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01-31-2012, 12:01 PM
3 Surprising Reasons to Give Up Soda (http://health.yahoo.net/experts/eatthis/3-shocking-soda-facts)

Shocking Soda Fact #1: Soda fattens up your organsShocking Soda Fact #2: Soda contains flame retardantsShocking Soda Fact #3: Drinking soda makes you a lab rat

I stopped buying soda awhile back to avoid spending the money but apparently it had other benefits. I'll drink it when out or if we have people over but just having water is so much better for you. Not having it in the house also keeps it away from the kids.

I did like the part about cutting out sugar in soda frees up room to have sugar somewhere else.

FIX IT WITH FOOD: The average American drinks
450 calories a day. By switching to water as your go-to beverage, you'll make room in your diet for these 40 Foods with Superpowers (http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/nutritious_foods_for_a_healthy_body?cm_mmc=Yahoo-_-ETNT-_-3_Soda_Facts-_-Foods_With_Superpowers)
—foods that, even in moderation, can strengthen your heart, fortify your bones, and boost your metabolism so you can lose weight more quickly.
I might have read a bit to much into that statement though. :laugh:

01-31-2012, 12:11 PM
Shocking Soda Fact #1: Soda fattens up your organs
Ummm, most any food with sugar in it, does this.

Shocking Soda Fact #2: Soda contains flame retardants
Water being one of them.

Shocking Soda Fact #3: Drinking soda makes you a lab rat
Is that where that white coat, and long, round, rough tail came from?

01-31-2012, 12:24 PM
I more or less stopped drinking fizzy drinks a few weeks ago, not for any other reason than its obvious they're bad for you. So the only time i have one now is when i go to ice-hockey games.

Also, as a random consequence, i think it makes food taste better when you drink water while eating it, because you're not overpowering yourself with pepsi in-between mouthfuls.

01-31-2012, 12:25 PM
I haven't drank carbonated drinks in over a year.

01-31-2012, 12:39 PM
This settles it, henceforth I shall drink only beer.:slap:

01-31-2012, 01:44 PM
I LOVE soda, both Coca Cola and Dr. Pepper. But the best thing I ever did was stop drinking soda. Simply put, it's fattening! And I'm a fat bastard that could do without. Go Vitamin Water!! :coffee:

01-31-2012, 02:00 PM
I have a sneaking suspicion soda, like a lot of things, is ok if taken in moderation. I drink soda occassionally but not weekly or even daily. One donut once a month is NOT going to make you gain 10 pounds. I become very skeptical whenever an article written by some supposed expert proclaims any one food choice as the root of all evil. I'm all for a good balance but hey what do I know.

01-31-2012, 02:03 PM
I have a sneaking suspicion soda, like a lot of things, is ok if taken in moderation. I drink soda occassionally but not weekly or even daily. One donut once a month is NOT going to make you gain 10 pounds. I become very skeptical whenever an article written by some supposed expert proclaims any one food choice as the root of all evil. I'm all for a good balance but hey what do I know.

I agree. But for me, I drank Dr. Pepper by the gallons! Well, maybe not that much, but between 2-3 12oz bottles per day. A smoke and a Dr. Pepper were in my hands at all times. Not having either of them around is weird. But yeah, I think if you had just one every week or every few weeks, you'll be fine. But if I have one, I'll be back to the store to buy a case in an hour. I have an addictive personality.

My wife always reminds me, that pretty much anything is ok to eat/drink, so long as you do so in moderation, and take care of yourself physically. Such an easy premise that I can't seem to grasp! :laugh2:

01-31-2012, 02:22 PM
I agree. But for me, I drank Dr. Pepper by the gallons! Well, maybe not that much, but between 2-3 12oz bottles per day. A smoke and a Dr. Pepper were in my hands at all times. Not having either of them around is weird. But yeah, I think if you had just one every week or every few weeks, you'll be fine. But if I have one, I'll be back to the store to buy a case in an hour. I have an addictive personality.

My wife always reminds me, that pretty much anything is ok to eat/drink, so long as you do so in moderation, and take care of yourself physically. Such an easy premise that I can't seem to grasp! :laugh2:

Yep, it's that whole "addiction" thing at work in most cases. I believe that we as a society are pretty much addicted to sugar, fat and salt. I have been trying to cut down on all three. Sugar seems to be the hardest ... it's in everything! Salt is a bit easier but i still likes me some salt so haven't cut it out completely. Fat is just plain sneaky, but I find that low fat stuff can still taste pretty good.

02-04-2012, 03:47 PM
Yep, it's that whole "addiction" thing at work in most cases. I believe that we as a society are pretty much addicted to sugar, fat and salt. I have been trying to cut down on all three. Sugar seems to be the hardest ... it's in everything! Salt is a bit easier but i still likes me some salt so haven't cut it out completely. Fat is just plain sneaky, but I find that low fat stuff can still taste pretty good.

Dunno about salt but if you want sweet without all the calories and bad stuff, try Stevia. It is much sweeter than sugar, no caloric value, will not contribute to tooth decay, etc. You can actually grow it in your garden or even in your house. I did several years ago. The minions used to grab leaves off the plants and chew them as they ran around the back yard. I've also used it for cooking/baking.


And "fat" is complicated. You have to have certain types of fat but not the really unhealthy ones. That's what I tell myself when I slather butter on my baked potato anyway.;)

02-04-2012, 03:53 PM
Dunno about salt but if you want sweet without all the calories and bad stuff, try Stevia. It is much sweeter than sugar, no caloric value, will not contribute to tooth decay, etc. You can actually grow it in your garden or even in your house. I did several years ago. The minions used to grab leaves off the plants and chew them as they ran around the back yard. I've also used it for cooking/baking.


And "fat" is complicated. You have to have certain types of fat but not the really unhealthy ones. That's what I tell myself when I slather butter on my baked potato anyway.;)

Bacon ... bacon is everything! LOL

There are lots of worse things out there. That being said, we just do the best we can. It's all a matter of perspective. For me, eating healthy is more like that than ideals folks throw at me. For example, eating two donuts is healthier than eating six! Ideally, I would eat no donuts (*snort* yeah like that's gonna happen!)

02-04-2012, 04:07 PM
Bacon ... bacon is everything! LOL

There are lots of worse things out there. That being said, we just do the best we can. It's all a matter of perspective. For me, eating healthy is more like that than ideals folks throw at me. For example, eating two donuts is healthier than eating six! Ideally, I would eat no donuts (*snort* yeah like that's gonna happen!)

Bacon is meat candy! :joy4:

You just gotta figure that you eat to live, not live to eat but if you deny yourself anything that you like which may not be the *best* for you, you've lived a miserable life. What is the point in that?

Aside from the fact that what is "good for you" seems to change frequently. Bah! Moderation, as you say, is the key.

02-05-2012, 01:05 PM
I have a sneaking suspicion soda, like a lot of things, is ok if taken in moderation. I drink soda occassionally but not weekly or even daily. One donut once a month is NOT going to make you gain 10 pounds. I become very skeptical whenever an article written by some supposed expert proclaims any one food choice as the root of all evil. I'm all for a good balance but hey what do I know.

Diet, proper diet, is the only way to truely lose weight and build a symmetrical body. I can go into any gym and tell you who(not just the fat bodies but people who have defined biceps etc. etc. etc.) has a strict diet and who eats shit.

With that said, cheating is actually a BIG part of a proper diet, if you don't allow yourself to cheat a meal every now and then you will end up cheating all the time. For example my wife and I allow ourselves a fancy meal out every two weeks, I shoot the works, don't give a fuck whats in it, if its foie gras or cooked in lard or whatever. The key is not to take 1 day and cheat all day and blow whatever gains you have made, don't take 1 step forward and two steps back.

Anyway back to the topic of the thread, soda, any soda is bad for you, it will put weight on you fast as hell. Ever check out how much sugar is in one of those things? Disgusting, you would never sit down and eat that much sugar plain......ever.

Drink water and watch the pounds melt off!

02-05-2012, 01:07 PM
I agree. But for me, I drank Dr. Pepper by the gallons! Well, maybe not that much, but between 2-3 12oz bottles per day. A smoke and a Dr. Pepper were in my hands at all times. Not having either of them around is weird. But yeah, I think if you had just one every week or every few weeks, you'll be fine. But if I have one, I'll be back to the store to buy a case in an hour. I have an addictive personality.

My wife always reminds me, that pretty much anything is ok to eat/drink, so long as you do so in moderation, and take care of yourself physically. Such an easy premise that I can't seem to grasp! :laugh2:

2-3 a day! Holy hell!

Its so hard for me to hang out with the Greeks and not have a smoke, it just don't seem right so I know where you come from on that 1.

02-05-2012, 01:14 PM
Yep, it's that whole "addiction" thing at work in most cases. I believe that we as a society are pretty much addicted to sugar, fat and salt. I have been trying to cut down on all three. Sugar seems to be the hardest ... it's in everything! Salt is a bit easier but i still likes me some salt so haven't cut it out completely. Fat is just plain sneaky, but I find that low fat stuff can still taste pretty good.

You said it CSM, our biggest health problem in the U.S.? Obesity, just take 1 day and have that as your key thiought of the day and you will be shocked at how many giant fat fucks you run across.

Reason why? We live in a processed food society(i'm as guilty as anyone of partaking in it in my 20's and 30's), freaking Mickey D's and BK on every corner and go to any regular grocery store..........makes you sick. When I visit Greece you don't see that too often, why? In Europe they have grasped the "buy fresh, buy local, buy just for that day" concept....they are much more into cooking at home and eating fresh stuff than American who on average eat out 3-4 times a week.....and they aren't going to organic local places either!

Would you like fries with that sir?

02-05-2012, 01:15 PM
Dunno about salt but if you want sweet without all the calories and bad stuff, try Stevia. It is much sweeter than sugar, no caloric value, will not contribute to tooth decay, etc. You can actually grow it in your garden or even in your house. I did several years ago. The minions used to grab leaves off the plants and chew them as they ran around the back yard. I've also used it for cooking/baking.


And "fat" is complicated. You have to have certain types of fat but not the really unhealthy ones. That's what I tell myself when I slather butter on my baked potato anyway.;)

Stevia is the bomb!:clap:

02-05-2012, 01:17 PM
Hey Jim, I see you found this site before I could, they be sold out. :laugh2:


02-06-2012, 08:33 AM
You said it CSM, our biggest health problem in the U.S.? Obesity, just take 1 day and have that as your key thiought of the day and you will be shocked at how many giant fat fucks you run across.

Reason why? We live in a processed food society(i'm as guilty as anyone of partaking in it in my 20's and 30's), freaking Mickey D's and BK on every corner and go to any regular grocery store..........makes you sick. When I visit Greece you don't see that too often, why? In Europe they have grasped the "buy fresh, buy local, buy just for that day" concept....they are much more into cooking at home and eating fresh stuff than American who on average eat out 3-4 times a week.....and they aren't going to organic local places either!

Would you like fries with that sir?

I can't remember the last time I ate at a fast food joint. Lost my taste for that stuff some time back. I have pretty much given up the soda all together; if I have a soda once every three weeks I'd be surprised. Stilll like meat and lately have been eating lots of veggies and fruit. I like the fruit mostly because not only does it taste pretty good but it is convenient (except for oranges; I can pretty much squirt orange juice over everything within 500 yards when I eat an orange!). I think Noir is getting to me (though it's not a morals issue for me).

02-06-2012, 09:01 AM
I can't remember the last time I ate at a fast food joint. Lost my taste for that stuff some time back. I have pretty much given up the soda all together; if I have a soda once every three weeks I'd be surprised. Stilll like meat and lately have been eating lots of veggies and fruit. I like the fruit mostly because not only does it taste pretty good but it is convenient (except for oranges; I can pretty much squirt orange juice over everything within 500 yards when I eat an orange!). I think Noir is getting to me (though it's not a morals issue for me).

I LOVE fruits and veggies, but I gotta have my animal flesh to.

02-06-2012, 09:08 AM
Stevia is the bomb!:clap:

Fresh lemonade/limeade with stevia in the summertime ... I could drink it by the gallons. My ex MIL showed me how to make that.

02-06-2012, 09:10 AM
I can't remember the last time I ate at a fast food joint. Lost my taste for that stuff some time back. I have pretty much given up the soda all together; if I have a soda once every three weeks I'd be surprised. Stilll like meat and lately have been eating lots of veggies and fruit. I like the fruit mostly because not only does it taste pretty good but it is convenient (except for oranges; I can pretty much squirt orange juice over everything within 500 yards when I eat an orange!). I think Noir is getting to me (though it's not a morals issue for me).

I've eaten more McDonald's since Gunny's been here than I think I have in the past 10 years. :laugh:
But it's starting to lose appeal, mostly because it seems to add pounds that I don't appreciate.

02-06-2012, 09:12 AM
I've eaten more McDonald's since Gunny's been here than I think I have in the past 10 years. :laugh:
But it's starting to lose appeal, mostly because it seems to add pounds that I don't appreciate.

McDonalds is garbage, pure and simple.

When my son was younger they had those damned beanie babies, I ate there all the time trying to collect all those things. Well, eventually I got to where I just bought the happy meal, got the beanie baby and threw the meal in the trash. Just awful food. At least now they do have salads and such. But we RARELY eat there.

02-06-2012, 09:14 AM
McDonalds is garbage, pure and simple.

When my son was younger they had those damned beanie babies, I ate there all the time trying to collect all those things. Well, eventually I got to where I just bought the happy meal, got the beanie baby and threw the meal in the trash. Just awful food. At least now they do have salads and such. But we RARELY eat there.

Well, I have cut back on the fries, for sure. I don't even order them.

I just eat Gunny's fries instead. :dancer:

02-09-2012, 02:56 PM
3 Surprising Reasons to Give Up Soda (http://health.yahoo.net/experts/eatthis/3-shocking-soda-facts)

I stopped buying soda awhile back to avoid spending the money but apparently it had other benefits. I'll drink it when out or if we have people over but just having water is so much better for you. Not having it in the house also keeps it away from the kids.

I did like the part about cutting out sugar in soda frees up room to have sugar somewhere else.

I might have read a bit to much into that statement though. :laugh:

The phosphorous in them is also bad for the soft tissue in your joints. People with tendonitis or osteoporosis shouldn't drink them at all.

02-09-2012, 06:07 PM
Fresh lemonade/limeade with stevia in the summertime ... I could drink it by the gallons. My ex MIL showed me how to make that.

when I was growing up and working in the fields with Dad we got a jug of water with RealLemon in it, no sugar....

02-09-2012, 06:11 PM
when I was growing up and working in the fields with Dad we got a jug of water with RealLemon in it, no sugar....

Spoiled. SHould try drinking out of a hose that tastes like hose. Or a plastic canteen. People seem to forget all this "special" water wasn't even a big deal until the 1st Gulf War (1991). Prior to that, you drank out of the sink. Or hose. And if you were in the field in the military, a plastic canteen that has its own unique taste.

02-09-2012, 06:15 PM
when I was growing up and working in the fields with Dad we got a jug of water with RealLemon in it, no sugar....

We used to freeze gallon jugs of well water. That was it until you were back at home, after the hay was baled, you were done walking beans, etc.

Ugh. I do NOT miss that.

02-12-2012, 01:19 AM
Well, I have cut back on the fries, for sure. I don't even order them.

I just eat Gunny's fries instead. :dancer:

You better be careful, I have it on good authority that Orpheous doesn't like frie bandits. :mooning: :gunner3:

I was here and you weren't.



02-12-2012, 02:11 AM
Hey! How come it shows me posting at like 01:19a.m. when it's not even Mid-nite here, Whats up with dat? Hmmmmmmm? :cool:

Is there some new fangled attempt at some kind of Commie takeover here? You ALWAYS have to watch the clocks, that's where they always start to throw us over.

They get ticked off real easy but luckily their chosen weapon is bombs and their all hands. :dance:

02-12-2012, 09:15 AM
You better be careful, I have it on good authority that Orpheous doesn't like frie bandits. :mooning: :gunner3:

I was here and you weren't.



You're in trouble. Good thing we've been friends for ... what? Ever? :evilras:

02-12-2012, 09:17 AM
Hey! How come it shows me posting at like 01:19a.m. when it's not even Mid-nite here, Whats up with dat? Hmmmmmmm? :cool:

Is there some new fangled attempt at some kind of Commie takeover here? You ALWAYS have to watch the clocks, that's where they always start to throw us over.

They get ticked off real easy but luckily their chosen weapon is bombs and their all hands. :dance:

Cuz you live in a different time zone, silly.

At least that's what we're telling you ... muahahahahaha! :crossbones: