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01-26-2012, 11:37 PM
They know everything. Us dumb bastards in the field don't know shit.

01-26-2012, 11:42 PM
They know everything. Us dumb bastards in the field don't know shit.


01-26-2012, 11:44 PM
Try humping a 60 on a MCRESS.

01-26-2012, 11:45 PM
Rear End MoFo? I don't suppose this is a way of saying you are an ass, is it? :rolleyes:

01-26-2012, 11:47 PM
Rear End MoFo? I don't suppose this is a way of saying you are an ass, is it? :rolleyes:

It's ode for "Gabby's a **********".

Next ....

01-26-2012, 11:50 PM
They know everything. Us dumb bastards in the field don't know shit.

Well they were comical to watch when they were brought in to cover the perimeter while we were out on ambush. Explaining to them they were allowed to take turns sleeping was funny. Every one of them stayed up all night.

01-26-2012, 11:52 PM
Try humping a 60 on a MCRESS.

No thanks. Actually have no desire to ever carry a weapon of any kind for a living again.

01-26-2012, 11:52 PM
It's ode for "Gabby's a prostitute".

Next ....

I am guessing you have more experience in this field than I do. Being a horny male and all.

01-26-2012, 11:53 PM
I am guessing you have more experience in this field than I do. Being a horny male and all.

Gab, you're a prostitute? I would ask what your rate is, but actually I'm more interested in knowing what time you get off work. :laugh2:

01-26-2012, 11:54 PM
Well they were comical to watch when they were brought in to cover the perimeter while we were out on ambush. Explaining to them they were allowed to take turns sleeping was funny. Every one of them stayed up all night.

Every one of them is a snake-eating war hero nowadays. I loved watching them crap their pants when somebody suggested "field" to them.

01-27-2012, 12:02 AM
Gab, you're a prostitute? I would ask what your rate is, but actually I'm more interested in knowing what time you get off work. :laugh2:

I dunno. But if anyone should known a prostitute when he sees one, it is Gunny. Lots of field experience, you see. :poke:

01-27-2012, 12:04 AM
I dunno. But if anyone should known a prostitute when he sees one, it is Gunny. Lots of field experience, you see. :poke:

A REMF is worth WAY more than you.

01-27-2012, 12:08 AM
Shut up slut. A REMF is worth WAY more than your useless ass.

And if you're calling my woman a prostitute, I hope you choke and die.

why are you calling her a slut and then chastening her if she's calling Jess a prostitute ( oh she's not doing that btw)

01-27-2012, 07:50 AM
Every one of them is a snake-eating war hero nowadays. I loved watching them crap their pants when soebody suggested "field" to them.

REMFs are very strange creatures indeed. I guess they are a necessary evil. Some REMFs are ok; wounded warriors who still serve but are not allowed in the field anymore, for example. Those guys (and gals) usually do not talk crap though. The REMFs I dislike the most are the ones that take little day trips to "visit the troops" and upon arrival, proclaim (loudly) that they are they to help you but are nowhere to be found when the real shit hits the fan. man, I hate those folks!

01-27-2012, 08:52 AM
REMFs are very strange creatures indeed. I guess they are a necessary evil. Some REMFs are ok; wounded warriors who still serve but are not allowed in the field anymore, for example. Those guys (and gals) usually do not talk crap though. The REMFs I dislike the most are the ones that take little day trips to "visit the troops" and upon arrival, proclaim (loudly) that they are they to help you but are nowhere to be found when the real shit hits the fan. man, I hate those folks!

True, and there are a lot of folks who simply aren't eligible to do more than a desk job to begin with, but like you said , someone has to do them and there are those that do a good job at what they do.

01-27-2012, 09:02 AM
why are you calling her a slut and then chastening her if she's calling Jess a prostitute ( oh she's not doing that btw)

Probably for the same reason you aren't jumping Gabby's shit for coming in a thread specifically to flame someone else. We know how much you hate that. :laugh:

01-27-2012, 09:03 AM
REMFs are very strange creatures indeed. I guess they are a necessary evil. Some REMFs are ok; wounded warriors who still serve but are not allowed in the field anymore, for example. Those guys (and gals) usually do not talk crap though. The REMFs I dislike the most are the ones that take little day trips to "visit the troops" and upon arrival, proclaim (loudly) that they are they to help you but are nowhere to be found when the real shit hits the fan. man, I hate those folks!

