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View Full Version : Ron Paul to Win Maine

02-13-2012, 11:32 AM
"Ron Paul Victory in Maine! “We are confident we will control the Maine delegation for the convention in August” FALMOUTH, Maine – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul has scored a strong finish in the Maine presidential caucuses. Paul gained over 36 percent of the vote in the ‘Pine Tree’ state, being barely nudged out by eventual winner Gov. Mitt Romney who pulled in a little over 38 percent. Paul performed well throughout the state, although his campaign’s stronghold of Washington County did not report today for inexplicable reasons. Congressman Paul was barely bested by Gov. Romney by about 194 votes, a margin the campaign is confident it will make up with the 200 plus votes expected to come out of Washington County’s caucus.

“Today’s results show once again that Congressman Paul’s campaign for liberty and a return to Constitutional principles is strong and growing,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. “We are confident that we will control the Maine delegation for the convention in August. Our campaign is so thankful to all of our supporters in Maine, and all over the nation, and we want them to know that we plan to take this message all the way to the White House.” "


the GOP candidate needs delegates 1,144 To Win
Less than 300 are off the table right now spread between the 4 candidates, the contest is far from over folks.


02-13-2012, 11:36 AM
Maine, a strange and wonderful place with some very exotic critters.

02-13-2012, 11:36 AM
You do realize that even if he is declared the winner, it will make a difference of about 1-2 delegates?

02-13-2012, 11:38 AM
So even when Ron Paul runs the strongest campaign he can, goes to Maine for a solid week of campaigning, rallying, haranguing, pressing the flesh, and basically doing everything a candidate possibly can, far more than all the others who stayed back to run in other places, makes speeches at CPAC, etc.......

...he still can't win?

Black Diamond
02-13-2012, 01:22 PM
"Ron Paul Victory in Maine!

“We are confident we will control the Maine delegation for the convention in August”

FALMOUTH, Maine – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul has scored a strong finish in the Maine presidential caucuses. Paul gained over 36 percent of the vote in the ‘Pine Tree’ state, being barely nudged out by eventual winner Gov. Mitt Romney who pulled in a little over 38 percent. Paul performed well throughout the state, although his campaign’s stronghold of Washington County did not report today for inexplicable reasons. Congressman Paul was barely bested by Gov. Romney by about 194 votes, a margin the campaign is confident it will make up with the 200 plus votes expected to come out of Washington County’s caucus.

“Today’s results show once again that Congressman Paul’s campaign for liberty and a return to Constitutional principles is strong and growing,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. “We are confident that we will control the Maine delegation for the convention in August. Our campaign is so thankful to all of our supporters in Maine, and all over the nation, and we want them to know that we plan to take this message all the way to the White House.” "


the GOP candidate needs delegates 1,144 To Win
Less than 300 are off the table right now spread between the 4 candidates, the contest is far from over folks.


02-15-2012, 10:12 AM
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wHLXsgn4_B0?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-15-2012, 10:22 AM
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pqsyzTrWS0g?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-15-2012, 10:25 AM
Rev - why do you think 2 delegates would make such a difference in the long run?

Abbey Marie
02-15-2012, 10:37 AM
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wHLXsgn4_B0?feature=player_embedded" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe>

Wow, Rachel Maddow must be the snarkiest woman on TV. Had I known it would be her speaking, I never would have opened the video.

02-15-2012, 12:15 PM
Rev - why do you think 2 delegates would make such a difference in the long run?

your avoiding the main issue here;
If ACORN had been fixing the votes instead of the GOP would it make a difference to you? Or is it ok to fix votes as long as the result are "just about the same".?

There should be Outrage across the board over the low life way the caucus voting has been handled , your more concerned over the supposed result "what one or 2 votes" As long as it's not YOUR vote right Jim? and Abbey is complaining about Rachal Maddows Snarkyness?!? I mean Ok fine I get she rubs you the wrong way but seriously whats that got to do with the issue , C'mon Where's the OUTRAGE over the real appearance of Votes STOLEN here?

02-15-2012, 12:31 PM
your avoiding the main issue here;
If ACORN had been fixing the votes instead of the GOP would it make a difference to you? Or is it ok to fix votes as long as the result are "just about the same".?

There should be Outrage across the board over the low life way the caucus voting has been handled , your more concerned over the supposed result "what one or 2 votes" As long as it's not YOUR vote right Jim? and Abbey is complaining about Rachal Maddows Snarkyness?!? I mean Ok fine I get she rubs you the wrong way but seriously whats that got to do with the issue , C'mon Where's the OUTRAGE over the real appearance of Votes STOLEN here?

