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View Full Version : Federal Fast&Furious officials in AZ, will take 5th amendment

01-20-2012, 12:20 PM
Yes, you heard that right. Federal officials - people whose job it is to enforce the law and make sure the rest of us keep OUR noses clean - will take the 5th amendment so they don't have to make statements that will incriminate them.

And this from people who say they did nothing wrong, that it's all a witch hunt, a vast conspiracy to frame them.

Jesus Christ. At least my former Congressman, Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) (no relation to the Cunningham in the story below), admitted his guilt once he got caught, and expressed sorrow for what he had done (taking bribes). But this bunch of Federal slime is concerned simply with beating the rap.



Federal official in Arizona to plead the fifth and not answer questions on 'furious'

by William La Jeunesse
Published January 20, 2012

The chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona is refusing to testify before Congress regarding Operation Fast and Furious, the federal gun-running scandal that sent U.S. weapons to Mexico.

Patrick J. Cunningham informed the House Oversight Committee late Thursday through his attorney that he will use the Fifth Amendment protection.

Cunningham was ordered Wednesday to appear before Chairman Darrell Issa and the House Oversight Committee regarding his role in the operation that sent more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa Cartel. Guns from the failed operation were found at the murder scene of Border Agent Brian Terry.

January 25, 2011: A cache of seized weapons used in the ATF gun-running operation 'Fast and Furious' is displayed at a news conference in Phoenix.

The letter from Cunningham’s Washington DC attorney stunned congressional staff. Last week, Cunningham, the second highest ranking U.S. Attorney in Arizona, was scheduled to appear before Issa‘s committee voluntarily. Then, he declined and Issa issued a subpoena.

Cunningham is represented by Tobin Romero of Williams and Connolly who is a specialist in white collar crime. In the letter, he suggests witnesses from the Department of Justice in Washington, who have spoken in support of Attorney General Eric Holder, are wrong or lying.

01-20-2012, 12:23 PM
Yes, you heard that right. Federal officials - people whose job it is to enforce the law and make sure the rest of us keep OUR noses clean - will take the 5th amendment so they don't have to make statements that will incriminate them.

And this from people who say they did nothing wrong, that it's all a witch hunt, a vast conspiracy to frame them.

Jesus Christ. At least my former Congressman, Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) (no relation to the Cunningham in the story below), admitted his guilt once he got caught, and expressed sorrow for what he had done (taking bribes). But this bunch of Federal slime is concerned simply with beating the rap.



Federal official in Arizona to plead the fifth and not answer questions on 'furious'

by William La Jeunesse
Published January 20, 2012

The chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona is refusing to testify before Congress regarding Operation Fast and Furious, the federal gun-running scandal that sent U.S. weapons to Mexico.

Patrick J. Cunningham informed the House Oversight Committee late Thursday through his attorney that he will use the Fifth Amendment protection.

Cunningham was ordered Wednesday to appear before Chairman Darrell Issa and the House Oversight Committee regarding his role in the operation that sent more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa Cartel. Guns from the failed operation were found at the murder scene of Border Agent Brian Terry.

January 25, 2011: A cache of seized weapons used in the ATF gun-running operation 'Fast and Furious' is displayed at a news conference in Phoenix.

The letter from Cunningham’s Washington DC attorney stunned congressional staff. Last week, Cunningham, the second highest ranking U.S. Attorney in Arizona, was scheduled to appear before Issa‘s committee voluntarily. Then, he declined and Issa issued a subpoena.

Cunningham is represented by Tobin Romero of Williams and Connolly who is a specialist in white collar crime. In the letter, he suggests witnesses from the Department of Justice in Washington, who have spoken in support of Attorney General Eric Holder, are wrong or lying.

I personally believe that government employees at all levels should be precluded from taking the fifth when their alleged wrongdoings involve official business of the people.