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View Full Version : 10 words you mispronounce that makes people think you're an idiot

Abbey Marie
01-05-2012, 07:00 PM
Since we are communicating via written word only, who knows how most of us sound? But I have my suspicions. :laugh:

I would add "axed" for "asked". As In "I axed her where she got her weave."


Incorrect pronunciation: ath – a – leet
Correct pronunciation: ath – leet

This may have been more helpful before the media blitz that was the Summer Olympics but it is a very valuable lesson to have for the future. It applies to “athlete” and any derivative (biathlon, triathlon, decathlon, etc.) and, honestly, I’m sad that I even have to point this out: there is no vowel between the ‘H’ and the ‘L’ in any of these words. There never has been. Let the dream die.

Incorrect pronunciation: ex – cape / ex – presso / ex – set – err – uh
Correct pronunciation: ess – cape / ess – presso / ett – set – err – uh

Yes, a three-for-one deal, but only because this one is dually very common and very simple to fix. For some reason, we of the English tongue have an obsession with changing any ‘S’ to an ‘X’, if it follows an ‘E’ sound; call it the Exxon Indoctrination. These words are spelled phonetically… let’s try to respect that.

The rest:

01-05-2012, 07:02 PM
I have always mis pronounced "closet" and my sister mom and kids all make fun of me for it.

01-05-2012, 07:06 PM
My poor mom ... she drives us nuts with "ponography" and "athaletic". 3010

The ex's grandmother used "Electriclux" in describing her vacuum sweeper.

Our family is all very persnickety about words. Unless we're mispronouncing them on purpose. Which we do frequently. Well, except Mom.

01-05-2012, 07:11 PM
Dog, I pronounce it dawg. Bog, cog, fog, gog, hog, jog, log, nog, pog,sog, tog, wog. I pronounce ALL of those correctly, but not dog.

I've had more than one person look at me agog when they see my degrees and then realize I can't say dog correctly.:laugh:

01-05-2012, 07:13 PM
Dog, I pronounce it dawg. Bog, cog, fog, gog, hog, jog, log, nog, pog,sog, tog, wog. I pronounce ALL of those correctly, but not dog.

I've had more than one person look at me agog when they see my degrees and then realize I can't say dog correctly.:laugh:

Do you "wash","worsh" or "woish" your clothes?

01-05-2012, 07:15 PM
Do you "wash","worsh" or "woish" your clothes?


I don't have MUCH of an accent; but I do use words like fixin, aint, yall (not yuns though) and similar.

I should clarify, I don't actually wash my clothes. I have a wife and that is one of her chores.

01-05-2012, 07:51 PM
Since we are communicating via written word only, who knows how most of us sound? But I have my suspicions. :laugh:

I would add "axed" for "asked". As In "I axed her where she got her weave."

My boss drives me crazy. He always says oversely instead of conversely. He also says "point in case" instead of "case in point". Years ago, I had a supervisor that wanted to get down to brass taxes...=)

01-05-2012, 08:01 PM
The idiot I married used to say "it's a mute point". ARRRRGGHHHHHHH!

MOOT point!

01-05-2012, 08:04 PM
The idiot I married used to say "it's a mute point". ARRRRGGHHHHHHH!

MOOT point!

MY 6 y/o niece loves to ask Uncle Aaron for panacakes for breakfast when she's here. Funny thing is her momma said the SAME thing when she was her age.

01-05-2012, 08:07 PM
MY 6 y/o niece loves to ask Uncle Aaron for panacakes for breakfast when she's here. Funny thing is her momma said the SAME thing when she was her age.

It's cute when you're 6.

Abbey Marie
01-05-2012, 10:08 PM
I know a husband and wife who both say "acrossed" when they should say "across".

As in, "I came acrossed that article the other day".


Abbey Marie
01-05-2012, 10:08 PM
I have always mis pronounced "closet" and my sister mom and kids all make fun of me for it.

How do you pronounce it?

01-05-2012, 10:10 PM
My wife often mispronounces "take me big boy" , it comes out as "not tonight" when she says it.

Abbey Marie
01-05-2012, 10:17 PM
My wife often mispronounces "take me big boy" , it comes out as "not tonight" when she says it.

:laugh2: I think a lot of women pronounce it that way.

01-05-2012, 10:20 PM
:laugh2: I think a lot of women pronounce it that way.

That's okay she also pronounces "why don't you go play golf this weekend" as " we have some chores we need to do around here."

01-05-2012, 10:21 PM
How do you pronounce it?

I pronounce it "clow" "set"

01-06-2012, 03:08 AM
pet peeves:

''these ones''


''Jane, she blah, blah, blah ......''

01-06-2012, 10:12 AM
pet peeves:

''these ones''


''Jane, she blah, blah, blah ......''

My mom was born in missouri and and instead of saying fork she says fark

01-06-2012, 11:16 AM
My mom was born in missouri and and instead of saying fork she says fark

Oh lawd. My grandpa used to warn us not to smash our fangers in the wender (fingers in the window)

01-06-2012, 11:39 AM
My mom was born in missouri and and instead of saying fork she says fark
My grandpa was from Missouri as well. I got a big kick out of listening to him and his brother blabber on about anything. Hearing stuff like "over yonder" and "straight as the crow flies" in normal conversation was funny.

As for me, I specifically like to use the word "ain't" which frustrates my wife because she says it makes me sound like an idiot :laugh:

Oh, and a slap on the back of the head to all them Brits and their pronunciation of Aluminum. That one always gets to me.

01-06-2012, 11:42 AM
My grandpa was from Missouri as well. I got a big kick out of listening to him and his brother blabber on about anything. Hearing stuff like "over yonder" and "straight as the crow flies" in normal conversation was funny.

As for me, I specifically like to use the word "ain't" which frustrates my wife because she says it makes me sound like an idiot :laugh:

Oh, and a slap on the back of the head to all them Brits and their pronunciation of Aluminum. That one always gets to me.

I have an uncle who is the biggest hick you've ever seen.

I'll never forget the first time he was talking about a toad strangler and I was like "what the fuck?" Turns out a toad strangler is a heavy rain.

Who knew? :laugh:

01-08-2012, 01:18 PM
My grandpa was from Missouri as well. I got a big kick out of listening to him and his brother blabber on about anything. Hearing stuff like "over yonder" and "straight as the crow flies" in normal conversation was funny.

As for me, I specifically like to use the word "ain't" which frustrates my wife because she says it makes me sound like an idiot :laugh:

Oh, and a slap on the back of the head to all them Brits and their pronunciation of Aluminum. That one always gets to me.

I use the word "ain't" too.

In utah the Mormons always say, "Oh my heck" LOL

Some of my friends think I enuciate my "O's" like a Canadian :laugh:

Abbey Marie
01-08-2012, 07:31 PM
My mom was born in missouri and and instead of saying fork she says fark

An old boyfriend's mom (from Boston) used to say "fahk" instead of fork. We would always crack up secretly at dinner when she'd say to me, "Do you wanna fahk?",

01-08-2012, 07:32 PM
An old boyfriend's mom (from Boston) used to say "fahk" instead of fork. We would always crack up secretly at dinner when she'd say to me, "Do you wanna fahk?",

I wouldn't have laughed secretly. :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
01-08-2012, 07:43 PM
I wouldn't have laughed secretly. :laugh2:

Yeah, it wasn't always easy, but she was really old fashioned Boston-proper, and everyone knew not to mess with her in an off-color way.

01-08-2012, 07:52 PM
Yeah, it wasn't always easy, but she was really old fashioned Boston-proper, and everyone knew not to mess with her in an off-color way.

Well, I've been told that I'm pretty blunt, I probably would have laughed at her. :laugh: