View Full Version : Vermont inmates slip a pig into state police car decals

02-12-2012, 05:57 AM
I've pulled off some pranks, but this one puts mine to shame.


Prison inmates who make decals for the Vermont State Police slipped a pig into the official seal, and up to 30 patrol cars wound up sporting the subliminal epithet, the Burlington Free Press tells us.

The police emblem features a cow, an evergreen tree and snowy mountains (along with three unidentifiable creatures). Back in 2008, an inmate artist at the Northwest State Correctional Facility went into the computer file and modified one of the cow's spots to resemble a pig, the common derogatory term for police, Vermont Corrections Commissioner Andy Pallito told the Free Press, like USA TODAY a Gannett paper. In 2009, the state police ordered 16-inch door decals.

Pallito said he believes 60 altered decals were made. Some new cruisers have two, while older cars may have just one if a door was replaced. New decals, costing $780, are expected Monday...

02-12-2012, 08:38 AM
I've pulled off some pranks, but this one puts mine to shame.


Excellent. :laugh:

02-12-2012, 09:20 PM
Funnah stuff right there, you gotta wonder how the inmates got access to the computer though LOL