First off, I don't see any real "evidence" of vote stealing here, no more than in the other article I posted where Ron Paul was accused of sending people in buses to vote for him. Secondly, and I respectfully ask again, please don't put words in my mouth. I never mentioned Acorn and I never said any type of "vote fixing" is ok. I just hear these claims at almost every turn that RP makes, and yet no proof. All in all, it sounds more and more like sour grapes. Instead of 12-11 delegate vote in Romneys favor, it would be 12-11 in Paul's favor. Not only isn't there any evidence, I highly doubt to begin with that anyone is going to try and turn some sort of conspiracy over a couple of delegates. If the GOP wanted to rig the elections and have a specific candidate running in November - RP would be the least of their worries as no rigging would be needed to keep him from winning.

So go ahead, give RP the victory and the couple of extra delegates. Neither the win in Maine or the delegates are going to make any difference as far as RP is concerned.

02-15-2012, 12:46 PM
Did you watch both news reports?
the one mentioned that the GOP shut down the Cacus in one County and didnot allow it to vote THEN said it could vote later but that the votes wouldn't count. the person who made that call happened to be a romney supportter.

The other mentioned that they all were ordered NOT to have Voice Voting, but when one caucus had asked the locals Rs present if they wanted a voice count they all voted "yes", and then they did so. Afterwards they Posted the results publicly on twitter. But when the votes for that precinct were reported at the state level the numbers were wrong.

thats 2 items out of about 4 that were mentioned in just these 2 news reports.
Santorum just made blanket accusation with no info to back it up. here we have the Republican local Caucus leaders and Observers telling us the votes are wrong, voting was denied and that the State GOP doesn't seem to give a Crap. What do you call evidence?

And again IF Acorn or the democrats were doing that to a republican challenger I'd GUESS that you and others here would have a thread 3 pages longs talking about how crooked the dems ALWAYS are. IMO.

02-15-2012, 12:58 PM
I just find it funny that anyone would believe there would be some sort of concerted effort to "vote fix" against the one man that is both polling like shit nationally, and getting votes nationally. Maybe mistakes, but why the hell would anyone waste their time with the one man that ain't doing jack shit anyway? Let the old fart be and he'll disappear with the next strong wind anyway. The compilation of polls has him at about 12% nationally and he's thus far garnered 11% of the vote. Dead last in both places, by far.

02-15-2012, 01:15 PM
I just find it funny that anyone would believe there would be some sort of concerted effort to "vote fix" against the one man that is both polling like shit nationally, and getting votes nationally. Maybe mistakes, but why the hell would anyone waste their time with the one man that ain't doing jack shit anyway? Let the old fart be and he'll disappear with the next strong wind anyway. The compilation of polls has him at about 12% nationally and he's thus far garnered 11% of the vote. Dead last in both places, by far.
I find it funny and sad that when people are faced with evidence that something is going on they want disbelieve and blow it off as a "mistakes" when it's seem obvious that the mistakes only run one way, Romney.
vote fixing - tmaperning - rigging and stealing are wrong no matter where it happens and it's a dang shame that people seem so short sighted that it only matters when it's there ox geting gored really bad and when a reporter/commentator/outlet they like tells them the facts.

02-15-2012, 01:23 PM
Oh well, I don't know what to tell ya then, Rev. I think they should count the votes from the "snowed in" areas, but I don't think it's going to change a thing and RP is still going to get trounced where/when it counts - and I think that upsets you more than the issue at hand. The issue - yes, ALL votes counted, and declare Paul the winner if it does in fact change the count. Still "changes" nothing.

02-15-2012, 01:43 PM

aside from the interesting juxtaposition of Romney in front of the Paul signs, did you guys notice the interesting expressions on the kids in the two corners.....

02-15-2012, 02:03 PM
Oh well, I don't know what to tell ya then, Rev. I think they should count the votes from the "snowed in" areas,
Thanks Agreed, but snow in maine? Did that stop any other precints, or just the only percinct that voted for Ron Paul 4 years ago that had much more snow then than this year.

...but I don't think it's going to change a thing and RP is still going to get trounced where/when it counts - and I think that upsets you more than the issue at hand. The issue - yes, ALL votes counted, and declare Paul the winner if it does in fact change the count. Still "changes" nothing. well maybe but
If he's going to get trounced let it be honestly. but lets not gloss over coruption or mistakes. But we really don't know until the votes are counted wheather or not things will changes, that's what voting for. Neither your or my opinons or the news medias polls are suppose determine the winners or what's going to change before the votes come in.

