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View Full Version : A real case of the food police. This is absurd!

02-14-2012, 08:40 PM
A mother in Hoke County complains her daughter was forced to eat a school lunch because a government inspector determined her home-made lunch did not meet nutrition requirements. In fact, all of the students in the NC Pre-K program classroom at West Hoke Elementary School in Raeford had to accept a school lunch in addition to their lunches brought from home.
NC Pre-K (http://ncchildcare.dhhs.state.nc.us/general/mb_ncprek.asp) (before this year known as More at Four) is a state-funded education program designed to “enhance school readiness” for four year-olds.


The food nazis are here. I wonder if they know the soup nazi? This is so stupid it's unbelievable. First,inspecting childrens lunchboxes,then forcing two meals on them while your complaining about overweight children.

02-14-2012, 09:50 PM
I keep feeling there is more to this story because as it stands any state official inspecting my child's lunch, deciding it is not nutritional, then forcing my child to eat something else while they charge me for the bill is deserving of a serious ass kicking. Please tell me this is all bullshit from a biased reporting agency purposely leaving out the facts.

Abbey Marie
02-15-2012, 09:39 AM
Public schools today have gone so far afield from their original purpose of teaching actual subjects, that they are almost unrecognizable. I think I would go ballistic if this was done to me/my child.

Abbey Marie
02-16-2012, 09:40 AM
I heard on the radio that the homemade lunch that the Food Nazis decided was unacceptable, was the following:
Turkey & cheese sandwich
Bag of chips
Apple juice


02-16-2012, 09:47 AM
A mother in Hoke County complains her daughter was forced to eat a school lunch because a government inspector determined her home-made lunch did not meet nutrition requirements. In fact, all of the students in the NC Pre-K program classroom at West Hoke Elementary School in Raeford had to accept a school lunch in addition to their lunches brought from home.
NC Pre-K (http://ncchildcare.dhhs.state.nc.us/general/mb_ncprek.asp) (before this year known as More at Four) is a state-funded education program designed to “enhance school readiness” for four year-olds.


The food nazis are here. I wonder if they know the soup nazi? This is so stupid it's unbelievable. First,inspecting childrens lunchboxes,then forcing two meals on them while your complaining about overweight children.

Sounds like a good argument for home schooling, IMO. They teach our kids to much PC, revisionist crap nowadays anyway.

02-16-2012, 09:50 AM
I heard on the radio that the homemade lunch that the Food Nazis decided was unacceptable, was the following:
Turkey & cheese sandwich
Bag of chips
Apple juice


Yup. It allegedly wasn't healthy enough because there was no veggies. So the Food Nazi ordered a full tray for the wee child (4 years old), who was then so intimidated that all she ate were the chicken nuggets off the tray. Still no veggies. :wtf:

It's ridiculous. When my nephew was 4, all he would eat was McDonald's. While I didn't agree with it then, still don't think that is acceptable as regular fare for children ... or adults, for that matter ... 4 year olds are known to be rather finicky and tend to go through spurts of foods they will eat well. Heck, we're still going through that with the 8 yr old. But WE can handle it - no federal dummy needs to do OUR job.

And where is the money coming from for the food police anyway? Who sanctioned them and pays their salary?

02-16-2012, 10:00 AM
Yup. It allegedly wasn't healthy enough because there was no veggies. So the Food Nazi ordered a full tray for the wee child (4 years old), who was then so intimidated that all she ate were the chicken nuggets off the tray. Still no veggies. :wtf:

It's ridiculous. When my nephew was 4, all he would eat was McDonald's. While I didn't agree with it then, still don't think that is acceptable as regular fare for children ... or adults, for that matter ... 4 year olds are known to be rather finicky and tend to go through spurts of foods they will eat well. Heck, we're still going through that with the 8 yr old. But WE can handle it - no federal dummy needs to do OUR job.

And where is the money coming from for the food police anyway? Who sanctioned them and pays their salary?

