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View Full Version : The Possibilities Are Rising As Both Political Parties Lose Voters

12-24-2011, 09:15 AM
Been hearing and saying it for years, 'both parties suck and don't care about the people.' Guess what? The people have been hearing it too:


WASHINGTON – More than 2.5 million voters have left the Democratic and Republican parties since the 2008 elections, while the number of independent voters continues to grow.

A USA TODAY analysis of state voter registration statistics shows registered Democrats declined in 25 of the 28 states that register voters by party. Republicans dipped in 21 states, while independents increased in 18 states.

The trend is acute in states that are key to next year's presidential race. In the eight swing states that register voters by party, Democrats' registration is down by 800,000 and Republicans' by 350,000. Independents have gained 325,000.


"The strident voices of both the left and the right have sort of soured people from saying willingly that they belong to one party or the other," says Doug Lewis (http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/Doug+Lewis), who represents state elections officials. "If both sides call each other scurrilous dogs, then the public believes that both sides are probably scurrilous dogs."

Registered Democrats still dominate the political playing field with more than 42 million voters, compared to 30 million Republicans and 24 million independents. But Democrats have lost the most — 1.7 million, or 3.9%, from 2008...

red states rule
12-24-2011, 09:20 AM
I agree Kat

I am VERY disappointed with the R's right now. They have blown the tide they rode into DC after the 2010 election

Why the hell are they scared of Obama and the Dems? The voters spoke loudly how PO'd they were at Obama, Ried, and Pelois and still the R's will NOT stand up to them

They caved on spending. they caved on the debt ceiling. they caved on the payroll tax cut extension. They act like Obama is a political force to reckon with

Is there anyone on the right who is willing to call out Obama on his record, the results of his polices, and call him what he is? A SOCIALIST!!!!

Seems the R's are still campaigning like McCain did in 2008. Be respectful. No neg ads. Do not attack Obama. Be nice

Gag me with a spoon

12-24-2011, 09:25 AM
RSR, love you dearly, but I do think you are missing the message of those leaving both parties.

red states rule
12-24-2011, 09:33 AM
RSR, love you dearly, but I do think you are missing the message of those leaving both parties.

Not really Kat

People are seeing Dems screwing things up

People are seeing R's refusing to what got them elected. STOP OBAMA AND THE DEMS

12-24-2011, 09:40 AM
Not really Kat

People are seeing Dems screwing things up

People are seeing R's refusing to what got them elected. STOP OBAMA AND THE DEMS

You speak plainly for a certain segment of the GOP, however there are many that don't like what they are hearing there. Not about the Republicans, not about the Democrats, not about the people.

Everyone is entitled to say what they want regarding politics and issues facing the country. IMO, which at the very least parallels the exodus from both parties, they are disgusted with the ceaseless noise and repetition; the lack of thought; the corruption and hypocrisy of both parties and those that carry their water.

Thus the growth of 'independents' which encompasses conservatives, liberals, libertarians, and those that are clueless about events.

red states rule
12-24-2011, 09:43 AM
You speak plainly for a certain segment of the GOP, however there are many that don't like what they are hearing there. Not about the Republicans, not about the Democrats, not about the people.

Everyone is entitled to say what they want regarding politics and issues facing the country. IMO, which at the very least parallels the exodus from both parties, they are disgusted with the ceaseless noise and repetition; the lack of thought; the corruption and hypocrisy of both parties and those that carry their water.

Thus the growth of 'independents' which encompasses conservatives, liberals, libertarians, and those that are clueless about events.

Right now if there was a 3rd party candidate that actually had a chance to win Kat, and he/she shared my top issue on spending and debt - I would leave the Republican party

I hope the Tea Party continues to grow and obtain more political power to stop the insanity. America is heading down the same road as Greece and the day the economy implodes and the riots take place in the streets is closer than most people think

12-24-2011, 09:51 AM
Right now if there was a 3rd party candidate that actually had a chance to win Kat, and he/she shared my top issue on spending and debt - I would leave the Republican party

I hope the Tea Party continues to grow and obtain more political power to stop the insanity. America is heading down the same road as Greece and the day the economy implodes and the riots take place in the streets is closer than most people think

There isn't currently anyone that would garner most of those independents, right now they just serve to throw the election one way or the other.

What is of concern though, a candidate that could appeal to independents as a whole would likely be a charismatic leader, not of a democratic mindset. Depending on the rhetoric, the appeal would have either those of one or the other 'current parties' leaning their way. Not a good situation, but one that is being created by current political situation.

red states rule
12-24-2011, 09:55 AM
There isn't currently anyone that would garner most of those independents, right now they just serve to throw the election one way or the other.

What is of concern though, a candidate that could appeal to independents as a whole would likely be a charismatic leader, not of a democratic mindset. Depending on the rhetoric, the appeal would have either those of one or the other 'current parties' leaning their way. Not a good situation, but one that is being created by current political situation.

I am very fed up with the R's and the leadership Kat. I agree the time is good for that charismatic leader, but like you, I do not see one

What wlil it take for the R's to do what they were elected to do?

AND promised to do in 2010?

12-24-2011, 10:14 AM
I am very fed up with the R's and the leadership Kat. I agree the time is good for that charismatic leader, but like you, I do not see one

What wlil it take for the R's to do what they were elected to do?

AND promised to do in 2010?

While it is unfair to tar all with the same brush, I do think it's fair to say that those leading members of Congress and those seeking higher office in the executive branch are for the most part without discernible morals or positions.

They haven't any scruples about taking loans or insider trading and making laws that exempt themselves. These aren't 'right and left issues' they are governing issues.

I've yet to discern any interest on the part of the 'ruling class' to hear, much less understand that the people are tired of them and what they say and do.

Then there's the problem of those that think they are backing a party that 'in the main' agrees with them, when that isn't the case and hasn't been for a long time. I've no doubt that the loss of any semblance of an independent press has added to this problem, but the solution I can't find.

red states rule
12-24-2011, 10:17 AM
While it is unfair to tar all with the same brush, I do think it's fair to say that those leading members of Congress and those seeking higher office in the executive branch are for the most part without discernible morals or positions.

They haven't any scruples about taking loans or insider trading and making laws that exempt themselves. These aren't 'right and left issues' they are governing issues.

I've yet to discern any interest on the part of the 'ruling class' to hear, much less understand that the people are tired of them and what they say and do.

Then there's the problem of those that think they are backing a party that 'in the main' agrees with them, when that isn't the case and hasn't been for a long time. I've no doubt that the loss of any semblance of an independent press has added to this problem, but the solution I can't find.

The Republican leadership is a joke Kat. They have rolled over several times to Obama on major issues that will harm the US in the long run.

Even elected Tea Party people voted to raise the debt ceiling with NO REAL SPENDING CUTS

Now they cave on the payroll tax issue and the liberal media is loving it

No wonder the R's are losing people. They had the mofo and they pissed it away like Obama has done $5 triliion in taxpayer money