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View Full Version : Obama's 17-Day Vacation to Cost $4 Million

red states rule
12-20-2011, 04:25 AM
I guess this is Obama's Christmas gift to the undertaxed US taxpayer. He has worked so hard running up the national debt, andthe annual budget deficit; campaigning non-stop since he took office 3 years ago; doing countless fundraisers; the man needs a break right?

Yes, and Obama, Michelle, and the kids are taking one

And sending you the bill

Merry Christmas and send in some extra money to help pay down that debt Obama inheritied from Pres Bush

The U.S. Secret Service has arrived, street barricades are in place, and the U.S. Coast Guard has stationed itself in the waters surrounding Kailua, Oahu (http://www.hawaiireporter.com/first-family-arrives-in-kailua/123).

That is a sure sign President Barack Obama’s security team is preparing for the first family to arrive in the small beachside community as early as Friday night for what is expected to be a 17-day vacation.

The President and his family are traveling separately to Hawaii because he wants resolve the payroll tax cut issue before leaving Washington – and his wife does not want to wait.
But the advanced trip and the cost that comes with it – as much as $100,000 (flight and security) – adds to an already expensive vacation for the taxpayers.

Hawaii Reporter research shows the total cost for the President’s visit for taxpayers far exceeded $1.5 million in 2010 – but is even more costly this year because he extended his vacation by three days and the cost for Air Force One travel has jumped since last assessed in 2000. In addition, Hawaii Reporter was able to obtain more specifics about the executive expenditures.

The total cost (based on what is known) for the 17-day vacation roundtrip vacation to Hawaii for the President, his family and staff has climbed to more than $4 million. Here's why.

TRAVEL: $3,629,622

The biggest expense is President Barack Obama’s round trip flight to Hawaii via Air Force One, a cost the GAO office estimated at $1 million in the year 2000. Contacted today, the GAO confirmed there is no report the independent office affiliated with Congress has prepared since 2000 to operate Air Force One and Air Force Two.

However, the U.S. Air Force provides the most current numbers of $181,757 per flight hour (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/11/24/military-pegs-hourly-air-force-cost-g-obama-sets-travel-record/). Travel time for Air Force One direct from Washington D.C. to Hawaii is about 9 hours or $1,635,813 each way for a total of $3,271,622 for the round trip to Hawaii and back.

The cost for USAF C-17 cargo aircraft that transports the Presidential limos, helicopters and other support equipment to Hawaii was not made available. However, the flight time between Andrews Air Force Base and Hawaii is at about 21.5 hours roundtrip, with estimated operating cost of $12,000 per hour. (Source: GAO report, updated by C-17 crew member). The United States Marine Corps provides a presidential helicopter, along with pilots and support crews for the test flights, which travel on another C-17 flight.

That is $258,000, not including costs for the 4 to 6 member crew's per diem and hotel.
Mrs. Obama’s early flight to Hawaii costs about $63,000 (White House Dossier), but add security and personnel for a total of about $100,000.


12-20-2011, 06:05 AM

12-20-2011, 10:44 AM

On a serious note. I DO have a proble3m with the monkey and the kids leaving earlier than dad meaning an extra flight. That's some bullshit.

12-20-2011, 10:47 AM
Deleted flame. No more warnings for this thread. Pure flaming or shit-talking will result in bans. Thanks.

red states rule
12-21-2011, 03:56 AM

A couple of reasons to care. First with most of the folks in this country is struggling they go again on another vacation. Hell they are pissing thru $4 million tax payer dollars for this while Obama is demanding tax increases to cover his spending spree

And this is the guy who lectures the nation on how WE need to tighten our belts.

It would be nice to know how many Christmas Vacations Obama took in Hawaii before he was President. Hell, he does not even live there

I remember well everyone complaining about Pres Bush’s trips to Crawford, even though he owned the property and did some job related work there as well.

12-21-2011, 08:16 AM
^Some people are always struggling to go on vacation and to think he's not going to get out of DC every once in awhile... Plus, "job related work"? Do you think he's not POTUS while he's there and left Biden in charge?

12-21-2011, 09:23 AM
Out of control spending...ha?

We just got a 4 trillion IOU from the Iraq war,the spending is out of control in all aspects of our government.

What's one more vacation going to do?

It's all paper money anyway...:)

If pointing out Obama's vacation costs as why we're in the hole we are in.You might as well line them all up against the wall.Every dam one of them.

Serious change has to take place,and am doubtful your political party would do any better in fixing the mess,when being just as repsonsible for it.One wants to spend the money here,the other over seas.

More..and more Americans are reading alternative news sources,struggling to find the truth,and are opening up more to reason than ever before.

Not being delusionaly so brainwashed by their political party.

Many of us are changing our minds in what we felt some years back.We are beginning to see the truth,and the reality of our out of control government.

All parties are to blame..We could all point fingers till we're blue in the face at our elected politicans on who has spent what.

It will be a lesbian protester saving this country most likely,because they are tackling the problem at the root cause.

Unlike some who go through the morning paper pointing out what the libs did next,or what they didn't do.

I agree with the foolishness of this vacation,but won't spend a life time pointing out foolishness with these elected officials.

12-21-2011, 09:41 AM
It will be a lesbian protester saving this country most likely,because they are tackling the problem at the root cause.

What's the root cause?

12-21-2011, 10:21 AM
Its the flight thats costing, 3.6 Million just to fly their and back, which seems bizarre, how can it cost that much?

and as an aside, how much is Air Force One used throughout the year? I mean, just flying from one side of america to the other and back would cost well over a million =/

red states rule
12-22-2011, 03:33 AM
Its the flight thats costing, 3.6 Million just to fly their and back, which seems bizarre, how can it cost that much?

and as an aside, how much is Air Force One used throughout the year? I mean, just flying from one side of america to the other and back would cost well over a million =/

It does cost alot, but Obama needs that jet to cross the nation for his fundraisers and campaign stops

After all, he is out to repair the damage Bush inflicted on America and he might find time to work on fullfilling that promise once he has raised enough money for his re-election campaign

But first it is off on another taxpayer funded vacation