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View Full Version : Outcry grows over Marine's "urine video"

01-12-2012, 10:46 AM
A video has surfaced of apparently a handful of Marines peeing on some dead Muslims. First and foremost, they were wrong, undoubtedly.

But what I'm aggravated at is the Afghan president, CAIR, and a bunch of other Muslim/American groups that are condemning the acts and demanding action and apologies. At first glance, I don't blame them, the actions were deplorable and what they are asking is reasonable.

BUT - where were these same people when WORSE actions were taken against our soldiers by Muslims all over the place? Where were these groups when Americans were hung and burned to death on a bridge? Where were all of these people when Americans were beheaded? I just find it odd that these people/agencies are at the TOP of the bitching list right now but nowhere to be found on so many other instances when Muslims are at fault. Goes both ways.


01-12-2012, 10:48 AM
A video has surfaced of apparently a handful of Marines peeing on some dead Muslims. First and foremost, they were wrong, undoubtedly.


But what I'm aggravated at is the Afghan president, CAIR, and a bunch of other Muslim/American groups that are condemning the acts and demanding action and apologies. At first glance, I don't blame them, the actions were deplorable and what they are asking is reasonable.

BUT - where were these same people when WORSE actions were taken against our soldiers by Muslims all over the place? Where were these groups when Americans were hung and burned to death on a bridge? Where were all of these people when Americans were beheaded? I just find it odd that these people/agencies are at the TOP of the bitching list right now but nowhere to be found on so many other instances when Muslims are at fault. Goes both ways.


Jim, you've very-well made your point. Spot-on analysis.

01-12-2012, 10:55 AM
It's all part of the propaganda war (and there is such a thing happening right now). IMO, urinating on dead corpses is not equitable to beheading a living human being but that is what we see all the time lately. What is worse is that some (specifically softhearted US citizens) who embrace that equity. Were the Marines in question wrong in their actions? Most certainly!

01-12-2012, 11:28 AM
I agree with all. They shouldn't have peed on the bodies. That's just wrong and disrespectful. But i wouldn't apologize for shit, just out of general principle. I'm sick o us apologizing as the entire fucking world shits on us and goes their merry way.

Where is our apology from Muslims for 9/11?

Abbey Marie
01-12-2012, 02:26 PM
A video has surfaced of apparently a handful of Marines peeing on some dead Muslims. First and foremost, they were wrong, undoubtedly.

But what I'm aggravated at is the Afghan president, CAIR, and a bunch of other Muslim/American groups that are condemning the acts and demanding action and apologies. At first glance, I don't blame them, the actions were deplorable and what they are asking is reasonable.

BUT - where were these same people when WORSE actions were taken against our soldiers by Muslims all over the place? Where were these groups when Americans were hung and burned to death on a bridge? Where were all of these people when Americans were beheaded? I just find it odd that these people/agencies are at the TOP of the bitching list right now but nowhere to be found on so many other instances when Muslims are at fault. Goes both ways.



01-12-2012, 02:44 PM
Isn't there an expression about pissing on somebody who's on fire? Just wondering what he circumstances were.

01-12-2012, 03:41 PM
Isn't there an expression about pissing on somebody who's on fire? Just wondering what he circumstances were.

I wouldn't piss on ______________'s teeth if their mouth was on fire."


01-12-2012, 03:42 PM
Just don't video the pissing action. If they really want to show disrespect I recommend cutting their ears off. Stuffing bacon in their mouth would work good too.

01-13-2012, 05:33 PM
Has this video been confirmed as authentic yet?

Even if it is authentic, it's not "inhumane". Those are corpses, not living human beings.

While the alleged behavior may be "deplorable" to our happy little society living back here in the land of milk and honey, remember the men who're in the video have been living in a place far different, dealing with people who want to kill them and will do so in any way they can. Whole different kettle of fish, to my way of thinking.

01-13-2012, 06:22 PM
When guys have been trying to kill you and you blow them away the last thing you have for them is respect.

It was probably a case of some Marine asked "what do we do with the bodies?" and some Gunny said "Piss on em." They just did as they were told.

01-13-2012, 06:24 PM
When guys have been trying to kill you and you blow them away the last thing you have for them is respect.

It was probably a case of some Marine asked "what do we do with the bodies?" and some Gunny said "Piss on em." They just did as they were told.

Worse things have been done.

01-14-2012, 01:34 AM
Has this video been confirmed as authentic yet?

Even if it is authentic, it's not "inhumane". Those are corpses, not living human beings.