The same people that foot the bill for hiring a thousand more IRS workers to make sure you're fines are paid for not having medical insurance.

I'm thinking Michelle Obama might want to take a glance in the mirror at her OWN backside before worrying about anyone else's.

Abbey Marie
02-16-2012, 10:02 AM
And for the final insult, I also heard the parent(s) had to pay for the forced lunch.

When does the revolution begin?

02-16-2012, 06:37 PM
Sounds like a good argument for home schooling, IMO. They teach our kids to much PC, revisionist crap nowadays anyway.

You ain't kidding. My son is a junior and he loves to come home and tell me his guesses as to which teachers are republican and which are democrat based on the side they are preaching,not teaching. He has had a couple that he says were very fair and disgussed both sides of issues.

My daughter is in the 5th grade and the only thing I hear out of her that is one sided is global warming. She also wanted me to start recycling. I told her if it was free then I would.:2up:

As far as the food nazis,I don't think they have hit her school yet. I just went to her Valentine party and they had a yummy menu of 6 different kinds of cookies,brownies,pop,salami rolls, and suckers. Now all this food was sent in by parents and the school had not a care. It was a party,therefore there is nothing wrong with eating like that. Let the parents worry about feeding fruits and vegetables at home. I don't have a problem with schools serving healthy lunches,but they better be tasty or that food is going in the garbage.

My mom pointed out about this girl in the stroy that technically she had a veggie,potato chips:laugh:

02-16-2012, 10:08 PM
Yup. It allegedly wasn't healthy enough because there was no veggies. So the Food Nazi ordered a full tray for the wee child (4 years old), who was then so intimidated that all she ate were the chicken nuggets off the tray. Still no veggies. :wtf:

It's ridiculous. When my nephew was 4, all he would eat was McDonald's. While I didn't agree with it then, still don't think that is acceptable as regular fare for children ... or adults, for that matter ... 4 year olds are known to be rather finicky and tend to go through spurts of foods they will eat well. Heck, we're still going through that with the 8 yr old. But WE can handle it - no federal dummy needs to do OUR job.

And where is the money coming from for the food police anyway? Who sanctioned them and pays their salary? The same people who cant balance the budget, or teach our kids basic fundamental subjects.

"technically she had a veggie,potato chips"
I was gonna say chips = potatoes, potatoes = veggies.

its not a technicality, it has the nutrion in it still.


02-16-2012, 10:43 PM
.... It's ridiculous. When my nephew was 4, all he would eat was McDonald's. While I didn't agree with it then, still don't think that is acceptable as regular fare for children ... or adults, for that matter ... 4 year olds are known to be rather finicky and tend to go through spurts of foods they will eat well. Heck, we're still going through that with the 8 yr old. But WE can handle it - no federal dummy needs to do OUR job.

My oldest went thru a chicken phase. She would eat anything put in front of her if you told her it was chicken. Grilled cheese with soup = Chicken. Broccoli = Chicken. Salad = Chicken. It was great until she figured it out. Then we had to get creative.

My grandkids actually get excited to eat raw veggies. I mean, picture a four year old doing the happy dance because mommy got some mushrooms in the produce aisle. I've seen her take a schroom and old it by the stem like a lollypop and chow down.

I bet it lasts till she hits school and all the kids start in on what they wont eat.

I'd put a note in the kids lunchbox that says "Call me as soon as you see this or I will call my Congressman".

02-16-2012, 11:17 PM
My oldest went thru a chicken phase. She would eat anything put in front of her if you told her it was chicken. Grilled cheese with soup = Chicken. Broccoli = Chicken. Salad = Chicken. It was great until she figured it out. Then we had to get creative.

My grandkids actually get excited to eat raw veggies. I mean, picture a four year old doing the happy dance because mommy got some mushrooms in the produce aisle. I've seen her take a schroom and old it by the stem like a lollypop and chow down.

I bet it lasts till she hits school and all the kids start in on what they wont eat.

