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01-15-2012, 07:32 PM
I'd like to interview you, would you oblige me?

01-15-2012, 10:17 PM
based on the new guys post about answering the police's questions I should probably say
no. Am I being detained officer? Am I free to go? :rolleyes:

But Hey thanks for your interest, but i honestly my life has been pretty mundane. the people I've meet are the what interesting in my life.
my intro summed it it fairly well

"Hi Folks,
My real names Avery,
I live in Virginia, and I have worked for Newspapers and City Governments as a Graphic Designer -full time- and done for hire work with my side biz for all kinds of folks. I do a bit of real estate when I can as well.

I guess I'm kind of a laid back Born Again Christian with strong socially conservative leanings and on balance have, in the past, supported mostly republicans. However I've always been a strong constitutionalists and civil libertarian . The bill of Right is still a very good thing. Which the Republicans SAY they support but after 9/11 I was saddened and then sickened by just how fast the constitution got thrown under the bus. Then the invasion of Iraq. At that point I really started looking a lot more closely at the whole range of republican rhetoric vs republican actions. I was even more disappointed. At this point you might call me a Ron Paul Republican because it seems he's one of the few who, at least, backs up what he says he believes about the constitution by voting for it. I'm with Paul about 75% of the way. But I've fallen so far off the republican train that I don't think you could call me a Ron Paul "Republican". I'm tired of both parties frankly. They both espouse wonderful principals but both are corrupt and manipulative and seem to have little to no serious intentions of being parties of the people. I could go on but my daughter is looking for some dinner and moms at work soo.

uh ... Oh.. was reading about some U.S. military action and did a search about it and ending up here rummaging around. interesting crowd. I've wanted to post on several subjects and get you folks reaction. I've got the utmost respect for every person here but i may challenge and examine ideas, fact and assertions pretty harshly please don't take it personal. God loves ya and He told me to do the same."

the only thing to add to that would be that I'm married to a women who grew up most of her life in Africa, her father was a Pastor. Both my grandfathers worked in the Shipyard at newport news VA during WWII. their brothers went to War, (stories of Blood running down the streets of France like rainwater etc). My Mom worked as a VA nurse for years. Here Brother was air force ground crew. 2 older cousin went to Viet Nam. My Father didn't jion the military and as a child I remember vividly both my parents reading a paper to see if his name was listed in the draft to Veit Nam it wasn't and my mom hugged the snot out of him. He started his own real Estate Biz became fairly successful but died in his mid 50's of a heart attack. I've got 2 younger brothers. the only 2 people I could consistently beat in a fight. I took some Karate classes from a world class shyster, was voted best in school overall there while in High school but went to college and became friends with a black belt from Buffalo NY who consistently beat the crap outta me . the best compliment he could give me was that I could take a punch, he couldn't knock me out and I wouldn't quit. But I rarely got in a real fight. College was technical school and art based, I didn't take full blown liberal arts, I read what i wanted to know about. I was naively left and voted for Carter my 1st time out against Reagan but changed to republican withen the next 4 yrs. I've mention this before that in High School and college I was a laid back unruffled but curious agnostic, thinking that atheist and religious people didn't have enough info to make the claims they made but they sure are interesting claims, great stories i thought. Shortly after college I had an profound experience and and information dump that convinced me otherwise. even after my conversion I poked at the questionable corners of my faith with a stick but I'm so far convinced at this point that even if I could fall away I'd never be a full on atheist or a very good agnostic. The grand mysteries only make any sense to me under a creator God, accidents my arse. Also shortly after my conversion my mom was hit with a terrible illness I ended up caring for her with severe bought for years, in the midst of that my grandma got Alzheimers and i was the 1st shoulder that fell on until my uncle return from across the country. Other than that I'm a old SF and Comic book buff. I've traveled a only a little been to England, Denmark, Nigeria Africa, A few places in the states All of the state on the East coast up to Pennsylvania. California, Nevada, New Mexico, Hawaii Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans ums soo umm I'll be turning 50 this year.

And that probably more than you wanted to know.
And that's all I've got to say about that.

Thanks for the interview man.

01-15-2012, 10:21 PM
no , it didn't answer my questions.

But , fair enough.