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View Full Version : Church-Burning Video Used to Promote Atheist Event at Ft. Bragg

01-28-2012, 12:00 AM
Atheists are using a music video that celebrates the burning of churches and synagogues to promote an upcoming atheist-themed festival at Fort Bragg.
“Rock Beyond Belief” is scheduled to be held on the parade field at Fort Bragg in March. The event was created in part as a response to a Billy Graham Evangelistic Association event that was held last year.

Justin Griffith, who organized “Rock Beyond Belief,” (http://rockbeyondbelief.com/)said he was personally offended that a Christian evangelical event like “Rock the Fort” was held on the base.
“We felt it was entirely inappropriate for anyone to say your current religion is wrong,” Griffith told Fox News& Commentary. “We view all soldiers as already spiritually complete. Whatever their current religious preference is has no bearing on how fit they are as a soldier or anything related to military business.”
Griffith confirmed the lineup includes atheist speakers, a rapper who raps about evolution and a “kiddy pool” where boys and girls will be able to scientifically walk on water.
There will also be a number of bands performing – the most famous of which is Aiden. They are featured in a video on the “Rocky Beyond Belief” website that includes images of burning churches and bloody crosses.


Abbey Marie
01-28-2012, 02:45 AM
I fully expect to see ever-increasing hatred of Christians in the near future. The Christianphobics are feeling very brazen as never before in our country. There will come a time when like other countries, we too will have to take risks in order to stand up for our faith.

01-28-2012, 11:39 AM
I fully expect to see ever-increasing hatred of Christians in the near future. The Christianphobics are feeling very brazen as never before in our country. There will come a time when like other countries, we too will have to take risks in order to stand up for our faith.

Kind of ironic that these groups condone and even promote violence and vandalism against christian's isn't it.

02-01-2012, 09:35 AM

02-01-2012, 12:24 PM
Well, I would not expect them to catch any heat for celebrating the burning of churches but the burning of synagogues?
Where's the charges of anti-semitism and hate speech?

02-01-2012, 12:43 PM
Bizarre, and the song itself is awful. But if thats how some idiots wana express their atheism, meh, its of no concern to me, just a reflection of their stupidity.

02-01-2012, 02:46 PM
Radical Atheism must be stopped!!
they have terror cells all across the country. all over the world. The so called Atheist leaders Spew their HATE, like DAWKINS the now departed Hicthens. Once the athesit get a foothold they destroy millions like they did in China and the Soviet Union.
They are come HERE!!!
The greater atheist community needs to renonce those radicals and reign them in becuase they are inciting HATE against religious people of all kinds and especially Christians. We should be at war with atheist around the world. drone striking them over there, before they get us here.

God bless America man.

02-01-2012, 04:34 PM
could someone tell me what things they believe in/fighting for so I can start bashing?:dance:

02-02-2012, 05:45 AM
Or, we simply smile, forgive anything that hurt us about their actions, then seek forgiveness for BEING hurt by their actions...and get on with our lives. :)

02-02-2012, 10:31 AM
Atheists are using a music video that celebrates the burning of churches and synagogues to promote an upcoming atheist-themed festival at Fort Bragg.
“Rock Beyond Belief” is scheduled to be held on the parade field at Fort Bragg in March. The event was created in part as a response to a Billy Graham Evangelistic Association event that was held last year.

Justin Griffith, who organized “Rock Beyond Belief,” (http://rockbeyondbelief.com/)said he was personally offended that a Christian evangelical event like “Rock the Fort” was held on the base.


Justin Griffith is a fucking moron who thinks that freedom of religion means freedom FROM religion. Hey bozo, Christians have as much right to our faith as you have to yours.

Oh, and in case he comes back with "separation of church and state" besides pointing out that that idea never existed to the founding fathers I would point out that bitching about religion on a military base is no more keeping religion separate from government than promoting religion is.