While the alleged behavior may be "deplorable" to our happy little society living back here in the land of milk and honey, remember the men who're in the video have been living in a place far different, dealing with people who want to kill them and will do so in any way they can. Whole different kettle of fish, to my way of thinking.

Literally millions of men have managed to survive wars without pissing on corpses. So that's no excuse.

01-14-2012, 09:30 AM
Worse things have been done.

I agree with you and Jess. They may have been wrong as far as a code of conduct for Marines goes. In my opinion,that is the only way they were wrong. When I first heard this on the news,I admit my first reaction was..."who gives a s**t?" My next thought was.."do people(including media) actually believe this has never happened before,really?!"

There's a commercial on t.v. with a popular country singer about a program that helps wounded warriors. Everytime I see it I wonder how anyone could be mad at these guys for doing this. As far as the government and Hillarys reactions go....puhlease! They know darn good and well this stuff goes on. They are afraid of the outcry from the media,not the American people. These guys put up with horrible crap from Cuba to Afghanistan from these extremists and I just don't care if someone pissed on an enemy that would be satisfied with cutting off heads of innocent civilians.

01-14-2012, 09:36 AM
I agree with you and Jess. They may have been wrong as far as a code of conduct for Marines goes. In my opinion,that is the only way they were wrong. When I first heard this on the news,I admit my first reaction was..."who gives a s**t?" My next thought was.."do people(including media) actually believe this has never happened before,really?!"

There's a commercial on t.v. with a popular country singer about a program that helps wounded warriors. Everytime I see it I wonder how anyone could be mad at these guys for doing this. As far as the government and Hillarys reactions go....puhlease! They know darn good and well this stuff goes on. They are afraid of the outcry from the media,not the American people. These guys put up with horrible crap from Cuba to Afghanistan from these extremists and I just don't care if someone pissed on an enemy that would be satisfied with cutting off heads of innocent civilians.

The American people aren't ever heard. The PC, Obama-agenda media is what the sheep listen to and hear. They chose the last Republican nominee for President, and by God -- lessons learned -- they're doing it again.

Radical Islam is, in and of itself a desecration. It's members are no better than animals that kill just for the sake of killing. I hope they all burn in Hell for their twisted beliefs. In contrast, having your dead body pissed on is rather trivial.

01-14-2012, 10:12 AM
The American people aren't ever heard. The PC, Obama-agenda media is what the sheep listen to and hear. They chose the last Republican nominee for President, and by God -- lessons learned -- they're doing it again.

Radical Islam is, in and of itself a desecration. It's members are no better than animals that kill just for the sake of killing. I hope they all burn in Hell for their twisted beliefs. In contrast, having your dead body pissed on is rather trivial.

I just told my mom and husband yesterday that apparently the American people didn't learn their lesson in the last election.

I just don't see the big deal about this other than the media took it and ran. You would think they wouldn't have time with all the slobbering they are doing over the Republicans fighting with each other.

01-14-2012, 10:18 AM
I just told my mom and husband yesterday that apparently the American people didn't learn their lesson in the last election.

I just don't see the big deal about this other than the media took it and ran. You would think they wouldn't have time with all the slobbering they are doing over the Republicans fighting with each other.

The media wants Mitt Romney. He's the most vulnerable to O-blah-blah's vitriol, and the media will be sure to include us all in what that dipshit thinks.

The right is doing itself in. The left is just sitting back and watching. Maybe the right needs to learn to define itself. I see a LOT of people on message boards claiming to be "right wing" who are nothing more than GOP mouthpieces.

The unfortunate reality is, I'll vote for ANYONE against Kommisar Obama. He's done more to f* up this nation in 4 years than I've seen in the past 50 years.

01-14-2012, 10:26 AM
the two saddest things about this thread are that

A) Some people are justifying the actions of these Marines. They made a mistake in judgement, shouldn't have done what they did, End of story, move on.

B) Some are making this political. It's not, it's humans making a mistake, nothing more. Apologize to whomever and move on.

01-14-2012, 10:58 AM
the two saddest things about this thread are that

A) Some people are justifying the actions of these Marines. They made a mistake in judgement, shouldn't have done what they did, End of story, move on.

B) Some are making this political. It's not, it's humans making a mistake, nothing more. Apologize to whomever and move on.

That's the thing. I have listened to all sides and can't find it in my mind to think anyone is owed an apology. Not a big deal to me.

I don't see any politics in it. Just a drooling media who will drag these men all over hell and back and sensationalize the story until we are all sick of hearing it. Men who go through hell for those jackasses to have their freedom and give them the right to drag good marines through the mud with their freedom of the press.

01-14-2012, 11:03 AM
That's the thing. I have listened to all sides and can't find it in my mind to think anyone is owed an apology. Not a big deal to me.

I don't see any politics in it. Just a drooling media who will drag these men all over hell and back and sensationalize the story until we are all sick of hearing it. Men who go through hell for those jackasses to have their freedom and give them the right to drag good marines through the mud with their freedom of the press.

Oh, they owe the family of these guys an apology. A simple "sorry about that" should suffice.

Of course the media is going to sensationalize this, that's what they do, you can't get mad at an organization for doing what is best for THEM. If you're going to get mad at anyone, get mad at pea brains who take the media seriously anymore.

As for politicizing it, Gunny certainly is in this thread, and others are outside this thread.

01-14-2012, 11:06 AM
the two saddest things about this thread are that

A) Some people are justifying the actions of these Marines. They made a mistake in judgement, shouldn't have done what they did, End of story, move on.

B) Some are making this political. It's not, it's humans making a mistake, nothing more. Apologize to whomever and move on.

A. They violated the law. Period. They know the rules.

B. People that make a big deal about dead bodies make me sick. You know what I noticed about dead bodies? They're fucking dead. They don't feel a thing. All this reverence for the dead is actually for the living. The dead don't don't know a damned thing. You can't bring them back to life. You can just make a big fucking issue over them.

And I thought you claimed to have been to the ME .... you statement in this thread strikes me as odd .. having "allegedly" been there.

01-14-2012, 11:16 AM
A. They violated the law. Period. They know the rules.

B. People that make a big deal about dead bodies make me sick. You know what I noticed about dead bodies? They're fucking dead. They don't feel a thing. All this reverence for the dead is actually for the living. The dead don't don't know a damned thing. You can't bring them back to life. You can just make a big fucking issue over them.

And I thought you claimed to have been to the ME .... you statement in this thread strikes me as odd .. having "allegedly" been there.

What about my statement questions my service Gunny? Are you really going to say that not wanting to piss on the dead bodies of my enemies means I must not have been in the ME? LOL I have tons of friends who were also were also over there who would not piss on dead bodies, and they certainly wouldn't video it if they had.

And it isn't about what the dead bodies feel, it's about what the person doing it feels. A dead body doesn't feel a sicko having sex with it either, but that is a crime .

Oh wait, pissing on a dead body is desecrating said dead body, so that is a crime as well.

01-14-2012, 11:43 AM
What about my statement questions my service Gunny? Are you really going to say that not wanting to piss on the dead bodies of my enemies means I must not have been in the ME? LOL I have tons of friends who were also were also over there who would not piss on dead bodies, and they certainly wouldn't video it if they had.

And it isn't about what the dead bodies feel, it's about what the person doing it feels. A dead body doesn't feel a sicko having sex with it either, but that is a crime .

Oh wait, pissing on a dead body is desecrating said dead body, so that is a crime as well.

Nope. Your own words over the years have questioned your service.

Especially when it comes to claiming you served in Iraq. I know how I felt. Especially when my best friend and roomie over 7 years got shot dead right next to me. And you want to play "Mr rulebook?" I got a rule for you. You shoot my friend and I'm killing you back. Period. I live with it every fucking day of my life. But I'd do the same thing right this minute.

The price is worth it to me. But then, I'm not some government kiss ass like you.

Again, the thing I noticed about dead bodies is they're fucking dead. They don't come back in the next episode. Get it yet?

01-14-2012, 12:07 PM
Nope. Your own words over the years have questioned your service.

Especially when it comes to claiming you served in Iraq. I know how I felt. Especially when my best friend and roomie over 7 years got shot dead right next to me. And you want to play "Mr rulebook?" I got a rule for you. You shoot my friend and I'm killing you back. Period. I live with it every fucking day of my life. But I'd do the same thing right this minute.

The price is worth it to me. But then, I'm not some government kiss ass like you.

Again, the thing I noticed about dead bodies is they're fucking dead. They don't come back in the next episode. Get it yet?

You're an angry, semi literate man who has issues. I never said anything about not killing those who wage war on us. In fact I'm on record as wanting to kill them. But they're dead with or without pissing on them. So stop action.g like this was acceptable when you damn well know it was not.

01-14-2012, 04:57 PM
Literally millions of men have managed to survive wars without pissing on corpses. So that's no excuse.

And I will state that much worse has and does go on in regards to corpses of the enemy. We just don't see it. That is the error these men allegedly made.

Until I have been in the boots of the men and women who go places I will never have to go, see things I couldn't dream up in my worst nightmare and do things they don't want to do and can never forget - I AM IN NO POSITION TO JUDGE THEM AND NEITHER IS ANYONE ELSE.

01-14-2012, 05:06 PM
And I will state that much worse has and does go on in regards to corpses of the enemy. We just don't see it. That is the error these men allegedly made.

Until I have been in the boots of the men and women who go places I will never have to go, see things I couldn't dream up in my worst nightmare and do things they don't want to do and can never forget - I AM IN NO POSITION TO JUDGE THEM AND NEITHER IS ANYONE ELSE.

I think we can judge this behavior and condemn it. However, we can certainly understand why it happened. How we can expect every solider to be expert killing machines and then also be perfect role models is beyond me. I think we can all agree behavior such as this happens all the time in war. There just happened to be a camera there. If you don't think in WW2 or Vietnam some pretty nasty shit happened on each side you are naive. Morality has not advanced since then. I feel like I'm a pretty good person, but put me in a war zone and hell if I know what I'd do.

01-14-2012, 05:15 PM
We carried decks of Ace of Spades and left the cards on the bodies of those we killed. It was a form of disrespect that I never knew the full meaning of. Our platoon leader use to cut the ears off the bodies. When his little leather bag got full of them he mailed them home to his mother.

Disrespecting the bodies is a psychological thing. Makes the person doing it feel better and humiliates the friends and relatives of the dead. If your lucky it enrages them into doing something vengeful and you can take them out as well.

I still want to out live jane fonda so I can piss on her grave.

01-14-2012, 06:46 PM
And I will state that much worse has and does go on in regards to corpses of the enemy. We just don't see it. That is the error these men allegedly made.

Until I have been in the boots of the men and women who go places I will never have to go, see things I couldn't dream up in my worst nightmare and do things they don't want to do and can never forget - I AM IN NO POSITION TO JUDGE THEM AND NEITHER IS ANYONE ELSE.

Oh, but we ARE in a position to judge them. What they went through does NOT excuse their own behavior. I would condemn a Muslim who pissed on a dead Marine, and so I will condemn a Marine who pisses on a dead Muslim.

A HUGE part of our mission over there is to convince the general Muslim population over there that we aren't the enemy. Huge fail right here.

Is it a HUGE deal? No, but is it no big deal? Nope, it's not that either.

01-15-2012, 11:35 AM
Oh, but we ARE in a position to judge them. What they went through does NOT excuse their own behavior. I would condemn a Muslim who pissed on a dead Marine, and so I will condemn a Marine who pisses on a dead Muslim.

A HUGE part of our mission over there is to convince the general Muslim population over there that we aren't the enemy. Huge fail right here.

Is it a HUGE deal? No, but is it no big deal? Nope, it's not that either.

I got news for you, punk. I spent 368 straight days on deployment. We were on our way home and they turned us around. Fine. I signed up for the job.

I did and will kill ANYTHING that kept me from getting home to see my girls. A favorite tactic of those sand niggers you're defending .... shoot a Marine then drop their weapon and surrender. Ever seen a toasted, crusty infant? Beautiful.

Don't you tell me what I'm about and what's right or wrong until you've been there. Try googling "the Mile of Death". That was fucking payback for the most inhumane bullshit ever. And you want to judge some combat Marines for pissing on corpses? Probably the nicest thing they could do to put out the WP.

01-15-2012, 11:38 AM
Oh, but we ARE in a position to judge them. What they went through does NOT excuse their own behavior. I would condemn a Muslim who pissed on a dead Marine, and so I will condemn a Marine who pisses on a dead Muslim.

A HUGE part of our mission over there is to convince the general Muslim population over there that we aren't the enemy. Huge fail right here.

Is it a HUGE deal? No, but is it no big deal? Nope, it's not that either.

Then we will have to agree to disagree. You have your opinion and I have mine. Unless you change yours (unlikely), we'll never agree. :)

01-15-2012, 11:52 AM
I got news for you, punk. I spent 368 straight days on deployment. We were on our way home and they turned us around. Fine. I signed up for the job.

I did and will kill ANYTHING that kept me from getting home to see my girls. A favorite tactic of those sand niggers you're defending .... shoot a Marine then drop their weapon and surrender. Ever seen a toasted, crusty infant? Beautiful.

Don't you tell me what I'm about and what's right or wrong until you've been there. Try googling "the Mile of Death". That was fucking payback for the most inhumane bullshit ever. And you want to judge some combat Marines for pissing on corpses? Probably the nicest thing they could do to put out the WP.

What does killing anyone have to do with kissing on their bodies? You aft like you couldn't come home until you peed on e.much corpses.

Have you completely forgotten about honor? Not honor of those sand niggers, honor of our flag. The US doesn't stand for revenge we stand for justice. I bet you knew that at one time

Sir Evil
01-15-2012, 11:53 AM
A video has surfaced of apparently a handful of Marines peeing on some dead Muslims. First and foremost, they were wrong, undoubtedly.

But what I'm aggravated at is the Afghan president, CAIR, and a bunch of other Muslim/American groups that are condemning the acts and demanding action and apologies. At first glance, I don't blame them, the actions were deplorable and what they are asking is reasonable.

I would piss on you so whats deplorable about pissing on a dead muslim?:dunno:

01-15-2012, 11:55 AM
Then we will have to agree to disagree. You have your opinion and I have mine. Unless you change yours (unlikely), we'll never agree. :)

This isn't a thread about opinions Jess. Its about facts. These guys broke the spiritual and the letter of the UCMJ. They will probably lose some rank and forfeit some pay over it. I doubt any jail time. Like I said this isn't a big deal, but isn't nothing g eithet

01-15-2012, 11:59 AM
This isn't a thread about opinions Jess. Its about facts. These guys broke the spiritual and the letter of the UCMJ. They will probably lose some rank and forfeit some pay over it. I doubt any jail time. Like I said this isn't a big deal, but isn't nothing g eithet

First and foremoest - has the video been authenticated yet?

In any case, the whole premise of message boards IS opinions. A thread may or may not be started with a fact. After that - everything each person's opinion or perspective. Simple as that.

01-15-2012, 11:59 AM
This isn't a thread about opinions Jess. Its about facts. These guys broke the spiritual and the letter of the UCMJ. They will probably lose some rank and forfeit some pay over it. I doubt any jail time. Like I said this isn't a big deal, but isn't nothing g eithet

Fact is, shut the fuck up. You don't have a clue. And please. come after me, dipshit. You leave my woman out of it. SHit, you got a better chance of not being owned by me. Which you have no chance at all. You'd be as dead and pissed on as a sand nigger fucking with her.

01-15-2012, 12:08 PM

Ok boys. Can you each just be done? Neither of you is ever gonna admit the other is right.

Group hug? 3137
Jimmy, you are not supposed to cop a feel during the group hug. I know it was you.

No hugs, boys? Hmmmm ...

Perhaps a song -



01-15-2012, 12:12 PM
Fact is, shut the fuck up. You don't have a clue. And please. come after me, dipshit. You leave my woman out of it. SHit, you got a better chance of not being owned by me. Which you have no chance at all. You'd be as dead and pissed on as a sand nigger fucking with her.

What? How did I go after your woman you drunken fool

01-15-2012, 12:14 PM
What? How did I go after your woman you drunken fool

If I was drunk, I'd hunt you down and kill you. Want to try again?

01-15-2012, 12:16 PM
If I was drunk, I'd hunt you down and kill you. Want to try again?

What? I ask again how did I fuck with your woman. Can you answer without the dumb threat

01-15-2012, 12:20 PM
I would piss on you so whats deplorable about pissing on a dead muslim?:dunno:

Don't forget who possesses the keys to your website, fuckface! I'll delete it in a NY minute, then I'll drive over there and delete you too! :laugh2:

01-15-2012, 12:23 PM
Don't forget who possesses the keys to your website, fuckface! I'll delete it in a NY minute, then I'll drive over there and delete you too! :laugh2:


01-15-2012, 12:46 PM
What? I ask again how did I fuck with your woman. Can you answer without the dumb threat

Don't fuck with me. I'm like the state of Texas. You try to kill me and I'll kill you back.

01-15-2012, 12:52 PM
Don't fuck with me. I'm like the state of Texas. You try to kill me and I'll kill you back.

Dammit! It's Sunday morning church time.

There will be no f*#&ing and no killing. Period.

Is that understood? :drillsarge:

01-15-2012, 01:37 PM
Dammit! It's Sunday morning church time.

There will be no f*#&ing and no killing. Period.

Is that understood? :drillsarge:

Mayhaps you would like to address the fraud? I'm usually benign. Apparently he likes to talk shit about the wrong topic.

01-15-2012, 01:56 PM
Mayhaps you would like to address the fraud? I'm usually benign. Apparently he likes to talk shit about the wrong topic.

I completely admit to being lost in this thread. Where did I go after Jess, why did you feel the need not once, but three times to talk about killing me?

01-16-2012, 09:47 AM
I completely admit to being lost in this thread. Where did I go after Jess, why did you feel the need not once, but three times to talk about killing me?

Dream on, dude. You ain't worth my time.