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View Full Version : Have a ? for CSM, PEGwinn and/or Gaffer ....

01-16-2012, 12:03 PM
.... I have more military related injuries than a pro football player. I've not gone to the VA because when UI compare my injuries to those that have gotten fucked up in combat, I feel guilty and won't go. Others keep telling me I should go.

Right or wrong?

And this is a legit question to people I respect. If you ain't on the list, don't bother replying.

01-16-2012, 01:33 PM
well, I'm not on your list, but I'm replying anyway because we don't have 'members only' threads here. I'm sorry you don't respect me and other board vets.

I feel similar - when I'm at the VA complaining about my knees or feet, I generally am waiting next to a guy who doesn't HAVE knees or Feet. :(

However, All gave some. I continue with the VA for service-connected stuff, even while i can use them for other things. Honestly me going HELPS the va get funding - and my co-pays for non-service connected stuff help them, too.

01-16-2012, 01:53 PM
well, I'm not on your list, but I'm replying anyway because we don't have 'members only' threads here. I'm sorry you don't respect me and other board vets.

I feel similar - when I'm at the VA complaining about my knees or feet, I generally am waiting next to a guy who doesn't HAVE knees or Feet. :(

However, All gave some. I continue with the VA for service-connected stuff, even while i can use them for other things. Honestly me going HELPS the va get funding - and my co-pays for non-service connected stuff help them, too.

I doubt he left all the rest of you out on purpose. The 6 yr old just beat him at blackjack (Gunny was teaching him) and he was a bit distracted. ;)

01-16-2012, 01:59 PM
well, I'm not on your list, but I'm replying anyway because we don't have 'members only' threads here. I'm sorry you don't respect me and other board vets.

I feel similar - when I'm at the VA complaining about my knees or feet, I generally am waiting next to a guy who doesn't HAVE knees or Feet. :(

However, All gave some. I continue with the VA for service-connected stuff, even while i can use them for other things. Honestly me going HELPS the va get funding - and my co-pays for non-service connected stuff help them, too.

Was not my point. I respect any and all vets and I'm sorry if you took my question the wrong way. I also respect your opinion. You have a good point.

01-16-2012, 02:15 PM
well, I'm not on your list, but I'm replying anyway because we don't have 'members only' threads here. I'm sorry you don't respect me and other board vets.

I feel similar - when I'm at the VA complaining about my knees or feet, I generally am waiting next to a guy who doesn't HAVE knees or Feet. :(

However, All gave some. I continue with the VA for service-connected stuff, even while i can use them for other things. Honestly me going HELPS the va get funding - and my co-pays for non-service connected stuff help them, too.

I feel the same as you, on many points in your post.

If you've served you're entitled to use the VA as a matter of course. I don't use them because we don't have a local VA and my wife has excellent insurance , but I wouldn't feel a bit guilty about using them and neither should you , nor should Gunny.

01-16-2012, 02:34 PM
Was not my point. I respect any and all vets and I'm sorry if you took my question the wrong way. I also respect your opinion. You have a good point.

I'd have definitely included Mr P except he has decided lurking is more fun that posting. Nobosy flies around in those stupid birds that does think the next minute is their last. I chose the people I did because they post NOW, and are combat vets. Just brain-picking. If he had the same benefits available, I defintely have also included bootneck. Marines are Marines. Regardless the country.

01-16-2012, 03:00 PM
.... I have more military related injuries than a pro football player. I've not gone to the VA because when UI compare my injuries to those that have gotten fucked up in combat, I feel guilty and won't go. Others keep telling me I should go.

Right or wrong?

And this is a legit question to people I respect. If you ain't on the list, don't bother replying.

Hey I'm no vet, obviously, I can't follow a simple order. I would say go, if not for the service, then to serve. You never know who you might meet that you might give encouragement. I know a few vets who have conditions that, no matter how hard I try, no one but another vet can understand, and only those who have persevered through have the ability to help. So instead of looking at it as what you're taking away, look at it as what you can give.

Once a Marine, always a Marine, right? Your VA benefits don't cease when retire, neither does your ability to serve.:thumb:

01-16-2012, 05:45 PM
Definitely take advantage of it. Here in the Cincinnati area we have a very good VA facility and the VA clinic is about two blocks from my place. They bend over backwards to service the vets here. Nothing to feel guilty about. You served and earned the right to medical care. There's probably a ton of guys there that didn't do a quarter of what you did and are taking advantage of a good thing. You get cheap to free medicine, any procedures that are needed and even major medical if hospital stays are needed. All paid for by your time in service.

Take advantage of it, it's a good thing.

01-16-2012, 10:39 PM
Definitely take advantage of it. Here in the Cincinnati area we have a very good VA facility and the VA clinic is about two blocks from my place. They bend over backwards to service the vets here. Nothing to feel guilty about. You served and earned the right to medical care. There's probably a ton of guys there that didn't do a quarter of what you did and are taking advantage of a good thing. You get cheap to free medicine, any procedures that are needed and even major medical if hospital stays are needed. All paid for by your time in service.

Take advantage of it, it's a good thing.

Thank you. I appreciate your response.

01-16-2012, 11:57 PM
Gunny, I know you despise me, but I am answering this anyway. Because I have never been one to keep my mouth shut when told to. :cool:

You are a veteran. If you have ANY type of problem, physical and mental, you should go to the VA as soon as possible. You deserve the finest care any hospital can give you.

You are the same as my dad's best friend. He almost lost his shoulder to shrapnel while in Viet Nam and has had it surgically repaired several times. It has been bothering him since the 70's. He feels bad to keep going to the VA. Sometimes my dad (and his wife) have to threaten to call 911 if he doesn't go.

Look at it this way. Let's suppose you won $10,000 as a long service award. On your way to pick up money, you see people who have nothing and they look at you like "you ass, you have money and we don't." But they didn't serve. Do you feel guilty and not go pick up the money? Fuck no. ;)

Go get treated. Don't make Jess dial 911.

01-17-2012, 07:52 AM
Gunny, you EARNED that benefit. There is no shame in taking something you earned. Sure there are folks at the VA who are in tougher shape; so what. You are in worse shape than some others. Besides, the point has been made that by going you end up doing a service as well. I know that those vets you meet at the VA are comerades in arms. We embrace them when they are whole and ready to engage in combat, why would we shun them (for whatever reason including your own embarassment that you were not as injured as they) post combat? Additionally, there are some fellow comerades in arms who are not seen at the VA, you have to go to a cemetary to see where they hang out. Part of their sacrifice was given so that you and others could live. You OWE it to them to live as best you can. No, my friend, you should walk into that VA PROUDLY and join the ranks of others there who also made sacrifices (large and small) and take your place among the ranks; just as proudly as you stood in ranks with many others throughout your time in service.

Get your ass to the VA MArine .... ASAP!