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View Full Version : Navy SEAL I Punched Jesse Ventura For Saying We Deserved To Lose Guys In Iraq

red states rule
01-06-2012, 03:50 AM
I knew Jesse has become a wirdo over the last couple of years, but this is totally insane

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/bhjHWovwix4" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

01-06-2012, 06:28 AM
I saw this on another forum. WTF happened to Jessie; the former seal? What a loon.

01-06-2012, 09:18 AM
I saw this on another forum. WTF happened to Jessie; the former seal? What a loon.

Being in politics will do that to you.

01-10-2012, 05:26 PM
I can't believe he said that.... what a... freaking, asshole.

01-10-2012, 05:50 PM
I'd like to suggest a new thread title, "Jesse Ventura: talks shit, gets hit"

01-11-2012, 05:23 AM
I'd like to suggest a new thread title, "Jesse Ventura: talks shit, gets hit"
And deserved it.

01-11-2012, 01:17 PM
I can't believe he said that.... what a... freaking, asshole.

I couldn't believe it either,
Jesse Says he didn't say it and the guy didn't punch him.

The event this man spoke of never happened. I have been to Mc P’s many times since leaving the Navy. I was never there alone. I was always accompanied by other people. If this happened 6 years ago, someone would have known of it before now. Certainly in the UDT/SEAL community it would have been known. This has to be news to all of us.
I have always opposed the war in Iraq but I have never spoken or wished any ill will towards the soldiers. My heart aches that soldiers have died or been wounded because this war should never have taken place. I am perplexed over the agenda this man has and why a fellow Navy Seal would tell a lie about an event that never happened. Clearly between this story and the previous week’s story about supposedly getting pulled over for tailgaiting in CA that was also a lie, someone is out to destroy my credibility. I find it very interesting that both these stories are being spread by Fox news and it’s affiliates. As a Navy veteran you realize you can’t believe every sea story you hear. Let me finish by stating both of the recent two national stories about me are completely untrue lies, neither event ever happened.
Jesse Ventura

loong interview over the question here...