Y'know, I've never met anyone in a bar who was an admin clerk, cook, motor-t. For some reason, only Green Berets, SEALS and Recon ever go to bars.

When you know you are in Hell: Your Admin Chief was a grunt for 10 years, blew out a knee on the drill field, and had the skills to lat move to Admin. If I beat my clerks to the counter, you can bet PT was at 0500 and a GUARANTEED trip through the Santa Margarita.

01-27-2012, 09:05 AM
True, and there are a lot of folks who simply aren't eligible to do more than a desk job to begin with, but like you said , someone has to do them and there are those that do a good job at what they do.

Not in the Corps. You're a grunt FIRST. The Corps will not keep you otherwise, unless, as CSM says, they already did their time.

why are you calling her a slut and then chastening her if she's calling Jess a prostitute ( oh she's not doing that btw)

Why are you sticking your "C" nose into an "A & B" conversation?

01-27-2012, 09:42 AM
Y'know, I've never met anyone in a bar who was an admin clerk, cook, motor-t. For some reason, only Green Berets, SEALS and Recon ever go to bars.

When you know you are in Hell: Your Admin Chief was a grunt for 10 years, blew out a knee on the drill field, and had the skills to lat move to Admin. If I beat my clerks to the counter, you can bet PT was at 0500 and a GUARANTEED trip through the Santa Margarita.

Yeah there are a lot of "Rambo wannabes" out there. I guess just doing your service in your paticular specialty and doing it well is not enough for some people.

01-27-2012, 10:18 AM
Why are you sticking your "C" nose into an "A & B" conversation?

Because you're calling a woman a slut. That's pathetic. call her an idiotic liberal or whatever, but slut? Sheesh.

01-27-2012, 10:21 AM
Because you're calling a woman a slut. That's pathetic. call her an idiotic liberal or whatever, but slut? Sheesh.

I guess it is all a matter of perspective. Sometimes I like slutty women. That's my "D" input.

01-27-2012, 10:24 AM
I guess it is all a matter of perspective. Sometimes I like slutty women. That's my "D" input.

Gunny clearly wasn't using slut as a term of endearment towards Gabby . :laugh2:

I just think it's odd that a guy who routinely defends his female friend, and gets mad if he even think someone is calling his woman a prostitute would turn around and call a woman a slut AND asks a guy why he's intervening. That's all.

01-27-2012, 10:27 AM
Gunny clearly wasn't using slut as a term of endearment towards Gabby . :laugh2:

I just think it's odd that a guy who routinely defends his female friend, and gets mad if he even think someone is calling his woman a prostitute would turn around and call a woman a slut AND asks a guy why he's intervening. That's all.

Understood. I am not taking a stance on this, just commenting. That's my "DD" input .... I like double Ds too!

01-27-2012, 10:29 AM
Understood. I am not taking a stance on this, just commenting. That's my "DD" input .... I like double Ds too!

See, I'm more of a large B small C kinda guy. Legs is where it's at my man.

01-27-2012, 10:33 AM
See, I'm more of a large B small C kinda guy. Legs is where it's at my man.

Meh ... I am more of the "complete package" kind of guy. It takes more than just the marketing wrapping to get my interest. Some pretty sorry stuff has been sold because of pretty packaging.

01-27-2012, 10:36 AM
Meh ... I am more of the "complete package" kind of guy. It takes more than just the marketing wrapping to get my interest. Some pretty sorry stuff has been sold because of pretty packaging.

That's true of course, but a pretty wrapper is a nice bonus.

01-27-2012, 10:53 AM
That's true of course, but a pretty wrapper is a nice bonus.

When it comes to that sort of thing, I don't rule ANYTHING out. Some very nice surprises come out of some awfully plain packages.

01-27-2012, 11:11 AM
When it comes to that sort of thing, I don't rule ANYTHING out. Some very nice surprises come out of some awfully plain packages.

Plain is one thing, ugly is another.:laugh:

01-27-2012, 11:15 AM
Gunny clearly wasn't using slut as a term of endearment towards Gabby . :laugh2:

I just think it's odd that a guy who routinely defends his female friend, and gets mad if he even think someone is calling his woman a prostitute would turn around and call a woman a slut AND asks a guy why he's intervening. That's all.

See, I'm more of a large B small C kinda guy. Legs is where it's at my man.

That's true of course, but a pretty wrapper is a nice bonus.

Plain is one thing, ugly is another.:laugh:

Are you done yet?

