View Full Version : Forum Rumors

01-03-2012, 12:10 PM
hash it out. Enough of the passive-aggressive BOOOLShit.


Some Staff wanted Kath to no-longer be Staff and colluded or wanted it to happen: False.

Whomever buys into the blatant LIE I somehow wanted Kath to step-down or be fired or whatever is willingly buying into a line of shit. Even if Kath herself tells you it's true, it's a lie.


Abbey is actually French News anchor Melissa Theuriau (http://media.damnfunnypictures.com/photos/Melissa_Theuriau001.jpg)


One can 'donate' enough $ to 'buy' the staff: False.


I have Jim in my pocket: False - if I DID, he'd enjoy it, though. :D

What other rumors are folks spreading or believing? Talk about it. Can't tell you how annoying it is to hear "...you should hear / read what so-and-so says behind your back!"


01-03-2012, 12:28 PM
Darn it. I can't think of any good rumors to spread. Guess I'll have to make one up!

01-03-2012, 12:33 PM
Wow, I love Abbey even more so now! :coffee:

The ONLY thing people were asked to do was chill out, avoid one another, back off - whatever you want to call it. There are no potential staff members in mind and haven't been. There was no agenda to get Kath off of the staff team. She's been helping me, twice, on 2 separate boards, since about 2003 or so. I did not want her gone. No other staff member wanted her gone (gone meaning off of the team). There are no agendas whatsoever. The only issue was trying to put a few feuds to bed - for quite some time now, and some would rather the freedom to be able to say and do as they wish. I totally respect that stance and the people making them. But as staff members, as often as we can, we need to take the upper road.

If you heard a "rumor" as Darin stated, post it and we'll quickly put it to rest. PM me if you're uncomfortable. We have nothing to hide. This is not to debate any decision or issue - and at the first sign of it going in that direction, this thread gets buttoned up. I just want to ensure that no rumors or false information is out there.

01-03-2012, 12:37 PM
Rumor - I can lick my own eyebrows.

Absolutely true.

Rumor - I campaigned to have either or both RSR and Kathianne removed from the staff -

Absolutely, positively false. I never wanted, asked for , or PMed anyone anything of the sort.

01-03-2012, 02:25 PM
Darn it. I can't think of any good rumors to spread. Guess I'll have to make one up!

How about .... Darin was really in the Navy?:laugh:

01-03-2012, 02:26 PM
Rumor - I can lick my own eyebrows.

Absolutely true.

Rumor - I campaigned to have either or both RSR and Kathianne removed from the staff -

Absolutely, positively false. I never wanted, asked for , or PMed anyone anything of the sort.

I'm STILL waiting for that fat envelope .....

01-03-2012, 02:27 PM
I'm STILL waiting for that fat envelope .....

The check is in the mail homey. :clap:

01-03-2012, 05:30 PM
Rumor - I can lick my own eyebrows.

Absolutely true.

Pics or it ain't true.

Rumor - I campaigned to have either or both RSR and Kathianne removed from the staff -

Absolutely, positively false. I never wanted, asked for , or PMed anyone anything of the sort.

Who cares? We wanna see the eyebrow-licker. 2969

hash it out. Enough of the passive-aggressive BOOOLShit.


Some Staff wanted Kath to no-longer be Staff and colluded or wanted it to happen: False.

Whomever buys into the blatant LIE I somehow wanted Kath to step-down or be fired or whatever is willingly buying into a line of shit. Even if Kath herself tells you it's true, it's a lie.


Abbey is actually French News anchor Melissa Theuriau (http://media.damnfunnypictures.com/photos/Melissa_Theuriau001.jpg)


One can 'donate' enough $ to 'buy' the staff: False.


I have Jim in my pocket: False - if I DID, he'd enjoy it, though. :D

What other rumors are folks spreading or believing? Talk about it. Can't tell you how annoying it is to hear "...you should hear / read what so-and-so says behind your back!"


All the chicklets here say you're the sweetest man-candy ever.

But I know that's not entirely true cuz I have the sweetest man-candy.


Yeah, that was a bit much, even for me. :cool:

01-03-2012, 06:38 PM
I heard that the moderators and administrators on this board are actually SPACE ALIENS who have been sent here to control our minds and invade our bodies.... and I have proof somewhere... it's at my mother's house, I hope she didn't throw it out... :)

Abbey Marie
01-03-2012, 09:18 PM
I heard that the moderators and administrators on this board are actually SPACE ALIENS who have been sent here to control our minds and invade our bodies.... and I have proof somewhere... it's at my mother's house, I hope she didn't throw it out... :)

It's def. in her basement. :laugh2:

01-04-2012, 07:29 AM
I heard that the moderators and administrators on this board are actually SPACE ALIENS who have been sent here to control our minds and invade our bodies.... and I have proof somewhere... it's at my mother's house, I hope she didn't throw it out... :)

Oh I have no doubt there are some space aliens posting here! You can tell who they are if you are wearing those special glasses you get from the CIA.