people? Lol.

red states rule
12-16-2011, 06:51 AM
Folks, ANY of the Republican candidates would be much better than the idiot we have currently in the WH. When I hear anyone moan how Newt, Mitt, Perry , or anyone else is "unelectable" I reply the ONLY unelectable candidate running for President is Obama

Do not listen to the "middle of the roaders" in the party who do not want a real conservative as the nominee, or the liberal media who is trying to pick our nominee for us

We let that happen in 2008 and we got McCain. Remember how McCain was the "perfect" Republican? He was so reasonable. He was willing to work with the Dems. He was opposed to tax cuts for the rich. McCain was a role model for the rest of us

I am not crazy about Mitt, mostly because of Rmoney care. But if it comes down to Mitt and Obama, I will walk thru a blizzard to vote against Obama on Election Day

12-16-2011, 08:27 AM
And perry doesn't alienate too many people? Lol.

Who asked YOU, dumbass? You don't get to be Governor of Texas for 10 years if you can't unite people. Why don't you stick to being the bellhop for Her Majesty's room rentals? Something you can probably handle without too many screw-ups.

12-16-2011, 08:29 AM
Folks, ANY of the Republican candidates would be much better than the idiot we have currently in the WH. When I hear anyone moan how Newt, Mitt, Perry , or anyone else is "unelectable" I reply the ONLY unelectable candidate running for President is Obama

Do not listen to the "middle of the roaders" in the party who do not want a real conservative as the nominee, or the liberal media who is trying to pick our nominee for us

We let that happen in 2008 and we got McCain. Remember how McCain was the "perfect" Republican? He was so reasonable. He was willing to work with the Dems. He was opposed to tax cuts for the rich. McCain was a role model for the rest of us

I am not crazy about Mitt, mostly because of Rmoney care. But if it comes down to Mitt and Obama, I will walk thru a blizzard to vote against Obama on Election Day

Pretty much what I just said in another thread.

However, he who gets the "middle of the roaders" wins.

red states rule
12-16-2011, 08:39 AM
Pretty much what I just said in another thread.

However, he who gets the "middle of the roaders" wins.


"middle of the roaders" do NOT decide elections Gunny

That fantasy was started by campaign consultants who are always are looking for work

12-16-2011, 08:57 AM

"middle of the roaders" do NOT decide elections Gunny

That fantasy was started by campaign consultants who are always are looking for work

Disagree. Neither the GOP nor the Dems can win an election on their own. Why do you think both cater to all these minorities? The voters in the middle will swing one way or the other and when they do, the way they swing wins. I don't know anything about any campaign consultants say that. It's a trend you can't miss if you look.

red states rule
12-16-2011, 08:58 AM
And perry doesn't alienate too many people? Lol.


red states rule
12-16-2011, 09:00 AM
Disagree. Neither the GOP nor the Dems can win an election on their own. Why do you think both cater to all these minorities? The voters in the middle will swing one way or the other and when they do, the way they swing wins. I don't know anything about any campaign consultants say that. It's a trend you can't miss if you look.

IF what you say is true (And I don't buy it) Obama is in bigger trouble then even I thought. He is losing I's, D's, and young voters big time

12-16-2011, 02:16 PM
Disagree. Neither the GOP nor the Dems can win an election on their own. Why do you think both cater to all these minorities? The voters in the middle will swing one way or the other and when they do, the way they swing wins. I don't know anything about any campaign consultants say that. It's a trend you can't miss if you look.

Exactly right, and the Reps need to figure that out. Find someone who will keep their mouth shut about abortions, and religion, and someone who is fiscally conservative but isn't talking about slashing any single department to the bone and they can beat obama. Get some radical nut anti Obama in there and they will lose. People are sick of the extremes.

12-16-2011, 02:37 PM
Note who the media goes after the most and who they leave alone to get an idea of who to vote for. If the media is after someone hot and heavy digging up past transgressions, then that is probably a good candidate. If they leave someone alone (romney) then that is someone to stay clear of. The only ones to go after romney so far have been his GOP opponents. The media hasn't touched him. He's a front runner because the media says he is.

12-16-2011, 02:40 PM
Note who the media goes after the most and who they leave alone to get an idea of who to vote for. If the media is after someone hot and heavy digging up past transgressions, then that is probably a good candidate. If they leave someone alone (romney) then that is someone to stay clear of. The only ones to go after romney so far have been his GOP opponents. The media hasn't touched him. He's a front runner because the media says he is.

so cynical. Are you saying that it isn't the case that the media doesn't go after some because they are squeaky clean and there is nothing to find?

WHEW I almost got squeaky clean politician without laughing, but failed in the end.

12-16-2011, 04:34 PM
I like Perry more than I used to. I like Michelle Bachman(sp?) too. On the fence about Newt. I was a big Cain fan before all the crap started. I used to think Romney was the most likely to beat Obama because of appearance and being well spoken,but people aren't falling for that anymore. He isn't conservative enough for a lot of people. Perry reminds me of G.W.,his mannerisms that is.

12-16-2011, 05:40 PM
so cynical. Are you saying that it isn't the case that the media doesn't go after some because they are squeaky clean and there is nothing to find?

WHEW I almost got squeaky clean politician without laughing, but failed in the end.

The media goes after anyone that is a threat to the current administration. They want another mccain who will not go after zero's record or point out all the corruption and flaws in the administration. The media is OWNED by the DNC.

Bachmann is topping my list right now. I kinda like what Santorum has to say but I don't like his body language. He tends to squirm and looks shifty at times. Newt would be acceptable but he's still a big government progressive who wouldn't change much, just rename things.

Perry is another Bush and romney is another mccain. Huntsman's a DNC ringer who's looking to be romney's VP. And Paul is a nutcase.

Your not going to find any squeaky clean politicians, just a few less dirty than the others. Especially among those that run for president. The media will cover zero's ass on everything he does and says, while while digging up every bit of dirt and trash they can on his opponent, and if there's not enough they will make it up. See Dan rather for an example.

12-16-2011, 06:12 PM
Folks, ANY of the Republican candidates would be much better than the idiot we have currently in the WH. When I hear anyone moan how Newt, Mitt, Perry , or anyone else is "unelectable" I reply the ONLY unelectable candidate running for President is Obama

Do not listen to the "middle of the roaders" in the party who do not want a real conservative as the nominee, or the liberal media who is trying to pick our nominee for us

We let that happen in 2008 and we got McCain. Remember how McCain was the "perfect" Republican? He was so reasonable. He was willing to work with the Dems. He was opposed to tax cuts for the rich. McCain was a role model for the rest of us

I am not crazy about Mitt, mostly because of Rmoney care. But if it comes down to Mitt and Obama, I will walk thru a blizzard to vote against Obama on Election Day

Romney's health care in Mass. wont be an issue in the presidential election, I mean, can Obama use it to attack him?