01-27-2012, 11:20 AM
Plain is one thing, ugly is another.:laugh:

I guess you missed the whole moral of the story about the ugly duckling, huh.

01-27-2012, 11:21 AM
Are you done yet?

Done with what? Posting? No , probably not.

01-27-2012, 11:22 AM
Are you done yet?

My fault, Gunny. I have been engaging in this side conversation which probably kiept the fires burning as well as hijacking the thread. My apologies.

01-27-2012, 11:49 AM
My fault, Gunny. I have been engaging in this side conversation which probably kiept the fires burning as well as hijacking the thread. My apologies.

Nah. Not your fault at all. CH could hijack a thread about boiling water.:laugh:

01-27-2012, 11:56 AM
Nah. Not your fault at all. CH could hijack a thread about boiling water.:laugh:

I would argue that YOU hijacked the thread first when you called Gabby a slut.

are YOU done yet? :laugh2:

01-27-2012, 12:02 PM
I would argue that YOU hijacked the thread first when you called Gabby a slut.

are YOU done yet? :laugh2:

I started the thread, moron. Gabby, same as you, interjected your personal bullshit into a thread I meant for REAL military vets. Not weekend warriors who defend leftwingnut idiots from SF.

01-27-2012, 12:05 PM
I started the thread, moron. Gabby, same as you, interjected your personal bullshit into a thread I meant for REAL military vets. Not weekend warriors who defend leftwingnut idiots from SF.

Oh I see, so now I'm not a "real" vet because the oath I took means I defend all who need to be defended? Or is it because I was in the guard (by the way Gunny, I was FULL TIME guard, which means I worked Monday-Friday a regular job, not just on the weekends, but even those weekend guys take the same risks)

Please give me the definition of a "real" vet.

01-27-2012, 12:20 PM
I started the thread, moron. Gabby, same as you, interjected your personal bullshit into a thread I meant for REAL military vets. Not weekend warriors who defend leftwingnut idiots from SF.

Same as any other profession, the folks that don't have what it takes to be a REMF are the ones who complain about it the most.

01-27-2012, 12:52 PM
Same as any other profession, the folks that don't have what it takes to be a REMF are the ones who complain about it the most.

Boy did you get that bass ackwards! It's akin to implying that teachers don't have what it takes to be servers in the lunch room. Hmmmm, now that I think about it.....

01-27-2012, 12:54 PM
Boy did you get that bass ackwards! It's akin to implying that teachers don't have what it takes to be servers in the lunch room. Hmmmm, now that I think about it.....

There are LOTS of jobs that are rear echelon jobs that require skills, as you well know.

Of course lots of worthless paper pushers back there to.

01-27-2012, 01:06 PM
There are LOTS of jobs that are rear echelon jobs that require skills, as you well know.

Of course lots of worthless paper pushers back there to.

Yep. Of course, REMF is a term meant to insult so there are times when it can be applied seriously but most of the time is expressed to get a rise out of somebody.

01-27-2012, 01:55 PM
Yep. Of course, REMF is a term meant to insult so there are times when it can be applied seriously but most of the time is expressed to get a rise out of somebody.

Well of course REMF is only meant to be applied to bad sort of rear soldier.

Apparently the only thing worse than a REMF is a weekend warrior, and the only thing worse than that is a soldier who defends a liberal's rights.;)

01-27-2012, 03:09 PM
Any good soldier will tell you they are defending ALL citizen's and their rights...not just conservatives.

01-27-2012, 04:01 PM
Any good soldier will tell you they are defending ALL citizen's and their rights...not just conservatives.

EXACTLY. In fact in OCS one of the first lessons they taught us was that the people who's ideas we disagreed most were the very ones whom we should protect their rights. After all, if we don't protect their rights, what happens when someone we agree with needs their rights protected by someone who doesn't agree with them?

01-27-2012, 04:23 PM
Now that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has been repealed, do you think "REMF" might now refer to gays in the military as well? :rolleyes:

01-27-2012, 04:25 PM
Now that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has been repealed, do you think "REMF" might now refer to gays in the military as well? :rolleyes:

No, there is already a term for gays in the military.



01-27-2012, 04:34 PM
No, there is already a term for gays in the military.



I ought to neg rep you for that. :poke:

Back when I was in the NG's were one level above boy scouts. Be careful where you go. :rolleyes:

Abbey Marie
01-27-2012, 04:40 PM

01-27-2012, 06:14 PM
Today's 'weekend warriors' are a far cry from the slugs spoken-of even 15 years ago.


