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View Full Version : Issue with caffeine

01-06-2012, 01:47 PM
Lately I've been drinking about 7-8 cups of coffee from anywhere between 7am and 5pm. I like the extra energy it gives me. Funny thing is, as a person with a severe anxiety issue, I eventually take my anxiety meds as a means to "come back down". Then I still find myself sitting in bed around 11pm or so, staring at the ceiling, wondering why I am so tired and yet the body, feet and toes are still racing around. My doctor told me it is normal of bipolar/anxiety patients to spend the day using coffee/caffeine to get them out of the funk from the meds, then using the meds to come back from the caffeine. No middle ground for me though, I max it out on both! Speedy Gonzalez during the day and then I turn into a sloth at night. I know you say to yourself, "just drink less coffee", but I'm an addict dammit and love the taste and energy. What a vicious cycle I've got myself into!

01-06-2012, 01:57 PM
Lately I've been drinking about 7-8 cups of coffee from anywhere between 7am and 5pm. I like the extra energy it gives me. Funny thing is, as a person with a severe anxiety issue, I eventually take my anxiety meds as a means to "come back down". Then I still find myself sitting in bed around 11pm or so, staring at the ceiling, wondering why I am so tired and yet the body, feet and toes are still racing around. My doctor told me it is normal of bipolar/anxiety patients to spend the day using coffee/caffeine to get them out of the funk from the meds, then using the meds to come back from the caffeine. No middle ground for me though, I max it out on both! Speedy Gonzalez during the day and then I turn into a sloth at night. I know you say to yourself, "just drink less coffee", but I'm an addict dammit and love the taste and energy. What a vicious cycle I've got myself into!

I suggest doubling down. Twice the caffeine has to help. :D

01-06-2012, 02:15 PM
I gave up the caffiene about three weeks ago. Three days of withdrawal headaches but other than that I seem to be doing ok with it. Nicotine is next on the list.

01-06-2012, 02:33 PM
Could you drink decaffinated later in the day?

01-06-2012, 02:35 PM
I only drink 1 cup in the morning

01-06-2012, 02:42 PM
From now on whenever you're feeling the need for caffeine, just go pound one out instead.

01-06-2012, 04:00 PM
switch over to 5-hour energy. It'll give you the energy boost that caffeine gives, but it's more even, so you don't "crash". Aside from that, switch down to half-caf.

01-07-2012, 02:56 AM
I have never drank coffee (or smoked a cigarette). Quit drinking sodas over 25 years ago and only drink water or decaf tea now.

Still have to take an Ambien to sleep though ... been taking one every night for the last ten years. Before that I was chronically depressed due to lack of sleep caused by PTSD...hypervigilant.

Recently my dentist prescribed Xanax for the stress (new job, divorce, sister dying) ... because I am cracking my teeth from clenching. Lasted two days on that stuff ........ cannot stand feeling like a zombie. Had two mouth guards made instead ... one for night (goes on upper teeth) and one for the day (goes on lower teeth and made from the invisiline material and easier to talk with it in).

Good luck Jim with finding the right balance for yourself.