02-15-2012, 02:10 PM
Rev - why do you think 2 delegates would make such a difference in the long run?

If I may (I know it's not directed at me).... it's not exactly the delegate count. This would make TWO false Romney victories. It makes Romney look much weaker. Santorum will be the beneficiary of another state slipping away from Romney.

02-15-2012, 03:44 PM
Oh well, I don't know what to tell ya then, Rev. I think they should count the votes from the "snowed in" areas, but I don't think it's going to change a thing and RP is still going to get trounced where/when it counts - and I think that upsets you more than the issue at hand. The issue - yes, ALL votes counted, and declare Paul the winner if it does in fact change the count. Still "changes" nothing.

At the risk of sounded pessimistic, how much will [insert any name] winning any Presidential race "change" anything?

02-15-2012, 04:05 PM
At the risk of sounded pessimistic, how much will [insert any name] winning any Presidential race "change" anything?

That's a whole separate subject that you'd be preaching to the choir about! If it were only that easy. I wish there was a way to eliminate the entire bunch of them and start again. Have people volunteer for positions and run for office, believing they can make change, and doing so only for the opportunity to do so. Then have strict limitations and put in fresh faces but with the same desire to serve. Too much money in politics now. They should take away the incentive to cheat and steal. I know it's a pipe dream, but it's still the only way we would see change that would benefit everyone.

02-15-2012, 04:12 PM
or just the only percinct that voted for Ron Paul 4 years ago that had much more snow then than this year.

obviously the Paul caucasians were kidnapped and hustled to Vermont to prevent them from making him our next president.....

02-15-2012, 04:22 PM
That's a whole separate subject that you'd be preaching to the choir about! If it were only that easy. I wish there was a way to eliminate the entire bunch of them and start again. Have people volunteer for positions and run for office, believing they can make change, and doing so only for the opportunity to do so. Then have strict limitations and put in fresh faces but with the same desire to serve. Too much money in politics now. They should take away the incentive to cheat and steal. I know it's a pipe dream, but it's still the only way we would see change that would benefit everyone.
And if I could expound upon the premise of "change"; would the actual change be anything we would want-- if history is any indication, it would not! Take the New Deal Legislation; at the time it received broad acceptance...years down the road, the changes were far less appealing.

As to the bold, that's the main reason I hesitate to support Romney. It's not that I can't support him because of it, its that I question how well he could truly understand the plight of the everyday American. With the economy in a rut, I certainly believe he would offer administrative assistance to get the economy moving again, and that would be in my interests, but would it be in my best interests?

Abbey Marie
02-15-2012, 04:34 PM
Sometimes the messenger does count, Rev, when you are trying to convince people of something. Having such a snarky liberal present this story makes it seem like no more than sour grapes. How many times did she say the Republican primaries are a "mess"? About 40, lol. All before your guy even was invited to say a word.

Voting today is filled with people scamming. This one is far from the worst situation I've seen.
How about all our absentee military ballots being uncounted/discounted in Florida for the Presidential election? Here's the thing that I think Jim is saying, and I agree: If the Republican party wants Paul for its nominee, they have had and will have many chances to vote for him. The fact is, this was very close in a state he tried so hard in and was sure he would win. Even if those votes are counted and every one is for Paul (highly unlikely), that's very telling.

02-15-2012, 05:03 PM
At the risk of sounded pessimistic, how much will [insert any name] winning any Presidential race "change" anything?
I get what you mean but..
Well to hear some folks tell it Ron Paul winning will mean the near end of the world and the U.S. as we know it. The Calif will rise and destroy us all.
that's change.

But I think a ron Paul presidency might bring some changes like No torture no Gitmo not foreign bases in 190 coutries no war with afghanstan and Iraq or Iran
that's change, no wire tapping citizens, that's the way it Used to be so that's change.
A less corruption in the executive, a divestment of executive powers thats change
An Audit of the Fed, that'd be a change, yeah .
A real predidentail attempt are removing depts and Czars rther than adding them, that's change.
a president who oversee and Pushes to kill the TSA WHOOHOO!!! YEAH!!!

Bush changed things when he went to war in Iraq over BS, thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead and more are still dying there becuase of (i'll be gracious) "bad intel" . (baldfaced lies)

A president is not God but he's got enough authority to jack up a lot of lives with what he does. Or promote a more peacecul world for a short time. In the big picture heck we're all going to die and human nature isn't going to change anytime soon. That's between each of us and God, but we can work toward and hope for a benevolent and honest gov't from time to time in history and IMO in the US we've got a great opportunity to help that along.

