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View Full Version : Breaking: Kim Jong Il Dead

12-18-2011, 10:16 PM

North Korea says its leader Kim Jong Il has diedhttp://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/kjmVjizroQE0M3Nlej7hqQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9Zml0O2g9Mjc-/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/logo/ap/ap_logo_106.png (http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/SIG=116kvrrpr/EXP=1325474085/**http%3A//www.ap.org/)<cite class="byline vcard">AP – <abbr title="2011-12-19T03:05:34Z">9 mins ago


SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korean television announces in a "special broadcast" that its leader Kim Jong Il has died in Pyongyang. He was 69.

Well that would be good news!

12-18-2011, 10:39 PM

12-18-2011, 10:51 PM

Anyone who shot a 12 on a par 18 golf course could surely keep himself from dying?

Good riddance, too bad the son who will take over is an even bigger piece of shit than the dad was.

12-18-2011, 11:47 PM
He apparently died a day or two ago. But no word got out of Korea about it until now.

The U.S. has surveillance satellites in orbit, of course, that cross over North Korea (and other countries) regularly. They are designed to pick up radio signals from the ground. My guess is that our gummint knew about it within a few minutes of its happening, but said nothing until North Korea said something.

12-19-2011, 02:23 AM
He apparently died a day or two ago. But no word got out of Korea about it until now.

The U.S. has surveillance satellites in orbit, of course, that cross over North Korea (and other countries) regularly. They are designed to pick up radio signals from the ground. My guess is that our gummint knew about it within a few minutes of its happening, but said nothing until North Korea said something.

...reciprocal censorship? :laugh:

red states rule
12-19-2011, 05:30 AM
May God have mercy on his soul

I know I would not

12-19-2011, 06:28 AM
May God have mercy on his soul

I know I would not
That's better than I could do.. I was just going to say "happy days..."

12-19-2011, 11:04 AM
Surprised that the TV station was allowed to announce his death, with all of the censorship there. I won't lose any sleep. Now the clock begins ticking on the idiotic son taking over.

12-19-2011, 11:06 AM
I'll miss his colorful wardrobe and fashion statements:laugh2:

12-19-2011, 12:39 PM
I hope he suffered great pain for a long period of time before dying.

12-19-2011, 12:40 PM
That's better than I could do.. I was just going to say "happy days..."

I think this is where "f*ck 'im" comes into play.

I hope he burns in Hell for eternity.

12-19-2011, 01:49 PM
There goes Obama's perfect record.

According to Limbaugh, Kim Jong Il was the only foreign leader Obama never had a chance to bow down to, or apologize to.

And now he never will.

Too bad, so sad.

12-19-2011, 02:04 PM
BTW, I've seen several headlines describing how North Korean citizens are crying inconsolably at the death of Kim Jong Il. And there's a piece of video of a large Korean woman, sobbing and wailing as she makes the announcement of Kim's passing.

When my wife saw that, she was amused.

My wife was born and raised in mainland China, came here and got her green card after the Tian An Men Square uprisings. Now she's a naturalized U.S. citizen.

She says that, when Chairman Mao died in 1976, everybody went around sobbing and wailing... but you never saw any actual tears in anyone's eyes. You had to wail and cry, because if you didn't, you risked being thrown in jail.

That was how Communist China was back then. I wonder if North Korea is any different?

12-19-2011, 02:20 PM
He used to be Kim Jong Ill now he's Kim Jong Dead

12-19-2011, 04:44 PM
He used to be Kim Jong Ill now he's Kim Jong Dead

A shame. Here I was hoping I could make him a hood ornament ....:laugh:

12-19-2011, 05:01 PM
I think this is where "f*ck 'im" comes into play.

I hope he burns in Hell for eternity.

No doubt that he is. he's probably playing squash with Saadam as we speak.

red states rule
12-20-2011, 03:49 AM
The crying and weeping North Koreans reminded my of the Casey Anthony trial. She was also "crying" but I never saw any tears

These mourners were as real as the crowds cheering Saddam when he got 99% of the vote in an election before the Iraq war