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View Full Version : Egg Freezing in Israel

01-14-2012, 01:53 PM
Like other technologies, the rabbi reasoned, egg freezing could be used to help God with the ongoing work of creation. Boorstein supported egg freezing for single women in their 30s, provided it was done under strict rabbinical supervision. He also advised single women to continue praying to find a husband. Thus, the rabbi’s lenient message about using technology was coupled with a message about making appropriate decisions that “fit” the Orthodox community’s norms of marrying and establishing a legitimate Jewish family—as soon as possible.

In the Religious-Zionist community, egg freezing is being configured as a way to preserve Jewish values of marriage and family. Egg freezing, as Rabbi Feuerstein explained to an audience of Israeli doctors and nurses, “is not a technology that is taking us forward, it is a life-float that is saving us from a much deeper crisis.” This breakthrough technology is seen by Orthodox rabbis like Feuerstein as a way to stem the tide of single motherhood. The rabbi concluded his impromptu sermon: “We can use technology in a desirable and educated way… I see in [egg freezing] a potential to return to the value of family.”]


Mormons just have 8-10 kids so they don't have to worry about preserving the future.