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01-01-2012, 12:39 AM
This article is funny. I actually enjoyed reading it. And it is short. I also learned that I am apparently a Jacksonian..... Read it here. (http://www.torontosun.com/2011/12/31/ron-paul-supporters-so-fed-up-they-welcome-his-insane-policies)

To many observers, especially mainstream journalists, the news that a right-wing weirdo is polling well among Republicans is a non-story. They consider any Republican a right-wing weirdo unfit for office except "moderates," a code word for closet liberal Democrats.

01-01-2012, 01:08 AM
It's funny and true. It also makes clear why supporting this man is insane, other than to elect Obama.

01-01-2012, 01:12 AM
Nah. Insanity is the GOP being fundamentally the same as the DNC. Insanity is printing money out of thin air. Insanity is thinking that we alone are the anointed ones who must tell everyone else what to do and how to live their lives. Problem is that both parties are afflicted with the insanity.

But I am no stranger to disappointment. I've been a Cowboys fan since the early 70's. :thumb:

01-01-2012, 01:44 AM
Nah. Insanity is the GOP being fundamentally the same as the DNC. Insanity is printing money out of thin air. Insanity is thinking that we alone are the anointed ones who must tell everyone else what to do and how to live their lives. Problem is that both parties are afflicted with the insanity.

But I am no stranger to disappointment. I've been a Cowboys fan since the early 70's. :thumb:

Supporting the extreme to prove a point, an extreme in more than 2 areas, is insane. His personal history coupled with his foreign policies make him extreme. If that is 'taking a stand' I'm opting out.

Over the past 15 years or so, I've moved ideologically from 'conservative' as currently defined, to 'libertarian.' Paul's record, which can be interpreted by votes, news letters, and interviews would leave me voting against him for the past 30 years.

I've never been a xenophobe or a racist. I support Israel over its enemies, because they are not only a democracy, but are willing to embrace their enemies of today under acceptable circumstances. Those circumstances being allowing Israel to exist.

01-01-2012, 02:16 AM
I also learned that I am apparently a Jacksonian.....

Nice definition. :laugh:

I think I may be a Hamiltonian.

Mead identifies four major schools: Hamiltonian realists interested in using American power to foster world order including free trade and sound money; Wilsonian idealists who would impose American ideals on the world; and Jeffersonian idealists who fear that any sort of assertive American foreign policy requires actions and institutional developments perilous to American liberty. (The fourth category, Jacksonians, are generally uninterested in and hostile to the world but want anyone who messes with America stomped flat and left for dead.)

01-01-2012, 10:28 AM
That Paul holds such views matters a lot. Not because his potential voters share them but because they don't. Most of his supporters are Jacksonians who know his dismissal of Iran's nuclear program, indifference to Israel and fantasies about a fortress America protected by oceans no trouble can cross are insane. They're pulling for him anyway, to make a point. But he's far more of a raging loon even than his defence policies suggest. The most obvious indication is the newsletters issued under his name in the 1980s and 1990s which he now claims he didn't write or possibly even read. They contain views on race and foreign policy that are not just libertarian weirdness but fever swamp angry, far flakier than anything Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin ever said. And he cannot properly explain how he came to utter them.

Yep, even a Canadian gets it. So funny, but scary at the same time, as he gets a lot of support, and his followers will stick by him no matter what he says, doesn't say, denies or doesn't deny.

01-01-2012, 11:03 PM
Yep, even a Canadian gets it. So funny, but scary at the same time, as he gets a lot of support, and his followers will stick by him no matter what he says, doesn't say, denies or doesn't deny.

Question for the class.

Of Romney, Newt, or Paul: Who has done the most actual harm?