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View Full Version : Obama wants another trillion - unpatriotic and irresponsible

01-13-2012, 10:24 AM
Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling another trillion dollars. Oddly enough, it's his own words that states he is unpatriotic and irresponsible for doing so. Well, at least when GWB does something that's what it's labeled. Funny how this dipshits own words come back to make him look foolish.

President Obama Thursday quietly notified Congress that the government needs another $1.2 trillion to continue operating.

That’s both irresponsible and unpatriotic of him.

How do I know? A presidential candidate named Obama told me.

The new borrowing requested by the CURRENT president would raise the debt ceiling to $16.4 trillion. The debt stood at $10.6 trillion when Obama took office. That’s an increase of $5.8 trillion, nearly $2 trillion more than the “unpatriotic” figure cited by Obama in the video.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DyLmru6no4U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


01-13-2012, 10:50 AM
And he's going to get it too. The Republicans may put on a show of a fight but in the end they will have no choice.

Where does this end? Even if Obama is voted out nothing changes unless the Congress and President agree on making some real tough choices. When Obama took office the debt was at 10 trillion. By the end of 2012 it will be 16 trillion, a 60% increase in just 4 years under his Administration. This can't go on.

The Liberals will no doubt continue to blame this on Bush and for argument's sake I'll just go ahead say yeah, it's all Bush's fault. Now, what the hell are we going to do about getting out of this mess because the current methods are clearly not working.

01-13-2012, 10:57 AM
Nothing that idiot does surprises me.

01-14-2012, 08:16 AM
wtf.....they wanted an ungodly sum for an increase last year because they wanted to avoid having to go for another increase in an election year.....we need to get these bastards out of Washington and keep them away from it forever........

01-14-2012, 09:06 AM
Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling another trillion dollars. Oddly enough, it's his own words that states he is unpatriotic and irresponsible for doing so. Well, at least when GWB does something that's what it's labeled. Funny how this dipshits own words come back to make him look foolish.


Obama's about as American "patriotic" as Saddam Husein. At least Saddam's dead.

That commie has NO right calling ANYONE unpatriotic. He's done more to violate the Constitution since Abraham Lincoln.

01-14-2012, 12:27 PM
I saw him on the news the other day saying he has made X amount in cuts. Now he needs more money. WHAAAAAAAT?

Thats like getting rid of cable to save money then going out and buying a car.