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01-26-2012, 08:47 PM
Man this thing is getting down right ugly. Blitzer is getting Mitt and Newt to fight. While I think Romney is getting the better of Newt, it doesn't look good for either of them.

More to come..

01-27-2012, 01:24 PM
That was the worst debate I've seen. The bickering between Newt and Mitt was terrible. Wolf really did have them going at it until Santorum said "enough!". The issues facing this country were not addressed. I don't care about making Puerto Rico a state. I don't care that Romney is a millionaire or about his taxes. I also don't care about a moon colony or the fact that Newt consulted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The whole debate was nonsense other than Santorum.

01-27-2012, 01:38 PM
That was the worst debate I've seen. The bickering between Newt and Mitt was terrible. Wolf really did have them going at it until Santorum said "enough!". The issues facing this country were not addressed. I don't care about making Puerto Rico a state. I don't care that Romney is a millionaire or about his taxes. I also don't care about a moon colony or the fact that Newt consulted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The whole debate was nonsense other than Santorum.
Yep, nothing good came out of that debate. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Blitzer purposely planned this. Many of his questions were intended to get the candidates to fight one another thus pulling attention away from Obama's failures. Amazingly, it worked! I was surprised how easily he shut down Newt considering the last debate. In the end, I'd say Romney beat Gingrich handily but it was Santorum who did the best in staying on message. Unfortunately, I don't think it is enough for him and I predict he will be bowing out after a third place finish in Florida.

01-27-2012, 01:58 PM
A terrible debate typical of cnn. In my opinion Santorum had it hands down. A mitt newt cat fight was all it was. Paul just showed he's a total nut and nothing more than the comic relief.

Too many non-relevant questions.

01-27-2012, 02:57 PM
this will be a lose lose election i'm afraid

01-27-2012, 03:06 PM
A terrible debate typical of cnn. In my opinion Santorum had it hands down. A mitt newt cat fight was all it was. Paul just showed he's a total nut and nothing more than the comic relief.

Too many non-relevant questions.

Did someone mention Ron Paul.
not sure what you were watching but even over ar Red State where i understand Ron Paul fans are forbotten.
we get this review
The Jacksonville Brawl (http://www.redstate.com/erick/2012/01/27/the-jacksonville-brawl/)
"Then there was Ron Paul. Many of us quickly dismiss Ron Paul, but his performance was stellar. He offered extremely sound responses on healthcare, education, border security, and more. Very few of the questions were on foreign policy, which is where he tends to go off the reservation. Last night he came off as warm, funny, and right on the mark. It was his best debate performance. Santorum and Paul benefited from Romney and Gingrich’s constant bickering."

only Ron Paul doesn't look or sound "total nuts" to me neither ya'll .
From the guy who thinks "we are at war with the muslim world but just don't know it," as I understand your thoughts Gaffer.

Here's All of his comments
judge for yourselves
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Sv96YIFsZfQ?feature=player_embedded" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe>

01-27-2012, 03:31 PM
Ron Paul looked like a little old man that was having trouble staying awake. A few of his comments were funny, other than that he was his usual kooky self. I think I saw him boarding a dingy this morning, floating himself over to Cuba to have lunch with Castro. What a fruitcake.

01-27-2012, 03:50 PM
All of Paul's comments were qualified with free trade and exchange with dictators and enemies of our country. He is still saying the same old, lets pretend they are nice and get along with them. He stayed clear of his foreign policy plans and wolf was careful not to take him there. The one question about Israel was not ever answered by Paul.

I saw a carefully orchestrated cat fight between romney and gingrich. Santorum made sense and was acknowledged as being there and Paul was "an also there" participant. It wasn't a debate. Paul remains in far right field and will get no where in the Florida primary.

I was most impressed with Santorum. As far as I'm concerned it's down to a three way run for the nomination. And Paul ain't one of the three.

Abbey Marie
01-27-2012, 03:54 PM
Here's a copy/paste of what I posted last night in another debate thread right after the debate, so I don't have to re-type it all:

I thought they all did well, actually.

I thought Santorum did the best, as he seemed very knowledgeable, passionate and sincere.

Paul was funny and actually, not too kooky. Except when he was asked what he would say to Raul Castro if he had him on the phone. His answer: "I'd ask him what he was calling about". Lol.

Romney and Newt were fine, but Wolf was really pushing them to attack each other, and they obliged. Not very informative, and I thought the worst moments of the debate.

01-27-2012, 04:03 PM
All of Paul's comments were qualified with free trade and exchange with dictators and enemies of our country. He is still saying the same old, lets pretend they are nice and get along with them.

We've got a lot of people that we trade with now that are our enemies. We were trading with Libiya just before we attacked it. we don't have to pretend they are nice. you bought anything at wal-mart latley. or anywaere almost .it's probably made in Chinia they are not "nice" but somehow we trade with them. (I think it's gone to far there but that another story) But no ones "pretening" that Castro is "nice". But it's doesn't make sense to pretened that Cuba is going to attack the U.S. in any reasonable senario , it'd seem to me that the more dependent they became on us as a trading partner the LESS likey it would be that they would participate in an attack against us. But what's the hecks the problem with trade? What's the downside? I don't get it.And
how is it crazy?

01-27-2012, 04:45 PM
We've got a lot of people that we trade with now that are our enemies. We were trading with Libiya just before we attacked it. we don't have to pretend they are nice. you bought anything at wal-mart latley. or anywaere almost .it's probably made in Chinia they are not "nice" but somehow we trade with them. (I think it's gone to far there but that another story) But no ones "pretening" that Castro is "nice". But it's doesn't make sense to pretened that Cuba is going to attack the U.S. in any reasonable senario , it'd seem to me that the more dependent they became on us as a trading partner the LESS likey it would be that they would participate in an attack against us. But what's the hecks the problem with trade? What's the downside? I don't get it.And
how is it crazy?

Cuba is not going to attack us. But they have a dictatorial govt that we aren't going to attack either. The best way to bring that govt down is to not trade or deal with them and let the people there replace that govt. Supporting it with trade just gives it credibility.

And we weren't trading with lybia, europe was.

01-27-2012, 05:23 PM
The best way to bring that govt down is to not trade or deal with them and let the people there replace that govt. Supporting it with trade just gives it credibility.

The issue of Cuba is so trivial and rather unimportant these days. The embargo hasn't done jack shit for 50 years. Yeah they are communist, yeah they did some bad things 50 years ago. So has China. Let's move on to more pressing issues.

01-27-2012, 05:29 PM
Cuba is not going to attack us. But they have a dictatorial govt that we aren't going to attack either. The best way to bring that govt down is to not trade or deal with them and let the people there replace that govt.

So your saying isolationism -in regards to Cuba is OK then?

Supporting it with trade just gives it credibility.

And we weren't trading with lybia, europe was.

your right it does give it some credibility ,the Saudis are dictators too (the Bush's are GOOD FRIENDS with them) but we trade with them and dozens of other dictators around the world. the world ,as you've pointed out isn't very nice. Real democracies or republics are not the norm. But you may be right that economic pressures might help bring about change for the better from within, But letting the people of the country enjoy free trade may also stimulate some to move the country in a better direction as well. I'm not sure which tack might be better neither is guaranteed that's for sure.

But we were trading with Libya have been for years, check the link