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View Full Version : The GOP Isn't Losing All The Battles

12-18-2011, 10:51 AM
While certainly trying to kill their chances from within, Obama makes the case why he is ineffective:


Keystone climbdown leaves Obama supporters scratching their heads
By Amie Parnes - 12/17/11 06:54 PM ET

<input id="fm-c-and-w-article" value="200125" type="hidden"> <input id="fm-c-and-w-start" value="" type="hidden"> President Obama put two conditions in end-game talks on extending the payroll tax holiday.

He wanted to pay for the extension with a surtax on millionaires, and he made clear that the Keystone XL oil pipeline should be kept out of the legislation.

“Any effort to try to tie Keystone to the payroll tax cut I will reject,” the president said. “So everybody should be on notice.”

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In the end, Obama got neither demand.

Just a week after saying he would reject a payroll tax cut extension that included Keystone language, Obama backpedaled on both issues and won just a two-month extension of the payroll tax holiday, far less than the full-year extension he requested in his jobs bill.

Millionaires won't pay higher taxes for the cost of the payroll cut, and House Republicans forced the White House to swallow language forcing Obama to make a decision in 60 days on approving development of the oil sands pipeline from Alberta, Canada, to the Gulf Coast.

While it’s unclear how Obama will emerge from this latest debate politically, some say the latest outcome is reflective of the president’s limited negotiating skills. While the president can seem convincing when selling a plan in town halls across the country, supporters and observers question his ability to seal the deal at crunch time...

red states rule
12-18-2011, 10:56 AM
While this will piss off the kook left and enviro wackos, the Obama re-election staff in the liberal media will try to spin how the evil and vile R's pushed Obama into a corner

"and for the sake of the unemployed and the "children" Pres Obama allowed the R's their brief moment in the sun. However, in the long run this is a victory for Team Obama and the President should be thanked for his leadership and willingness to compromise with the party of Big Business. Some small amount of jobs will be created with this pipeline thing, but the unemployment checks will continue to go out. That in itself will create hundreds of thousands new jobs according to Nancy Pelosi

Something R's do not wnat to happen as it would show Pres Obama's economic policies are starting to work"

Did I leave anything out?