Today's National Guard is the reserve fighting force for the Nation's Wars. When I joined the guard after active duty, I expected out-of-shape losers. I was mistaken. My platoon Sergeant was a former Marine Gunny and one of the most squared-away guys I've met. We trained hard - yes, for two days a week a month. But when I wore the uniform I was 'sergeant' - just as much as while on Active duty.

Regarding 'REMF' - when I worked on the line I used to say the same shit about, say, our S1 (Personnel) guys. I used to laugh about how they'd just 'sit around' in the TOC (Tactical Operations Center). Here's the thing - yeah, when I was a Team leader life sucked. Our work was dirty and hot and all that. But, when I goofed up, my mistake would impact myself or my team - and i'd get chewed out by a Staff Sergeant or Sergeant First Class; maybe a Lieutenant. As I rose through the ranks, and changed jobs I ended up working in a 3-star command Personnel Center. When I worked at a much higher echelon, my mistakes could impact thousands of Soldiers; I'd get chewed out by a Sergeant Major, Major, or even Colonel.

It's just a different level of ass-chewin'. Different kind of stress.

01-27-2012, 08:58 PM
True, and there are a lot of folks who simply aren't eligible to do more than a desk job to begin with, but like you said , someone has to do them and there are those that do a good job at what they do.

Not in my Marine Corps. If you cannot shoot, then you are like a hooker that won't fuck. Not worth the money paid to you.

And, in the Corps you don't have to be a grunt by MOS to become proficient at a whole shit load of breaking things skills. All you have to do is get in the front of the line every time there is a school seat or a deployment. Once the chain of command figures out that you actually mean all that oohrah stuff.... skys the limit.

Having said all that, there is 10% of every demographic that doesn't deserve to be where they are. I did know a couple of guys with laminated light duty chits. But, in my (thank God) experience it was a rarity. Just lucky I guess.

01-28-2012, 12:24 AM
Not in my Marine Corps. If you cannot shoot, then you are like a hooker that won't fuck. Not worth the money paid to you.

And, in the Corps you don't have to be a grunt by MOS to become proficient at a whole shit load of breaking things skills. All you have to do is get in the front of the line every time there is a school seat or a deployment. Once the chain of command figures out that you actually mean all that oohrah stuff.... skys the limit.

Having said all that, there is 10% of every demographic that doesn't deserve to be where they are. I did know a couple of guys with laminated light duty chits. But, in my (thank God) experience it was a rarity. Just lucky I guess.

Yes, the Marines are better than the other branches about every Marine a rifleman. But even Marines have specialties.

01-28-2012, 01:09 PM
Yes, the Marines are better than the other branches about every Marine a rifleman. But even Marines have specialties.

My co-worker is a retired Gunny - she was a supply clerk/instructor. She was not - nor are most who don't do it for a living - a 'grunt' or 'infantryman'. An Army 11B (infantry) with a couple years on the job would be a good instructor for ANY service member separated from Basic Training by more than a few years. Now, her job was VERY important. Critical, actually. Like her Army Counterpart - whomever that was - ensuring our Missiles, 25mm ammo, M203 rounds, etc, was where it needed to be so we could use it.

There's one team, working for one fight.

01-28-2012, 04:23 PM
My co-worker is a retired Gunny - she was a supply clerk/instructor. She was not - nor are most who don't do it for a living - a 'grunt' or 'infantryman'. An Army 11B (infantry) with a couple years on the job would be a good instructor for ANY service member separated from Basic Training by more than a few years. Now, her job was VERY important. Critical, actually. Like her Army Counterpart - whomever that was - ensuring our Missiles, 25mm ammo, M203 rounds, etc, was where it needed to be so we could use it.

There's one team, working for one fight.

I wasn't trying to imply that all Marines are grunts. Of course they aren't. I merely meant that ALL Marines DO receive more rifle training than all members of the other services do.

And I agree with you, front line or in the rear, everyone serves a purpose towards the common goal.

02-04-2012, 04:47 PM
I just think it's odd that a guy who routinely defends his female friend, and gets mad if he even think someone is calling his woman a prostitute would turn around and call a woman a slut AND asks a guy why he's intervening. That's all.

People can call me that all they want. I know who and what I am. And I consider the source of the comment.

Besides, I've never once gotten paid for sex. :neener: