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01-31-2012, 07:00 PM
I know it's early, but Drudge is more or less announcing Romney as the winner already and said that an official winner will be announced at about 8pm.

As for tallies, their headlines have this thus far:

<tt><tt>SOURCES, EXIT POLLS 6 PM ET: 49% ROMNEY 33% GINGRICH 11% SANTORUM 6% PAUL...</tt></tt>

02-01-2012, 12:29 AM
Romney did end up winning. Pretty good margin too.

02-01-2012, 01:09 AM
The interesting thing about this is who will bow out first. This Republican campaign has always been about Romney and those against Romney. So, who will bow out first? Santorum or Gingrich ?
I predicted Santorum will with a third place finish in Florida (Sorry, too lazy to link the thread). It appears I am right about his third place finish but will he bow out? If he does, how do his supporters get divided amongst Romney and Gingrich? Can Gingrich mount another comeback on Super Tuesday after a disastrous Florida debate?

Super Tuesday will decide this. At that point we will have made our minds whether we like it or not.

02-03-2012, 01:35 AM
The interesting thing about this is who will bow out first. This Republican campaign has always been about Romney and those against Romney. So, who will bow out first? Santorum or Gingrich ?
I predicted Santorum will with a third place finish in Florida (Sorry, too lazy to link the thread). It appears I am right about his third place finish but will he bow out? If he does, how do his supporters get divided amongst Romney and Gingrich? Can Gingrich mount another comeback on Super Tuesday after a disastrous Florida debate?

Super Tuesday will decide this. At that point we will have made our minds whether we like it or not.

I don't think anyone else is bowing out here. They are all in it till the convention. Everyone but Paul has won a state, but he wont bow out.

I think we will have a true race. and possibly a brokered convention. The media wants to wrap this up right now. I wouldnt mind seeing this go to the convention. We will be stronger for it.

I have seen polls show that if Newt or Santorum dropped out, the other one would give a good challenge to Romney. However, the story I saw on it showed that Santorum would do better head to head with Romney than Newt. Let's face it, these four men all want to win. Their motivation may be different, it may be the same, but they all want it and they wont stop now.

I still havent made my choice. Personally, the only problem Im having problems getting behind right now is Newt.

02-03-2012, 09:36 AM
Personally, the only problem Im having problems getting behind right now is Newt.

Yup, Newt seems to have gone bonkers recently with a scorched earth type approach.

02-03-2012, 10:20 AM
I don't think anyone else is bowing out here. They are all in it till the convention. Everyone but Paul has won a state, but he wont bow out.

I think we will have a true race. and possibly a brokered convention. The media wants to wrap this up right now. I wouldnt mind seeing this go to the convention. We will be stronger for it.

I have seen polls show that if Newt or Santorum dropped out, the other one would give a good challenge to Romney. However, the story I saw on it showed that Santorum would do better head to head with Romney than Newt. Let's face it, these four men all want to win. Their motivation may be different, it may be the same, but they all want it and they wont stop now.

I still havent made my choice. Personally, the only problem Im having problems getting behind right now is Newt.
I have to agree at this point. It does seem that both Santorum and Gingrich are going to continue on. I think the only explanation for this is that both think that if they can force one or the other out of the race, the anti-Romney voters will coalesce around them and give them a strong chance of defeating Romney thus making for a good race.

(Flame away Ron Paul supporters :guns4:)

02-03-2012, 12:52 PM
Newt appears to not be ready to go down without a fight. RP knows he won't win but will stick it out to get his message out. I really hope Rick Santorum will give this more time. I saw on t.v. how all the candidates travel. Mitt has a plane,most had buses. Rick Santorum is driving around in his pick up. He sincerely wants this. I wish he could get the attention that the others get. At this point,he seems the most down to earth and in touch with the American people.

I hope they all stick it out so that unlike last time,by the time they get to Ohio my vote will actually mean something. Last election McCain allready had it by the time the Ohio primary rolded around.