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02-11-2012, 03:30 PM

02-11-2012, 05:01 PM
I like the part about not sending federal funds overseas for abortions.

Also,I did not know Obama told the JD to stop defending the constitutionality of the marriage ban. First that,now making insurance companies hand out birth control for free. All because he says so.He really does think he is king.

02-11-2012, 07:46 PM
Just another flip flop. To be expected. Don't be fooled. He, and all the others also, is just another crook.

02-11-2012, 08:47 PM
Just another flip flop. To be expected. Don't be fooled. He, and all the others also, is just another crook.

Flip-flop? Got a link to where he said he would NOT support a constitutional ban?

02-11-2012, 09:08 PM
Flip-flop? Got a link to where he said he would NOT support a constitutional ban?

Actually it was within the link to the story you posted.

Your link stated in part:

Earlier this year, Gingrich had declined to sign the Iowa group's marriage pledge (http://www.thefamilyleader.com/the-marriage-vow) because of concerns over wording. He had indicated he would do so if the group agreed to some changes.

That link in turn leads to the text of the "pledge" which says (eighth bullet point of the "Candidate Vow") in part :

• Steadfast embrace of a federal Marriage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which protects the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman in all of the United States.

By refusing to sign the pledge he repudiated a Constitutional Ban. By indicating now that he would support such a ban, he has reversed himself.

As I said, another flip flop, to be expected, and he as well as the others is fundamentally a crook.

02-11-2012, 09:54 PM
Actually it was within the link to the story you posted.

Your link stated in part:

That link in turn leads to the text of the "pledge" which says (eighth bullet point of the "Candidate Vow") in part :

By refusing to sign the pledge he repudiated a Constitutional Ban. By indicating now that he would support such a ban, he has reversed himself.

As I said, another flip flop, to be expected, and he as well as the others is fundamentally a crook.

More than likely he realized the error of his ways.

02-11-2012, 10:27 PM

For what?

He's a guaranteed loss.

02-11-2012, 10:28 PM
More than likely he realized the error of his ways.

More likely a focus group told him which way to jump.

Crooks and Liars the lot of them.

All we can do is pick the least crooked of them.

Hell of a thing.

02-11-2012, 10:34 PM
More likely a focus group told him which way to jump.

Crooks and Liars the lot of them.

All we can do is pick the least crooked of them.

Hell of a thing.

I think Santorum is actually honest. Sounds like doomsday for him, but whatever. I'm voting AGAINST Obama. I don't even care if CH or OCA is runnign against him.

02-11-2012, 10:42 PM
I think Santorum is actually honest. Sounds like doomsday for him, but whatever. I'm voting AGAINST Obama. I don't even care if CH or OCA is runnign against him.

I haven't looked at Santorum as closely as the others since i really didn't think he was in it to win. There goes my one mistake per year quota.

02-11-2012, 10:51 PM
I think Santorum is actually honest. Sounds like doomsday for him, but whatever. I'm voting AGAINST Obama. I don't even care if CH or OCA is runnign against him.

If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve.

I'm awaiting the position of Emperor of the World, anything less isn't worth my time.

02-12-2012, 06:03 AM
I haven't looked at Santorum as closely as the others since i really didn't think he was in it to win. There goes my one mistake per year quota.

If I may be allowed to jump in here: I have been looking at this band of prospects closely for quite some time. I am not one of those people who get a clue that there is an eletion for president in September, I am a political junkie.

I confess this fact freely along with the fact that I am a conservative, NOT a republican, who I view today as nothing more than "get along to go along" establishment class types, vying with the Democrats for who can get the most face time on the alphabet MSM outlets.

I've watched as many of the debates as possible (not to mention stomachachable, heh) and I've had some real good laughs! Boy, can we really throw a party or what? I'd bet a dollar to a dozen donuts that we'll be seeing lots of those nifty zings in opposition commercials come the fall.

Throughout the whole mess, Santorum has kept his powder dry with the exception of throwing barbs at the current incumbent, he of questionable lineage ( but alas, a story foe another day) . He has steadfastly focused on what this election is truly all about: " IT'S THE POTUS STUPID!"

Romney is NOT the one who the Dems want to run against. He's just as organised and well financed as 'the Anointed One" and is tall, handsome (women will read virile) and just as good a smooth operator as "The One".

Gingrich on the other hand, is a froppy looking fat guy with a Howdy Doody puss that cracks me up every time I see him waddle up to a rostrum. While Newt has many +'s, his baggage outweighs his attributes. He's a lightening rod for controversy, and I truly fear giving him the "nuclear football", which is akin to giving him the keys to the family vault. Not that I think he'd be donning Gladiator gear the next day after being elected, but he will be itching to get into it with the Iranians if he is given the chance. I'm not sure we need that right now unless is unavoidable .

Ron Paul? LOL! Well, he's Ron Paul. The man seems nice enough but must have stepped through a gamma impulse ray back in lab at med school, because some of his ideas are really out there in moron land.

He so reminds me of Ross Perots running mate back in the 90's. He was this old Navy Admiral (name of Stockton I believe) who seemed to be someplace else during the vice presidential debate that year. It was funny as hell, but sad at the same time. Seeing one of our national heros, in his golden years, being allowed to make a total ass of himself in front of the nation on national television. I STILL feel embarrassed about having watched the damn debate after all these years, because I felt so bad for that old man and what he was putting himself through, asumming that he knew what was going on to begin with.

That debate, like ALL Vice POTUS debates, was a farce and a joke and should have spelled the end of this nonsense once and for all. It accomplishes zip, zilch, nada.

Of course it did not and we are still subjected to the boredom of a Vice-POTUS debate every four years. Gosh! I just CAN'T wait for this years verson starring current Vice- POTUS, and just plain ole'
Joe/LOVABLE GUY Biden, versus some JIVE ASS, PUNK ASS homeboy, oppressor of the "MAN" on/of the street, the proloteriot, if you will.

In the end, it won't matter a Mitt....err...a wit because the "Establisment" heirarchy has already decided to anoint Romney and come hell or high water, they will find a way to do it.

Arizona's primary is February 28th and I've given it a lot of thought and watched a lot of debating between them good folks (as previously mentioned above). I've been looking for the guy or gal that was a true conservative, and Mr. Santorum fits that bill better than what's left standing. He has very little baggage, if any, is young, articulate, and he has a vision of where he'd like to lead this country. Maybe he can begin to heal and fix the mess that Obama has been making since January 20, 2009 when he began the class/race war that he's been spinning since Day 1.

So, that's who I'm going to support with my vote and we'll see what happens.

You guys all have a great day! GOD Bless!

02-12-2012, 08:36 AM
If I may be allowed to jump in here: I have been looking at this band of prospects closely for quite some time. I am not one of those people who get a clue that there is an eletion for president in September, I am a political junkie.

I confess this fact freely along with the fact that I am a conservative, NOT a republican, who I view today as nothing more than "get along to go along" establishment class types, vying with the Democrats for who can get the most face time on the alphabet MSM outlets.

I've watched as many of the debates as possible (not to mention stomachachable, heh) and I've had some real good laughs! Boy, can we really throw a party or what? I'd bet a dollar to a dozen donuts that we'll be seeing lots of those nifty zings in opposition commercials come the fall.

Throughout the whole mess, Santorum has kept his powder dry with the exception of throwing barbs at the current incumbent, he of questionable lineage ( but alas, a story foe another day) . He has steadfastly focused on what this election is truly all about: " IT'S THE POTUS STUPID!"

Romney is NOT the one who the Dems want to run against. He's just as organised and well financed as 'the Anointed One" and is tall, handsome (women will read virile) and just as good a smooth operator as "The One".

Gingrich on the other hand, is a froppy looking fat guy with a Howdy Doody puss that cracks me up every time I see him waddle up to a rostrum. While Newt has many +'s, his baggage outweighs his attributes. He's a lightening rod for controversy, and I truly fear giving him the "nuclear football", which is akin to giving him the keys to the family vault. Not that I think he'd be donning Gladiator gear the next day after being elected, but he will be itching to get into it with the Iranians if he is given the chance. I'm not sure we need that right now unless is unavoidable .

Ron Paul? LOL! Well, he's Ron Paul. The man seems nice enough but must have stepped through a gamma impulse ray back in lab at med school, because some of his ideas are really out there in moron land.

He so reminds me of Ross Perots running mate back in the 90's. He was this old Navy Admiral (name of Stockton I believe) who seemed to be someplace else during the vice presidential debate that year. It was funny as hell, but sad at the same time. Seeing one of our national heros, in his golden years, being allowed to make a total ass of himself in front of the nation on national television. I STILL feel embarrassed about having watched the damn debate after all these years, because I felt so bad for that old man and what he was putting himself through, asumming that he knew what was going on to begin with.

That debate, like ALL Vice POTUS debates, was a farce and a joke and should have spelled the end of this nonsense once and for all. It accomplishes zip, zilch, nada.

Of course it did not and we are still subjected to the boredom of a Vice-POTUS debate every four years. Gosh! I just CAN'T wait for this years verson starring current Vice- POTUS, and just plain ole'
Joe/LOVABLE GUY Biden, versus some JIVE ASS, PUNK ASS homeboy, oppressor of the "MAN" on/of the street, the proloteriot, if you will.

In the end, it won't matter a Mitt....err...a wit because the "Establisment" heirarchy has already decided to anoint Romney and come hell or high water, they will find a way to do it.

Arizona's primary is February 28th and I've given it a lot of thought and watched a lot of debating between them good folks (as previously mentioned above). I've been looking for the guy or gal that was a true conservative, and Mr. Santorum fits that bill better than what's left standing. He has very little baggage, if any, is young, articulate, and he has a vision of where he'd like to lead this country. Maybe he can begin to heal and fix the mess that Obama has been making since January 20, 2009 when he began the class/race war that he's been spinning since Day 1.

So, that's who I'm going to support with my vote and we'll see what happens.

You guys all have a great day! GOD Bless!

I agree. Given my 'druthers ... I'd go with Santorum. He's an actual conservative, and he hasn't lost sight of the prize like the rest of these neo-con backsliders. They're busy attacking each other while Santorum is attacking the REAL enemy -- Obama.

02-12-2012, 09:59 PM
Ron Paul? LOL! Well, he's Ron Paul. The man seems nice enough but must have stepped through a gamma impulse ray back in lab at med school, because some of his ideas are really out there in moron land.

That's actually a clever line. It overlooks a lot of great stuff though.

Santorum might be conservative, but is he willing to take on the establishment and actually reduce the size of the .gov? Will he actually attempt to reduce (in real outlay) not just the deficit but actual dollars spent? I'm not convinced.

02-13-2012, 03:34 AM
I can't say I'm surprised.