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View Full Version : Romney would veto "dream act"

01-01-2012, 10:53 AM
I'm still not overly thrilled with Romney, but I'm VERY glad to read this, and would love too see support for anything helping ILLEGAL aliens being shot down. Special attention should be given to his last sentence, as many right away think that when you show your displeasure with ILLEGAL aliens that you have a problem with immigrants or immigration. No, those of us against it have a problem with the ILLEGAL part of it, and think they shouldn't be rewarded in ANY way for their actions.

LEMARS, Iowa (Reuters) - Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney said on Saturday he would veto a proposal granting U.S. citizenship to undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children, a pledge that won hearty applause from Iowa conservatives he hopes to win over.

A young woman asked Romney about the bipartisan proposal known as the Dream Act, during an appearance at a crowded restaurant in Le Mars, a conservative Republican stronghold in western Iowa.

"The question is if I were elected and Congress were to pass the Dream Act, would I veto it and the answer is yes," Romney said.

"For those that come here illegally, the idea of giving them in-state tuition credits or other special benefits, I find to be contrary to the idea of a nation of laws," Romney said.

"If I'm the president of the United States I want to end illegal immigration so that we can protect legal immigration. I like legal immigration."


01-01-2012, 11:10 AM
I'm still not overly thrilled with Romney, but I'm VERY glad to read this, and would love too see support for anything helping ILLEGAL aliens being shot down. Special attention should be given to his last sentence, as many right away think that when you show your displeasure with ILLEGAL aliens that you have a problem with immigrants or immigration. No, those of us against it have a problem with the ILLEGAL part of it, and think they shouldn't be rewarded in ANY way for their actions.


They should be deported. "Dream" my ass. There is a legal way to enter this country.

How about the government (Fed/state/local) ignore marijuana laws? Seat belt laws? Speed limits? Oh HELL no.

But they will ignore civil disobedience laws, immigration laws, the 2nd Amendment, the First Amendment, and definitely the 10th Amendment.

Hypocrites. Illegal is illegal. Obama wants to reward people for being criminals. That sure doesn't send a message, now does it?

01-01-2012, 12:19 PM
They should be deported. "Dream" my ass. There is a legal way to enter this country.

How about the government (Fed/state/local) ignore marijuana laws? Seat belt laws? Speed limits? Oh HELL no.

But they will ignore civil disobedience laws, immigration laws, the 2nd Amendment, the First Amendment, and definitely the 10th Amendment.

Hypocrites. Illegal is illegal. Obama wants to reward people for being criminals. That sure doesn't send a message, now does it?

I'm of two minds here. (bring on the middle roader comments I guess.)

I absolutely believe we should shut down our borders, by force. I believe that business that employee illegal aliens should be prosecuted, I believe so called sanctuary cities should be sued by the federal government for violating the Supremacy Clause of the COTUS, and I believe that except for emergency medical care undocumented aliens should be denied ALL government services.

However, I also recognize a few things.

A) First , to the illegals already here; it would be nearly impossible to deport them all, and I know a lot say well if you take away their jobs they will leave on their own, but that is just a pipe dream. We will NEVER eliminate every job available to them. Too many people willing to break the law to save a few dollars. It is what it is. So why not set up some sort of system where they can get on a path to if not citizenship, at least legal residency? Now, I propose that to get on this path they would have to pass FBI background checks, they would have to pay a fine, and they would have to be able to prove via IRS records that they have gainful employment. No fake SS numbers, no under the counter jobs, none of that. Also, anyone in this program would be required to have weekly check ins with a local INS agent to assure that they are upholding their part of the agreement.

While enrolled in this program, said persons would NOT be eligible for any form of welfare. PERIOD. But they would be eligible for school attendance, hospital care, driver's licenses, that sort of thing.

Failure to qualify for this program would result in deportation

Failure to sign up for this program would result in a prison sentence

B) Under current interpretation of the COTUS, children born here are US citizens. They have certain rights regardless of their age. It doesn't matter if a person is 6 months old of 50 years old, those rights are the same. I do NOT support the US government deporting US citizens just because some people don't like the way they became citizens. Their parents? Not citizens, deport away ; and let them choose take your kid with you or leave him here and the state will find a home for him.

I DO however support a constitutional amendment changing this,but that won't affect any of the current so called anchor babies, so we need a solution to deal with them as well as a change so that there aren't more in the future.

I feel my plan is reasonable, and thus doomed to NEVER be tried, but surely those on this board who all have more brains than the fools in DC can agree that what I propose COULD and probably WOULD work.

Abbey Marie
01-01-2012, 12:50 PM
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. We don't need to deport every one. Start deporting, and do the best we can.
And def. fine their employers heavily. I think many/most of us would be happy with that.

01-01-2012, 03:03 PM
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. We don't need to deport every one. Start deporting, and do the best we can.
And def. fine their employers heavily. I think many/most of us would be happy with that.

I'm fine with that, and start with the criminals. And by criminals I mean more than just illegal immigration. Not saying that's not a crime, just saying we should start with the worst of the worst.

And of course unless and until the border is locked down, deporting is a waste of time and money.

Abbey Marie
01-01-2012, 10:00 PM
I'm fine with that, and start with the criminals. And by criminals I mean more than just illegal immigration. Not saying that's not a crime, just saying we should start with the worst of the worst.

And of course unless and until the border is locked down, deporting is a waste of time and money.

I very much want the border made made non-porous too, and I would prefer that to happen tomorrow, but I think there is still value in deportation. If people see that we are deporting, they may think twice about coming. Right now, there seems to be no down side to coming here illegally.