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View Full Version : Egypt - Muslim Brotherhood warns US about aid

02-14-2012, 12:06 PM
I made mention of this yesterday in the interview with Conhog. My belief is that we shouldn't be giving Egypt jack shit, let alone military aid that may end up in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now of course they say that any cut in aid could affect their peace treaty with Israel. WTF? Sounds like extortion to me.

(CNSNews.com) – A top Muslim Brotherhood official has warned that any cuts in U.S. aid to Egypt could affect Cairo’s peace treaty with Israel – the latest sign that Egypt’s emerging political forces intend to call Washington’s bluff over the diplomatic dispute triggered by a crackdown on non-governmental organizations.

Egyptian judges have referred 16 Americans and 27 others linked to NGOs for trial, accusing them of using foreign funds to encourage disruptive protests. Among the targeted NGOs whose assets and funds have been seized are the U.S. government-funded International Republican Institute and National Democratic Institute.

On Capitol Hill, the chorus of senior lawmakers calling for aid to Egypt to be suspended over the affair is growing, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned that the funds could be in jeopardy.


02-14-2012, 12:13 PM
Yeah, it's almost like they think Israel doesn't gt a vote. They can attack Israel but they better be ready to suffer the consequences. I am thinking that win or lose, whoever engages Israel is going to know they've been in one hell of a fight (whether or not any other country chooses to help Israel).

02-14-2012, 12:22 PM
It just blows my mind that they would state a completely different country may get harmed if we don't GIVE them money. Why in the world would we give money to someone who threatens one of our allies if we don't pony up? Sounds like terrorism in disguise if you ask me, and not surprising coming from the Brotherhood.

02-14-2012, 01:01 PM
Devil's advocate:
The MB official is technically correct. Part of the treaty between Israel and Egypt included U.S. economic and military aid to Egypt.
If we cut those funds off, aren't we in violation of the treaty?

The reality:
The Muslim Brotherhood already does not recognize Israel's right to exist and feels the the treaty with Israel is non-binding. So, cut the aid off. The MB is just using this as an excuse to do what they already plan on doing. I don't think we are going to be able to buy a peace with Egypt any longer.

02-14-2012, 01:08 PM
Devil's advocate:
The MB official is technically correct. Part of the treaty between Israel and Egypt included U.S. economic and military aid to Egypt.
If we cut those funds off, aren't we in violation of the treaty?

The reality:
The Muslim Brotherhood already does not recognize Israel's right to exist and feels the the treaty with Israel is non-binding. So, cut the aid off. The MB is just using this as an excuse to do what they already plan on doing. I don't think we are going to be able to buy a peace with Egypt any longer.

That's the bottom line. Threats aside, the MB is going to work against one of our allies anyway.

02-14-2012, 03:17 PM
Devil's advocate:
The MB official is technically correct. Part of the treaty between Israel and Egypt included U.S. economic and military aid to Egypt.
If we cut those funds off, aren't we in violation of the treaty?

The reality:
The Muslim Brotherhood already does not recognize Israel's right to exist and feels the the treaty with Israel is non-binding. So, cut the aid off. The MB is just using this as an excuse to do what they already plan on doing. I don't think we are going to be able to buy a peace with Egypt any longer.

That's true, I do think the aid was a part of the treaty, but so was the recognition of the State of Israel. If they can't abide by all sides of the treaty, then we shouldn't give them a dime. And I agree with those who posted so far, I think even with aid, they are still going to do as they please, which is even more reason I wouldn't work with them. Egypt should once again have a recognized and legitimate government, one that works mutually with us, and recognizes Israel's right to exist, before $$$ lands in the wrong hands.

02-14-2012, 04:26 PM
Look at that, I'm actually agreeing with Paul, even if it's not Ron!

Highway bill stalled in Senate over Paul's Egypt amendmentRepublican firebrand Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday suggested he plans to continue his delay of the Senate's business unless he is granted a vote on his amendment to strip Egypt of foreign aid for 30 days in retribution for the country's detention of 19 American pro-democracy workers.

Several Democrats have blasted Paul, although not by name, in the last two-days, claiming his demand for a vote on the amendment is not germane and delaying a "jobs bill."

For example on Monday, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) said such dilatory tactics were "beneath the United States Senate of America" without naming Paul specifically.

Paul fired back from the floor on Tuesday, saying that the situation in Egypt requires the upper chamber's urgent attention.

"I don't think this is to much to ask the Senate, to spend 10 minutes [voting]," Paul said. "Some say I am holding up the business of Senate, but I would say this is the business of the Senate."

The Paul amendment would strip Egypt of all foreign aid for 30 days or until it releases the 19 pro-democracy workers.

Paul complained that President Obama's budget offered on Monday includes the regular $1.5 billion in aid for Egypt despite the fact that an apparently non-Democratic military regime now controls the country.

"When will we ever learn that you can't buy friendship?" he asked. "We cannot continue to give aid to a country that is illegally detaining U.S. civilians."

Paul said as soon as he is granted the vote, he will end his blockade of Senate business.
