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View Full Version : NRA official: Obama wants to outlaw guns in 2nd term

02-11-2012, 11:12 AM
Will be interesting to see if this is a "conspiracy" or not...

A top official with the National Rifle Association said Friday that President Obama will move to "destroy" gun rights and "erase" the Second Amendment if he is re-elected in November.

While delivering one of the liveliest and best-received speeches at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said the president's low-key approach to gun rights during his first term was "a "conspiracy to ensure re-election by lulling gun owners to sleep."

"All that first term, lip service to gun owners is just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term," he said.

"We see the president's strategy crystal clear: Get re-elected and, with no more elections to worry about, get busy dismantling and destroying our firearms' freedom, erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights and excise it from the U.S. Constitution."

Mr. LaPierre said the president's two Supreme Court appointees — Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan— are "two of the most rabid anti-gun justices in history." He also accused Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of being a foe of gun rights.

And with the possibility of two or more Supreme Court justice positions opening during the next four years, the NRA official warned that gun ownership would be in jeopardy if Mr. Obama stays in office.

"If we get one more like those three, the Second Amendment is finished," he said. "It'll be the end of our freedom forever."


02-11-2012, 11:35 AM

02-11-2012, 12:37 PM
Will be interesting to see if this is a "conspiracy" or not...


Setting aside whether he even wants to repeal the second amendment. Does anyo e believe he could get that done? I dont believe hrd ever get the votes to accomplish it.

02-11-2012, 12:48 PM
Setting aside whether he even wants to repeal the second amendment. Does anyo e believe he could get that done? I dont believe hrd ever get the votes to accomplish it.

He doesn't have to. Since when has the Constitution gotten in his way? All he's got to do is come with some BS like CLinton's "Brady Bill" and tie it to a package the Republicans want and guess what?

As far as your first question goes, gun control was part of his agenda for this year. He just didn't get around to it. Now he'll hold off until after the election.

02-11-2012, 02:32 PM
He doesn't have to. Since when has the Constitution gotten in his way? All he's got to do is come with some BS like CLinton's "Brady Bill" and tie it to a package the Republicans want and guess what?

As far as your first question goes, gun control was part of his agenda for this year. He just didn't get around to it. Now he'll hold off until after the election.

I'm not talking about getting a few ancillary laws passed. I'm talking about a blanket repeal of the 2nd amendment, it will NEVER happen.

And I didn't have a first question, in fact I agree it is likely Obama would love to see the second amendment repealed, I just happen to believe he knows that it will NEVER happen and so won't even try.

02-11-2012, 02:36 PM
Got a buddy here in Lubbock that is a serious gun guy. He believes that the Chicago Mob will not outlaw guns. He believes they will restrict, regulate, and license out the ass all the stuff related to guns. He says that 9mm pistol ammo for example is prone to availability issues and price fluctuations that only a wall streeter would approve of. He contends that actually making an AR or AK clone illegal or a ban on handguns would only piss off enough people to cause a backlash. Instead his theory is that by piling on one "reasonable" regulation (like max capacity magazines) on top of another, firearms will become an exception. He now reloads his own and allegedly buys powder and other supplies under a variety of "covers".

Sounds plausible to me.

What do y'all think?

02-11-2012, 02:38 PM
Got a buddy here in Lubbock that is a serious gun guy. He believes that the Chicago Mob will not outlaw guns. He believes they will restrict, regulate, and license out the ass all the stuff related to guns. He says that 9mm pistol ammo for example is prone to availability issues and price fluctuations that only a wall streeter would approve of. He contends that actually making an AR or AK clone illegal or a ban on handguns would only piss off enough people to cause a backlash. Instead his theory is that by piling on one "reasonable" regulation (like max capacity magazines) on top of another, firearms will become an exception. He now reloads his own and allegedly buys powder and other supplies under a variety of "covers".

Sounds plausible to me.

What do y'all think?''

A far more plausible scenario. Really no different than what they are doing with smokes. It's not illegal to smoke, but the cost and limits placed on where you can and such certainly achieve a similar result.