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View Full Version : Most college educations are a good thing... but are they all? A must-read!

01-18-2012, 06:10 PM
Thomas Sowell knocks another one out of the park.

Some college educations enable their recipients to do obviously good things, both for themselves and for their societies.

Even the ones whose educations do not, are usually regarded as no worse than "harmless". But are they?

(See especially the last two paragraphs quoted here). Then click the link and read the entire article - it's a must-read.



An Ignored 'Disparity': Part II

by Thomas Sowell
Jan 18, 2012

One of the ways of trying to reduce the vast disparities in economic success, which are common in countries around the world, is by making higher education more widely available, even for people without the money to pay for it.

This can be both a generous investment and a wise investment for a society to make. But, depending on how it is done, it can also be a foolish and even dangerous investment, as many societies around the world have learned the hard way.

When institutions of higher learning turn out highly qualified doctors, scientists, engineers and others with skills that can raise the standard of living of a whole society and make possible a better and longer life, the benefits are obvious.

What is not so obvious, but is painfully true nonetheless, is that colleges and universities can also turn out vast numbers of people with credentials, but with no marketable skills with which to fulfill their expectations. There is nothing magic about simply being in ivy-covered buildings for four years.

Statistics are often thrown around in the media, showing that people with college degrees earn higher average salaries than people without them. But such statistics lump together apples and oranges -- and lemons.

A decade after graduation, people whose degrees were in a hard field like engineering earned twice as much as people whose degrees were in the ultimate soft field, education. Nor is a degree from a prestigious institution a guarantee of a big pay-off, especially not for those who failed to specialize in subjects that would give them skills valued in the real world.

But that is not even half the story. In countries around the world, people with credentials but no marketable skills have been a major source of political turmoil, social polarization and ideologically driven violence, sometimes escalating into civil war.

People with degrees in soft subjects, which impart neither skills nor a realistic understanding of the world, have been the driving forces behind many extremist movements with disastrous consequences.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

01-18-2012, 08:42 PM
It seems to me that in most cases an employer couldn't care less what your degree is in if they want you to have one. They just care that you have one. So I would say he is correct. The degree itself necessary for most jobs.

01-19-2012, 05:53 AM
I disagree with the premise; most college educations are to the highest benefit of the University and share-holders if applicable.

The fact most folks / employers don't care WHAT the degree is "just gotta have the piece of paper" pays evidence to my first statement.

01-19-2012, 08:56 AM

An Ignored 'Disparity': Part II

by Thomas Sowell
Jan 18, 2012

The semi-literate sloganizing of our own Occupy Wall Street mobs recalls the distinction that Milton Friedman often made between those who are educated and those who have simply been in schools. Generating more such people, in the name of expanding education, may serve the interests of the Obama administration but hardly the interests of America.


01-19-2012, 09:30 AM
wait, your tellin' me my classical studies degree might not come in handy? :eek: How about my minor in liberal arts?


01-19-2012, 10:26 AM
Old educated sinner joke.

What do get when you educate a conman?
An educated conman.
Insert thief, serial killer, liar, adulterer, etc etc

Without morals we're all up craps creek,
and if Marxism is taught as THE truth you get folks that justify corporate thief.

01-19-2012, 10:46 AM
hey, did you know that to be a pilot in the air force, all you need is a degree?

Cause they have to train you anyways, but you need some sort of degree to get in.

Yeah, its easier to get it if you have some sort of engineering degree, but in all honesty, you can major in underwater basket-weaving and still get that job!

01-19-2012, 11:08 AM
hey, did you know that to be a pilot in the air force, all you need is a degree?

Cause they have to train you anyways, but you need some sort of degree to get in.

Yeah, its easier to get it if you have some sort of engineering degree, but in all honesty, you can major in underwater basket-weaving and still get that job!

sort of misleading. To receive a commission one needs to have their degree. Thus, to qualify to be a pilot one needs a degree because commissioned officers need a degree. The officer still must pass pilot school. Pilot School demands skill - not just education in, say, basket weaving. :)