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12-19-2011, 12:53 PM
ey have risked their lives on boats of different sizes or homemade vessels that are not always sea-worthy. Cubans are motivated by the “wet-foot, dry foot” policy that allows those who reach dry land in the U.S. to remain in the country. If they are intercepted at sea, the Cubans get deported. However, if they manage to reach American soil they are allowed to stay in the U.S. and are granted Green Cards. The waters of Florida are constantly patrolled by the Border Patrol and by the U.S. Coast Guard, yet it is estimated that more than 16,000 Cubans make it to the U.S. successfully every year.


Why is this only for Cubans and not Mexicans, is it because of Castro?

Why not just give political asylum?

If I defected to Cuba and then snuk back to America illegally would I get free medical and housing?:laugh2:

Would Liberals campaign for me and throw me a benefit party?

12-19-2011, 12:55 PM

Why is this only for Cubans and not Mexicans, is it because of Castro?

Why not just give political asylum?

If I defected to Cuba and then snuk back to America illegally would I get free medical and housing?:laugh2:

Would Liberals campaign for me and throw me a benefit party?

It has everything to do with Castro, my guess is when he's dead, many Cubans will return to Cuba if the leadership isn't a continuation of his regime. That's untrue for Mexicans, even their wealthy would come here if allowed open borders.

12-19-2011, 01:01 PM
It has everything to do with Castro, my guess is when he's dead, many Cubans will return to Cuba if the leadership isn't a continuation of his regime. That's untrue for Mexicans, even their wealthy would come here if allowed open borders.

Why don't the Mexicans put an effort in fixing there own country?

Why the wet/foot dry foot policy why not just grant political asylum?

12-19-2011, 01:06 PM
Why don't the Mexicans put an effort in fixing there own country?

Why the wet/foot dry foot policy why not just grant political asylum?

To avoid massive influx, besides who'd be left to fight Castro? Then there is the issue of safety, perhaps the major reason.

12-19-2011, 01:14 PM
To avoid massive influx, besides who'd be left to fight Castro? Then there is the issue of safety, perhaps the major reason.

I've always wanted to visit Cuba. I like there music.:laugh:

12-19-2011, 01:15 PM
I've always wanted to visit Cuba. I like there music.:laugh:

Yep, if given a decent government it's like an affordable Hawaii! That's why most Cubans I think would return, at least those that have come over in past 20 years or so.

12-19-2011, 01:16 PM

Why is this only for Cubans and not Mexicans, is it because of Castro?

Why not just give political asylum?

If I defected to Cuba and then snuk back to America illegally would I get free medical and housing?:laugh2:

Would Liberals campaign for me and throw me a benefit party?

Stop trying to get your snaggely teeth fixed for free .....

12-19-2011, 01:30 PM
Stop trying to get your snaggely teeth fixed for free .....

I have perfect teeth but I want to laze around on welfare and free healthcare and have everyone else pay for it, so I figure if I defect and sneak back in I got a great chance at free everything, plus I can count on liberals campaigning on behalf of my rights while I watch tv and eat steak.

12-19-2011, 01:32 PM
I have perfect teeth but I want to laze around on welfare and free healthcare and have everyone else pay for it, so I figure if I defect and sneak back in I got a great chance at free everything, plus I can count on liberals campaigning on behalf of my rights while I watch tv and eat steak.


12-19-2011, 01:34 PM

Now you've done it, any moment my fleet of liberal do-gooders will come marching in and you'll be sorry, YOUR A RACIST GUNNY, I bet you HATE JEWS too !!!!:laugh2:

12-19-2011, 01:36 PM
Now you've done it, any moment my fleet of liberal do-gooders will come marching in and you'll be sorry, YOUR A RACIST GUNNY, I bet you HATE JEWS too !!!!:laugh2:

Ummm .... I hate EVERYONE. But I'm totally equal opportunity about it.

12-19-2011, 01:37 PM
I have perfect teeth but I want to laze around on welfare and free healthcare and have everyone else pay for it, so I figure if I defect and sneak back in I got a great chance at free everything, plus I can count on liberals campaigning on behalf of my rights while I watch tv and eat steak.

From what I know of Cubans and I grew up with quite a few, they are hardworking and not really looking for handouts. Indeed, the first wave in the 60's were very well educated and pretty quickly started their own businesses. There was a period in the 80's when Miami had a problem with gangs and such, but again that seems to have been some criminals that Castro sent here.

12-19-2011, 01:42 PM
From what I know of Cubans and I grew up with quite a few, they are hardworking and not really looking for handouts. Indeed, the first wave in the 60's were very well educated and pretty quickly started their own businesses. There was a period in the 80's when Miami had a problem with gangs and such, but again that seems to have been some criminals that Castro sent here.

Yep, thought I remembered this:


Criminals 'in exodus from Cuba': US fears Castro emptying his jails - into Florida


Sunday, 28 August 1994
THE UNITED STATES believes Cuba has started to release prisoners from its jails and suspects that President Fidel Castro is about to send them to join the boat people leaving the island for Florida.
This would immediately escalate the confrontation between Washington and Havana. During the last exodus of Cubans in 1980, Mr Castro created a crisis for the White House by sending criminals, drug addicts and mentally retarded people to the US.

Officials in Washington say they have learned from sources in Havana that the releases from Cuban prisons began last weekend. President Bill Clinton is acutely conscious of the effectiveness of the Cuban tactic of sending killers and thieves along with genuine refugees: in 1980 his own political career was almost ended when 18,000 Cuban boat people, mostly former prisoners, rioted at a US military base, Fort Chafee in Arkansas.

The US Coastguard has not so far reported that newly released criminals are among the 17,000 Cubans picked up from rafts and dinghies in the Straits of Florida over the past month. But the freeing of the prisoners occurred very recently and bad weather has slowed the outflow of people to only 585 on Friday compared to some 3,000 a day earlier in the week.

During the so-called Mariel crisis - named after the Cuban port from which the refugees sailed - 14 years ago President Castro sent 125,000 Cubans to the US. Many were later discovered to be violent criminals, identifiable by their prison tattoos between their thumbs and their forefingers...

12-19-2011, 01:46 PM
From what I know of Cubans and I grew up with quite a few, they are hardworking and not really looking for handouts. Indeed, the first wave in the 60's were very well educated and pretty quickly started their own businesses. There was a period in the 80's when Miami had a problem with gangs and such, but again that seems to have been some criminals that Castro sent here.

They started their own business because if you were (are) a Cuban refugee, the US government will send you to school and set you up in business on their (our) dime. The gangs in the 80s in Miami were Columbian and Hatian. In the 70s, the gangs were black. The CUbans were always wannabe's.

And yeah, I lived there.

12-19-2011, 01:51 PM
They started their own business because if you were (are) a Cuban refugee, the US government will send you to school and set you up in business on their (our) dime. The gangs in the 80s in Miami were Columbian and Hatian. In the 70s, the gangs were black. The CUbans were always wannabe's.

And yeah, I lived there.

You lived in Cuba or Florida?

12-19-2011, 01:51 PM
They started their own business because if you were (are) a Cuban refugee, the US government will send you to school and set you up in business on their (our) dime. The gangs in the 80s in Miami were Columbian and Hatian. In the 70s, the gangs were black. The CUbans were always wannabe's.

And yeah, I lived there.

Not here they weren't government subsidized. They were sponsored by the churches, lived a short while in homes of others and then on their own. Businesses included anything from groceries, hardware stores, landscaping, restaurants, (LOL! Greek style), and one I know of started a cab company that his kids, (my age) are still running today.

12-20-2011, 02:09 AM
Personally, I think we should just go ahead and annex Mexico. I mean, seriously, if they all wanna be here so damned bad, it'd be easier to just take over the damn place. then we could use our forces to take out all the cartels on after another and just be done with it. Plus, hey, new tax money comin' in

12-20-2011, 10:26 AM
Personally, I think we should just go ahead and annex Mexico. I mean, seriously, if they all wanna be here so damned bad, it'd be easier to just take over the damn place. then we could use our forces to take out all the cartels on after another and just be done with it. Plus, hey, new tax money comin' in

Let's DO IT !!!!!!:laugh2::salute: