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View Full Version : NY Anti-Obesity Ads Pair Soda, Leg Amputations

01-11-2012, 09:29 AM
The new tactic to get people to give up sodas...is now using scare tactics and shocking images. Think this will work?

A diabetic man with a penchant for sugary drinks (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) who lost his legs to amputation is the latest posterboy in the city's hard-hitting anti-obesity campaign.

The disturbing image of an amputee sitting near cups of soda has been plastered in city subways, part of a series of ads aimed at shocking people out of dietary habits that can lead to obesity, said Thomas Farley, the city health commissioner.
"These are hard-hitting images because we really felt we need to drive home a point that large portions are not completely benign," he said.
The advertising campaign has previously used such arresting images as consumers gulping from a frosty glass filled not with a beverage but with globs of fat.
The newest ad says that as portion sizes have grown over time, so too has the incidence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/type-2-diabetes.htm#r_src=ramp), which it says "can lead to amputations."
The tagline reads, "Cut Your Portions, Cut Your Risk."
Stefan Friedman, a spokesman for the American Beverage Association, criticized the campaign for creating an "inaccurate picture" of the impact of soft drinks.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/01/11/ny-anti-obesity-ads-pair-soda-leg-amputations/#ixzz1j9ypiF1d

01-11-2012, 10:32 AM
Hmm, you mean washing down my Double Extra Bacon Quadruple Stack and Mega sized double fried onion rings with 44 ounces of soda isn't healthy?

01-11-2012, 10:49 AM
Hmm, you mean washing down my Double Extra Bacon Quadruple Stack and Mega sized double fried onion rings with 44 ounces of soda isn't healthy?

Just get the "DIET" than you will be just fine, it counter acts all that bad stuff. See it all the time!!!!:coffee:

01-11-2012, 10:53 AM
Just get the "DIET" than you will be just fine, it counter acts all that bad stuff. See it all the time!!!!:coffee:

Oh good, it's not just my family that cracks up when some fat ass orders a ten thousand calorie meal and a diet soda. :laugh2:

01-11-2012, 11:03 AM
Oh good, it's not just my family that cracks up when some fat ass orders a ten thousand calorie meal and a diet soda. :laugh2:Nope we laugh all the time. In fact when in HS we used to make bets if teh lard ass would oder a ton of food than a diet coke.. 99% of the time!! I guess thats how they justify 3 quarter pounders and extra large fries.. LOL:laugh:

01-11-2012, 11:47 AM
Nope we laugh all the time. In fact when in HS we used to make bets if teh lard ass would oder a ton of food than a diet coke.. 99% of the time!! I guess thats how they justify 3 quarter pounders and extra large fries.. LOL:laugh:

Don't know about you, but if I had to choose between no fries and regular soda or fried and diet soda, i'd choose the regular soda every time.

01-11-2012, 12:21 PM
Don't know about you, but if I had to choose between no fries and regular soda or fried and diet soda, i'd choose the regular soda every time.
Thankfully I don't have to choose, I have about 2 sodas a month, fries maybe twice as often-- the key being moderation. Reminds me of a study i once read which said smoking in moderation and regular exercise is better than neither. The universal factor is exercise; but of course, people already are aware of that, its just preferable to do nothing and order diet-- as if that's a substitute for healthier habits. As for diet drinks, I'm kinda old school-- no, not the pink stuff in ice tea-- WATER, straight out of the tap...and sometimes a hose.:thumb:

01-11-2012, 12:35 PM
Thankfully I don't have to choose, I have about 2 sodas a month, fries maybe twice as often-- the key being moderation. Reminds me of a study i once read which said smoking in moderation and regular exercise is better than neither. The universal factor is exercise; but of course, people already are aware of that, its just preferable to do nothing and order diet-- as if that's a substitute for healthier habits. As for diet drinks, I'm kinda old school-- no, not the pink stuff in ice tea-- WATER, straight out of the tap...and sometimes a hose.:thumb:

Honestly, I eat and drink whatever I want as much as I want; then pay for it the next morning at run:thirty. But as you say what I want is moderation. i don't eat or drink myself into a coma and then wonder why I'm fat. :laugh2:

01-12-2012, 03:29 PM
Honestly, I eat and drink whatever I want as much as I want; then pay for it the next morning at run:thirty. But as you say what I want is moderation. i don't eat or drink myself into a coma and then wonder why I'm fat. :laugh2:

Oh well that's an easy one CH, its a disease spread by fast food restaurants, making food so affordable, easy and tasty; just like laziness, violence and ignorance is/are tv, computers, video games and media's fault. Whatever, whoever, its not MY fault--- I'm a victim.:boohoo:

Fucking die already-- you wanna kill yourself, go ahead-- I'll abide by the same standard. Reminds me of Denis Leary's old bit; "not less drugs, more drugs; just give 'em to the right people"

Gotta say though, restaurants, atleast in CA, must provide the calorie count on menus and I like it. Doesn't change my mind usually, but I like having the information.

01-12-2012, 04:26 PM
Gotta say though, restaurants, atleast in CA, must provide the calorie count on menus and I like it. Doesn't change my mind usually, but I like having the information.

Like you didn't know the pork alfredo with a side of pork was bad for you. :slap:


01-12-2012, 04:52 PM
Like you didn't know the pork alfredo with a side of pork was bad for you. :slap:

Not if you dip it in fat free ranch:laugh2:


01-12-2012, 06:24 PM
Like you didn't know the pork alfredo with a side of pork was bad for you. :slap:


NOTHING that comes with a side of pork can possibly be bad in any way.

01-12-2012, 06:42 PM
NOTHING that comes with a side of pork can possibly be bad in any way.

Agreed...except sodapop, of course.

I loved that seen in Grumpier Old Men. Bacon for breakfast; bacon for mid-morning snack, lunch... a bacon sandwich, and i usually drink my dinner.:laugh2: Classic.

01-13-2012, 12:48 PM
The new tactic to get people to give up sodas...is now using scare tactics and shocking images. Think this will work?

A diabetic man with a penchant for sugary drinks (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) who lost his legs to amputation is the latest posterboy in the city's hard-hitting anti-obesity campaign.

The disturbing image of an amputee sitting near cups of soda has been plastered in city subways, part of a series of ads aimed at shocking people out of dietary habits that can lead to obesity, said Thomas Farley, the city health commissioner.
"These are hard-hitting images because we really felt we need to drive home a point that large portions are not completely benign," he said.
The advertising campaign has previously used such arresting images as consumers gulping from a frosty glass filled not with a beverage but with globs of fat.
The newest ad says that as portion sizes have grown over time, so too has the incidence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/type-2-diabetes.htm#r_src=ramp), which it says "can lead to amputations."
The tagline reads, "Cut Your Portions, Cut Your Risk."
Stefan Friedman, a spokesman for the American Beverage Association, criticized the campaign for creating an "inaccurate picture" of the impact of soft drinks.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/01/11/ny-anti-obesity-ads-pair-soda-leg-amputations/#ixzz1j9ypiF1d

It will work exactly as well as the anti smoking ads have. That's why no one smokes in NY now- Whoop, gotta go. I'm supposed to make a store to pick my mom up a pack of Marlboros

01-13-2012, 12:49 PM
It will work exactly as well as the anti smoking ads have. That's why no one smokes in NY now- Whoop, gotta go. I'm supposed to make a store to pick my mom up a pack of Marlboros

Save yourself some tax money, roll your own. :2up:

01-13-2012, 02:02 PM
Save yourself some tax money, roll your own. :2up:

Well, we had been going to one of the roll your own stores up here, but honestly, their tobacco sorta sucks, and the tubes fall apart all over the place

01-13-2012, 03:10 PM
The new tactic to get people to give up sodas...is now using scare tactics and shocking images. Think this will work?

A diabetic man with a penchant for sugary drinks (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) who lost his legs to amputation is the latest posterboy in the city's hard-hitting anti-obesity campaign.

The disturbing image of an amputee sitting near cups of soda has been plastered in city subways, part of a series of ads aimed at shocking people out of dietary habits that can lead to obesity, said Thomas Farley, the city health commissioner.
"These are hard-hitting images because we really felt we need to drive home a point that large portions are not completely benign," he said.
The advertising campaign has previously used such arresting images as consumers gulping from a frosty glass filled not with a beverage but with globs of fat.
The newest ad says that as portion sizes have grown over time, so too has the incidence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/type-2-diabetes.htm#r_src=ramp), which it says "can lead to amputations."
The tagline reads, "Cut Your Portions, Cut Your Risk."
Stefan Friedman, a spokesman for the American Beverage Association, criticized the campaign for creating an "inaccurate picture" of the impact of soft drinks.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/01/11/ny-anti-obesity-ads-pair-soda-leg-amputations/#ixzz1j9ypiF1d

It won't work.

We're too addicted to sugar in general and our soda/coke/pop in general. This won't work any better than the smoking ads, drug ads and all the others. People want gratification and we want it ten minutes ago, dammit!

Give me my caffeine, my sugar, my tobacco, my alcohol, my fat, my salt and get out of my way. I'm headed to the gym. :laugh:

01-13-2012, 07:16 PM
The new tactic to get people to give up sodas...is now using scare tactics and shocking images. Think this will work?

A diabetic man with a penchant for sugary drinks (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#) who lost his legs to amputation is the latest posterboy in the city's hard-hitting anti-obesity campaign.

The disturbing image of an amputee sitting near cups of soda has been plastered in city subways, part of a series of ads aimed at shocking people out of dietary habits that can lead to obesity, said Thomas Farley, the city health commissioner.
"These are hard-hitting images because we really felt we need to drive home a point that large portions are not completely benign," he said.
The advertising campaign has previously used such arresting images as consumers gulping from a frosty glass filled not with a beverage but with globs of fat.
The newest ad says that as portion sizes have grown over time, so too has the incidence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/type-2-diabetes.htm#r_src=ramp), which it says "can lead to amputations."
The tagline reads, "Cut Your Portions, Cut Your Risk."
Stefan Friedman, a spokesman for the American Beverage Association, criticized the campaign for creating an "inaccurate picture" of the impact of soft drinks.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/01/11/ny-anti-obesity-ads-pair-soda-leg-amputations/#ixzz1j9ypiF1d

Why wouldn't it work? They've used scare tactics about every PC agenda going today, and they've worked so far.

Oh well that's an easy one CH, its a disease spread by fast food restaurants, making food so affordable, easy and tasty; just like laziness, violence and ignorance is/are tv, computers, video games and media's fault. Whatever, whoever, its not MY fault--- I'm a victim.:boohoo:

Fucking die already-- you wanna kill yourself, go ahead-- I'll abide by the same standard. Reminds me of Denis Leary's old bit; "not less drugs, more drugs; just give 'em to the right people"

Gotta say though, restaurants, atleast in CA, must provide the calorie count on menus and I like it. Doesn't change my mind usually, but I like having the information.

I think it's ridiculous restaurants have to provide anything but food. I have no problem with you eating what you want, as you please. Allow others the same choice. Mandating what the government thinks is best for us is bullshit.

01-13-2012, 08:27 PM
I think it's ridiculous restaurants have to provide anything but food. I have no problem with you eating what you want, as you please. Allow others the same choice. Mandating what the government thinks is best for us is bullshit.

Oh I don't know Gunny, when the USG is supporting half the population they should probably get to tell half the population how they should live their lives. Unfortunately the rest of us have to live with teh same rules.

01-13-2012, 08:30 PM
Oh I don't know Gunny, when the USG is supporting half the population they should probably get to tell half the population how they should live their lives. Unfortunately the rest of us have to live with teh same rules.

I don't care about the half they support. I care about the half they don't and I refuse to subject myself to their stupid rules.

And no, we don't. Some people need to wake up. The power is with the people. We can get rid of the shit. If everyone wasn't so damned selfish that all that matters is their self-interest.

01-13-2012, 08:36 PM
I don't care about the half they support. I care about the half they don't and I refuse to subject myself to their stupid rules.

And no, we don't. Some people need to wake up. The power is with the people. We can get rid of the shit. If everyone wasn't so damned selfish that all that matters is their self-interest.

I didn't say differently, I only said WHY they feel they can tell people how to live. I make no comment on whether they are right or not.

01-13-2012, 08:41 PM
I didn't say differently, I only said WHY they feel they can tell people how to live. I make no comment on whether they are right or not.

There's no "why" in the US Constitution. The 10th Amendment is rather clear. To everyone but the Federal Government and those who support its actions.

01-13-2012, 08:46 PM
There's no "why" in the US Constitution. The 10th Amendment is rather clear. To everyone but the Federal Government and those who support its actions.

Gunny, you REALLY need to learn what the 10th Amendment means before you go around claiming it means you have all these rights.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

First, it has NOTHING to do with rights.

Second, unless the states and ONLY the states SPECIFICALLY say by a majority opinion that the government doesn't have a certain power, then they have that power. They VOTE by way of the Senate. So there is where you need to go to effect the changes you want.

01-14-2012, 07:51 AM
Gunny, you REALLY need to learn what the 10th Amendment means before you go around claiming it means you have all these rights.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

First, it has NOTHING to do with rights.

Second, unless the states and ONLY the states SPECIFICALLY say by a majority opinion that the government doesn't have a certain power, then they have that power. They VOTE by way of the Senate. So there is where you need to go to effect the changes you want.

You might want to update your thinking about the Senate, their constitutional role is a touch different now that the 17th is in effect. They no longer represent the "States."

01-14-2012, 02:01 PM
You might want to update your thinking about the Senate, their constitutional role is a touch different now that the 17th is in effect. They no longer represent the "States."

How does this

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.
This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution

equal the Senate not working for the states? Now, I WILL grant you that Senators themselves stopped working for the states themselves long ago, and now work for lobbyists, but that's hardly what you were getting at.

01-14-2012, 02:06 PM
How does this

equal the Senate not working for the states? Now, I WILL grant you that Senators themselves stopped working for the states themselves long ago, and now work for lobbyists, but that's hardly what you were getting at.

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, (chosen by the Legislature thereof,)

It ignores the original intent that they be chosen by the legislatures as representatives for the State, not as representatives for the people.

01-14-2012, 02:09 PM
It ignores the original intent that they be chosen by the legislatures as representatives for the State, not as representatives for the people.

Tomato , tomato. The end result is the same, they are SUPPOSED to represent their individual states which are made up of the very people who elect them.

01-14-2012, 02:13 PM
^No, it's a completely different mindset and the intentions of those who elect/appoint them. The Senate would represent the States while the House would represent the People.

01-14-2012, 02:19 PM
^No, it's a completely different mindset and the intentions of those who elect/appoint them. The Senate would represent the States while the House would represent the People.

Of course you're right House represents the people while the Senate represents the state itself, and the manner that they are elected shouldn't change that at all. Unless you are suggesting that due to campaign donations a Senator could "forget" his primary duty and instead be beholden to those who elected him.

01-14-2012, 02:24 PM
Of course you're right House represents the people while the Senate represents the state itself, and the manner that they are elected shouldn't change that at all. Unless you are suggesting that due to campaign donations a Senator could "forget" his primary duty and instead be beholden to those who elected him.

Of course it does. And campaign contributions have nothing to do with it. Case in point: An unfunded mandate forced on the states. One elected by the People may be in favor of it while one beholden to the State says "we can't afford that."

Completely different constituency.

01-14-2012, 02:30 PM
Of course it does. And campaign contributions have nothing to do with it. Case in point: An unfunded mandate forced on the states. One elected by the People may be in favor of it while one beholden to the State says "we can't afford that."

Completely different constituency.

and one that represents the States should absolutely vote for what is best for the states, who voted them into office shouldn't matter at all.

Think of it in terms of a Board of Directors, they are elected by individual stock holders, but they are SUPPOSED to represent the company as a whole, not those individual shareholders even if whatever action they deem is best for the company is not the most beneficial to an individual shareholder or even a group of shareholders.

01-14-2012, 02:36 PM
and one that represents the States should absolutely vote for what is best for the states, who voted them into office shouldn't matter at all.

Shouldn't. Does. Partly based on who sent them there.

Think of it in terms of a Board of Directors, they are elected by individual stock holders, but they are SUPPOSED to represent the company as a whole, not those individual shareholders even if whatever action they deem is best for the company is not the most beneficial to an individual shareholder or even a group of shareholders.

A BOD has a mission, maximize shareholder value. A Senator (should) represents the State. A Representative represents the people. They have competing goals.

01-14-2012, 10:55 PM
I think it's ridiculous restaurants have to provide anything but food. I have no problem with you eating what you want, as you please. Allow others the same choice. Mandating what the government thinks is best for us is bullshit.

I can still eat what i want; others too. Having the information about what that food is and what's in it doesn't restrict one from choosing to eat whatever they want. If anything, free choice becomes better with more information.

01-17-2012, 01:32 AM
You should see some of the wounds resulting from the combination of obesity an diabetes. It starts with a toe...then the foot gets amputated. And because the flap doesn't heal it get gangrenous and they loose the leg below the knee. This wound fails to heal as well and, since they've lost mobility, they come back in septic and with a decubitus ulcer on their sacrum you can put your fist into...and the stink from the staph infection is gawd-awful. And then they die. And during those last few months of life, they repeated hospitalizations cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. All because they didn't know when to put down the the Super-size Fat-Burger.

01-17-2012, 04:51 AM
Honestly, I eat and drink whatever I want as much as I want; then pay for it the next morning at run:thirty. But as you say what I want is moderation. i don't eat or drink myself into a coma and then wonder why I'm fat. :laugh2:
Even if you run the next day, unhealthy eating habits can lead to diabetes.
At my work we have a lady who weighs maybe 90lbs and is diabetic.

01-17-2012, 05:14 AM
You should see some of the wounds resulting from the combination of obesity an diabetes. It starts with a toe...then the foot gets amputated. And because the flap doesn't heal it get gangrenous and they loose the leg below the knee. This wound fails to heal as well and, since they've lost mobility, they come back in septic and with a decubitus ulcer on their sacrum you can put your fist into...and the stink from the staph infection is gawd-awful. And then they die. And during those last few months of life, they repeated hospitalizations cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. All because they didn't know when to put down the the Super-size Fat-Burger.

Sounds delectable...that have bacon on it?:laugh2:

01-17-2012, 07:02 AM
You should see some of the wounds resulting from the combination of obesity an diabetes. It starts with a toe...then the foot gets amputated. And because the flap doesn't heal it get gangrenous and they loose the leg below the knee. This wound fails to heal as well and, since they've lost mobility, they come back in septic and with a decubitus ulcer on their sacrum you can put your fist into...and the stink from the staph infection is gawd-awful. And then they die. And during those last few months of life, they repeated hospitalizations cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. All because they didn't know when to put down the the Super-size Fat-Burger.

Did they think it was healthy? No, they thought it was tasty, and it probably is. I love this arrogance you have, that you seem to think that everyone is just so stupid they don't know the difference between healthy food and unhealthy food. It's like Jillian Michaels said on Biggest Loser "Everyone knows that an apple is healthier than a snickers". So please quit condescending like you know what goes through the people's minds, because you have just proven you don't with this quote of yours.

These ads won't do shit, except to annoy the very group it's supposed to be helping. No one that was eating in an unhealthy manner before is simply going to turn it around just because of one more ad. It'll just be more noise.

01-17-2012, 12:11 PM
Even if you run the next day, unhealthy eating habits can lead to diabetes.
At my work we have a lady who weighs maybe 90lbs and is diabetic.

Oh sure, just as a skinny person can also have high cholesterol. I was just talking about from a weight standpoint.