I'm not ron paul but i approve this message.

02-15-2012, 05:22 PM
Sometimes the messenger does count, Rev, when you are trying to convince people of something. Having such a snarky liberal present this story makes it seem like no more than sour grapes. How many times did she say the Republican primaries are a "mess"? About 40, lol. All before your guy even was invited to say a word.

Voting today is filled with people scamming. This one is far from the worst situation I've seen.
How about all our absentee military ballots being uncounted/discounted in Florida for the Presidential election? Here's the thing that I think Jim is saying, and I agree: If the Republican party wants Paul for its nominee, they have had and will have many chances to vote for him. The fact is, this was very close in a state he tried so hard in and was sure he would win. Even if those votes are counted and every one is for Paul (highly unlikely), that's very telling.

Kinda hard to win when your own party is cheating for other candidates don't you think Abby? No matter how hard you work. and as doug weed pointed out, Obama won after lossing many Large states and it seems that ron paul WILL control all of the Maine delegate anyway becuase of the way Maine cacusus are set up. So THAt's very telling as well don't you think?

As far as vote scam go yes this is not the worse by far but why should we dismiss ANY vote tampening in the U.S.. I've heard some vote montiers from over sea laughing are our elctions that's pretty pitiful. Santorum won Iowa and there's been mess going on in every state apparently, why should we be blase' about shaddy voting IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? Why is the party that wants to promote Christian values blase' about lying and cheating in voting , sorry it doesn't make sense to me. Saying it's not as bad as others is not any comfort, if Abby's vote is not counted or Jims, Logs, Gunnys, conH's, Chole's Bees or mine.

02-15-2012, 07:24 PM
I get what you mean but..
Well to hear some folks tell it Ron Paul winning will mean the near end of the world and the U.S. as we know it. The Calif will rise and destroy us all.
that's change.

But I think a ron Paul presidency might bring some changes like No torture no Gitmo not foreign bases in 190 coutries no war with afghanstan and Iraq or Iran
that's change, no wire tapping citizens, that's the way it Used to be so that's change.
A less corruption in the executive, a divestment of executive powers thats change
An Audit of the Fed, that'd be a change, yeah .
A real predidentail attempt are removing depts and Czars rther than adding them, that's change.
a president who oversee and Pushes to kill the TSA WHOOHOO!!! YEAH!!!

Bush changed things when he went to war in Iraq over BS, thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead and more are still dying there becuase of (i'll be gracious) "bad intel" . (baldfaced lies)

A president is not God but he's got enough authority to jack up a lot of lives with what he does. Or promote a more peacecul world for a short time. In the big picture heck we're all going to die and human nature isn't going to change anytime soon. That's between each of us and God, but we can work toward and hope for a benevolent and honest gov't from time to time in history and IMO in the US we've got a great opportunity to help that along.

I'm not ron paul but i approve this message.

Well we are out of Iraq, and soon, Afghanistan too. GITMO, well, Obama had said he would, but then after taking office he dropped it...perhaps because there is info which only top govt officials are aware that preclude one form doing so. Anyways, my point is that change, true to Obama's campaign, is something you can believe in...and sometimes, read:usually, that's all you get--a belief, and not actual change. That somehow electing one person will actually bring about change is a bit magnanimous; for we've built an infrastructure, both in politics and everyday life, that abhors change. There exists a dichotomy in our world between satisfaction of mutual needs/wants and that of independent freedom and want of personal space. We talk of wanting clarity in our government, but like sausages, we don't really want to know what goes into it. On down the list under the mantra of change the old adage rings true-- the grass isn't always greener...but it doesn't stop us from believing it will be.

02-15-2012, 08:50 PM
Well we are out of Iraq, and soon, Afghanistan too. GITMO, well, Obama had said he would, but then after taking office he dropped it...perhaps because there is info which only top govt officials are aware that preclude one form doing so. Hmm debateable points but that last ones an assumption based on ..well nothing really. Perhaps he caved under Republican political presure. perhaps he's just a liar? Both of those have more factual merit. (people won't assume the worse about crooked votes but assme Obama got some secret info that noboy knows or heard or mentioned ever to keep an illegal prison open that the former Gitmo prosecutors and commanders says should be closed but I'm the one thats reaching in my assesment of events sheesh...man wheres the justice?)