I'd put a note in the kids lunchbox that says "Call me as soon as you see this or I will call my Congressman".
Oh the chicken phase, my two youngest went through the opposite. A little background, we have chickens, for eggs. So when I'd say we're having chicken for dinner-- it raised a red flag. So now, its just 'meat'. :laugh:

02-16-2012, 11:21 PM
Oh the chicken phase, my two youngest went through the opposite. A little background, we have chickens, for eggs. So when I'd say we're having chicken for dinner-- it raised a red flag. So now, its just 'meat'. :laugh:

The boys' dad used to hunt and bring home the meat. They always asked if we were eating venison. Everywhere we went.

02-17-2012, 05:27 AM
one of these days I'll sneak vid of my kids arguing over the last piece of the veggie tray.

02-17-2012, 08:13 AM
Oh the chicken phase, my two youngest went through the opposite. A little background, we have chickens, for eggs. So when I'd say we're having chicken for dinner-- it raised a red flag. So now, its just 'meat'. :laugh:

My grandfather used to raise rabbits...when we were young he would try to pass them off as chicken when he cooked them for dinner. Needless to say he used to catch hell from the grandkids when bunnies went missing on chicken dinner night. He stopped doing it...and eventually got rid of the rabbits too.

02-17-2012, 08:15 AM
My grandfather used to raise rabbits...when we were young he would try to pass them off as chicken when he cooked them for dinner. Needless to say he used to catch hell from the grandkids when bunnies went missing on chicken dinner night. He stopped doing it...and eventually got rid of the rabbits too.

Squirrels and rabbits, etc. look way too much like little people when they're skinned. My mom refused to cook them when my brothers would bring them home. *barf*

02-17-2012, 08:46 AM
My grandfather used to raise rabbits...when we were young he would try to pass them off as chicken when he cooked them for dinner. Needless to say he used to catch hell from the grandkids when bunnies went missing on chicken dinner night. He stopped doing it...and eventually got rid of the rabbits too.

In the 11th grade I took all my grandfather's bunnies and gave them to the girls at school for Easter. He wasn't happy.:laugh:

02-17-2012, 09:34 AM
Well, rabbits do taste like chicken. Easy to catch and clean too if you are not into raising them.

02-17-2012, 09:38 AM
Well, rabbits do taste like chicken. Easy to catch and clean too if you are not into raising them.

You obviously don't know any of the rabbits around here. They're quite cantankerous.

02-17-2012, 09:54 AM
You obviously don't know any of the rabbits around here. They're quite cantankerous.

And apparently they've learned to use the interwebs. Gunny Rabbit anyone? :salute:

Don't hurt me.

02-17-2012, 09:55 AM
You obviously don't know any of the rabbits around here. They're quite cantankerous.

Did a lot of rabbit hunting as a kid; loved every minute of it. I also never saw a carniverous rabbit like the one that supposedly attacked one of our former presidents, either, but I suppose rabbits can be cantankerous. Not sure what that would be like.

02-17-2012, 12:31 PM
one of these days I'll sneak vid of my kids arguing over the last piece of the veggie tray.
yep, mine too
"you eat it!"
"no, you eat it"
"now way, lets feed it to the dogs"

02-17-2012, 08:54 PM
And apparently they've learned to use the interwebs. Gunny Rabbit anyone? :salute:

Don't hurt me.

Fortunately, this one has a good sense of humor. ;)

02-17-2012, 08:56 PM
In the 11th grade I took all my grandfather's bunnies and gave them to the girls at school for Easter. He wasn't happy.:laugh:

The girls probably loved that...their parents...not so much. :laugh:

Well, rabbits do taste like chicken. Easy to catch and clean too if you are not into raising them.

Well...they don't look like chicken...But I admit they taste good (when they ain't your pet...other wise ick).

yep, mine too
"you eat it!"
"no, you eat it"
"now way, lets feed it to the dogs"

We had a cat who loved peas ...she got lots of those from my brother at the dinner table.