...Anyways, my point is that change, true to Obama's campaign, is something you can believe in...and sometimes, read:usually, that's all you get--a belief, and not actual change. That somehow electing one person will actually bring about change is a bit magnanimous; for we've built an infrastructure, both in politics and everyday life, that abhors change. There exists a dichotomy in our world between satisfaction of mutual needs/wants and that of independent freedom and want of personal space. We talk of wanting clarity in our government, but like sausages, we don't really want to know what goes into it. On down the list under the mantra of change the old adage rings true-- the grass isn't always greener...but it doesn't stop us from believing it will be.


I'm with you on a lot of that, but to me politics and law are a tension, a upward push toward freedom and a downhill pull toward tyranny, most of the time the lines are blurred and people feel comfortable with the little of each they get and don't notice the subtle moves toward the dark side and somtimes even cheer at the steps in that direction unknowingly. most of us don't take the time to allow for a clearer view of the landscape and just assume the current status quo is the norm and = "freedom" until it become personally uncomfortable or some of us are whipped into a fenzy by some leader or event.

02-15-2012, 09:09 PM
The Maine Republican Party has added additional votes accidentally omitted from Saturday’s caucus results, state party chairman Charlie Webster told The Daily Caller Wednesday. But those votes won’t be publicly released.

“We don’t want any more drama,” Webster told TheDC. “I’ve already got death threats and 1,800 emails.”
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (http://topics.dailycaller.com/politics/mitt-romney.htm) was declared the victor in Maine over the weekend, claiming a slim 194-vote lead over Texas Rep. Ron Paul (http://topics.dailycaller.com/politics/ron-paul.htm).
Paul supporters, however, expressed dismay over errors in tabulating vote counts in various localities, including several towns in Waldo County. That county’s Republican committee passed (http://bangordailynews.com/2012/02/15/politics/elections/waldo-county-republicans-call-for-censure-of-state-gop-chairman-after-caucus-controversy/) a motion of censure against Webster on Tuesday.
In addition to the missing votes, a caucus scheduled for Washington County on Saturday was postponed due to a forecast of snow. The Paul campaign insisted that it would have won the state had the vote not been pushed back, and the county’s GOP chair is advocating that its results be included in the ultimate tally....

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/02/15/maine-gop-adds-missing-caucus-votes-but-wont-release-updated-vote-count/#ixzz1mVMmbR13

What Eastern European voting nonsense goes on here?

Abbey Marie
02-15-2012, 10:24 PM
What Eastern European voting nonsense goes on here?

From the article:

Asked if anyone has access to the updated results, which he said show Romney with a greater lead after vote adjustments, Webster said absolutely not.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/02/15/maine-gop-adds-missing-caucus-votes-but-wont-release-updated-vote-count/#ixzz1mVmZNqjr

Kinda what I expected...

02-16-2012, 05:12 AM
From the article:

Kinda what I expected...

Well uh sure like we should just trust them at this point. Only the vote counters will every know for sure now.

Abbey Marie
02-16-2012, 09:06 AM
Well uh sure like we should just trust them at this point. Only the vote counters will every know for sure now.

I agree that not releasing the votes looks bad and must be very frustrating to Paul's supporters. Some independent third party should verify these results.

02-16-2012, 12:50 PM
Well uh sure like we should just trust them at this point. Only the vote counters will every know for sure now.

So you complained about votes not being counted, they added the votes to the tally, and that's not good enough? I don't think anything at all would make Paul supporters happy, this way when all is said an done, some can continue to bitch that he actually had a chance and was bullied or robbed of the nomination. Truth is, he lost before he started, he never had a chance.

I agree that voting irregularities should be looked into and ALL votes should be counted. Nothing unlawful whatsoever should ever be allowed. I don't want anything at all ignored in that department, so don't get me wrong and don't change my words to somehow now supporting election issues but getting angry when the Dems do "similar". But with that said, they DID include the votes, and that satisfies me. But with or without them, 12 or 11 delegates, win or no win in Maine for Paul - it's not going to make a difference in the long run.

02-16-2012, 12:54 PM
your avoiding the main issue here;
If ACORN had been fixing the votes instead of the GOP would it make a difference to you? Or is it ok to fix votes as long as the result are "just about the same".?

There should be Outrage across the board over the low life way the caucus voting has been handled , your more concerned over the supposed result "what one or 2 votes" As long as it's not YOUR vote right Jim? and Abbey is complaining about Rachal Maddows Snarkyness?!? I mean Ok fine I get she rubs you the wrong way but seriously whats that got to do with the issue , C'mon Where's the OUTRAGE over the real appearance of Votes STOLEN here?

YOU are the one avoiding the main issue, Rev. If Ron Paul was to somehow miraculously win the GOP nomination, it will guarantee 4 more years of "abominism".